The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, January 26, 1928, Image 2

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    $iit iikiitm f iiiii
As tlit party spurred out of the
headman's yard, they met a youth
leading the (Ji'inmn's hastily-saddled
pony. 1'eliiml him wore several fig
ured muffled In stained djellnhas. and
It was not till they were a mile from
the village that Ilelnz realized Rose
mary was anion:: them. Wrapped In
n hoi-rowed mantle, the darlt cainel's
hair hood over her faee, she was
astride her own horse, cool and de
termined, now that the strain of wait
ing was over.
Ilein7. did not stop their headlone
downward pace. "You must go hack,"'
he Said, his eyes between his pony's
ears. "This Is madness ! The track's
Impossible, li'll take us nil we know
to tret over It ourselves. If we have
to lo.i'i out for you. we'll never make
It." lie had a vision' of the flood
swiH'piti? rocks and trees in Its ni-di
I'erhaps the whole lot of theai would
t'( down with it "You can't pome."
he repeated. "If you want to help
your husband, go haek now. Don't
hinder us"
"Kinder !"exc!:;!ined Rosemary. "All
'my" life I've ridden. n you think I
cat:'! statu! a few hours of this? You're
'mad if yi. u Imagine you nti send tne
hack. I'm coiilim:. if I have to en on
.'in j feet I'ai a lighter weight than
any of you. and I'll see you all out !"
She hardly knew what she sail, but
her intentions were ipiile clear IMnz
argued no fai'thef Keil.vtivelv. he
measured the sfeinrth of Ms hand
No. he could not spare two men to
take the irirl hack ami he could not
make her pi. except hy force The
littie fierman was silent He never
wasled energy unnei'cssarily. That
was the secret of his force.
.The river bed was in a deep gully
"and the path, which was little more
11 2tu!t track jlr.wuul tiv iirul
Into thickets of oli'jmders and trailing
thorns. The mountain ionics picked
their way like cats aiming the rocks
"hut.' at times. Ill-fitting native sad
diary slipped over their withers and
necessitated agonized halts for re
adjustment. When, for the third time.
Heinz found himself draped mum! the
neck of his beast. -he slipped off. Hung
the rein over the animal's head, and
' (ilodded down on foot. The .HilTs fol
lowed, suit. Only Rosemary clung to
. the saddle, because, by this time, she
was too cramped to move. Her thighs
and the rciwles behind her ankles
"were stlT with the Incessant strcin of
teani!:g back, as her mare jerked
-hi If
2T ?'U."fcV
downward, with m'.'!''!t!r seH'-'y nf
Iter l'oieli ;;s. ' ii.-Ir progress was si
lent, except for the cascades of loos
ened isiones, Macli man had an eye
oil the sun, which dropped re! ntless
ly behind Hi.' we''teiil raii'ie. lleinss
alone realizi - a ;'i' ::t r i!.ii:';!'r than
darkness. As tin y clattered around
the last I "tids into the ravine, his ears
we"e n!eit in enicli the roar of waters
released. The .short Afri-an twilight
fell ovi r ' tlieui. The hushes were
ghostly (;r:iy, ai'd the bowlders fan
tastic as cr uK iiii,;; ulilmals. Though
It was owl, sweat broke oat on
Helnz's foreliend. They must (?et
tllroiigh before It was dark and now
they were below Hood level, shut In
between l lie cliffs. In an hour. In a
few minutes, heaven alone knew
when, this path would he gone, the
whole place lout In a hurtling mass
of water, lie measured the over
grown batikfi looking cavernous In the
twilight, and wondered how far up the
torrent would reach With a smothered
exclamation he flung himself hack Into
the saddle. "Come along. We must
1 1 r
1 1
'A H t
n y.m, , 1
j- .
get on a lilt." Clinging with Knee and
calf, he literally lifted his ratlike pony
over the holes. They bucketed down
the last slope and slipped rather than
stepped Into the stream bed. Helm
was unusually excited Now they were
In for It, he thought! The stream
was already swollen and the ponies
were girth deep before they were half
way across.' The bowlders, worn
smooth and slippery, impeded them.
"Keen close behind me." ordered
ni'lns. "The ford's narrow. I've got
to pick the best place."
Strung to that pitch of tension
where time Is marked by heartbeats
hammering on an anvil of bruised
senses, Rosemary clung to the mane.
Often she was nearly swept from the
saddle, but her mare was gallant
With a heave of strong withers, she
breasted It, nostrils wide. In this
fashion, swl dug til! her hoofs
struct the submerged bank, she strug
gled across and up, shaking herself
like a dog as she reached dry ground.
One by one. drenched and buffeted,
the Riffs struggled across, and Heinz
urged them up the cliff. He had set
his mind on a certain line of bushes.
Surely the Hood would not mount be
ygnd that. They must get up there
somehow. The Riffs 'padded silently,
dragging their ponies after them.
Rosemary hung loose In the saddle,
righting her-elf automatically against
t lie riiare's blunders. PuTkness caught
them while -they were still far short
of- the safety line.
Heinz, .least . Imaginative of men,
felt his.. ears. were stretched on wires,
for the first rumble up the valley.
Instead, he' heard the breath of Rose
mary's' mare whistling through bel
lowed lungs. '
"Your beast's blown he said.
"You'll have to get off." He lifted her,
the Kits half pulled, half carried her
on The forced movement stimulated
the girl. Tin getting my second
wind; she Totrt Hetnt, as they clam
bered through straggling shrubs
which made a line, along the hillside.
She' never understood the German's
passionate, "(lot be thanked!" He
mopped his shaven head with a sleeve.
"Now - we shall soon come to the
path." They were safe, beyond reach
of the destruction Imminent below,
but he hurried them on.
It was decided that the party should
divide. Two Riffs would go hack to
wards the dam. "Keep to the high
level," ordered Heinz, "and watch
out." With gusty, guttural sighs and
a shivering "Allah, keep us!" the men
drugged their soaked djellabas round
them and headed Into the south wind.
The rest turned north. Once on the
path, the going was easier, but. If
Westwyn' was ahead, speed, and only
speed, could save hint' The horses
were buckling In.- They stumbled at
. every step. '
"We'd do better afoot," muttered
"There are houses near," returned
a Riff. ' .
"lusha-Allah, we can get mules
there and, If Allah Is generous, news
of the Kaid." The German raised a
last amble out of his beast and then
light glimmered at them from squares
of mud wall, sheltered by a protect
ing buttress. It was not necessary to
i thunder on fha plncarl rinntst Hnrro
gave warnings of their approach and
a muffled figure awaited them, bis
rifle ready.
To Rosemary, uncomprehending, the
exchange of question, explanation, and
comment was Interminable. She made
a move to go on, hut her mare was
roofed where she stood, head hanging,
Hanks heaving. "Be still," said Heinz.
'The Knlil's not far ahead, and there
Is a short cut." It took some minutes,
though not as many as Rosemary
Imagined, to make the villager under
stand the urgency of the situation.
Once he grasped It, he wasted no
more time than was necessary to
shout In Shilljh to some one within
the yard. A voice answered in the
same dialect. Then the mountaineer
started, gnatlike, straight liver the
rocks which hounded the path.
The Telehdl Riffs followed him and
Heinz waited only to urge Rosemary,
"Stay here, for God's sake; your hus
band Is only half an hour ahead
We'll catch him this way It's a cer
talnty. but you're finished. You can't
'manage It."
The girl gestured assent, and
watched the dark figures laboring up
what appeared to be a sheer wall.
Would they he In time?
nelnz panted stubbornly after the
Riffs, but he was a long way behind
when they topped the shoulder. The
guide turned and called Impatiently.
There was a swift colloquy among tin;
mountaineers. Finally the local man
went on, running with Incredible agil
ity the sheer LiiLlile. lumhxi
With Jesse Crabtree and Earl
Grteno as members, Miss Richards is
organizing a mixed economic-politico
uusj for the second semester.
Miss Tillotson's class in third-semester
algebra has been dissolved
Mid Iho c who desire will continue in
iidvanced arithmitic. The algebra is
completed at mid-year.
Last week we sent in no item In
regard to the play, players and the
coach, we have said nothing but we
have heard and read beautiful com
ment Since we are of but few
words we will say "ditto." But to
the pleased public we want to say
thank you for the near seventy dol
lars taken in as proceeds.
The High school debate team is
wrestling hard with the state debate
question, Misses Crofoot and Math
rws are going to uphold the state
ownership and operation of hydro
electric power, Mi s Bonney and Mr.
Crabtree, the negative.
Nina Matthews, Merle Snodgrass,
Ailcne Greene were absent one of
the examination days and Richard
Crabtree both of them. Edna Ward,
only one-half.
The Junior Spanish class will have
a vocabulary contest in their Ian-
puage each week. Captains Martin
and Ward have authority to save
from failure any of their staff who
May be delinquent in the meaning: of
Spanish word:. Report of the fray
next week.
The number of pupils in the Pri
mary room seems to be shifting: about
considerably. Within the last three
weeks three new pupils, Geraldine
Peters, Lawrence and Oliver Radtke,
have entered the First grade and
one of the other members of the
clas , Viola White, has moved away,
leaving eighteen children in the
The Second grade arithmetic
class has been carrying on a system
of store keeping in which each mem-
irom rock to roils, his sandals flap
ping from his heels. Far away they
heard him shout uiid the sound gal
vanized them Into fresh endeavor. A
Riff caught Iielnz hy the arm and,
In a hunch, they crashed downward,
oblivious of anything that lay In their
route. "Look out !" yelled a tribes
man and pulled up short. In their
blind rush they had almost overshot
the path. The Itlff remained motion
less, pointing ahead. Heinz blinked
sweat out of his eyes, rubbed them
with the hark of tils hand, and saw a
solitary rider silhouetted against the
next heniL Beside him stood the
guide who had outstripped them.
The Germun was conscious of Im
mense stillness. Everything In bis
body was relaxing. Gottl Uow tired
he was I Amidst the flatness that It
the aftermath of relief, be plodded
to speak to Westwyn. The Kngllsh
man had grasped the bare facts of
Martengo's plot from the villager who
had appeared suddenly above Mm,
tike a great bat flapping among the
'i'.ut how did you get herp?" he
asked, bewildered; and then, taking
In Helnz's appearance, "Good Lord,
man, you're done In !M Dismounting
hurriedly, he grasped the German's
hand, for the rtlffs were Involved In
simultaneous and dramatic explana
tion. Their exploit was magnified by
success, but their eloquence could not
beat Helnz's appearance. A branch
had torn a jagged rent In his fore
head; an unexpected snag ripped
open the leather above one knee. He
was sodden, his boots still squelch
ing, and his plump cheeks sagged Into
grooves caked with mud.
Westwyn pumped his arm up and
down. "You're a d n good chap.
Lord, what a ridel That ford's rot
ten even in daylight."
"It was the thought of the dam
that worried me," confessed the Ger
man, naively. "I had a picture of It
coming down on top of us. But you
must get on. I don't know wbat time
it Is."
The guide plucked at Westwyn's
sleeve. "We must go high up. Sidl,
to get round that dog!"
"I'm mining." He turned again to
Heinz. "I don't know what to say,
man. It was a Jolly tine Rhow. 1
owe you my chance to be In at the
death !"
"No." you owe It to your wife."
"She got the story from Znrlfa.
She pulled mo out. roused the village,
and Insisted on coming with us. He
stopped, caught In the blaze of light,
grim eyes.
"She came across the river?" asked
Westwyn In a voice so hard repressed
that It sounded uninterested. ;.
"Tlie whole way! She's waiting
at the house hack there." The Eng
lishman stood still. He wanted to
shout, to race hack along the path,
but all he said was. "I must get on.
Take her back tomorrow by the top
road above the dam you'll look after
her tonight, won't you? Tell her"
he. hesitated "tell her Til Join her
(Continued next week.)
ber has a turn at Belling and the
others enjoy buying. Although-they
rcem to enjoy it tho purpose is not
for piny, but to tRi:h tho mo ol
money the kinds and
Roth the First and the Second
grades are learning Rome of the im
portant orinciolea of keeninir healthy
ty means of posters and storieo.
Several of the pupils in the Fifth
and Sixth grades are nearly sick
with colds. Douglas Bothwell has
been neither absent nor tardy for
three and one-half year.i, but this
week a severe cold got the better of
him, and he must remain in bed.
The industry of the tw Oaker
man girls from Harney county is a
credit to the Burns schools This
spirit prevails among the Maupin
tudenta and any added stimulaa is
As the half-year class subscription
to the 'Current Events" for this
room has expired, Jim, Ralph and
Dorothy are renewing individual
subscriptions for home reading. We
are plea ed to note the many homes
which provide worthwhile juvenile
literature. "Child Life," "The
Youths Companion," and "St. Nicho-
us" furnish stories, besides news
items and literary bits..
The Seventh and Eighth grudes
have ju t finished their six weeks'
exams and have apparently done
pietty well.
The Eighth grade tried the state
mid-term examinations and found
them to be fairly easy, according to
their estimation. All papers are not
jet graded so standings are net de
The first basketball game that
Maupin plays for the pennant offer
ed by Mr. Semmes will be played on
February 10, with Shaniko-Antelope.
Of course Maupin has high aspira
tions for the trophy and will do all
in their power to win it.
The Maupin Times
C W. Umm 1 1. Editor
C W. SamaMM aad E. R. Simmii
Published vnr Thursday at
Maopin, Orecoa
crobscriptlon: um year, $1.50; tlx
months, $1.09; tfcrta montha, 60 eta.
Entered aa Mcond class mail mat
Mr September 8. 1914. at tha post
w'fice at Maupin, Oregon, under the
lit of Marc S. 1879.
To one of humane tendencies it is
distressing to witness the utter dis
regard of animal suffering which
is shown by thoughtless or vicious
Acts of unnecessary cruelty to
dumb animals are an indication of
either a lack of education or a ser
ious moral defect on the part of
those who practice them. Children
should be taught very early to treat
animals with kindness. Without
Luch teaching a child is very likely
to develop cruel tendencies, partic
ularly when the example of unfeel
ing indifference is set by older per
sons. As a prominent educator recently
(raid, any system of education which
neglects training in the humane
treatment of animals is failing in
its duty.
We have noticed another thing:
Any person who is cruel to animals
will bear watching in all his other
relations of life.
The man who knowingly destroys
a great forest by throwing away a
lighted cigarette, is an arsonist as
well as he who purposely fires, houses
and "factories.
Although silver is es:entially a
more and more by industries and
i.iore and more by indusctries and
arts. But very little in the newspaper
Of course everyone has known
for a long time that electric lights
on the farm reduce fire hazard, in
crease property values, develope
cleaner homes, lessen labor, pre
vent eye strain and make for better
health. But many probably do not
know that electricity in tho barn
reduces chores 5, in the house re
duces woman's work 5, and in the
poultry houce doubles and trebles
winter egg production. Lights on a
flock of 200 pulleta will earn $100
Why Your Deposits arc
Safe With Us
Because. in the first place they are guaranteed by
responsible local men, whose own money iis in this
Because the banking laws of the state are lived up
to and every care is used in. making loans to safe
guard depositors' funds and to see that such loans
are made on terms that are satisfactory to all con
cerned. Good banking rqeuires strict attention to details,
and we make it a point to protect our depositors in
every insianee. That is why so many people arc de
positing their money in the
Maupin State Bank
more per season than otherwiiw would
bo earned.
The bee and the silk worm are
the only two insects which have
been domesticated.
(jood Pric For Wool
The Condon Clobe-Timea has in
formation that the price of good
wool in that vicinity this year will
be 35 cents a pound and that most
of the Lake county sheepmen have
already contracted their clip for 33
cents a pound.
FORSALlAboutFtTImrof fine
alfalfa hay, part baled, the rest
loose, for sale at my ranch near
Wapinitia. Address F. M. Con
fer, 988 Pre cott Street, Portland,
Oregon. 12-tr
From the E. Karlen ranch at Tygh
Valley, one gray horse, weight
la InUrnal Medicine for the
Patt Fifteen Year
will be at
Office Hour 10 a. m. Ij 4 p. m.
No Charge for Couultation
Dr. Mellenthin la a regular gradu
ate in medicine and surgery and la
licensed by the state of Oregon. He
does not operate for chronic appn
dicitis, gall stones, plccrs of stomach
tonsils 0 radcnold.i.
He has to his credit wonderful re
sults in diseases of the stomach, liv
er, bowels, blood, 1 kin, nerves,
ting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheuma
tism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal
Below are the names of a few of
his many satisfied patients in Ore
gon who hae been treated for one of
the above named cause::
Emer Booker, Condon.
Chas. Dcsch, Portland.
D. G. Horn, Bonanza.
Fred Shields, Klamath Falls.
Daniel Steinon, Allegany.
R. E. Neal, Central Point.
Joe. Shoeships, Gibbon.
Remember above date, that con
sultation on this trip will be free and
that his treatment is different.
Married women must be accom
panied by their husband:.
Address: 21 1 Bradbury Bldg.,
Loe Angeles, California.
er-N.ow !3
We mean that now is the time to have your
Automobile Overhauled
This is the place to bring it. We have the largest
and best equipped machine shop in Wasco county.
.lOiemxJ iteaeA
about 1,700 pounds. A reward
will be paid for its return or in
formation rcgarlng its where
abouts. 12-t2
VONG COUPLE wants work on
farm. Write particulars to Jack
Savage, Wamlc, Oregon. 10-t2.
Department of The Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles.
Oregon, Jan. U, 1028.
Notice is hereby given that
Jamei P. Abbolt,
of Wapinitia, Oregon, who, on Apr.
23, 1923, niude Homestead Entry un
der Act Dec. 29, 19 IS, No. 01H.224,
for WhNEtt. SHiNW, NViSWU,
SE'SW4, Lot 1, NWKSEtt, S V4
SEVi, Sec 25, and Lot 5, Sec. 26,
Township. 0-South, Range. 13-East,
Willamette meridian, has filed on
tice of intention to make final
three year proof to esUbludih
claim to the land above de
scribed, before Frank D. Stuart,
United States Comi: sinner, at Mau
pin, Oregon, on the 25th day of
February, 1928.
Claimant name as witnesses:
Arhur L Pechette, Thomas Klennle,
A. R. Wilcox, Frank McCoy, all of
wapinitia, Oregon.
J10-F10 J. W. Donnelly, Reg.
Department of Tho Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dallea,
Oregon, Doc. 12, 1927.
Notice is hereby given that
Anion T. Llndley,
of Maupin, Oregon, who, on Nov. 13,
1920, made Homestead Entry under
Act. Dec. 29, 1916, No. 020.920, for
NEU SE. Sec. 22, T. 3 S., R. 14
E., Lot, 4, SMt NWU, Sec . 1, SEW
SEV4, Sec. 2, NWVi NWU, Sec. 12,
Ett SWW.Sec. 14, WVi NWtt.Sec.
24, T. 6 S., K. 14 E., NE'4 NEW.
Sec. 7, and NWVi NWVi, Sec. 8, T.
5, S., R. 16 E., Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to make
final three year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before F. D. Stuart, United States
Commissioner, at Maupin, Oregon,
on the 1st day of February, 1928.
Claimant name as witneaaee:
John Donaldson, Floyd McLeod. El
mer Hornquist, Al. Kennedy, all ef
Maupin Oregon.
Dl 6-J 1 2 JjW. Donnelly,Rejr.
Undertaking and
Call Maupin Drug Store
Where the best 35 cent
meal is served in
The Dalles
Next The Dalles
C. N. Sargent, - - Prop.
Tk Dallas, Orecoa
Pboae 383-J