The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, December 15, 1927, Image 1

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nrnr u
Always working; for the best
interests of Maupin and all of
Southern Wasco County.
I ft t 4
u....i.) Ci..' .Wii nw iti
to print. Caters to rw particular
class, but works for all. , ,
Vol. XIV
Maupin, South Wasco County, Thursday, December, 15, 1927
umber 6
Icy Roads, Plunging Truck
Cause Death of Maupin Man
lc on Road Caused Truck to Skid,
Leave Trek and Plunge
Dewa Steep Bank
Henry M. Secthoff, head- of the
Central Oregon Milling company,
and man well known to many of
our people, wu instantly killed when
hit truck went over the grade on the
White River hill Monday morning.
Seethoff was on hli way to Dufur
with load of feed when the accident
The victim of the awful accident
had left the mill that morning with
hli load. ' He had reached a point on
the grade " hort distance below
where the road leading to the flat
Intcriecte the highway, when hie
truck itruck a piece of Icy roadway
and began spinning around. After
two or three euch gyrations the ve
hicle ilid over the shoulder of the
road and went over the grade,
Secthoff being thrown nearly 800
feet from where the truck finally
landed against some small oak trees.
When he struck the ground the un
lucky driver evidently collided with
a stone,, as when he was pickd up it
was found that his skull. had been
fractured, It bearing a large W shap
ed wound, from which the blood was
streaming. He was unconscious and
exntrcd shortly after aid reached
According to the story of the acci
dent witnessed by Dr. Arthur Clarke,
of Portland, Mark Stuart nd L. C.
Henneghan of this city, and told The
Times man by Mr. Clarke, it happen
ed substantially u follows: Clarke
was driving toward Malupin. He saw
the truck approaching and drew close
to the Inside as" he could. Before
reaching him Mr. Seelhoffs truck
struck an ley place and began to spin
around. It then left the road and
went plunging down the bank, turn
ing over several times. Dr. Clarke
stoppd his car and with Mr. HcnnV
ghan went down the bank in order to
render aaisstance. They discovered
Mr. Seethoff sitting op and when
they" reached him Clarke asked
whether or not he was badly hurt
Not receiving a reply one of the men
pulled down hi. coat, which in some
manner had been thrown over the
"victim's head, and then discovered
the wound. Mr. Henneghan then
pulled a robe from the cab of the
truck and the two men laid the fast
dying man on the folded blanket. He
was breathing when reached but ex
pired a few minutes thereafter.
Mark Stuart, with whom Henne
ghan was riding, hastened to Tygh
Lack of Impaction Causes Dealers to
Buy .Beef of Any and Alt
Kinds Health Menaced
ArticUt of Utility Worth Rather
Tkaa Toy Offered Christmas '
' Bayers Fiao Display
Stata Bag 1S Wild AalmaJ
During November Trap Thief
Caught and Fined
On Tuesday a party of The Dalles
people visited the slaughter house of
a butcher of that city and discovered
a beef that had been badly infected
with tuberculosis. Members of the
party stated the carcass was "abso
lutely rotten." Members of the city
council and of the pre8 accompanied
by Dr. Thompson city health officer,
examined the liver of the animal and
found it was four times the ordinary
size, and when cut open disclosed a
mass of yellow spots, tubucular bae
cill. The lungs also were, badly in
fected. There Is a moral In this for Mau
pin people: Buy 'your meat at the
home market, operated by a man who
knows animals and their ailments,
and who is always looking to the pro
tection of his customers.
The managers of the R. E. Wilson
store have adapted their Christmas
stock to utility lines and, as a con
sequence, are displaying a line ox
goods that savors more of the dur
able than otherwise. True they have
a nice display of things to delight
the hearts of the little ones, but the
bulk of their showing tends to such
things that can be worn an at the
same time be attractive. Their show
windows indicate but a small portion
of what may be ound on the inside,
but at that are very attractive and
contain many articles not carried by
other stores of Maupin. A page ad
vertisement in this Christmas Issue
of The Tunc calls attention to what
that store offers in the lines of
Christmas goods. Read it and profit
by the savings shown.
Chicken Also Included la List of
' Prises Starts 1:00 Sharp
Those who can shoot and those
who think they can shoot are sched
uled to gather at the shooting
dukd to gather at the shooting
grounds next Sunday at 1:00 p. m.
and take part in a big turkey and
chicken shoot There will be plenty
of birds of each kind and it is ex
pected that all the marksmen of
Maupin and vicinity will be out The
shoot will start exactly on the hour,
and all who contemplate taking part
arc requested to be at the grounds
on time.
Novel Proceedings Worked St
( braska Town to Call At
tention to Payday
This Section Represented on Roster
Of O. A. C. By Throe From
Maupin, One From Wapinitia
Valley, running all the
summoned Dr. Elwood. , When the
Maupin physician reached the scene
of the accident ho advised notifying
the coroner, and also that the body
be taken to The Dalles. R. E. Wil
son volunteered to carry the remains
to the county seat, where it was tak
en in charge by Coroner Zell.
Mr. Seethoff camo to Maupin a lit
tle over a year ago, coming from Me
tollus, where he had been in business.
He was the senior partner In the
Central Oregon Milling comnnny,
taking over the Woodcock Bros, plant
and conducting the business end.
Late in tho summer he moved his
family to this city, whore they now
reside. The family consists of wife
and three daughters, Adeline, Gene
vieve and Gretchen, "and a foster son,
named Graham. He was a man Uni
versally respected by all with whom
he camo in contact. In business he
was the personification of honesty
and did not know tho meaning of the
wnrd. "enemv." for he had none
, , ,
Qrd, Nebraska, has a novel
method of serving notice on cus
tomers of the municipally-owned
elcctris plant that their monthly
bills ere due. It broadcasts notice
with a long, loud blast of the steam
whistle on the electric station.
Under the Ord system no bill
are rendered,. The whistle blast
warns customers to hurry to the
counter, where the clerk tells them
what their bills arc tor the month.
Neglect to pay by the tenth of the
month results in the town imposing
a nlenalty of 25 cfnts. If the bill
Fifteen government hunters made
report for their November catches to
Stanley G. Jewett, predatory animal
leader in this state, and their show
ing indicates a total of 195 such ani
mals taken during that month.
Among them R. C. Fulkerson, sta
tioned at Maupin, reports total catch
for the month of 10, including one
bobcat and nine coyotes. Trapper
Miller of Curry county succeeded in
catching four cougars and Hunter
tokes of Josephine county reports
taking two cougars.
I am sure every hunter on 'he job
w.ll be pleased to know that bun?r
1 rd Sankey of Wheeler county was
lucctiwful in apprehe; ding trap
thief. This man was convicted and
ined $75.00 It is sincerely hoped
that this will be a lesson to other
thieves in the state, says Leader
Saturday Night Substitnted For Fri
day Christmas ' Dante
Minutes of Athletic Assn.
Meeting Held at Tygh Valley
Can ho Attached to Ordinary Trac
tor Prepare Seed Bed
la Oaco Over
A tool that promises to revise
plowing methods, at least for certain
conditions, has recently been de-
Minutes of Mooting Held at Tygh
Valley Saturday Last Events i
Added to Former List
The meeting was called to order
by Pres. A. E. Gronewald. Minutes
of the previoua meeting were read
and approved. Those present were:
Prin. C. G. Springer, Antelope;
Prin. L. V. Broughton, Shaniko;
veloped in the form of a rotary plow ! Prin. .J. A. Nagel, Maupin; G. L
now being manufactured at Salem, ; Davits, Maupin; Miss Helen Rich
Oregon. For centuries the Ameri- ards, Maupin; Paul Light, Tygh Va
With the magnanimity character
istic of its members the local Legion
post has changed the date of its
Christmas dance from Friday to
Saturday night December 24. The
change was made so as not to con
flict with the date of the X-Mas ex
ercises of the Tygh Valley High
school, which will be pulled off on
Friday night. ' Musk for the dance
will be supplied by the Fort Dalles
orchestra, which has but few equals
and no superiors in this neck o' the
woods. That orchestra furnished
the inspiration for the last Legion
Is not paid by the time the steam ! dance and gave perfect satisfaction.
"dun" is' heard the following month,
service is instantly shut off.
Deafness, it is presumed, is no ex
ruse for taroiness or failure to pay
the montlvly bill.
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
vail is, Dec 14. Maupin is repre
sentcd by four of the 47 students
from Wasco county registered In the
college. The students registered for
full time work in the college number
3.433. while the total including the
summer session and short courses is
nearly. 6,000.
Addle H. Wray, sophomore In
pharmacy, is active in intramural
athletics among the fraternities and
clubs. Wray is a member of the O.
A. C. Pharmaceutical association and
Kappa Psl social fraternity of phar
macy students. ' ...
Robert Lewis and Fred( Shearer
are Freshman in engineering and
hnembers of the Associated En
gineers. .
Roy Woodside of Wapinitia, a
sophomore In agriculture, Is a mem
ber of the Beaver Knights, a repre
sentative group of sophomore stu
dents who Instruct the freshman In
college traditions. Woodside was an
aspirant for the cross country squad
Ihis fall. lie is n member of the
Orion social club, the agricultural
club, 411 club and Y. M. C. A. ,
Community Club Mooting.'"'- -
The Shady Brook Community club
will hold its annual meeting at the
hall on Wednesday next, December
21, at which time all members are
expected to be present. Election I
officers and other business f inter
est to all will come before the meeting.
Appearance of Scarlet Fever
' Tygh Given as Causa
Arrange your affairs so as to permit
your attendance at the dance next
week Saturday night
can farmer has plowed his fields'
with the same type of instrument
In Palestine and other sections of the
world the same type of crude wooden
plow is used today as in pre-historic
The new spading plow can be at
tached to an ordinary tractor. The
spading wheels revolve at such a ve
locity that the soil is thoroughly pul
verized and preparded for a seed
bed in one operation. Deep plowing
can be done by driving at the rate
of 2 miles an (four, or moderately
deep at the rate' an ordinary plow
team travels.
Cost of preparing the soil is found
to compare favorably with the cost
of the several operations ordinarily
necessary. Advantages are more
thorough incorporation of organic
refuse with soil and ability to fit the
soil when the moisture conditions
are right This ne operation pre
pares the land to take the smallest
seed and if dry weather follows the'
soil can be rolled to avoid any excess
looseness of the land.
Soil specialists from the Oregon
experiment station who have seen
demonstrations " with this spading
plow believe it to be very promising
an implement for various conditions.
A large type of the machine is also
made to use with high power trac
tors. It is now being used extensive
ly in South America.
"All of a Sudden Peggy" Called Off
Until Third Saturday Neat Month
The basketball game scheduled to
be played here tomorrow night be
tween the Madras boys' and girls'
teams has been called off. Appear
ance of scarlet fever at Tygh Valley
is give nns the cause of the post
ponement Whether the games will
be played later wo have not been
informed. '
Owing to the prevalence of scarlet
fever at Tygh Valley the school play,
"All of a Sudden Peggy,'' haa been
postponed from the Christmas date
to the third Saturday In January.
The postponement will give those
taking part more time, in which to
perefct themselves, and when the ex
act date rolls around all who attend
will witness a play produced in a
perfect manner.
such. He was building up a
business and was reaching out and
filling new territory each month.
- Besides the family in Maupin de
cedent leaves a brother, John See-
thoff, living at Garabaldi, Oregon;
, two sisters,. Mrs. OpHIe Schmala "of
Burns and Miss Margaret Seethoff,
a resident of Salem, v
The body was brought to Maupin
' yesterday and funeral servicesi un
der the auspices of the Odd Fellows,
held here this morning at 10:00
' o'clock, after which the remains were
taken to Metollus, where they were
interred beside those of his father.
Mr. Seethoff was a member of the
Odd Fellows .Knights of Pythias and
Elks lodges, and was valued and
highly esteemed in each order.
The funeral sermon was preached
by Rev. Edwards of The Dalles, the
services being held in the Legion
hall. Nearly every person residing
Rumor Credits Three Cases In
Schools of Our Neighbor
A report is rampant in Maupin to
the effect that scarlet fever ha
made an appearance at Tygh Valley
and that three casea were found in
the school at place. As a conse
quecne the schools there have been
closed until precautions are taken to
guard against a spread of the dis
ease, i
Had A Weakness
Sweet "Do you let the boys kiss
youi . v .
Adeline "No. But I'm
not very
Mrs. Griffin Improving. '
Mrs. E. W. Griffin is at home
after a trip regarding her health to
Portland. While at the metropolis
Mrs. Griffin attended a clinic pre
sided over by Dr. Joyce and her case
was there given special attention.
For some time the lady has been suf
fering with indigestion and it had be
come so severe that she sought the
advice of Portland physicians. The
examination disclosed that an opera
tion would not be necessary, and by
use of the medicine prescribed Mrs.
Griffin is improving in health.
"Dad" Coale Coming Homo;
"Dad" Coale has so far recovered
from his recent attack of paralysis
as to be able to return to Maupin.
He informs The Times man that
if there are .any ranchers hereabouts
that hae lost, or are about to lose
any critters by paraylsis that they
skin such and bring the hides to the
Hunts Ferry warehouse, where he
will see to it that they are properly
taken care of and settled for: "Dad"
seems to think that misery loves
company, therefore desires to sur
round himself with anything para
lyzed, whether hair, wool or fur.
A Mupln man has a model T Ford
car for sale and describes its condi
tion in the following language:
car with a piston ring,
wheels and one front
Road Truck Refused to Function.
The Maupin road truck refused to
function Tuesday evening while on
the way in from Criterion. In some
manner the front differential locked
the wheels, compelling Gus Derthick
to run to one; side and ; telephone
Foreman Addina'ton to come after
the crew. The boys got to .town
about eight o'c lock. , Addington
phoned for the "j'ytft truclc . a88s
him in getting the stalled vehicle to
Maupin yesterday morning.
in Maupin attend led the services .and
many members of the Odd . Fellows
lodfira accnmanind tho remains to
Metolius, wherg, they were Interred,
AMllllllllklkfnJ.. . " ; :
One Ford
Two? rear
Has no fenders, set or plank,'
Burns lots of gas and hard to crank.
Carbuerator. busted half way thru,
Engine missing, hits on two;
Three years old, four this spring,
Has shock absorbers and everything.
Rr.diator busted, sure does leak,
Differential dry, you can hear it
Ten spokfs missing, front all bent,
Top knocked in ain't worth a cent.
Got lots of speed, will run like the
deuce, -
Burns either gas or tobacco juice.
Tires all off , runs on the rim;
A darn" good Ford for the shape jts
Broad Wagon Upsets.
While on his way to Maupin last
Monday Johnny McLcod, driver for
the Oregon bakery, had a near ac
cident when near ' the ' Eight Mile
cross road. His truck " struck a
smooth placo on the rond and went
into a tall spin, ending up on its
side. The only damage done was
the spilling of a part of the pastry
line carried. Walter Carlson was
phoned for and brought the load
through to Maupin on time in his
Oldsmobile. , '' J
Case Of Temperment
The election of officers resulted
as follows: A-,E. Gronewald, Pres.
cx-officio; Mrs. Callie M. Bigbee ray
elected Secretary; Prin. 'Cv'' G..
Springer, Treasurer." t
The following events were added ,
by motion to those already adopted,;
Class A. boys, 220-yard run; Class
A girls, 75-yard dash, distance base
ball throw horse-shoe pitching it
feet (singles); Class B girls, . 7oV
yard dash, horsc-ehoe pitching 2$
feet (singles.)
Motion was made and carried that
the Association buy four" sets of
standard women-weight horse-shoee-
for use at the meet t'-
Motion was made and carried l&
start the mzctat 9:30 a. m.
Motion was made and carried
leave arranging of order of events
to Mr. Gronewald, also to attend tau
all details of the meet, such at se
curing judges, assistants, etc. .
Motion was made and carried that
the Athletic association of Wasc6
county go on record , recommending?
that all units join the State Athlettf.
association. f .
After a discussion on the . feasi
bility of organizing a county basksti
ball league a motion was mads and
carried that six games be scheduled .
for this year, including both boy
and girls, permitting each of tha .
four schools represented to mei
each other school once, the schedule)
to be made out at the meeting aa.4 V
adopted as official. Schedule fol lows:
' .:"'
February 10th Maupin vs Shaniko
Antelope (place t" be arranged.)
February 24th Tygh vs Shanlkdf'
Antelope at Tygh. ' ,'
March 2nd Mosier vs Tygh at Tyght
Mreh 3rd Mosier vs Maupin at'
March 9th Mosier vs Shatuks
Antelope at Mosier. ;
March 16th Tygh vs Maupi
Maupin. , . .
It was agreed that other games"
could be scheduled and played be
tween these schools and othet;
schools, but that the- game shad
uled and arranged at the meeting
would be the official game played
to determine the championship. v
Editor Semmes offer of a pen,
nant for the boys championship teant
was accepted with thanks. -
Events for Nest Track Meet t
Class A, High school and gradea
18 years or over. Boys lOQryarel
dash, 880-yard run, 880-yard relay
pole vault, mile run, javelin throw,,
discuss throw, baseball throw, (dls-
tance), shot put, broad jump, high'
jump, 220-yard run; Girls 60-yafi'
dash, 75-yard dash, 220-yard relay.f
hftsohall throw, (distance). horsed
pitching 25-feet (singles). ' '
Class B, between 12 and 1$ yaaW
inclusive. Boys 50-yard dash, llt4
yard dash, 440-yard relay, twuubal.
throw, (distance), hifth jump, broad,-1'
jump; girls 50-yrd da&h. 220-yr'
relay, 75-yard ' dash, : horse-sbaf
pitching,25-feet (singles).! '
' Class C, between 9 and U yeastf
inclusive. Boys 50-yard dash, base
ball throw, (distance, 160-yard Sei
lay, broad jump; girIs--50-yardi
dash, 160-yard relay. V, jf
Midguts, under nine years and 70
pounds. Boys &u-yara aasn
girls 50-yard dash. v V
Motion was made and carried that
the association secure a suitable pea
nant to be offered to the champjM
girls' team.
It was regretted that the Dufu
High school will probably not be ja4
presented by a basketball team thjs
year. However, it was a concensus
of opinion that Dufur would gladly;
be. included in the schedule in ess
a team is organized there.
Santa Claus, Friend to AH the Little Ones
"Why is it that a red headed wom
an always marries a very meek
"She doesn't He just gets that
way." ' ,
Mary had a little dress,
A 'dainty bit and airy;
It didn't show the dirt a bit,
But gosh, how it showed Mary t
I. ... ... .