The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, December 08, 1927, Image 2

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    9 a
Thursday, December fl, 192?
A E. R. Sidbii
m avanr Thursday at
Myosin, Oregon
Christmas cheer U in the air. But
we're afraid the cheer may be
itemed to chill In this print shop
if some of our delinquent subscribe
trs do not come through and pay up. i
We have teen pictures of sand
storms on the desert, but the wind
storms cf the past few days in this
'valley caused as much anguish as
I any shown on the screen.
H9criptR)s om year. $1.50: all ! lhe' Work To Tour Style.
ontns, ?1.09; Urea months, SO eta. ! The Moden Barbers, 410 East
eucuuj su-eet, i ae uuuts, are lead
ers in ladies half cutting in this part
of the state. They study the particu
cmereu & second class mail mat-
r Stptemocr lDlt. at the post
.naupia. urciton, under the jlar style of each customer and when
tnoy have completed a joo ui the
good points of wh fact are
:rto relief. Tho cleanest shop in t'ei
v. ice at
.t of Alarr.a i. 1879
Th? uri'-l Christnms slocnn. "shnn
tirly," is cain confronting us in ?a't Oregon
the newspapers. The slogan is all
riht, but to the average publisher , Homo Over Sunday,
(.f country pepers the saying should The Junior member of The Times
be paraphrased to "pay your sub- km, E. R. Semmes, who is pounding
scription so the publisher may hav 'the keys of the typesetting machine
the coin wjih which to do a little j 0,1 th Dufur Dispatch, spent Sun
Christmas .shopping." ' day at home, returning to Duf ur on
A contemporary asks "what has
I Monday morning.
become of all the old-fashioned red Bought Service Station.
fknnel underwear that was once I.. F. Javl-sor, at one timj the
worn by our forefathers?" " Worn I meat market man at Tygh Valley,
ol long ago, brother. Besides tha has tmrchased tha HillerMfc Mrvic
red dye once used in such goods is station, at the corner of Loughlin
now in greater demand as a beauti
fler on flappers' faces.
One of the queer things in life is
thfet some people who do not take a
home newspaper are the loudest in
their condemnation of it! . while
those who help sustain it with their
patronage feel it is a good thing for
themselves and the community.
It is claimed the cause of the
murder near Condon on last Friday
was a case of unrequited love
Bosh, and again, bosh. "Puppy
love," and that, added to a low
mentality, was most likely the real
One of our subscribers remarked
the other day that "when you hear
a feller shoutin' the most about how
to improve the town, you kin pretty
near bet that he means fur somebody
else to put up the spondulicks."
The moon is said to exert a great
influence on the tides. At the same
time some autofsts seem to be under
the moon's influence, for many of
them suffer as a result of too much
moonshine. i
and Clay streets, The Dalles, and
from now on will dish out gas and
lubricating oils to autoists.
Built Dairy Bars.
Job Crabtree lately completed a
fine dairy barn and now has a place
in which to house his dairy herd. Job
has seven fine cowa and since em
barking in the ' milk business has
found customers for all the milk he
can furnish. Th new barn has room
for all his cows as well as a place for
considerable hay.
Benton county has retired $87,000
indt btedacs already this year.
Great Northern spending $6,000,
000 on Bend-Klaninth Fails line.
Stale commission valuta Oregon
utilities at $168,967,161.
Oregon trust companies have re
sources of $15,402,831. ,
Canby Promising mineral de
posits in Laural Hill district will be
Er.ker Western Oregon Light &
?ower Co., and Eastern Oregon De
'tlopment Co. will have Bpent $500,
)00 in development this year.
Valt: New rail line routed to
Oyhee dam site, because of better
rravel deposit for building dam.
Great Northern has about closed
-ail gap from Bend to Chemult on
Southern Pacific line to Klamath
Bakeir Machinery arrives for the
Irag line placer mining on Clarke's
Creek, and Burnt River.
Klamath Falls Ritchie Bros, start
'actory to work natural glass.
Bums Voters approve union
high school budget for $27,900.
Hunters reported killing 648 pre
datory animals in Oregon, during
400-mile Roosevelt highway
ject has 337 miles completed.
Cascade Locks Permit asked for
21,000-horse power project on Mt
Hood forest for wood pulp manufac
Ontario C. E. Secoy gets 20 tons
hay and seed worth $1,433 from 11
acres clover.
We desire to extend our heartfelt
thanks to all those kind friends who
made our hour of sorrow easier, to
bear by their kind words and min
istrations during her lost illness
and after the death of our dear
wife and mother, Mrs. Mary E.
Pratt We pray that all may be
mare da like affliction.
FOUND Ladies scarf, at the Legion
hall after the last dance. Owner
may recover same by calling at
this office, proving property and
paying for this advertisement
be bought at a bargain as owner
has business interests elsewhere.
11. C. Winslow, 108 Cascade St.,
Bend, Oregon. 4-tl
FOR SALE Full Blood single comb
Rhode Island Red cockerels, at
$2.60 each. Call on or phone Art
Guttler, Route A, Maupin; phone
17-F-4. 4-t2
Department of Tho Interior
U. S. I-and Office at The Dalles,
Oregon November 22, 1927.
Notice is hereby given that
Arthur W. Schilling,
of Crass Volley, Oregon, who, un
November 1, 1924, made Homestead
entry, act Dec. 29, 1916, No. 023,
553, for Ei SWi, SE'4 S.
Sec. 29. Lots 2,3, SE4 NWH, EH
SWVi, W4 SE',4, NEU SE4, Sec.
30. EVi NWH, NE4 SV, NH
SEVi Sec. 32, T. 4.S., R. 16, E.,
Willamette Meridian has filed notice
of intention 'to make final three
year proof, to establish claim to.tht
land above described, before Regis
ter of the United States Land Of
fice, at The Dalles, Oregon, on the
11th clay of Januury, 1928.
Claimant names as witnesses:
John Karlen. John Joyce, of Miiupln,
Oregon, William Holmes, Michael
Bibby of Grass Valley, Oregon.
Dl-29 W. A. Wilkinson, Act. Reg.
Legion Dance
Christmas Misgivings
CHRISTMAS time is approaching, and as it gets
nearer the need of a little money is apparent to
many who would remember their loved ones
and friends with remembrances of the season. To
many the time is filled with misgivings, for the
wherewith to purchase those presents is not at hand
and some little ones will be torn with heartaches, all
because Santa did not call on Ihem.
Guard against such by arranging to keep a bal
ance in the bank, ready to help out when the neces
sity arises. Bank with the
Maupin State Bank
EViHwv. December 23
Sat. Dec. 31 '
FOR SALE 80 acres of clover, al
falfa and potato land under the
best ditch in Central Oregon. Is
mostly all cleared and good land.
25 acres alfalfa, fair buildings.
Located near to school, markets
and shipping point. This place can
The one place in Tha Dalles to
mako tho rancher and oat-of
town fellow feel at home.
We mean that now is the time to have your
Automobile Overhauled
This is the place to bring it. We have the largest
and beet equipped machine shop in Wasco county.
Tko DaJUs, Oreaea
Rmm 383-J
of Ea Stead Sbwi
ft 4M
" " i.i.i mmm ' j
I. O. O. F.
Lodge No. 209. Mauplr.. Oregon
meets every Saturday night in I. O.
O. F. hall. Vkitinir members alwavn
O. F. Rmick. N. C.
R. E. Richmond Sec'y.
Where the best 33 cent
meal is served in
The Dalles
Next The Dalles
C. N. Sargent, Prop.
Undertaking and
Maupin Drug Store
Maupin, Ore.
at our showroom on
Thursday, Dee. 15
8:00 a. m. to Noon. Make a note
to see it on that day
Wr.te, telephone or call today for illustrated
Booklet, which gives complete details
of this New Car
Tillotson Mntckv Pn.
,111 " - ' WUf
& Maupin, Oregon punno iPv AV
Tlieues always a right time
S . ' ; ,
HONEsr merchants 'are inbusiness to hip you with your
buying problems. Youmay reply, "They are in
bufsiness to make moneyl" And, of course, they arc.
But' the poirt is: They, know that the best way to make
money is toiservejyou honestly and efficiently.
One of the' most valuable services! a merchant can render
you is tO'telljyoitfw&Tf to buy.iHe knows the market. He
is kept in formed about raw materials and manufacturing
problems. Hie gets all the advance tips on styles. He even
knows prettyJweH.what your particular circumstances are
and what j your Ticeds will ibc. ,
So, izikasofferedUhrottgh 'his ads in this paper
worth money. to you'. When he.announces a'special sale,
or displays anew.linetofgoodsYjt is well for you to in- '
ThereYalwayste right'time to buy;and the ads in this paper
will keepyoupostedwi.w and follow their adviccl