Page two Tins m aupin tims Tluirnday, November 3, 1921 The Maupin Times n mm milium iwwwpTi I n i C. W. Smmn, Editor C. W. Senate end E. R. Simnt An nvitation Laugh Your Published ovexi Thursday at Maupin. Oregon subscription sjm year, $1.60; tlx months, fl.OOi three months, SO cti. , Entered aa aocond elasa mall mat September V. 1014, at the post t?tlc at Maupin, Oregon, under the Il of Marc S. 1870. MOW that harvest U over and tho summer fallow of last year is green with growing grain, you will have a time in which to talk business. We desire to show you how we can save you money by keeping your surplus in thia bank and how it is cheaper to pay by check than otherwise. We are here for your good and will appreciate a call at any time. Come in ; you're welcome. erne LAST ISSUE OF VOLUME XIII Loudest at the P A If 4 GIVEN BY flKHaWiEEEl AUPUM, Ore. Cl Saturday Evening, VX - ' i "PETO" KISTNER'S Old-Time Orchestra on Music end Dncing From 9 till 2 Tickets, $1.00 Supper, 35 cents "Murder will out" is an old say ing. It seems to have been proven vtrue in the cnse of th man, Pender, Minder arrest in Portland for several .assaults upon and murder of unpro tected females. He was apprehend , ed through the willingness of a 15- vear-old erirl to acconiDanv him to a distant part of the city, they being watched by officers and the man ar rested tin the attempt to commit an assault upon the girl. Pender has been identified by one woman aa the man who attempted an assault upon her in 1925, he being picked out from a line of several other men at police headquarters. For kitchens or bath rooms where walls may be soiled with water use a dull oil paint to finish beaver boards or plaster. Although oil paints cost more than water tints, they last longer and do not spot. Hi - 1 LOOK OVER OUR BEAUTIFUL .Mieirware Best values you can find anywhere in open stock from the best English and American potteries. Di SELECT YOUR PATTERN NOW YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD makes it easy to own a new Set of Fine Dishes DochertY -POWER jL THUtO UH WASMUiQ TOM Mt WE CHARGE NO INTEREST With thia issue of The Maupin Timet thia puper completes volume 13 and next week will . begin with number 1 of volume 14. The past year has been one to which we can look back with aome degree of pleasure. We have done a fairly, good business, have kept out of debt and have made a living for the family. All of which is satis factory to us. While we have had to go to The Dalles for considerable measure of support, still aome of the Maupin business men have been loy al and have given us all the patron age they were able. There are busi ness men in this city who seem to think a newspaper is an institution to be supported as any other charity, and the little advertising they give us ia in that light. They are crude in their ways and lacking in fore sight. They do not seem to be able to grasp the idea that the newspaper is the one thing that keeps Maupin on the map; that but for that, this city would be known only as a place to go to catch a few trout; that our resources and attributes would be buried in the sands of forctfulnes and that there would be nothing to call attention to what we really are if the paper" should suspend publica tion or move away. We are here to do all we can to further the interests of Maupin. We have our whole interest here and would like to remain in this beauti ful little city on the Deschutes. If our business men desire The Times to be a fixture in the place it is up to them to give it the proper support; To those who have given us their business during the past year we re turn thanks. We have tried hard to give Maupin a real newspaper and that our efforts have been apprecia ted by some is gratifying to The Times publishers. We trust our business may be better the coming year, also that our non-advertisers may see the error of their ways, come out of their shells and give us the patronage our efforts deserve. One of the cheapest ways to clean a room having soiled paper, is to use a coat of alabastine paint over the paper. CLASSIFIED LOCALS APPLES FOR SALE-A good variety of extra fine apples. Bring your boxes and come early. Edgar M. Legion Dance Dates T Sat. Nov. 12 HARD TIMES DANCE Thursday, Nov. 24 ; ' Thanksgiving Dance Price's Six-Piece Orchestra Sat. Dec. 10- ' CHRISTMAS DANCE Sat. Dec. 31 NEW YEARS DANCE (fesj I.O.O.F. Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon meets every Saturday night in I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting members always welccew. i O. F. Renick, N. G. R. E. Richmond Sec'y. ZELL'S FUNERAL SERVICE Undertaking, and Embalming ' CaU Maupin Drag Store ' Maupin, Ore. Maupin State Bank (INCORPORATED) ) v Smith, Dufur Oregon. 61-t4 FOR SALE Seed Ryj. For sulo at Hunts Ferry warehouse. LOST A light gray cap on highway In or near Maupin. Finder please leave at The Tmos office. 51-t2 NOTICE OF SALE In The Circuit Court of The Stale of Oregon For Watco County. Byron K. Taylor, substituted for Nancey E. Taylor, deceased, Plaintiff, VI. Haiti Belle Sharp, Ellit Roy Sharp, Ceorge R. Sharp, J. Waller Sharp, and N. G. Media, Administrator of tho Estate of Nancey Hone Sharp, deceased, Defendant. By virtue of nn execution, decree and order of sale, duly issued nut of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Wasco, to me directed and dated the 24th day of October, 1027, upon a decree for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage, and judgement rendered and entered in said Court on the 24th day of October, 1927 in the above entitled cause, in favor of the Plaintiff and agannt the Defen dant, N. G. Hedin, Administrator of the Estate of Nancey Jane Sharp, de ceased, as judgment debtor, in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, with interest thereon from the 27th day of November, 1920, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum and the furth er sum of One Hundred Dollars, as attorney's fees, and the further sum of Twenty-Eight and 20-100 Dollars, costs, and the costs of and upon this Writ, and the further sum of Seventy-nine and 70-100 Dollars taxes ad vanced, and commanding me to make wile of the real property embraced in such decree of foreclosure -and hereinafter described, I will on the 30th day of November, 1927, at the hour of 10 o'clock, in the forenoon of said day, and at the front door of the County Court House in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash irj hand, all the right, title and interest which the said Nancey Jane Sharp, now deceased, had on the 27th day of November, 1920, the date of the mortgage foreclosed herein, or which Defendants, Hnttie Belle Sharp, Ellis Roy Sharp, George R. Sharp, J. Walter Sharp, and N. G. Hedin, Adminstrator of tho Estate of Nancey Jane Sharp, deceased, or any of the defendants herein, have since acquired, or now have in and to the following described real proper ty, situate and being in Wasco Coun ty, Oregon, to-wit: The South half of the Northeast qunrtor (SV4 NE4), the southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter (SKtt NW), Section Eighteen (18), Township Four (4) South of Range Twelve (12), East of the Will, amette Meridian, containng One Hundred Twenty (120) acres, or so much of said property as will satisfy, said judgment and decree, with costs and accruing costs. Said property will be sold subjoct to confirmation and redemption as by law provided. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 24th day of October, 1927. N3-N24 . Levi Chrlsman. Sheriff Wasco, County, Orejfon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION . Department of The Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Ort. 20, 1927. Notice is hereby given that Carl Elmer Hornqulit, of Maupin, Oregon, who, on Sept 20, 1923. made Homestead Entry un der Act Dec. 29, 1910, No. 023.113. and on Dec. 2, 1924 made additional H. E. 023,672 also under Act Dec. 29, 191(1, for SWU, WH SEU, Sec. 17, NWV, NEH, SEU NE'A, Sec. 28, T 6-South, R. ID-East, Willam ette Meridian, has filed notice of in tention to make final three year proof to establish claim to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, United States Commissioner at Mau pin, Oregon on the 0th day of Dc ccmber, 1927. ' Claimant names as witnesses: J. H. McMillan, John Donaldson, G. F. McCleod, A. T. Lindley, all of Mau pin, Oregon. O 27 N 24 J, W. Donnolly, Reg. .. THE BANK HOTEL The one place In The Dalles to make the rancher and out-of town fellow feel at homo. WhiteRcstaurant Where the best 35 cenf meal is served in The Dalles Next The Dalles Creamery C. N. Sargent, - - Prop. UTLERJ O. P. RESH MARK STUART MAUPIN'S LEADING Immtj amid, M I A U TO MOBILE AND GENERAL MACHINE WORK Cylin3e Grinding, Truing Crankshafts, Making Futons and Rings, Bearings All sizes Made to Order SHEET METAL WORKERS CcEW'ste Line of Parts for All Makes of Cars ELKCTKIC and OX Y-ACETYLENE WELDING EADJ& QALLOWAY The Dalle, Oroaoa PImm 383-J fUm mmu4 I tree! rtxMM 400