Thursday, October 27, l&Sf Page Two THE MAUPIN TIMES 1. v. vw b .rf-r3- r 1 ASK Hallowe'en Dance on 9. Driving Almo.t NW Car. "Billy" Hunt Is driving hit Willys Knight cur again. The auto figured in a wreck some tint ago and lince that time has been in the shop un dering going repairs. It is now re splendant in a new body, windows, axles and several other parts requir ed when the capsizing took place, and is, to all appearances and uses, a brand new car. Morrow Goes to 0d.ll. Jack Morrow tins accepted a posi tion with a grocery and meat mar ket firm at Odell, above Hood River, and left for that place Tuesday. Jack will have charge of the meat market His family is now at Mrs. I Morrow's parents' home at Dufur, but will join Jack at Odell the first of next week. ! Shipped 63 Can Wheat. Since the 1927 wheat crop began to come to town the Mauptn Ware house company has shipped 63 car loads of that grain to the Portland market, The manager, George Mor ris, expects that before hauling ceases the elevator will have at least 10,000 more bushels to ship. oarara October Rorick s-Band from The Dalles will be on hand for this dance with the very latest and best in dance music. Remember the date, Saturday, Oc tober 19, and the place, the Legion Hall, Maupin, Oregon. R.turned From Deer Hunt. , Alvia Martin and party returned from a deer hunt in the Umpqua country last Friday. Alvia says there are plenty of deer in that sec tion but that they are so wild that but few were seen, as hundreds of hunters have been in Southern Ore gon this season. At that one deer was seured, it having been killed by Harmon Young. The Maupin Times C. W. HeiHwee. Editor C. W. StnM awl E. R. Samroe rwbiuWt Published avan Thursday at Maupin, Oregon embscriptiom tttm year, f 1.50; six months, $l.QQj three months, CO eta. Entered as second class mail mat- r September V, 1914, at the post- v.'flce at Maupin, Oregon, under the .let of Marc , 1878. THE HIGHWAY PROBLEM mutt If n r ' !LJ Inf.ntiU Partly lit. i According to the report of the I. jS. Public, Health service, collaborat ing with the state authorities, on October 25 there were, 81 cases of Infantile paralysis in this state. Coos county led with eight cases, Josephine coming next with five. Benton county had three cases and Klamath, Lane, Portland and Union jtwo each. So far there have been no cases reported from this county, is fact the osly casea coming form Wasco county were one of influenze and one of mumps up to the 25th of this month. Took Flour to Gateway. Henry Secthoff of the Central Oregon Milling company ' made a couple of trips to Gateway this week taking a truck load of flour each time. Each load weighed a ton and one-half. Attended Mulvmacy Funeral. Carl Pratt and ' family, Bernard Welch and wife, Roy Crabtree and family and Dee Talcott and wife at tended the funeral of Sidney Mul vaney at Wamlc last Sunday. After Football Game. Principal Nagel and Coach Davies went to Dufur yesterday afternoon for the purpose of arranging for n football game between Dufur and Maupin teams. A game has been scheduled with Tygh Valley for No vember 18, at which time it is expect ed the local boya will have had prac tice sufficient to win. Oregon people want no reduction in highway revenues that would jeopardise highway expansion. If the license fee should be cut to $3, road building in Oregon could not go on. Here ia why; The cut to 3 would take $3,900,000 from license total and reduce the total highway fund to only $4,100,00. Against this $'4,100,000 would be the fol lowing unavoidable expenditures: Maintenance, $1,750,000 a year; in terest outstanding bonds, $1,774,- 118 a year, retirement of maturing bonds, $1,976,000 a year; cost of administration, about $150,000 a year. And Oregon must match the federal aid fund, which averages about $1,300,000 a year, or there will be no federal aid. This added to other items means-a total outgo of about $7,000,000 a year. A cut to a $3 license fee would reduce the total revenue to $4,100,000. The United States is the most Im portant poultry raising country in the world, producing more than one third of the world's supply of poultry and eggs, according to the Depart ment of Agriculture. At that but few of the eggs priduced are now be ing used to voice displeasure of the attempts of vaudevilliana to get their stuff over. Shoot Snow Geese. Tuesday afternoon John Confer and Lew Henneghan went to the Flat after wild game and succeeded in downing a pair of snow geese. Early Wednesday morning they made another trip to the upper prairie, taking Joe Kramer with them. Joe downed a spoonbill duck, Lew 'getting another pair of snow geese. 150,000 People Attend Every Year FARMERS from all parts of the country devote both time and money to attend the Pacific International Livestock Exposition. . The 17th Annual Exposition, will be held at Portland, October 29 to Nov ember 5. It will combine great Livestock Show; Dairy Products, Land and Manufacturers' Products Shows; Wool and Fox Shows; Boys and Girls' Club Work Exhibits; and spectacular Horse Show. v ' Pure Bred Beef and Dairy Cattle, Horses. Sheep, Hog Goats, and Foxes will be exhibited. $100,000.00 will be distributed In Premiums. The Maupin State Bank believes this great western Livestock epic presents many opportunities for obtaining vitally Important Information on farm management and operation. The influence of a few days visit will bring year round benefits in the conduct ,f the farming business of those who attend. , , i Maupin State Bank (INCORPORATED) r in a ii 1 i "jHKQJtea c - "i i 'i.iliiil i.y i "MM"? will be added a shed 20x60, the building to be occupied by a garage and blacksmith shop. F. M. Confer sold his this year's wheat crop to the warehouse, receiv ing $5,000 for it, or at the rate of $1.50 per bushel. John McCorkle and W. G. Kirks each shipped three carloads of fat hogs on Wednesday, Mr. McCorkle accompanying the shipment to Port land. The frame work for the new Kelly hotel was begun Wednesday morning with Contractor Wilhelm in charge. A basement 36x00 feet in dimension has been completed and the building will be rushed to completion. loave at The Tmos otflco. 51-t3 Sundayed at Gateway. Alvis Martin and wife and their niece, Miss Leona Martin, went to Gatway Saturday and spent the time to Sunday night visiting at the home of Miss Martin's parents. Reamed from Portland. After spending a fortnight visiting with reatives and friends at Port land, Mrs. R. E. Wilson returned to her Maupin home Sunday. Her com ing home relieved Bob of great re sponisbility, as he waa compelled lo act as housekeeper, cook and store tender while Mrs. Wilson was , absent. WOOD and HEAT ALE COIL ERS! Our showing of Wood and Coal Heaters is complete A size to fit any room. Priced from $18.50 up See Our Showing' of the New Heat Circulators YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD DOCHERTY ::::--.';:'-p:OWERS- WE CHARGE NO INTEREST J Oxo ooooo 0,0 ooooooooo xO O ELEVEN YEARS AGO Oxo oooooooooooooooooxO D. B. Fraley has purchased two lots from Mrs. Staats and has a crew of men at work building a founda tion for a building 30x60, to which Legion Dance Dates Sat. Oct. 29- " " HALLOWE'EN MASQUERADE Sat. Nov. 12 r .Regular Dance Thursday, Nov. 24 Thanksgiving Dance Price's Six-Piece Orchestra Sat. Dec. 10 ' Sat. Dec. 24 CHRISTMAS DANCE Sat. Dec. 31 NEW YEARS DANCE WAPINfifA I. O. O. F. Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon meets every Saturday night in I. O. O. F. hall Visiting members always welcome. 0 O. F. Renick, N. G. R. E. Richmond See'y. ZELL'S FUNERAL SERVICE Undertaking and Embalming Call Maupin Drug Store , Maupin, Ore. Visited At Ro.burf. Friday last Wm. Beckwith and wife left for Roseburg, where they visited until Tuesday morning with their daughter, Mrs. II. M. Morris, and family. CLASSIFIED LOCALS NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of The Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Oct 20, 1027. Notice is hereby given that Carl Elmer Homqui.l, of Maupin, Oregon, who, on Sept 26, 1923, mado Homestead Entry un der Act Dec. 29, 1916, No. 023,113. and on Dec. 2, 1924 made1 additional II. E. 023.572 also under Act Dec. 29, 1916, for SWK, WH SEK, Sec. 17, NWVi NEK, SEW NEV4, Sec. 28,, T 6-South,Jt. lB-Eaat, Willam ette Meridian, has filed notice of in tention to make final three year proof to establish claim to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, United States Commissioner at Mau pin, Oregon on the 6th day of De cember, 1927. Claimant names as witnesses: J. If. McMillan, John Donaldson, G. F. McClood, A. Ti Llndley, all of Mau pin, Oregon. O 27 N 24 J. W. Donnolly, Reg. THE BANK HOTEL f be one. place la The Dalle to make ike rancher aad oat-af towa fellow feel at hem. APPLES FOR SALE-A good variety C of extra fine apples. Bring your boxes and come early. Edgar M. - Smith, Dufur Oregon. 6144 DRESS FREE and $35.00 per week for two hours of your time daily. Write me, Thos. Tafe, Couch Bldg., Portland. , 50-t2 ' FOR SALE Seed R. For sule at Hunts Ferry warehouse. LOSTA light gray cap on highway in or near Maupin. Finder please WhiteRestaurant Where the best 35 cent meal is served in The Dalles Next The Dalles Creamery C. N. Sargent, Prop. UTLER O.P.RESH MARK STUART MAUPIN'S LEADING sit MaAefc M I AUTOMOBILE AND GENERAL MACHINE WORK . Cylinder Grinding, Truing Crankshafts, Making Pkstoas and Rings, Bearings All sizes Made to Order SHEET METAL WORKERS ; ComDlete Line of Parts for All Makes of Cars ELECTRIC and OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING READja (Q ALLOW AY tot b-n'isr- Mmrt TU Dallas. Oraira Umbo 389-i VNmms 400 y