TKurs'fiay OcioBer 20, 102? fife feii i How best can I trade in my present car for a new car?'9 WHEN you are ready to trade in your present car for a new car, you naturally want full value for your pres ent car. But most of all you want full new car value, ? It will therefore pay you to consider. varying trade-in allowance offers in the light of these basic facts: ? IYour present car has only one funda mental basis of value: Le., what the dealer who accepts it in trade can get for it in the used car market 2 Your,, present car' has seemingly : different values because competitive dealers are bidding to sell you a new car. 3 The largest allowance offered is not necessarily the best deal for you. Sometimes it is; sometimes it is not 4 An excessive allowance may mean that you are paying an excessive . price for the new car in comparison with its real value. , . 5 First judge the merits of the new car in comparison with its price, includ ing all delivery and finance charges. Then weigh any difference in allowance offered on your present car. . 6, Remember that you are making a purchase not a sale. You are buy ing a new car" and simply using your present car as a credit against the new car's purchase price. WE publish this message, believing that the public is entitled to have all the facts. And we invite you to send for the facts about General Motors products by using the coupon below. GEN ERAL MOTORS - -CLIP THE COUPON- GENTKAlVotoRS (Dept. A), Detroit, Mich. CHEVROLET Q Pleeiend,witWobUgalntoiM,fflutred PCOTIAC PI I,teratur Jcriling th General Moton product U 1 checked together with your booklet OLDSMOBILE Q Ascribing Genera Moton Proving Ground. Oakland n x. LVUIWi . I I I BU1CK LaSALLE CADILLAC Address ..... Correspondents' Weekly News Items SMOCK HAPPENINGS (Too Late For Last Week) fine sunny Weather beautiful; autumn days. B. C. Scott took his mother to Dufur last Thursday for medical treatment. F. T. Feltch is hauling wood for D; Campbell at, Wamic. Thomas Driver and wife were callers at the Woodcock and Brad way homes Sunday afternoon. Frank ; Mag-ill and wife were Smock visitors last Tuesday, While here Mr. Magill purchased a brood sow with a family of pigs from J. C Brad way. Henry Kramer took Albert Ander son to The Dalles Sunday afternoon Albert taking the stage from there to his home in Portland., a Claude Jones and J. G re well went to Hood River last week, as they have employment there. , ' Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Driver of Wa mic drove out in their new Chev rolet car Friday afternoon to call on their daughter, Mrs. Jessie .Wood cock, and family. " Cecil Mayfield motored to Yaki ma a week ago Saturday 'and re mained there until " last Sunday evening, visiting relatives. ; , ' Mrs. Minnie Bargenholt will hold a sale on Friday of this week. ' We regret she has made up her tntrd to leave Smock, as she la the last of the old settless of this section. Miss Ruby Limmeroth, bur tealher,' returned to Dufur Friday evening to spend the week end with home folks. . J ( Callie Duncan is nursing a bad case of tonsilitis. Mrs. Duncan, who was visiting her mother at McMinn ville returned home on Sunday. , ; Mrs. Estelle - Darling and son Ralph, of Ashwood were visitors at the L Barber home over the week end. B. C Scott is filling his silo this week. Edward Disbrow is in the mojnlans on road. still at work i government ' I FRIQIDAIREE!ctTiRew,tlOT Q - DELCO.LiqHTEkriPl,n ! - T .J Miss Cry.a!l Wrenn came noo fr-.nj school at Tygh Friday e'ei ing remaining until Sunday mn ing when she returned to Tygh. to take their showers. Each boy furnishes his own towel and soap. Seats were rearranged some, so the pupils are now using those in the best condition and best suited to the individual pupils. A challenge from the Tygh Valley High school for a game of football has been accepted. Shaniko and Antelope combined will journey to the Tygh field this Friday There they will meet Prof. Bonney and his players. We hope the lygh folks appreciate our prompt acceptance. Three weeks does seem a long time to wait 'for an acceptance of a challenge, so we made ours within two days. ' Sabbath School NeUs The site of the Sabbath school is increasing, three more members having been added to the classes. A unique occurrence took place a week ago Sunday when the widest member of our Sunday school count ed out 72 pennies into the birthday offering chest She wrote to a mall order house for a catalog. It waa a week in coming. It took another week to decide and write the order. She had to pay in advance and went to the post office after a money order. It was too late the window was closed, so she had to go the next morning. A week later she had to go to the postoffice i for the package. It did not suit her and another two weeks was wasted in correspondence, all to no purpose. Then she telephoned to the local company for an Iron to be -sent out. It was dollvered In an hour, was satisfactory, charged to her bill and she learned a lesson for which she paid full price. "In.ld." Information DOINGS AT THGH VALLE It is the plan in the school at Tygh to give every boy and irirl of the High school the privilege of appearing in public at least once in every school year. To thia end thre plays were given last year and it seems that four must be riven this year. The first of the season.,. wDJ be the Sophomore play. . Owng to the large number of boys and the small number cf girls in the Fresh man class it has seemed best tot use some Freshman boys in the Sopho more play. Because of an esnuclal ftness for the part, one Junior has been chosen. Cast will be announced in next week's notes . ... - Football will have ita initiation.' at Tygh next ?i 'day at two o'clock, when the Shaniko-A'ntelope boys clash with the boys fcf Tygh Valley. This will be the initial came for the participants, none of them having ever played in a game before, and only a few o them bavin ever seen a game. A return game will be played at Antelope one week later, being October 28. f" The principal at Tvirh acknowl edges a pleasant visit from Mr. Nagel, principal of the Maupin schools, and Mr. Davis, the foot ball coach at Mapin. Owing to "games already scheduled the first of the games between the two schools can not be played until November 18. Here's hoping that the twvj. teams, may be "raring to go" on tliat date. Maupirt has some stalwarts, soma real foot ball heavyweights, while the Tygh boys may Wn out In be rather shifty and, moderately fast ueres nopmng for a real contest, for exhibitions of fine . sportsman ship in that thrillinar. strenuous game thatr only boys , with ' "clear grit' can enjoy. -' sK SHANIKO SCHOOL TYOTES Exams are over and, all are glad. On Fririnv nt la of .....I, iv- : . rf - "'. Tl CO. tll tUBV hour was given to cIVaniniz the boys' llllAIKAa 1 A t . . . tuv"K ana ir kindling room in the basement. P'.inii ,, v.. worked heartily njoving Jextra seats lumber, kindling, etc. The. boys now vB a c,ean rcomy placj) In which Mrs. Smith wanted a new flat iron. When cooking "wlontes" doors, try a wire corn popper. out of Use the vinegar from a bottle of sweet mixed pickles . for making salad dressing. CRANDALL UNDERTAKING CO. I QUIET SERVICE LADY ASSITANTS The Dalle, Oroa. Phone SS-J Serve fresh tomatoes as often as possible at thla season sliced ot stuffed fr salads, . broilded, fried, baked, or for flavoring other dishes. Tomato juice "cocktail" Is simply tomato juice seasoned and chilled as an appetiser before any meal. 'APBOW i Where tiw lMr Mas Celt Pall Satlefaetles Slum ORDERS : A7 Time .RY OUR SUNDAY ' CHICKEN DINNER! 4 Cr , CeU Drtahs aael 1 1C SI (5) PA C I FI C INTERNATIONAL IIVKTO' 65(VbsiTION- PORTLAND. OREGON. GOING: October 28th. ' Lv. Maupin 10:35 a. m. Ar. Portland 4:00 p.m. RETURNING:. October 29th or 30th. r Any Regular Train These tickets honored in COACHES ONLY. No baggage will be checked. See agent also for fare and one-third rate covering entire period of the Exposition. UNION PACIFIC :t i . - ; . THB OVERLAND ROUTE . WHATEVER YOUR DESTINATION dull be dad to Mp plaa ttiarrarr.amnce .toportn ana 0 R. 8. Bell, Agt, Maupin, Ore. Sdw. H. McAllen, T. F. ft P. A. Bend, Ore. VERNr.lARK SHOE STORE v Shoes and Repairing WaicoCpunfy'i Excluiiv Shot Stort i Shoes for h Gneral Repairing VboU H'sraUr The Ualles, Ore, Sella lS-lf V. BUeli . T.l.po.. lll.W Dr. Fred H. Pageler OPTOMETRIST SlrUtly OetUal DeLARHUE OPTICAL ca Tfc DeJUa, Oreg Your Watch Haywire? If it Is not doing iti work bring it to The Times and Mr. Semmei will tend it to . ; GUY A: POUND sUMircturine: Jeweler aoi WcUbmsker buoMutor td . Lindqulst . THK DALLK3 . . ORKGON f 4 Gamiel The cigarette that earned first ' place by its goodness. ... - The greatest endorsement ever .given to a cigarette is revealed by the fact that Government figures show that more Camels are being smoked today than ever before. An endorsement I by the many not the few , If all cigarettes were at good as Camel you wouldn't hear anything about special treat ments to matte cigarettes good for the throat. Nothing taken the place of choke tobaccos. 0 1927, R.J. Rroold. Tofci Conpmy, Winuoa-Slim, N. C.