The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, October 20, 1927, Page Page Five, Image 5

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    TKorsdar, October 26, 1921
fill! MAUPIN mtB
Your Winter
We can supply you with '
the best J
Netted Gems
that can be obtained.
We believe prices are as low
now as they will be this season.
See us before placing your order
for your winter supply.
R. E. Wilson Co.
Maupin, - - - Oregon
Canadian Wntnt Movement Show
Lou Over LaJt Yaar Soft Red
Winter Ha Advance
The wheat altuation, according to
bulletin from 0. A. C, tolls of an
active demand for good milling
wheat, and recite conditions in
other wheat raising , section. The
bulletin says: t
An active demand for good mill
ing wheat, and slightly firmer
prices In, Eupean countries featured
last week's market news. Southern
hemisphere crops were favored by
good weather but further damage
was reported to unthreshed northern
hemisphere wheat. High protein
wheat continued to bring substan
tial premiums and soft red winter
at St. Louis was marked up about 5
cent The Canadian wheat move
ment is slow, receipts being only
changed from a fourth to a third of
last year in September. Rye was
firm on good export demand. The
general market situation for other
grains was practically unchanged al
though Pacific coast barley was
stronger which offsets weakness in
the east
The Times is your paper.
Charter No. 224 Reserve District No. 12
The Maupin State Bank
At clot, of buiin.i October 10, 1927 '
Wm. Johnson and wife, prominent
Wamic ranchers, were trading in
Msupin Monday.
Fred Weber of lower Tygh Valley
was transacting business in Maupin
on Wednesday.
D. M. Rutherford and wife of Cri
terion were trading with our mer
chants yesterday.
Roy Batty and wife visited with
the L. C Henneghan family on Mon
day and Tuesday.
Mrs. B. F. Turner is at home af
ter a time spent with relatives In the
Willamette Valley.
A. H. Gill is and wife were trading
in Maupin on Monday. We acknowl
edge a pleasant calL
K. L. Hauser was over from Tygh
Valley yesterday transacting busi
ness with Maupin merchants.
Mrs. Lester" Crofoot spent a few
days this week visiting with the D.
M. Goetjen family at Tygh Valley.
Mrs. Mackie Ashley came down
from Two Springs and did trading
in Maupin between trains Tuesday.
Wallace Fargher attended the
funeral of his old friend, Clark
Richardson, in Maupin on Sunday.
Clyde T. Bonney, principal of the
Tygh Valley schools, was, a business
caller on, The Times Tuesday even-
I. '!
Erenst Hartman, wife and daugh
ter, Crystal, were attendants at the
Clark Richardson funeral on Sun-
Jack Kinney, erstwhile stage
driver, was in Maupin on business
Tuesday morning, coming over from
The Dalles.
Mrs. J. S. Brown returned from a
week's visit with Portland friend
on Tuesday and went to her Juni
per Flat home..
Mrs. R, E. Wilson is visiting her
parents and her daughter, Jean at
Portland and is expected to return
home next Sunday.
' 0
Henry Meier came over from
Tygh Valley yesterday and complet
ed arrangements for a -visit with his
folks in Switzerland
I. A. Hull, forest ranger stationed
in the Wamic aetion, was a visitor
in Maupin yesterday. He was ac
companied by hiar wife,
Mrs. 0. P. Weberg, daughter,
Helen, and Mrs. C W Semmes, en
joyed a viisit to the Weberg ranch
on the upper Flat on Monday.
Dr. Stovall and wife returned
from a trip to Corvallia Monday,
they going to the home of th State
Agricultural college last Friday.
Mrs. Mamie Ilenning returned to
her home at Toledo, Oregon, yester
day, having been summoned here by
the death of her father,, Clark Rich
ardson. .
are in from Bakeoven. John recent
ly suffered a badly mashed finger
while threshing.
Frank Lister went to the hil's f r
the purpose of looking for .o..
shtep, returning with quite a bunch
the first of last week.
John McMillan and Edw. Steffen
came in from the hlls with their
bands of Fargher sheep and will re
main in town for the winter.
Mrs. Ida Quinn of Portland is a
guest at the home of L. D. Kelly this
week. She is a sister of Mrs. Beck
with, Mrs, Kelly and Chas. Crofoot
The Redding brothers, Harry and
Charlie, have returned to East Mau
pin and will occupy the Lester Kelly
cottage on the , Bakeoven ranch,
where they will be all winter.
Checked Highway Traffic
Saturday was traffflc checking
day and while at that work Mose
Aldington checked 128 cars passing
the Williams ervice station. Of that
number 109 were local while but
17 bore foreign license plates. Be
sides the above there were two light
trucks gong through.
Always on tit e Job
Accessories and
Auto Supplies
Expert Tire Repairing -Tube Vulcanizing
School Budget Meting.
A meeting of the school board is
schelduled for tonight, at which
time the budget for school puposes
will be made up. It is thought the
amount to be raised will be about
the same as last year.
Will Haul Drilling Outfit.
A call is in for the Richmond
truck. It is wanted to haul the
drilling machinery now at Shaniko,
and which consists of two carloads.
The machinery is to be taken to the
site of the oil drilling operations at
Ooo ooooooooooooeoooooO
Jack Weiss haa been hiding his
light under a bushel, so to speak.
Everyone knew Jack was an expert
with sheep, but no one. suspected
that under his thatch existed know
ledge of medicine, therepeutics,
chiropractic and mental healing. He
demonstated that knowledge last
week and as a result John Mannion
is now able to sit up and take nour
ishment, having been confined to
his bed with a severe attack of lum-
, 2.
' 3.
; 9.
Loans and discounts, including rediscounts, acceptances or bills of
exchange, sold with endorsement of the bank (including items
shown in 29 30 and 32, if any) $136,646.61
Ovedrafts secured and unsevcured 179.03
U. S. government securities owned, including those shown
in items 80 and 35, if any.i. 9,260.00
Other bonds, warrants and securities, lncudlng foreign
government,, state, municipal corporation etc., includ
ing those shown in items 80 and 35, if any 10,803.75
Banking house 15,600.00, furniture, fixtures, $2,500.00.... 8,000.00
Real estate owned other than banking house 5,673.61
(a) Cash on hand in vault and due from banks, bankers
and trust companies designated and approved reserve
agents of this bank... 71,814.57
Checks on banks outside city or town of reporting bank
and other cash items.... 33.00
Total , .J ,..$242,400.62
Capital stock paid in ..$ 25,000.00
Surplus fund 2,500.00
fab) Cash on hand in vault and due from banks, bankers
(b) Less current expense, interest and taxes paid
$ 6,702.36 v 7,997.63
DEMAND DEPOSITS, other than banks subject to reserve:
Indivdual deposits subject to check, including deposits due .
State of Oregon, county, cities or other public funds.... 165,067.61
Cashier's checks of this bank outstanding payable on
demand ... 2,464.20
Total, of demand deposits, other' than bank deposits, sub
ject to reserve items 23, 24, 26, 26 $167,531.18
TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS, subject to reserve and payable on
demand or subject to notice: . ',
Time certificates of deposit outstanding 89,371.18
Total of time and savings deposits payable on demand or
subject to notice, items 27 and 28.... $39,871.18
Total...'........'..-: .'.:.... .'.....$242,400.52
I, F. D, Stuart, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
- : . v ' . . F. D. STUART, Cashier
, CORRECT Attest: ;
-l ' - . , J. S. BROWN, .
' ' ., . ' , , L. C. HENNEGHAN,
( ' ' - Dirctors.
I Subscribed and sowrn to before me this 15th day of October, 1927.
GEO. McDONALD, Notary Public
! . My commission expires January 13, 1928. J-r.J.,sv,r. r
. Silas Richardson and wife left
for their home at Portland yester
day. They were called here by the
death of Mr. Richardson's father,
Clark Richardson.
George Richardson came in from
Pnneville yesterday.- George was
driver ofthe Ill-fated car which turn
ed turtle and cauffcd the death of
Clark Richardson last Friday, near
John McMillan is in town for the
winter, having brought his band of
Fargher aheep down from the moun
tains. John is still bothered with
the hip which he broke last spring,
and will take further treatments in
the hope the limb will regain its
former strength. i 1 -
Mrs. H. E. Fischer and a friend
attended the Driver sale on the Flat
last week.
John Mannion, who has been' ill
for some time, is improving. John
has been a victim of lumbago.
Bob Fortune, who has been 3n the
hills with Johnny Karlcn's sb&ep all
summer, is taking a few days lay-
off- . ;i ,j -,-
Mrs. Clarke Richardson was1 stay
ing with her daughter Mrs. C,V J.
Williams, while her husband wi.w on
a deer hunt. -. , ' ... f
Hurstel Hollis and John Master
It has reached our ears that a
crtain coterie has agreed to ceass
reading Th Times and are going to
stop their papers. That is all right
with us; all we ask is that when you
stop your paper be sure your sub
scription is paid up. For every sub
scriber we lose there is another to
take his place, ao why should
worry? -
The recently organized sewing
club starts out with a charter mem
bership of 17 members and still
there are more to follow. Tna ob
ject of the club is to extend aid
wherever needed and to assist any
body who is in need of sewing. A
commendable feature of the club
work is that there will be no charge
whatever for the work they do, it be
ing done with a spirit of helpfulness
and Christianity.
Bootleggers hereabouts are ped
dling a new decoction caraway
boose. It is said that three drinks
of caraway will make a man speak
up to his mother-in-law and that
four drinks will imbue the drinker
with the idea he is man enough to
whip Dempsey.
bago. Jack put John on his feet
and now is thinking about hanging
out a shingle and running opposition
to D. Elwood. . ,
Jesse Addington received his first
Instruction in deer hunting last Sat- J
urday, his i teacher being J. W.
Temple. While in the Blue moun
tains that morning Jesse spied a deer
on a hillside and Temple says the
hpy'ft eyes stuck out like toadstools
on trea at the sight.
There are some men in ' Maupin
who seem to forget that' the speed
limit is but 20 mils per hour. They
"step on 'erH on all occasions and
sip through town without thought
of possible consequences. If Maupin
had a speed cop on the job some of
those speed demons would be haled
before the recorder and made to
realize that local laws, as well as
those of the stater were made to be
recognized and obeyed.: : " v (
The poet who wrote about "the
mnlancholv days are here" never
lived in Oregon, or he might have
changed the expression of the lines.
This section is blessed with much
better . than "California weather"
and, another thing, the fish are be
ginning to bite in the Deschutes. '
Farming Implements and
Household Goods
Everything in good condition. If
interested see
, Maupin, Oregon
$100,000 PI PrCntllltnS 17th Aanuallrpositioa JfA
combine Dairy Product! Show, world-renowned Hone Show, Yjl
National Wool Show. Northwest Fox Show, Manufacturers' I t.
and Land Product Show, Boy and Girl' Club Work.
Cover 1 0 acre, exhibiting America' prire Pure Bred Beef and
Dairy Canl. Hon, Shop, Hots, CoMt, Poxea. Laryett Premium List mt
Mmd. J,octUnd,UriOB,Uc.Ji-Mov. s. Kcduccd turn U nulruad.
Portland and Return
i for the . '
Pic Inter nata'l Livestock Exposition
f World's greatest livestock exposition.
l 10 acres exhibits under one roof.
L Champion stock of the world to be shown.
Pacific International Wool Show Dairy Product. Show
COACH EXCURSION $6.00 Portland ana Return. Good only
on train No. 105 leavinj Maupin at 1:25 a. m. October 29, re
turning leave Portland October 29 or 30th. Cood only in
coaches... No baggage checked.
Ticket further particular etc., of " V :j r
J. C. WRIGHT, Trav. P.-r. Agt E. W. GRIFFIN, Ticket Agt.
Telephone Mam u
mLmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmim ummmmm mhMbJ