Thursday, October lb, 137 Page Two yitt: maupin roll's The Maupin Times C W. 8 Editor C. W. Sihmi u E. R. Sammaa rlliiWa c -i I n i u all Publish Trt Thursday at . Maupin. Oragon bcriptJoi vim ar, $1.50; tlx months, f 1.00; ttreo month. SO eta. , GAME Tygh Valley Hi VS. Shaniko-Antlope HIGH ,00 WO', 2:00 O'CLOCK IN THE AFTER000N At Tygh Valley Admission Entered aa Meond clu mall mat r September S. 1914, at th post 3ic at Maupin, Oregon, undar th &U of Marc S. 1878. CARD OF THANKS ' Wa Uka this method of thanking those who kindly assisted us in our great hour of trouble, the death and burial of our beloved husband and father, whose words of sympathy and offerings of flowers did much to lighten the burden thrust upon us. Wa pray that you all may long be spared a like affication. Mrs. ADELINE RICHARDSON and Family Provides Liberal Farm Education E 50 Cents 25 Cents BANC FOOTBALL 'F ? , I. 0. O. F. Hall, Tygh Valley, Saturday,. Oct 2; Proceeds for Benefit of the Tygh Valley Football Team Back to Two 3prlai. Lester Srofoot has been assigned to the Two Sprngs section and with his wife and baby left for that sta tion Tuesday. Lester has been bending his back pumping a speeder up and down the rive, going down as far as tunnel No. one, but finds that work too much of the back breaking kind to' enjoy, therefore the return to the upriver section. Stockmen' Meeting Called. Secretary J. H. Fitzpatrick has issued a call for the annual meeting of the Wasco County Stockmen's as sociation, which will be held at Tygh Valley on Saturday, October 29. Many matters of importance are to come before the meetii.. therefore Mr. Fitzpatrt k revest that all members m.Vc n spec'a! effort '.) be at Tygh Valley on the date specified. Store Front Trimmed Up. Wilson & Miller, the painters, decorated the front of the Shat tuck store this week by spreading a coat of paint, thereon. They also; renovated the big sign in front of the building. VERY division of the Pacific International Live stock Exposition presents innumerable opportuni ties for valuable education in conducting farming operations. And this training is available to every farmer in thla section at a minimum of cost and effort. During the week of October 29 to November 5, inclusive, the Pacific In ternational holds Its 17th Annual Exposition. Millions of dollars' worth of the naton's finest Pure Bred Livestock will be exhibited Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Hogs, Goats, and Foxes. $100,000.00 will be awarded in Premiums. Also there will be Pacific International's spectacular Horse Show: great Dairy, Land, and ' Manufactures Products, Shows; Wool Show and In dustral Exposition. No matter what branch of farming you have adopted, we. here at the Maupin State Bank unhesitatingly recommend that you attend this year's Pacific International. Avail yourself of all the information obtainable; then profit by applying the principles learned to the solution of your own farm problems. Maupin State Bank (INCORPORATED) S -,, Hal sflTi'fc w ... 1 . ?l-BVVft 3s.. ' J--- I NOTES FROM MAUPIN SCHOOLS Mr. Davies and Mr. Nagel drove reminders of pupils' to Tygh Tuesday evening to aiTange : performances, a football schedule batween the two 'schools. extraordinary Doris Bonney Aliene Greene and Ivan Donaldson were absent Tues-; day. The two former at The Dalles and the latter was absent from ill ness. Football seems popular at present from the primary grades up. It is this long schooling that makes play era. The scribe failed to mention that the Crabtree boys, Fraleys, Graham, et al were instrumental in surfacing . the grid field. Pupils and teachers in the inter mediate grades are doing consder able work this period. Children of Third, and Fourth grades give the conventional flag sa lute each morning. Also they are listening to "On to Oregon," a story "of a boy left orphan on his way out ' to Oregon in pioneer days. Mrs. John MeCorkle has present- . In the spelling contest among sec ond grade pupils Tuesday all made a perfect score for the term's work except one. . The weather is very warm, not in viting to football practice. It's nice weather but too nice, the barometer standing at 29.5 and the thermome ter at 78 degrees Wednesday at one p. m. Tom and Bill Slusher were very busy seeding this fall necessitating a late start but are manifesting a big interest now. Miss Richards is securing the printed examinations in bookkeep ing for her class. They are well thought out questions. All rooms are preparing a bit of program for Francis E. Willard day. Magazines In High School - (School Editorial) Every High school schould have access to the late issues of various scientific 'and political magazines. Th scientific magazines are very When a high school has some of these magazines in its library any student who has his lessons prepared can derive valuable knowledge nnd recreation from them. Doris Bonney. i Helped Boy Ball Tog. Maupin's school board seem to favor athletic games in the schools, at any rate the board contributed toward the purchase of football togs for the athletes in our schools. The student body raised part of the price and the, board made up the balance. Pip Line In. The Maupin Power company has the pipe line from tha headgates at the springs laid to the power house at the track at Oak Springs, it being about 1,200 feet in length. Work on the plant is nearly completed and it is expected the plant will be ready for operation in a short time. Oxo 000000000000000 zO ELEVEN YEARS AGO 0 Ozo 0000000000000000 zO The Jansen well drillers have J struck water in the 085-foot well on 1 the R. W. MeCorkle place ou the Flat This is the deepest well on Wapinitla Plains. The 0 T, depot was broken into Saturday night and robbed of liquor consigned' to five different parties. B. D. Fraley has purchased the lot and building being used by A. F. Martin as a blacksmith shop, and will erect a large shop on the ground in a month or two. Something over 200,000 bushels of wheat are in the Hunts Ferry ware house. , Opeations there were closed down this week as . the capacity the house has been taxed to the ut most. Monday evening the Tygh Valley Odd Fellows had a session and ban quet Plates were laid for 400. Several went from here and other places sent delegations from 'their home lodges. Must sell at once. $10.00 month ly. Write Tallman Piano Store, Salem, Oregon. 48-13 Will Ship Hog. Roy Batty, with other ranchers will ship a consideable number of fat hogs to the Portland market Sat urday night Roy was in town on Tuesday, at which time he ordered cars for the shipment Another Bakeovei Boy. Verne Tunnison and wife have taken a little stranger in at their home and will try and keep him. The newcomer weighed nine pounds and his parents think he is the only boy in the world, and they have just rea son to be so minded, for he is a lusty youngster and gives promise of be ing bigger than his grandad. A train load of wheat, valued at $25,000, was shipped from Maupin last Sunday. J. H. Lake shipped a caroad of locally grown potatoes this week, the spuds going to Alaska, where a market has been obtained for aJl such that can be grown around here. Legion Dance Dates ed Miss Tillotson's room with a very beneficial in physics, chemistry and beautiful hanging basket of Wander ing Jew. One of last years' graduates, Miss Ecrta Mathews of Tygh Valley, was visiting school on Wednesday. Berta has been ill but is now able "to be about. science classes. Students in the above mentioned classes may derive much good from the discussions and the experiments these papers con tain. The political magazines such as "Review of Reviews," Literary Di gest," and "The Pathfinder" are Mrs. Cantrelland Miss Tillotson very useful in the American History drove out to Criterion on Tuesday ni civics classes. These maga evening and had dinner with Mr. ziles discuss, both pro and con, po and Mrs. P. J. Kirsch. I litical and current event topics of I the day. When these topics are in- Mr. Weberg cut the school lawn troduced into these classes either on Tuesday. The grass formed a Dy the students or the teacher, they thick carpet and gives the appear- f0Tm excellent articles for discus ance of a much older plot of grass. 1 son This makes these classes more Next year, if it continues to receive interesting for the teacher and the the care it has in the past, it should atudent. The arguments advanced be one of the best in town and by the members of the class tend to Maupin has some good ones. j make the pupils think more, which i3 the real aim of study. Both the scientific and political magazines can be used to advantage in the English class. Many of the Should a visitor inquire what the . articles in these papers nrnke good pretty colored stars stand for in the topics for lessons in public speaking primary room he will find they are ' and talking from an outline. Graveling Nearly Dona. The road crew which is graveling the Wapintia cut-off has about com pleted the road to Pole camp and will have completed that strip by today, (Thursday.) If tho Weather holds good the whole road down to where it joins the market road, will have been graveled. Back From Washington. ' Hugh Knight returned from Wash ougal, Washington, Tuesday, after having spent the past month there in the prune harvest Hugh says the prune crop around Washougal was amost a total failure, as the early rains caused the fruit to burst, mak ing drying almost an impossibility. Primary black boards present a colorful effect in scarlet chrysanthe mums. , Ranch Hand III. 1 Lloyd Studenecker, a ranch hand J on the Flemng farm, was taken ill with stomach trouble last Friday. His brother-in-law, Art Gutzler, ; went to Flemings and removed the ailing man to the Henneghan ranch, ' where he is making a quick recovery I under the treatment of Dr. Elwood. Sat. Oct. 29 HALLOWE'EN MASQUERADE Sat. Nov. 12 Regular Dance Thursday, Nov. 24 Thanksgiving Dance Price's Six-Piece Orchestra Sat. Dec. 10 Sat. Dec. 24 CHRISTMAS DANCE Sat. Dec. 31 NEW YEARS DANCE NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department Of Th Interior U. S. Land Office tit Th Dal!i, Oregon, Kept. 8, 1927. Notice is hereby given tht Earl L. Birchard, of Wapinitla, urogo.i, who. on Aug. 11, 1924, made Homestead Entry un der Act Feb. 19, 100U, iio. 02J.323, for SE4 NEW i NE14 SE, SEK SWW, Lots 3, 4. 5, 6, Sec. 18, T. t S, R. 12-E, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final thrco year proof, to establish cluim to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, United States Commissioner at Maupin Oregon, on the 25th day of October, 1927 Claimant names as witnesses: L. T. Woodttido, Lewis J. McCoy, John Boon, Mose DeLore, Jr, all of Wap initla, Oregon. ' S22-O20 J. W. Donnolly.Reg. THE BANK HOTEL Th on placa in Th Dallas U mako th ranchar and out-of town fallow fanl at boma. CLASSIFIED LOCALS DRESS FREE and $35.00 per week j for two hours of your time daily, j Write me, Thos. Tafe, Couch Bldg., Portland. "- 50-t2 FOR SALE Seed Ry.?., For sule at Hunts Ferry warehouse. LOST A light gray cap on highway in or near Maupin. Finder jleoa leave at The Tmcs offife. 51-t2 FOR SALE Standard mako of pi ano in vicinity will be sacrificed. WhiteRestaurant Where the beet 35 cent meal is served in The Dalles Next The Dalles Creamery C. N. Sargent, - Prop. SUTLER5! O.P.RESH MARK STUART WAPINt'OA I. O. O. F. Lodge No. 209, Maupir, Oregon meets every Saturday night in I. 0. 0. F. halL Visiting members always welcotm. O. F. Ranick, N. G. R. E. Richmond Sae'y. i I maupin's leading ait Marisefc M ZELL'S FUNERAL SERVICE Undertaking and Embalming Call Maupin Drug Store Maupin, Ore. y AUTOMOBILE AND GENERAL MACHINE WORK Cylinder Grinding, Truing Crankshafts, Making , JPfotons and Rings, Bearings All sizes Made to Order SHEET METAL WORKERS v Ccarta Line of Parts for All Makes of Cars ELKCTOC and OX Y-ACETYJLENE WELDING J&EAD L. CfALLOWAY ouv titmatt Tk Dallas. Oroaoa Pbone 383-J :