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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1927)
Thursday, October 13, 1927. " - - . the maupin rnim 3 Z C BE WARM THIS WINTER 's Under a PENDLETON BLANKET We have them in all the New Color Combinations and Priced Right R. E. Wilson Co. Maupin, Oregon VUUed Silica Mine. Prof. J. II. Nagle, with Misses Marjorie TilloUon and Ruth Mc Corkle and Mr. Lucile Cantrell, went to Terrebonne last Sunday end impacted the tilica mine near that place . 1 Graveling Street. Ceorge Tillotaon ia having --revel hauled from White river and is spreading lame on the roadway op poilte the entrance to the garage nd shop. The road was badly cut up while excavating for the garage waa done, and the ralni cut into the treet to a coniiderable extent making repairs thereon imperative. Aanual Fair Meeting. Elewhere Jn - this paper will be found a notice calling a meeting of the stockholder of the Southern Waecq County Fair association, which will be held at Tygh Valley on Saturday, October 22, at 2:00 p. m. All members should make It a point to, attend the meeting as there are many things of importance to come, up at hat time. Laet Deer Hunt. A hunting party made ap of 0. B., Elza and Lewis ' Derthick left this morning for Silver Lake, east Art Morris and J. W. Temple left this morning for Siler Lake, cast of Bend on a deer hunt. All have been out once this season, but the urge la so strong that another try for t'oer will be made. The hunters Vrrptse to hunt around tne lake, gradually working this , ny, and :il remain in' the hCls nntil the end of the Jeer season. Will Haul V.., BUck.. II.. McAllister of Dufur has taken a contract to haul veneer blocks from above Pine Crove to the 0. T. depot His contract wUl kr- busy all through the coming spring and summer. Carnival Great Sacaesa. The '49 carnival given by the local American Legion post last Sat urday night proved a greater1 suc cess than was anticipated. The at tendance came from near and far and none seemed to be "tight" when it came to wagering on the chance games, and surely none failed to get all the dancing and eats wanted. Nearly $160 was taken in and after all bills were paid a substantial sum remained in the treasury. ' Track Walkiag Dewa River. Lester Crofoot, who has been at work on the section at Two Springs, has succeeded to the night track walking Job and is now pumping a handcar down river as far as tunnel No. 1. Lester and wife are at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Cro foot for a time. PERSONAL MENTION W. T. Norval wu over" from Wa mie on business Monday morning. J. W. Derthick apent a day or two of this week at The Dalles. Bob Fortune spent last Thursday in The Dalle guest of the Bank hotel Lewis Derthick. who has been in - charge of the Dufur drig store for a week past, returned from that place Tuesday afte.-no.n. F. C. Butler went' to Portland Tuesday morning after load of produce. ' , . , . R. L. (Dick) Harrir was among those registered at the Bank hotel In The Dalles Sunday. Seventy-five cent' bottle of Cenol Fly Destroyer and a io-cent sprayer both for $1.00 at thi Maupin Drug Store. ' , ; . ,, . .... . .. . - ' ' ' " WEEK END 0 T n Heavy Lined Coats $11.95 Leather Lined Vests '. ; $7.50 0. D. Flannel Shirts ,. ....,............$2.85 0. D. Wool Shirts 1. .....:........1.$4.23 Army Mohair Sox, 3 pair $1.00 Army Cotton Sox ...10c Boys' Overalls ...'....95c Bell Bottom Overalls .'. '.. $1.45 0. D. Wool Breeches ... .. '.. ....,.$3.95 Whip Cord Wool Breeches $3.95 ' BLANKETS 6-lb. Wool Blankets .!. $6.45 i 4-Ib. Wool Blankets .," ... .$3.95 Nashua, part wool blanket, large vsize, 6680....$4.85 Australian part wooh Blankets ..$4.25 Large size Cotton Blankets . ....... ...........$1.95 Large size Fancy Blankets .l.....:.........J..........$2.95 s Heavy Khaki Compters .......,....$2.95 - Army Wool Blanket ............................ $i50 Auto Trunks $5.95 ' " , i ' '' 0 f: HEADQUARTERS AMY GOODS STORE Second and Washington Streets.. The Dalles, Ore. F. D. TilloUon Auction, F. D, TilloUon has decided to quit ranching and la offering for sale all his stock, farm implements ad some household goods also, at auction. The sale will be held at his place, top of Wamia grade, on Saturday, October 22, and WlU bo coonducted by French Butler, with Frank Btuart aa clerk. Read the list of thing offered in another part of this paper. Quarterly CenfertM The Quarterly conference of the combined Wapinitia-Maupin U. B. church wu held at Wapinitia Mon day night. Qite a large attend ance is reported and report; of the doings of the church here were fa vorable to a rapid growth. jOoo ooeoeeoeooooeooeeoO PICKED UP ABOUT TOWN 0 OooooooooeooooooooeoO " There (s much speculation re garding the meaning of Bobby Da vlds6n's actions. Lately that young and promising mechanic has been furnishing a cottage and has been batching therein. His friends are Wondering whether to arrange a house warming of a charivari, and Bobby won't tell 4 X . Quite a number of our subscribers actually seem to believe a newspaper must have support in order to exist. During the past several have come and paid their subscriptions, thus providing a way or the publishers to buy a sack of rolled pat and a brew of coffee. Still ther'ei more to fol low. 1 Maupin will soon be able to supply all the auto in the state with gas and oils. Up to this time there are seven gas tanks in operation here, and now another is going in.. Bernard Welch, who conducted a service station at Wamic, ii installing a tank on the roead leading to the bridge and, being arT old hand at the business, and most accommodating, no doubt will get a Always c 11 the J-ro ' VCU DON'T LAVE TO WAIT FOR SERVICE 0 " A FULL LINE OF Accessor ies and Auto Supplies UNITED STATES TIRES AND TUBES Expert Tire Repairing- -Tube Vulcanizing MAIM OARAGE "IT SERVES YOU RIGHT" sssr fair share of that business. ' , ! Some are born , pugilists, while oothers fight only when compelled te do so in self protection. The specta cle of two young men engaging in fisticuffs does ont appeal to the aver age person, but when one of .the men has the fight forcer on him, tis then that he ia to be commended for "doing up" the other fellow. - " ""x . George Tillotaon took day or so off the first of the week and in dulged in 'a , geographic-typographic suvey of the surrounding country. 1 He visited sections of Bakeoven, Dead Dog, Deep Creek and others, and says that this part of Oregon covers considerable country. , Jess Temple and family feasted on wild goose Tuesday,' the bird having been killed by Maupin's husky, mechanic on the Flat on Sunday. Bobby. Davidson ate the wings and aays he Is now waiting to 'see whether or not they will sprout.' It they do and he grow wings he imagines he will be able to fly all the same as the goose from which the wings came. When it comes to opening ditches Tom Henneghen is in a class by him self. Last Saturday Tom cleared out 700 hundred feet of ditch and Tuesday remarked that he felt, his oats as much as when he was a boy on the range. At that his friends believe him... '. . - The men who are engaged in get ting out veneer blocks to be sent to the mill at Vancouver, Washington, have opened up a new line of endeavV. or in this section. The veneer mad? from their timber has a utilitarian purpose, and it is not to be compared with the veneer used by people who seek to create a good impression by spreading "salve." -" . . "N,. G. Hedin has been busier than a scratching hen these days, and With his multitudinous duties as manager of the Wapinitia Irrigation company he was mixed up in a mad dag scare on Sunday last Enough to ..say, Newt did his duty and there is one leas dog to worry about FAC 1. . .4 T S -AND THE OPEN MIND The MOGT important element in business success and the most difficult is to be sure that you . have all the factsi before you act. ' V s- ' i '. . - " "''C ' To GET them all, from every poGsible source,, is the first objective in General Motors. The Research Laboratories contribute some. These are nuggets, left in the crucible, . after hundreds of ideas that looked good have been burned away. The Proving . Ground contributes others. Dealers contribute. The public contributes Every department contributes. Through the whole organization runs a spirit of inquiry and of rigid insistence on proof. : ,, Out of such thinking come the new models announced from time to . time by ChevroletV ' Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Oakland, Buick, LaSalle, Cadillac all with Fisher Bodies. And by Frigidaire. Each new model is a tested step forward. Nothing goes into it a a result of habit or guess or pride of opinion. . . . '.';'''' Nothing counts but hard-won facts, gathered and used with an open mind V; c ; rppQ "1 CHIvaoLIT '' roxTuc OLDSMOBILI OAKLAND ' : BUICK ' CADILLAC OI!LC64lOHT ILECTR1C PLANT! (frigTuXTre)' , thttlHirk rtfttgtrtltr GENERAL MOTORS 'A car for every purse and purpose" CLIP THI3 coupon ' General Motors (Dept. A), Detroit, Mich. Please send without any obligation to me, your Wuwated book let, "Where Motor Car Facta Are Etablihd," together with Information about the particular General Motors product or product j 1 have checked at the right. CHEVROLET rONTUC CLDSW03ILE OAKLAND BUICK LaEALLE CADILLAC FRIGIDAIRE DELCO-LIGHrD Address Name". v-