The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, October 13, 1927, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two
Thursday, October 13, lOZt.
The Maupin Times
rf-CVVi- .V- .Vv 0t
Positively the
C W. Imwm, Editor
C W. Sum u4 C. R. Stnata
I -,-:a . - - r.1-. ----- -
Third and Last Sealy Sale
. ' At Special $39.50 Price
Your Last Chance to Save $15.00
on the Purchase of
Publishe4 tTtry Thursday at
Haupia, Oregon
subscription! uu year, 1.60; six
months, fl.Mt three months, SO eta.
A Pillow For
There is only one grade of
Mattress! And every genuine
) bears the distinctive "Sealy" signature label.
fvLook for this label it is your protection and .
guarantee! ,
For nearly half a century the Sealy Tuftless
as been recongnized as the most comfortable
mattress made. Its luxurious pillowy comfort
is due to the patented Sealy Air-Weavng Pro
sess, by which million of long fibers of pure,
snowy-white staple cotton are so knit Into a
single giant ball five-foot batt that tufts be
come unnecessary.
In a football game Sunday be
tween the High school boys and the
giants of the town, Kenneth Webb
was pretty badly hurt, receiving not
only sprained an ankle but a sightly
fractured bone. He was taken to
' the Mid-Columbia hospital in The
Dalles, where an X Ray picture
showed the fracture. In order that
his injury might have the very best
of attention he was left in The
Dalles until the swelling could be
taken out of the ankle and the same
placed in a cast The cast was ap
plied Tuesday morning and Kenneth
was brought home Tuesday evening.
He will not be in school until next
Monday. Had the High school line
held Kenneth could not have been
stopped. The ewo regular lienmen
were at home, visting over Sunday.
In the school games they will be in
evidence and the line is pretty cer
tain to hold. That the line held as
it did against grown men and ath
letes is a lot of credit to the boys,
as they demonstrated that they have
the bootball instinct and a suffi
cient supply of clear grit. Whatever
the outcome of their High school
game. Tygh is now scheduling
games and will soon be in action.
A lot of un for the boys and quite
likely a victory or two. Tygh has
this year a group of magnificient
boys and still there are more to
Grover and Mrs. Webb went to
The Dalles Monday afternoon to
visit Kenneth, who was in the Mid
Columbia hospital.
The High school orchestra is
making excellent progress and will
be in evidence at the I. O. O. F. hall
Saturday evening, the twenty sec
cond. They have just received a
supply of the latest music. Those
who wish to indulge the terpsi
chorean art to the strains of new
and up-to-date music rendered with
the enthusjam of youth, should by
SeeJy Tefilees
Sealy Tuftless
The absence of tufts gives the Sealy a pillow
like comfort and a surface which conforms
"naturally te the contuor of the body.
You and your family need the health-giving
nerve and muscle-relaxing comfort of the Sealy
Tuftless. Growth, grave, charm, beauty, vitality
are all dependent upon health the kind of
health which comes from proper rest on a Sealy
Tuftless. . - '
Decide now to become one of the hundreds
of thousands of happy and healthy Sealy Tuft
less users. Order your Sealy at once save
Sale Begins Monday Off o6er 17
Ends Tuesday Night October 25
all means plan to attend. The pro
ceeds of the evening will go to the
school. , '
Rumor has it that the principal
of Tygh High school will be in Port
land, the fifteenth, to cheer for the
University of Oregon. He is a most
decidedly a foot ball fan. having
played right tackle on the first
championship team taht Oregon ever
had. He will not be in the line-up
on the field the fifteenth but we
have a suspicion that he will be in
the line which starts from the Im
perial ' Hotel on Friday evening be
fore the game and which is schedul
ed to terminate at the Heilig Thea
ter at 2:30 a. m. Saturday.
. Valley Rebekah Lodge of Tygh
shows that spirit characteristic of
the Tygh ladies. Seventeen mem
bers were out Tuesday evening
This lodge meets on the second and
fourth Tuesday of each month.
Vlsitorsare always welcome. Some
of the Maupin lodge have been
dropping in at the meetings of the
Tygh lodge. This is as it , should
News Of Busy Shaniko
Mr. Gott and Lawrence have com
pleted a new woodshed. They are
now shingling the roof of their
Mrs. Altermatt and son, Bobby,
visited Shaniko Saturday.
Mrs. Fisher and daughter, Helen,
were Shaniko visitors Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Heck and daughter,
Irene, of The Dalles were in Shan
iko Sunday.
Mrs. Coffman was ill Monday,
but has now recovered. ' J .
Mr. and Mrs. Reeder and their
daughter, Marguerite,, and Phyllis
Hanna were Sunday viators at the
home of Mrs. Borthwick in Ante
lope. Frank Harris wast sick Wednesday
and Thursday. He dooesn't. know
what was the matter with him.
TllFTLilSS M,TVl!tfr
, NO
Mrs. M. Nash went to Bend last
Sunday for a visit with relatives
She returned Sunday.
Raymond Olsen, John Reeder and
Harry Rees were fishing at Deep
Creek Sunday. They caught two
Sunday school has been resumed.
Mr. Broughton is superintendent,
Mr. Pratt, assistant superintendent
Mrs. Rees, secretary-treasurer, Mrs.
Broughton teacher : of primary
class, Mrs. Reed intermediate, Mr.
Casebolt is teacher of the young
men's class and Mrs. , Alice H.
Pratt the ladies class. Everyone
whose health permits is invited to
attend. ,
Phillis Hanna and Gertrude Ol
sen played their game of tennis re
cently. , , :
Shaniko School Notes.
The Antelope boys journeyed to
our local ball ground and won a 7
5 victory over our boys. The game
, was marked by good sportsraenship
and friendliness on both sides. The
purpose of the game was to find out
what material was available for a
combined team, but it seems that
baseball is a little out of season
just now. ,',,.
Tests for the work covered dur
ing the first five weeks of school
will occur in the High school de
partment on Thursday and Friday.
Reports will follow during the
seventh week.
A football has made its appear
ance on the local .ground and the
boys are learning how to handle
Sectjon one of the typing as
signments has been completed by
three pupils. As one of the boys
expressed himself, "Typing is no
A Union Sunday school is in ses
sion, every Sunday at 10:00. The
touchers and officers extend an in
vitation to old and young to join
our classes. Attendance has al
ready pas'it!! - be 20 mark.
Entered u second claaa nail mat
r September I, 1014, at tha post
w?flce at Miopia, Oregon, under the
lit of Mare S. 187.
The millennium i sat hand tha
Great Southern railway company is
preparing to substitute new ties for
some of those laid on that roadbed
somewhere about the year 4, B. C
We imagine the most of those who
agitate a three-dollar auto tax are
drivers of Lizzies. It Is not worth-
more than the above amount to one
of those pests and have to pay for
the privilege of operating It. '
"Faith, Charity Benevolence." the
three cardinal virtues as exempli-!
lied by the Knights of Pythias rit
ual, was flaunted to the breezes
from almost every building in The
Dalles the first three days of the
week in honor of he K. P. conven
tion. The delegates we saw were
apparently sound physically as none
of them appeared to have sore feet
Stockholder Annuel Meetiag
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Southern Wasco Co.
Fair association will be held at
Tygh Valley on Saturday, October
22, at 2:00 p. m. All stockholders
are urgently requested to be pres
ent as matters of importance are to
come up before the meeting.
W. E. HUNT, President.
A. H. CILLIS, Secretary
Ladies, why not have your hair
cut by barbers who know the latest
styles and who have had year of ex
perience? When in The Dalles go
to the Modern Barbers and have
them cut your hair right, and in a
style to please you.
FOR SALE Seed Rye. For sole
at Hunts Ferry warehouse.
LOSTA light gray cap on highway
in or near Maupin. Finder please
leave at The Tmcs office 51-t2
FOR SALEStandOTd'make of pH
io in vicinity will be sacrificed.
Must sell at once. $10.00 month
ly. Write Tallman Piano Store,
Salem, Oregon.
.TDSpV,m,Bl 0f Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, Sept 8, 1927. '
Notice is hereby givwn that
, , f f ' L' B'roh'rd,
?? Vo'fi"'8'., ,r,eoa' wh)- on Aug.
ii, Wit, made Homestead Entry un
der Act Feb. 19, 1909, ;4o. 023,323,
SW, Lots 3, 4. 6, 6, Sec. 18, T. 6
S, R 12-E, Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to mske
final three year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before F. D. Stuart, United States
Commissioner at Maupin Oregon,
on the 25th day of October, 1927.
Claimant names as witnesses: L. T.
Woodslde, Lewis J. McCoy, John
Boen, Mose DeLore, Jr. all of Wan.
Initia, Oregon.
S22-O20 J. W. Donnolly.Reg.
In The Justice Court for tha District
of Maupin, Wasco, County, Ore
gon. Tillotsn Motor Company, Plaintiff,
. ;
I. B. Millard, Defendant.
To I. B. Millard, the above named
In the name of the state of Ore
gon: You are hereby required to
apprear at the office of R. E. Rich
mond, Justice of the Peace for the
district of Maupin, in said; Couaty
ahd State, within thirty days from
date of first publication of this sum
mons upon you, and answer the com
plaint of the Plaintiff In the above
entitled cause, and if you fail to so
appear and answer said complaint,
MggininliojLw.aJthCT be
I. O. O. F.
Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon
meets every Saturday night in I. O.
O. F. hall. Visiting members always
welcome. ' (
O. F. Renick, N.' G.
R. E. Richmond. See'y. ,
Undertaking: and i1
' Embalming;
Call 1
Maupin Drug Store
Maupin, Ore. ;
For Year -'Round
HAT dairyig is the quick, consistent, cash- produc-
i nrnved bv the un
it; uiii tiiiciin nt - r t t
' hiss! authentic reocrds of progressive Cow Im-
JIU VCn Hill, rtJiBUVlrtUUJlO.
For Instance the 190 cows of one association averaged fl 11.69 'profit
per annum. An interesting feature of this record is that the average
for the whole state is only about half that of the Association wmn.
To the fact that a pure bred sire headed each Association herd la attrib
uted the enviable results obtained. v
Th e!7th Annual Pacific International Livestock Exposition to be held
In Portland, October 2U to November 5, provide! a splendid opportunity
of learning how other farmers are securing Increasingly greater and
quicker returns from dairying.
The Maupin State Bank urges every farmer in this section to attend this
year's Pacific Iternational. The time will be well spent
Maupin State Bank
mi Aili,,r fi ilfu
taken against you for the sum of
133.40 and interest on said sum at
the rate of 6 per cent per annum
from the 20th. day of Feb., 1927,
and for the further sum of $20.00
as a reasonable attorney's fee, and
costs and disbursements of this ac
tion. Given under my hand this 15th
day of September, 1027.
R. E. Richmond,
Justice of the Peace Maupin Pre
cinct, Wascoo County, Oreon.
First publication, Sept 22, 1927.
Last publication Oct 11, 1927.
of the Ownership, Manetement, Cir-
euUetion, Etc., Required by tbe Act
of Congress of August 24, 1912,
fo The Maupin Timet
Published weekly at Maupin Ore
gon, for October, 1927.
State ol' Oregon I
County t'f Wasco ss.
Before me. a Notary Public in
and for the State and county afore
said, persona Hy appeared C. W. Sem
mes, who, hiwing been duly sworn
acoroding to la w deposes and says he
is the editor of The Maupin Times
and that the f oliowing Is, to the best
of his knowledge and belief, a true
statement of the ownership, man
agement (and li a . daily paper, tho
circulatian) etc., of the aforesaid
publication for the date shown ir. the
above caption, required by Act of
August 24, 1912, embodied in sec
lion 411, Postal Laws and Regula
tions, printed on the reverse sido
of this form, to-wlt:
1 That the names and addresses
of the publisher, editor, managing
editor and business managers are:
Publishers, Semmes and Semmcs,
Maupin, Oregon.
Editor, C. W. Semmes, Maupin.
Managing Editor, C, W. Semmcs,
Maupin, Oregon.
Business Manager, C. W. Semmcs,
Maupin, Oregon.
2 That the owner is: (If owned by
a corporation, its name and address
must he stated and also immediately
Gros!fy med,
Cylinder Grinding, Truing Crankshafts, Making
Ptetons and Rings, Bearings All sizes
Made to Order 1
CcKDfete Line of Parts for All Makes of Cars
BOt EtJti iawittd Street
fUmext 400 1
Cash Returns
thereunder the names and addresses
of stockholders owning or holding
one per cent or more of total amount
of stock. If not owned by a corpor
ation, the names and addresses of
the individual owners must be giv
en. If owned by a firm, company,
or other unacorporated concern, its
nnme and address, as well as those
of each Individual member, must be
C. W. Semraes, Maupin, Oregon.
Edw. R. Semmes, Maupin, Oregon.
3 That the known bondholders,
mortagces ,and other security hold
ers owning or holding 1 per cent or
more of the total amount of bonds.
mortagagrs, or other securities ares
Jcssiline E. Morrison, Battle '
Ground, Washington.
Merganthaler Llnotpye Company,
Brooklyn, New Yok. i
4 That the two paragraphs next
above, giving the names of owonors
stokholders and security holders, if
any, contain not only the list of
stockholders and security holders as
they appear upon the books of the
company but also, in cases where tha
stockholder or security holder ap
pears upon the books of the company
ss trustee or other fiduciary rotation,
the name of the person or corpora
tion for whoom such trustee is act
ing, is given; also that the said two
paragraphs contain rtatements em
bracing affiant's full know'.odgo and
belief as to circumstances and con
ditions undur whi.h stockholders and
security holdors who do not appear
upon the books of the company as
trustee hjH stock in a capacity other
, than iha of lona fide owner; and
this ainunt nas no reason to neiieva
i that any other person, association
or corpufatt m has any Int'rinr M.
I rect or indirect in the said stock,
'bonds, or oth;r uecuritics lh-n as t
i staled Dy li:m.
I V. SFCMMKS, Edi.r.
I Sworn, to unl subVrit.ed Kef ore
! me this 11th day of Oot'.Ur. 1927.
(Seal) ;co. McUjf.uH,
Njtiry Tublic for Oregon.
. Mv commission expires January
1 13, 1028.
The Dalles, Orejroa
Pboae 3S8-J;