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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1927)
MAUF1M When they come t fishia They come to Maupin on the Deschutes Ri?er. l)ZLi )'w C... I place from Maupin. 'JLJLd Maupin, South Wasco County, Thursday, October 13, 1927. Number 49 VoL XIII JLiLAV 4 LEGION SCHEDULES HALLOWE'EN BALL SatanUy. October i9 , U, Tim Price's 31-P1 Orcotfra Eagagod t PUy -Hallowe'en with all it tradition! and superstitions will be celebrated In Maupin on Saturday evening. October 29, by a danca at Legion hall, given by tha local larion poat Price's six-piece orchestra from Tha Dalles will be on hand to aupply muilc and aa that organisation ia laid to ba tha beat In thia aectlon, all who attend will fecalva a treat In tha muilcal line. 8peclal fes turei will ba Introduced at tha dance, all avmbollcal of Hallowe'en and tha hall wjl lba decorated In colon of tha event. DALLESMAUPIN STAGE QUITS Monday Moralaf Trip Lwt Made Light Patronage Waa Cao.o Om Tha Dalles-Maupln stage line ceaied operation! with the Monday morning trip.- Mr. Kinney, who tucceeded Charlia Brown aa pro prietor, tried hard to make a go of tha venture, but travel did not Who't Who In Oregon Published Ibis Year Biographical Refereace Directory to - Ba Utu'i By iho Oregon City EatarprUe . v Hearty Every State JFollow Oregon Way Now York and MocheU Hare ( Dif loreat Motlwxl of Motoriag Um of PnbKc Highways Tha Oregon Sute Motor Aitocia- tion point out that although Oregon , . Who't Who In Oregon, a biogra phical reference directory containing justify a continuance, therefore he ' j.u reutln tonrominent people of was tha firet att' In tha Union to decided to abandon tha line. Mr. thia state, is in coune of publication j nae tha ga tax aa a neana of eol Kinney he worked hard toS make oy rne Morning Enterprise, Oregon lacting revenue for highway construc the stage popular, and that ha haa clty Tn, publishers state: "There lion, ngry state in the Union, ex- found It impossible to mas we no directory of this nature extant venture pay doea not apeak well for a stage line between the two places We understand tha former owner, Chaa. Brown, will take tha stage bus to Klamath Falls, where he will put it on a stage run. DOC SCARE AT PINE GROVE WEST PROFITS THROUGH "EATING OF THE GREEN' Leltaee and Other Greea Vegetables . Gala la Consumption Mostly Home Grawa Track ' Western lettuca has wrought change lit tha eating habit of tha na- tlon,, according, to . Allan Pollok, manager of Southern Pacific's Com missary department, who iaya there haa been a tremendous increase In popularity of ell kinds of aaladi dur ' ing the last decade. ' , "Salads, In slight demand ten years ago, have become an Indls ' pensable Item in evening and mid ' day meals served on dining carl," ; Ppllok said. ."Where a dozen heads of luttuce was ample provision for tha average dining car few years " ago, more than a hundred heads wilt ' now Be demanded for tha same num ber of meals. - "This does not mean that popu larity of meat has declined but rather that Americans now, desire a . batter diet It la also due to the im proved quality of lettuce developed . and produced byJlPaclfie Coast growers. Animal Raa Amnek, Biting All la Its Path laeladiag Small Boy in Oregon. The publication will em brace dignified facts, clear informa tion and a digest of ; biographical features of Interest . . no charge will, be made for insertion and the work will contain no advertising." , The, Who's Who In Oregon. will contain data v concerning leading federal, state, county and city offi cials, educators, professional people, industrial heads, leaders of . com merce and others of outstanding at tainment. It a further announced the directory will be strictly select- A collie dog went mad at Pine Grove last Sunday and after running sbout the Walter Sharp home bit a ' ive and exclusive and money will cat and the young son of Darrell , not buy a place in its pages, unless Sharp It was finally killed by N. G. the subject comes within the category IE" GENERAL MOTORS TRADE IN ALL PARTS OF WORLD Na Cavaly With Roads But Supplied With Aatos Made by America's Leading Producer Hedln and J. S.'Brown. f Mr. Sharp Immediately took his son to a doc tor where his wound wis cauterized and made Immune against rabies. eept New York and Maaeachusets now adopted it as an equitable method of metering the use of roads. ' There art fifteen states In the Union that now collect a larger gas tax than does Oregon, and the aver age ef all states is elightly greater than the three cents Oregon col lects. - v i. ' ' AGGRESSOR IN FICHT WHIPPED Picked oa 16-Year-Old Boy Finally Criee "Eaoogk" aad A young fellow, living out of town, attended the carnival at the hall here Saturday night During the evening he picked on a 16-year-old Maupin lad and the two mixed in combat The out-of-town fellow has figured as" a pork and bean fighter on several occasions and was looked upon by a certain coterie as SCHOOLS ASKED TO C0-0PERAIE Willi U Diagnostic Totting and Problem of School Fiaaaco Two FieldeJ For Consideration Schools of the state, both ele mentary grades and high schools, will Va van-namtaA tn A-r.rtlrata W;tK being unbeatable. During the scrap of educationof th. UnL MILLIONS FOR OIL USED BY NATION'S RAILWAYS Sam of $97,000,000 Paid for Oil, ' Create, Boiler Compound, Etc. ' Daily Use of Fuel OiL Saturday night the pug eaire off second best He came to town again Sunday and seemed determined to wipe away tha stain of his h's Sat urday night defeat. He induced his adversary to meet him in another combat The two, with several friends of both, adjourned to a secluded spot and proceeded to get busy. The Maupin lad had the pug alt but out f - 1 t A ' ... I .1 . , 1 ' ' . m "". in,,B"i known for hs activity in the Port of allowing him Ijr minutes in which j land and c L Huffaik. Z et n" . 1M pU r " i who comes here from the Univer- versity in the establishment of an educational research laboratory, it ia announced here by H. D. Sheldon, dean. Educators throughout the state will be furnished with all ma terial and information upon request. The work, which is to be concen trated in two fields, diagnostic test ing and problems of school finance, will be under the direction of Dr. B. W. DeBusk. who is already well JOHN PHILLIP SOUSA WRITES MARCH FOR UNIVERSITY of , iU requirements. The Who's Who In Oregon will be completed toward the end of this year.' v SMUT GREATLY REDUCED Early Tha General Motors Corporation, maker of several of leadng automo- ' biles and trucks ha established mar- ' keta for It products in practically all part of the globe. Agencies are noted in all foreign countries and the use of the auto is increasing greatly. In writing of the work of , the corporation Alfred P. Sloan, president of the company says: "I have chosen the current isaua of the General Motors World to tell about our product because General ' Motor overseas operations have an important significant to every au tomobile buyer in this country, and for the f following reasons: , ' , "First because the volume In which any autmobUe is produced has an important influence on the price " at which it can be sold. The more, ' cars we sell abroad, the greater our ' volume and therefore the more at tractive the price and quality at home. ' "Second economic also result . from a steady all-year-round pro ; duction. It s here too, that bur ex port business performs an import- ant service. Thia is the reason that when it is winter here, a season of. 'reduced sales it Is summer in other ' countries, a season of higher prices. Thus every car, we sell abroad adda i a way more value to the cars pur chased at home., , ' "General Motors has circled the globe with export organizations and ' is doing1 pioneer work in developing , new foreign, marketsi, , Along , these flhes of development 'our operations now inoude. nineteen foreign as ' sembllng1 plants, . employing thou . sands of people, making purchases of ! millions of dollars locally, and sup plying in turn thousands of . dealers, Thus we are mnkng oursleves a part I of the industrial activities ' of the overseas countries we are serving." ! 'The publication referred to con ' tains a comprehensive account of . what the General Motors Corporatin . is doins overseas, ' containing lllua . trations of agencies and staffs in various, parts of the world. Only lastltatoa la West ta Bo So Honored Miaacota E a joys 1 A Seat March Alsa ; A special from the staU university at Eugene carries tha Information that tha university of Oregon will have a snsppy march,, written by John Phillip Sousa himself, and dedi cated to the University. This Is the news received recently direct from bis. manager, Harry As- kin, by telegraph. The University will be the only institution on the, Pacific coai to have' a march by Sousa, Minnesota b the only uni versity 'so honored is' Middle West and but on or two others have re ceived such attention. Aaothor Dane at Shady Brook. 1 Arrange your doings so that next Saturday night .will be an open date. Then improve your evening by attendng a dance- at Shady Brook Community hall, where only the best times are 'doled out to atten dants. People always enjoy them selves 16 the limit at Shady Brook dances and the one scheduled for Saturday night will be no exception to the rule. A first class orchestra will furnish music and the eats, which will be supplied and served by the ladies of that community, will be the last word in that line. Fall Rains Kill Spread Spores Air Cleared The percentage of smut in Oregon wheat field is greatly reduced this year Early fall rains have reduced spread of smut spores by clearing the air, hence treatment of the seed will probably make next season a clean wheat year also. The copper carbon ate need treatment has given very good result.' County agents and the Oregon Agricutural college have di rections for seed treatment : These are sent free to those desiring them. 'S' " ' "'"'I Wapinhif Aid" Supper.1 ' ' A program, with chicken supper following, will be given by the La dies Aid of Wapinltia on Friday ev ening, October 14, at Lewis's hall, beginning at - 8:00 o'clock As, those Wapinitia ladies ' are noted as serving the best sup pers possible, it goes without con tradiction that the coming one will not differ from others given by them. Everyone is invited to at tend. ' i t Railroads last year ran well oiled, according to F. W. Taylor, purchas ing agent for Southern Pacific. t ', During the year Class 1 railroads japent nearly $27,000,000 for lubri cating, grease, , illuminating . oils, waste and boiler .compounds. This in addition, to $90,236,161 for fuel oil. .Southern , Pacific, one of. the largest users of oil, purchased 659, 811,648 gallons during the year, an everage of 43, 083 barrels a day. Sal Wont Over Big. The auction sale held at the L D. Woodside ranch last Saturday went over in grand style. Bidding was close and nearly everything listed sold at good figure. Mr. Woodaide states that the sale realized better than $600 more than he estimated. All of which speaks volumes, for the ability of French -Butler ju an etetioneer and the quality of the articles offered for sale. Mill Bays Mack Wheat. Besides buying wheat for its own consumption, the Central Oregon Milling company has so far this sea son purchased 216,000 bushels for export and before the season closes expects to have bought fully 300,000 bushels. The mill company is buy ing agent for the Mikkleson Grain company of Portend. Shearer I.ot Pig. One of I. H. Shearer's pigs gave up the gost Mounday evening, it evidently having collided with a passing auto. The porker was of fine size and would have provided winter's meat for them had it not met with an untimely end. " t Smallpox la Covaty Jail. . Judge Wilson adjourned court in the middle o,the October session on Monday evening. It was found that pne cj, the prisoners in the jail in the basement of the court house had developed a case ol small, pox, and rather than expose jurors and other court attendants to the di sease the judge let them go home until the court house and jail thoroughly disinfected. . like a real fighter, was met with an : upper cut which all but laid him cold and then acknowledged himself beaten. sity of Arizona. Spalding athletic goods for foot ball and basketball athletes. Spec ial prices to schools, Maupin Drug Store. ... Homo For Sunday. . L. C. Henneghan and Otto Ilerr ling, both of 'whom are serving as Jurymen at the present term of dis trict court, came home and spent Sunday here. They returned to The Dallea early Monday morning. NOTES FROM MAUPIN SCHOOLS While at Tygh a few evenngsago the writer learned that a student by the name of Webb fractured a bone in one leg last Sunday in a practice football game. Rex Stuart, who sojourned on the Tygh campus last year haa enrolled with us, this year. Rex promises to be a good freshman. The new desk and chair for the room fitted up in the basement ar rived last week. , ; Mew., suits for. the grid men ar- three months. The freshman initiation was a ' nice affair. Wua Geievieve See j thoff has writen it up, for the notes. Football practice on school time is allowed for one hour three times a .week. If we succeed in achadul ing games with some big school, like Salem, we , shall increase it to five" time per. Tygh haa challenged Maupin for two games and secured a referee. rived !at week and -thr boys are 'AU thia before Maupin ve order- : ea auiai or dbm. or nau ueiu u Home From Valley . Trip; , J. F. Kramer and . wife., visited various pints in the Willamette Val-' i... .! .t VoMiiir WasWnirton. 1 icy iuu w v o last week, returning home last Saturday. Western Wools for World Markets ' the Times is your paper. House Assuming Proportions. Joe Kramer and Job Crabtree are making good headway n the con struction of the former's, bungalow residence. The frame work has been completed, the roof put on and with the partitions in place it will not be a great while before the in terior will be ready for the plaster ers. ' Last of Sheep Down., John McMillan and Edw. Steffen came out with the last of the Far- gher sheep Mnday afternoon, Stef fen says there was a nine-day fall of snow in the mountains before they started down. In their camp the snow , fell, to the depth of nine inches and they encountered a depth of 14 inches ' before getting out of the hills. v , ' ' . ' HAMPSHIRE RAM ... Owned bv Mt. Haoaln Land A Livestock Co., Montana. Grand Champion Cot Big WiM Candor; r. . Jess Temple went hunting Sunday, his aim being to shoot the limit of chinks. He traveled on the Flat and in his wanderings he was surprised to see a big honker arise from the pond. He surprised the. gander with a charge of shot, droping it with one charge. The Temple family feasted on roast goose one day the first of the week. - ' ! ' Ram, 1926 : 1 , " i ' ' . - A This Ram was the outstanding animal of tha breod at the 1928 Pa ciflo International Livestock Expo sition. In addition to achieving this distinction it also won ..the same awards nt the 1926 American raiyal. autf Chicago International Shows. It will probably be shown in the flock being sent by the Mt. Haggln Land and Livestock Co. to ., the, nth Annual Pacific Interna tional to be held at Portland, Octo ber 29 to November 5, Inclusive. , The Shoep Show at the racific International will, this year, as in the past, ba one of the best of its kind in America. Some of the most noted judges in the country will niaco ' the awards. In connection with tneSbeep Show a new depar ture Is being added. Under the di rection ot the Pacific Co operatlye Wool Growers Association cpm- Paclflc International Livestock Exposition. prehensive Wool Show will be held,v at which commercial fleeces ot all grades will be exhibited. - Splendid showings are promised again this year in every division of the exposition which includes great Livestock . Show, Dairy Products , Show, . Land and" Manufacturers' Products Show, Northwest Fox sfrow. Industrial Exposition and' world-renowned Horse Show, The Boys! and Girls' Club Work Exhibit : this year will be one of the best of its kind In this part ot the country., ' Millions ot dollars' worth of the : country's , finest Pure Bred Beef -and, Dairy Cattle, Horses, Sheep. Hogs and Goats will compete for -the $100,000.00 ottered in premiums. The leading railroads ot the West co-operate by offering special fare-and-one-third rates for those who wish to attend the Exposition. breakur them In, having about as much fun out of it aa their grand fathers had breaking colts.. When thoroughly broken in we expect to win some games, a Maupin has speed, weight and headiness. ' Three of Maupln's . teachers ac companied by Miss Ruth, McCorkie journeyed to the silicate mine west of Terrebonne Sunday. This is a wonderful bed. Much material is , in the kilns and dry sheds waiting shipment. It ia another chapter in Nature's book. This will ; be ma terial for the science and geogra phy teachers. The formation shows that this portion was once a deep sea bottom. .-. ., I,..-. . i . j ' .The lower three rooms have com bined for music periods Miss Harris is directing in getting, note reading and note sinMng. '. Music education is every child's rightful heritage. Last Friday finished the first month of school There has been the best of interest, a sincere ef fort on the part of pupils to accom plish ; Something for themselves. They have set a steady pace." In this column we shall strive , to give real honest-to-goodness reports," Our aim is hat to see if we can create, a bigger breeze, than comes off of Mt Hood at times, but give out informa tion that will supplement the home report cards, .but of a general na ture, not individual. . .Tuesday of last week occurred the election of Student Body officers. The result was: president, Jesse Crabtree, vice ; president; : Clarence Hunt; secretary, Merle Snodgrass; treasurer, Glenn Graham; Sergent at-arms, . Arthur Appling; advertis ing manger, Genevieve Seethoff ; student manager, Madge Sherer. : ,. A consttution embodying the pur pose, aims,: and plans, of the stu dent was drawn up by some of the school statesemen and stateswomen and unanimously adopted by the body.;. It declares for the coopera tion with the faculty and makes the principal the student body, adviser. . There, is a rumor of one more student enrolling soon. k A. subscriber and reader of good magaznes has intimated that the reader , has nice clean - copies of magazines to dispose of. The school can use old. magazines oftentimes especially National Geographical, Earth and its geography does not outgrow .the present rapidly. All the rooms desiring county li braries are ; now ,. supplied.- These are made circulating! about .every a practice whatever. The chal lenge haa wor.ed a rcp'y that we nail be ready to piay as rmn as we have read our rule book. Earl Greene thinks he would like to be able to read a language spoken by 70,000,000 other human beings and can now say "Manana" The applications for membership Tn this class becama a stampeda Tuesday evening. ' . Clarence Hunt was out Monday due to Alness. J We ask student to make up work lost from absecnes, it generally must be done somehow to mantain rank in class. So don't keep out unless . obsulutely neces sary. f. ' .f Velma Crofoot gave a talk on Columbus Wednesday morning, the four hundred thirty-fifth anniver sary: of the discovery of America. Aliene Greene read Joaquine Mil lers poem describing Columbus' voyage. The grades - observed the day also by ; attention to the im portance of the daring of that voyage.-,. .7 ... ,"j . ' - - ' Students of the high school have leared with regret of the illness of a former Maupin , graduate, Miss Berta Mathews, who is sick abed f from arthrities. She has the sym i pathy of former mates here, who send . greetings and hope for ' he speedy recovery. ; " Freshmen Initiated . Tbe Maupin High school gave an annual mixer for the Freshmen Fri- ' day,; October 7, in the High school gymnasium. The ' party began at 7:45. and ended, at 10:45. The graduates for. the past three years, from this High school were invited to attend.- The alumnf present were: Helen; Weberg and Jame3 Appling of the class of ,1927. The Freshmen were;; Verle Lewis, Bessie ' Starr, Ethel;" Kidder, Mabel Weberg, Lerna Martin, Alee Davis, Dorothy Davis, Nova Jledin, Edna Ward, Ivan Donaldson, Glenn Alexander, Elden Allen and Rex Stuart. The entertainment committee, , which conucted of: Miss Richards, Miss Tillotson, , Doris Bonney, ; Merle Snodgrnss, Madge Shearer, Glenn Seethoff, and , Clarence Hunt, pre pared an inteesting program fot the ' evening. The Freshmen, who were the main characters of all the games and stunts, all proved to be good sports. ' Refreshments ' pre pared by Velma Crofodt, Ella Shepflin and Genevieve Seethoff, were served cafeteria style at 10:15. The party ended a complete success.