111. S- THE MAlfrW ttfeS Enter This Big: Contest at Once Costs You Nothing to Try Win a Piano Free ! or FIVE other Big', Valuable Prizes SfV BIG VALUABLE IA PRIZES Solve the Home, Sweet Home Puzzle FREE 1. A Fne New Piano 2. Six Tube Radio 3. Portable Phonograph 4. Set of Silverware 5. Piano Lamp 6. Banjo Ukulele FOLLOW THESE DIRECTIONS Tako ny aumbcr from t to 16 iaclntivo. Do not us any number mor thaa one. Place on number in each of tho aiae tqaares io that when they ore added perpeadicalarly, horizon tally and diafoaaily, that it, ia ovary direction, the total turn k 33- FOR THE SIX MOST ARTISTIC ALLY MADE CORRECT ANS WERS THE SIX PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED Find the missing: numbers to complete the Home, Sweet Home puzzle, fill in the rest of the blank squares in the Puzzle according to directions above mail or send in your solution at once. The piano as first prize or sny of the others are valuable and well worth your time and effort. Read below ml for awarding prises Send in your lolutiont quickly Contort ' cloiei Midnight Oct. 10. 1927 It rr. mft w - Priia winners will b notified All prise muit be called for Cain of duplication prises tie of Three Prominent Citizens Will Act as Judges Contest Closees October 10, 1927 MAIL U-P AX CNCE Write or Print Plainly Name Street or Box No. City i.. CORSON MUSIC HOUSE, The Dalles, Ore. day afternoon, October 16 at 2:30 and tha return game to be played at Maupin one week later. The Tygh boys have atipulatel that Supt A. E. Gronewald shall act as referee of both games and shall chose the other officials. Tygh has some pretty husky boys this year and these games might prove to be even more inter, eating than the two basketball games played last winter. Here's hoping for a lot of fun and some thrilling contests. Doings at Pine Grove Crandall Undertaking Co. -QUIET SERVICE o The Dalles, Oregon. Phone 33-J -LADY ASSISTANTS- News Of Busy Shaniko . (From Dalles Chronicle) . James Micke of Wasco was . visitor here Friday, enroute to Bend where he will spend the winter. Adelbcrt Rees and Glea Johnson were visitors at Kent Thrusday. Mr. Emmerson, who represents the Western Dairy Prodocts com pany's plant in The Dalles, was a visitor here Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Terrill Qasebolt of The Dalles, spent the last week hre. as the guests of R. E. Caseboit. Members of the Broadway Novelty orchestra will be located in Shaniko this winter and are playing various towns in this vicinity. A. R. Altermatt attended - ;the banker's meeting, in The DaDes Thursday. , Tern Starling,, who was her the past month hauling wheat, ; left Thursday for Dufur for a short visit with his brother. Vera experts to leave soon for North Dakota. I Adelbert Rees, Florence Cavin and Mrs. msn were visitors at neni Wednesday. A defevtive steering .gear on a coupe belonging to Harold Fine re sulted in a near serious accident in Cow canyon Sunday. The car ran into and uprooted three concrete !' posts on a curve. The occupants of the car escaped with cuts and ! bruises vey Full'en, Florence Cavin and Mrs. Nash. f A large crowd of Shaniko people attended the dance at Antelope Sat urday night , tff , Sylvester Kramer of Maupin was a visitor here Sunday. . Arch Hanna and daughter, Phylis, returned Sunday from Corvallis, where they had taken Miss Edythe Hanna, who will enter her sopho more year at 0. A. C. Among those from here who at tened the dance at Grass Valley Fri day night were Adelbert Rees, Henry Spalinger, Glea Johnson, Har- FOR OVER FIFTEEN YEARS United States Tires HAVE BEEN GOOD TIRES. NO REDUCTION IN QUALITY TO MAKE MORE PROFIT j NC PRICE CUTTING Royal Cords TO MEET CHEAP COMPETITION HAVE ALWAYS BEEN TIRES OF HIGH QUAL ; ji ITY AT A MEDIUM PRICE ! II FULL' if GAURANTEED TVT m $ . - TYGH VALLEY HIGH SCHOOl (Too late for last week.) The Tygh Valley High school ! opened with an enrollment of thirty 1 five, and the prospects are that the total enrollment will considerably exceed forty for the year. The boys are quite enthused over football and j indications are that they will give i I good account of themselves wb en I the contests start. They are. a magnificent lot of boys and, Tygh is justly proud of them. , Miss Elliott, the assistant in thet high school, has been sick during the week. Doctor Elwood. was called, She is now much improved and she hopes to be back in her Dlace when I school opens next Monday. Portia Butler is substituting for her. The student body mixer will be held on Friday evening, September 30. Everybody welcome. Tygh, has a fine Freshman class, composed of twelve boy3 and three girls. A High school orchestra was or gianzed on Monday. Indications ar ethat this orchestra will render, some delightfull music. The young people composing it are music lovers--and play from their hearts. JThey will be in evidence at the mlxxr. ' Four new typewriters were pur chased for the commercial depart ment. This course is very popular1 and the typewriters are worked ov er Enrollment in the Tygh Hijrh school has now reached thirty-nine. Indications are that we shall end tine year with forty-two in Wulnr at tendance. There are twenty-three in the grades. The ne w books have arrived and school advances surely and beautifully. Miss Elliott ? V. -i. !- i - .a in uer j having completely recovered from iier recent auness. This assures a pleasant "mixer" Friday evenng, to which are corially invited.'" ; J. S. Brown and Robert Lewis re cently cut 700 posts in the moun tains, but owing to condition of the roads under construction, were un able to haul them out Gotleib Teschner, at work for the Baker Construction company, was in Portland recently, going there to purchase clothing for his six child ren, who are being held there under orders of the Wasco county court. N. G. Hedin chased his Dodge car of ancient vintage into the rear end of a construction truck last week. The Dodge came out second best, as Newt had to put in a new wind shield, new top supports and braces. Newt waa on his way to Portland, where the repairs were made. Wm. Moore purchased a buggy horse from Ted Endersby. Mrs. Henry Peterson has rented a house in Mosier and expecta to go there as soon as enow falls. N. G. Hedin went to Portltnd last week for the purpose of attending a meeting of the. Wapintla Irrigation company. Walter Woodslde and wife made a flying trip to The Dalles last Thursday. Miss Ruby Powell has decided there are things more to her liking than nussing. After a short stay tit a Eugene hospital Miss Powell rook a decided dislike to that work, so resolved to attend normal school ut Monmouth. Gertuile Laughlln has taken the position made vacant by Merle Snodgvass going to school at Mau pin, rmd is now waitress at tha Mc Coy hotel at Wapinitia. GertruSe plans to work there one year, then take a nurse's training course. Brown, the contractor on the cut off road, with camps at Bear Springs is bptimistic regarding the comple tion of the road this fall. He ex pects to complete his grading con tract before snow falls, with the ex ception of team work in trimming. That part of his contract will be completed as early next spring as hit can get to it. "Mr. Brown is anxiou I to complete hla job and get out of the mountains before the roads be come too soft to move the heavy equipment It Pays to AdvertUe. , f Last week N. G. Hedin inserted a reader in The Times, calling atten tion to the Matthews sale and asking that those who had stock or other things for ante to cummunlcuto with him. As a result of that reader Roy Batty haa "Unified his intention of i.ring 23 ewes anJ eight w I'.iom for sale, and thoy may be seen at the Dee Woodside ranch at tho tlino of the sale today. Barber la Revolutions. A Portland barber supply man is now nursing a badly cut foot He was on the highway near tho Tygh Ridge market road when he attempt ed .to light a cigarette. The car ob jected to driving itself and loft the road, turning over three times and landing in the ditch. In the melee the auto was considerably damaged and the driver sustained a wound which nearly lost him' one of his feet He was taken to a hospital at The Dalles. We did not learn whether or not he finished his smoke. Coming to The Dalles Dr. Mellenthin . SPECIALIST la I literati Medlelae for tha pait fifteen years Does Not Operate will bo at DALLES HOTEL WEDNESDAY OCT. 12 Office Hourti 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. One Day Only No Charge for Coaiwlutloa For Sale Star touring car in good condi tion, incdludlng all accessories and tools. Rcsonablo. See Fbcher's garage. Madras Union Oil builds station to employ a dozen men. Oxo oooooooooooeoooooxO ELEVEN YEARS AGO o Oxo toooooooooooooooooxO IAPBOW Reswiujfaitiit WKero IM IftMf Man Cet Full Batisfactloa SHOiCT ORDERS Any Time i'RY OUR SUNDAY CHICKEN DINNERS leo Crown. Cold Drialu aad Utwbuts' Good Dr. Mellenthin la a regular grad uate in ediclne and surgery and li licensed by the state of Oregon. He does not operate for chronic appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. Ho has to his credit wonderful re sults in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, j sciatica, leg ulcer and rectal all- mcnta. I Below are tho names of a few of his many satisfied patients In Ore gun who have been treated for one of the above named causes: Elmer Booker, Condon. Chas, Desch, Portland. D. G. Horn, Bonanza. Fred Shields, Klamath Falls. Daniel Stelnon, Allegany. R. E. Neal, Central Point Joe Shoeships, Gibbon. Remember above date, that con sultation on this trip will be free and that his treatment la different Marriend women must be accom panied by their husbands. Address: 211 Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles, California. ' From The Times Sept 29, 1916. Saturday the marriage of Miss Rose Hauser and Mr. Carl Dahl of Portland was solemnized in the lat ter city, where the young people will make their home. i One of T. A. Connolly's teams met with an accident on the grade lead ing into town yesterday afternoon. While starting down the grade with j a load of lumber the wagon brakes gave way, letting the load crowd on- j to the rear team. The horses be- car.ie frightened and plunged into a wire fence, some of them sustain in gsevere cuts. When they arrived in town Dr. Stovall attended the ; wounded horses, although one of : them died later as a result of a fall. Secretary Butler informs The Times that the recent f;ir held at Tygh Valley was a financial success from an exhibition point of vfcw. Mr. Butler says a balance of $50.00 remains) after all expenses had been paid. One-third of tho exhibit credited to The Dalles and sent to the state fair came from this section. WERNMARK SHOE STORE Shoes and Repairing Wasco County's Excluntve Shoe Store chnis for H f !irnl Repairing Wh'l l-Wj. Tho I'alles, Ore. Your Watch Haywire? If it is not doing its work brinjr it to The Times office and Mr. Smmes will send it to GUY A. POUND MaiMiwfuring Jeweler auri Watchmaker baiiiiiwo fa i). Lindqulat TUK DALLK - . OREGON 11 aVI'T 0 ' aupm Garage 5T SERVES YOU RIGHT" A government telephone line will soon be extended from Wamic to the ranger station at Gate creuk. .The saws of the Mulvancy mill at Pine Grove are humming again, after the prprioetor's vacation in the Wollamette VtJley an dat the Tygh Valley fair. A change in weather ytwterday evening caused the thermmeter to drop to 22 degrees 1 above. Hard freezing followed. o V Parlow brothers of Smock har vested 47 acks of potatoes from one-tenth of an acre. sr km w. m saSX SI J a SI ft Mm. Minnie Ccsh, wife fef Er nest Gesh, was buried in Wam'ic cemel ery last Sunday. Heart failure 'was The foot ball boys are having a lot of fun tryin s to master the in tricacies of this , deservedly popular academic game We understand that they have, through their princi-; given as the caune of death.' Beskles pal, sent a ch jienge to the Maupin High school ff lt two game8( the first to be played '; at Tygh Valley on Fri- hcr husband. Mrs. Gesh leaves thrv?e daughters and two sons and five grandchilren. ; FRIDAY SEPT. 30 final retumlimlt Get 31 Your last opportunity to go East on exceedingly low round trip summer excur sion fares. Liberal ctop. overs going and returning. Alot will tUrnxnat f from your ttjr and help mp out four liiaomy. UMIQM PACIFIC 3tim uvmuuiu nvvis R. B BELL, AGT., Mautin. Ore. Ed. H. McAUen,T.F. & P.A., Bend, - - Oregon Suite 15-18 Vost Block T.l.poo. 111-W Dr. Fred H. Pageler OPTOMETRIST 6trictly Optical OttAKHUE OPTICAL CO. The Call, Orogoa Hood Tires ARK 0OOD TIRES Tho Largest Stock of Tiros la Town Richmonds' Serv. Station THE BANK HOTEL The one place in Tho Dalles to make tho rancher and out-of town follow fool at homo. WhiteRestaurant Where the best 35 cent meal is served in The Dalles Next The Dalles Creamery C. N. Sargent, - Prop. Read The Times. $1.50 the year.