-t the ma win times Thursday, September 22, 192 win Piano Free! or FIVE other Big', Valuable Prizes SIX BIG eBLE FREE Solve the Home, Sweet Home Puzzle 1. A Fnc New Piano- 2. Six Tube Radio Portable Phonograph 4. Set of Silverware 5. Piano Lamp 6. Banjo Ukulele FOLLOW THESE DIRECTIONS Taka any number from 2 to 16 inclusive. Do net use any number more than once. Place one number in each of the nine squares to that when tbry are added perpendicularly, horizon tally tnd diagonally, that if, in every direction, tiie 'otal sum it 33. The' Numbers Added la All Directions Total 33 FIND THE NUMBERS TO BE USED Read below rules for awarding prizet Semi in your solutions quickly Contest closes J Midnight Oct. 10. 1927 HOME SNltT HOAC i - Priis winners will be notified All prises mutt b callc-d for Cas;i of duplication prizes tie ef READ CAREFULLY RULES FOR AWARDING PRIZES For the six most artistically made correct answers the six prizes will be awarded. f Wonderful designs may be made of your solu tions to this puzzle. , By artisically maade we mean illustrated in any manner, possibly made a part of a picture or drawing, needlework or handicraft of any kind. Any novel or beauti ful idea into which you can introduce the thught of Home, Sweet Home along with your solution of the puzzle. Just use your talents. The judges in this contest will pass upon the artistic appearance and correctness of all solutions. The valuable prizes offered are well worth your efforts. ; Corson Music Mouse The Dalles, Ore. Write Your Name and Address Plainly ADDRESS CONTEST MANAGER Name Address Mail Route a sag Shady -Brook'. Community Hall To GT. Good Music, Good Floor and a Good Time Promised all. Come out and dance and hope he will aid in Retting up and producing more such exposi tions. (Yea, and Butler is just as much a booster today as he was 11 yeara ago. Ed. The Times.) o Walter Woodaide and son had some excitement one day last week while on their way to Maupin with grain. On he road hey saw what they first took to be a large hog, but what really was a bear. Walter stopped at a neighbor's and phoned or his brother, Lewis, to bring a gun. When the latter arrived they chased the bear to the Jack Kelly place, where it was shot That was the first bear to be scon on the Flat in years. 177 litt-'-1' i Cool W eather is here. A weak spark and worn cylinder walls mean improper combustion of gas, causing a hard start ing motor.. - Expert Cylinder Honing and Ignition Adjustment f X- Oxo oooooooooooooooooxO o ELEVEN YEARS AGO o Oxo ooooooooooooooooo xO News Of Busy Shaniko All the local teachers were in at tendanc both days at th Wasco coun ty insitiute held at the county scut September 12th and 18th. Among the outstanding educational talks was the one by State Superinten dent, C, A. Howard on "Fundamen tals of Education" The vital tasks of teachers he enumerated as follows; Teach the 3 R'a, intellectualy hones ty, promote health and health habits, create practical tasks to supplement school work, and Instill proper atti tudes toward work. He acted th in stances of wealthy parents insisting on their sons learning the industry they were to manage later by start ing at the bottom and working up. He criticized those who would blame th school for loose moral standards existing among the high school stu dents in, some locatitics. The school, he said was doing more than any one other agency to promote intellectual honesty and orality. The members of the science class have been testing air pressure by finding out how high a column of mercury it will support. Ralph Reeder brought home some gold bearing rock to school Monday morning for inspection of the gener al science class. He secured his samples from -one of the mines along the Prineville-Mitchell highway. Members of the typewriting class find their work is not all play. Mas tery of the machine is a worth while accompishment I it Mr. Biddle, local blacksmith, re paired school playground apparatus Monday. Glea Johnson and Ralph Reedor accompanied L. V. Boughton and Philip Goehaw on a hlunting expedi tion into the Blue Mt last week end. The hunters report an enjoyable out ing but bemoan the scarcity of thi fleet-footed deer. All pupils met in the high school room Friday mornnig for singing. Jesse Fine has entered school. Joseph Ritner, who has been in Oklahoma for a year, has registered in the Shaniko school. John Reeder, our lone Freshman, says he likes our new algebra book. At the student body meeting on September 16th of the year 1927, Glea Johnson was elected president; Jack Rees, secretary; John Reeder, traesurer; and Ralph Reeder, stu dent body manager. Crandall Undertaking Co. 0- -QUIETSERVICE- The Dalles, Oregon. Phone 33-J o LADY ASSISTANTS- Time Schedule No. I. Nov. 20, JUlto THE DALLES -'MAUPIN STAGE LINE Dependable Service Between THE DALLES, DUFUR TYGM at Maupin. Read Down Rend Up i Morning Trips 8:00 Lr. TIIE IMl.lLS Ar. Ut'.S S:40 DUFU,T 11:03 9.15 TV VALLEY 10. UO :4S Ar. M.VUPIN l.v. 10 00 I Ar ...... t.:.. 4.00 Lv. TIIE DALLES Ar, 6.00 4.40 DUFUR -7:20 5:15 TYCH VALLEY 6:45 5:43 Ar. MAUPIN Lv. 6.15 , FARES 0. W. R. T. The Dalles to Dufur Sl.CO $1X0 The Dalles to TjrgK $2.00 $3.60 The Dalles to Msupin ...S2.50 J4.C0 For that awful feeling in your stmach try Elixer for Indigestion. 60 cents per bottle at the Maupin Drug Store. Oregon News Notes t Maupin G arage "IT SERVES YOU RIGHT? From The Time3 SScpt. 22, 1916 Wednesday night Criterion people experienced the first frost of the season. o A number of ranchers have be gun sowing fall grain on the Flat. There is said to be much moisture in the ground, which presages a good crop of grain next year. School started at White River this week. Miss Nellie Crabtrce is the teacher. Quineey Morrw was over from Tygh yesterday and imformed The Times he has ecured a adequate number of names of Maupin peo ple to justify the installation of an electrjc lignt system here. Mr. Morrow has made arrangement!! j with Mrs. Staats for use of water1 j necessary for the undertaking and he will go to Portland in a few days I to purchase machinery. ? o Everywhere you go you hear hear something good for "Booster" Butler. We extend our thanks to him for the success of the late fair Coining to The Dalles Dr. Mellenthin ..SPECIALIST' .' in Internal Medicine for the past fifteen years . Docs Not Operate will be at DALLES HOTEL WEDNESDAY OCT. 12 Office Hours: 10, a. ro. to 4 p. m. One Day Only No Charge for Consultation Connections at Bank Hotel, In The Dalles for Portland, Pendleton NOTICE Modern Equipment Courteous Treat. meet and Careful Drivers JACK KINNEY - Monger Stage Depot at Rainbow Restaurant TRAVEL BY STAGE jAPBOW Where tne I f Man Cats Full Satisfaction SIIimT ORDERS Ml Time a'RY OUR SUNDAY CMldKEN DINNERS Ice Cream Cold Drinks and fmnkim' Coods Dr. Mellenthin Is a regular grad uate in edicino and surgery and it licensed by the state of Oregon. He does not operate for chronic appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit wonderful re sults In diwanes of the . stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, dulutica, leg ulcers and rectal ail ments. Below are the names of a few of his muny satisfied patients In Ore gon who have been treated for one of the above named causes: Rimer Booker, Condon. Chtts, Desch, Portland. I). G. Horn, Bonanza. Fred Shield Klamath Falls. Daniel Kteinon, Allegany. R. E. Neal. Central Point ' Joe Shoeships, Gibbon. ' Remember above date, that con sultation on this trip will be froe and that his treatment is different. Marrlond women must be accom panied by their husbands. Address: 211 Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles, California. SHOE STORE Shoes and Repairing Wasco County 's Exc ius iue Shoe Store Micmi for H :nural Repairing Whot hmU ''in Callus, r. Yoar Watch Haywire? If it is not doing its work brinjr it to The Times otY.ee and Mr. Semmes will send it to GUY A. POUND Wiiv,s"V'riK Jpwelwr . uni Watchmaker hiMxw" I) Llndauist TH K DA a M - . ORIGON Bureau of Agriculture will open Northwest economics office in Portland. Medford growers ship up to 40 car of pears a day. f Coquille stockmen ship 13 cars fat stock to Portland and San Francisco. New fish cannery to bo built at Empire for 1928 use. Salem will 'build new incinerator costing about $75,000. Salem Salvation Army to build 'a $24,000 barracks. ' Oregon building rations for sev en months have increased 2.2 per cent. Oregon Cily -Woolen Mills hero have 20 traveling salesmen selling clothing,' i Astoria port shipped GG,740 cases salmon and 34,075,735 feet ,'Jumber during August. Eugene Baptist Church installs new $17,500 organ. Salem--State prison 'plant 1 sells tons spinning flax to Belfast, Ireland. "Newberg Graphic" buildi ng a fine newspaper home. ' Newberg $1,1 25,0(W) Spaul u'ing pulp and paper mill wil l soon be :n in ning, with first year's output sol d. Astoria Cranberry harvest ahotut ready to open, with record crop. Salem has $13,500,000 annu.al.pay roll. - : Wheeler county vill build F'ossil- Tf;2lm Mod ft mtl.. .vu, UlUWr ' V. 1 ' 1 W I i fow fares end: Suite 15-16 Vogt Block Telepone Ill-W Dr. Fred H. Pageler OPTOMETRIST Strictly Optical ttsVJVKHUE OPTICAL CO. , TU Dalles, ... Oregon FRIDAY SEPT. 30 ffinal retain limit Oct 51 Your last opportunity to go East on exceedingly low roumi trip summer excur . sion fares. Liberal stop overs going and returning. Agent will tail ynu exuet ff.ro f rem your eitr and help nap out your itir.srory. Hood Tires ARE GOOD TIRES The Largest .Stock of Tires In Town Richmonds' Scrv. Station THE BANK HOTEL His one place in The Dalles to make the rancher and out-of town fellow feel at home. UM PAC la M IFIC Hilly IHO OVfciOANO RuUTB R. B. BELL, AGT., 0 MauDirvQre. Ed. H. McAlleri,T.F. & P.A., .Bend, - - - Oregon WhiteRestaurant Where the best 35 cent meal is served in the Dalles Next The Dalles Creamery C. N. Sargent, - - Prop. D Read The Times. $1.50 the