frhurgjay, cpfcmbcr 22, 10 THE MAUPltf Parlor Prices Have become a household word for economy in buy ing. There is not another grocery house in Wasco county which offers such close prices on necessi ties for the house as the Parlor Grocery of The Dalles. When you are at the county seat again step in, examine our goods and compare prices. By so doing you will prove to your satisfaction that what we offer below are real bargains; Jewell Shortening, 81b pail $1.5! Wesson & Mazola Oil, per gallon .f : $2.03 Bordens & Libby Milk, per case $4.75 Van Allen Tomatoes (Machine Solid,) per case : $3.25 Iriquoise Corn (Bear Brand), per case $3.19 Libbv's Crosby Corn, per dozen $1.95 Del Monte Peas Med. Size,) per case $3.95 Waldrof String Beans, per case $3.19 Kraut Libby's 2Vs per dozen ........$1.75 Spinach Libby's 2Ms, per dozen $2.05 Apples Brookdale No. 10 tin, 6 tins for $2.98 Plums Brookdale No. 10 tin, 6 tins for... ....$2.98 Blackberries Brookdale No. 10 tin, 6 tins foro..$3.28 Loganberries Brookdale No. 10 tin, 6 tns f or....$3.28 Libby's Apricot, Plum & Loganberry Jam, No. 10s : i. $1.30 Libby's Assorted Jelly 5It tins, each........;'. 85c Amaizo Corn & Gloss Starch, lib pkgs 10c K. C. Baking Powder, 10 lb tin .$1.35 Calumet Baking Powder, 10 lb tin $1.65 Victor Bulk Cocoa (Fine GwdeJ lllbs $1.00 Fancy Blue Rofe Rice, 131b j $1.00 SrnMl White & Red Mexicjm Rows, larhj $1.00 Fancy Lima Beans 11 lbs $1.00 Elbo Cut Macaroni 131b s j. $1.00 Rex Concentrated Lye, per dozen tins $1.25 White Wonder Soap, 100 bars, $3.59 Hand Soap (Assorted,) per dozen 55c Webfoot Flour per bbl . $7.50 White River Flour per bbl $8.00 Pure Cane Sugar. Manufactures, per cwt. ........$6.35 Parlor ' Grocery 110 East Second Street. The Dalles, Oregon Marcus Shearer, went to The Dallei yesterday, George on business and the ladles to iihop. Mm Ethyel Tesehner vsited'wlth her homo folks, the Delores, at Wap Iriltla, several days the first of the week, returning to Portland Tues day. Billy Weber was over from Sher ara Saturday and again on Monday. Dill la operating a ranch near Hher an and says he finds that farming, rightly conducted, ia not had after all. EAST MAUPIN NEWS Fishing hai been very good in the Deschutes the past few dayi. Elza Derthlck of Bakeoven ia plan ning to go on hit annual deer hunt. -o Jack Weiit went to The Dalles on Tuesday and from there will go to the coast - Mrs. Jack Donaldson has returned from a hospital at The Dalles and la feeling fine. ' ' - v o John Mannion has eturned to Mau pin this week, after spending a few days at The Dalles. Dave Donaldson went to Madras ytescrday for the purpose of looking over some trapping grounds. . Albert Barkharo, who has been at Prineville for some time, returned to his Maupn home Wednesday. S Mr. Morisy, who is spending the summer on the Deschutes, fishing, made i limit catch of trout one day the last of the week. founded a great progeny. Grandma "Magill," aa she ,vss familiarly called, was a pioneer in every sense of the term. It was she who was called In the e-r'y Cr s 'o minister to the ailing and it was shm whose words of cheer made the lives of those who were opening up a new country easier to bear. Her life may be compared to a great poem, as it contained all that was great and good, and may well be considered a goal or which all should strive. Bear ing her misfortune with the stoicism of a heroine, she never complained, trusted in the Lord and fully believ ed that In death she would be re lieved of al earthly suffering and would find surcease of pain in a land prepared for the righteous. As age advanced she was more and more convinced in the infallibility of Christ and met the end with smile. seataoe SATURDAY. SPEGI ALvS ! A The one store in Wasco county that gives real bargains on Saturdays is that of the DOCHERTY-POWERS FURNITURE COMPANY For this' week Saturday they are listing a lino cf specfcls that will appeal to all and have placed them at prices lower than usual : A Dr. Heea' Pountry Panacea helpa to make poultry healthy and to make hen lay well. Every packaage guaranteed. All sizes for sale at the Maupn Drug Store. VltiUrt From Polk County. Wayne Dyer, nephew of Mrs. B. F. Turner, came over from Alrlie, in the Willamette Valley, last Sat urday evening. With him were two young ladies, the Misses Johnson, and the three toook in the Legion dance that evenng. The viuitorb left for home Sunday morning, Mrs. Turner accompanying them. V i PERSONAL MENTION Floyd Richmond was at The Dalles on business Tuesday. Cerge Magill of Wamic was Maupin on business yesterday. In Henry Kramer and wife were in from Smock on Business last Satur day. Howard Nye drove the family Ford to the county seat and back on Tuesday. Charley Pierce transacted business at The Dalles several days the first of the week. ' Ray Morgan, who has been taking George Carl's place at the Maupin Garage while the latter was in tho Valley, left for his home at Lafay ette Tuesday morning. Wm. Beckwith and wife attended the Mrs. Magill funeral at Wamic on Saturday last. Verl Bonney and mother were transacting business at the county seat on Tuesday. ' A Lincoln Hartman was among those from the Flat who transacted business at The Dalles on Tucsdtay. Jack Weiss left on Tuesday for The Dalles, from which place he will go to the coast for a vacation of a month. ' George Tillotaon, wife and Mrs. A Salem and Return VIA OREGON TRUNK RY; TFORTHE Oregon State Fair ! Tckets on sale Sept. 24 to 30, inclusive Return Limit, Midnight Oct. 3rd The fair this year will be the greatest exhibition of Ore gon's products and industrica ever held. Also races and horse show. ' ' O. T. Train Leaves 12:52 a. m. Daily except Sat-, days and at 11:48 p. m. Saturdays only Tickets or further particulars of Doe Pony and Vaudevilln. . Quby Bros, big diversified show will make its appearence in Maupin on Monday September 2G. The bills announce a refined vaudeville show romobined with educated dogs and what is said to be the smallest horse in the worlJ, it standing but 27 inches in height. Tho company showed at the Stiles threatre in The Dalles last week and patron l of that house speaks words of praise for its performances. Ooo 0000000900000000 oo 0 o PICKED UP ABOUT TOWN o OoooooooooooooooooooO Oscar Renick knows lumber when it is sawed as such. But there la a heap he may learn about the various species of oak the poison variety especially. He came in contact with a bunch of that foliage one day last week and as a result is now wearing sundry bandages covered with sugar of lead. Bob Wilson has the fever not' the buck kind but the deer epidemic. He has been stewing and fretting ever since the season opened and was fearful he would not get an oppor tunity to hunt the mountains and canyons for deer. His partner, Charley Crofoot has been ill with quinsey, but at this writing is again able to sit up and take nourishment, aa well as attending to the store, so Bob has hied himself to the high spots after deer. T' x Several cars containing Indians passed through Maupin Monday. The braves and squaws, not to for get the pappooses, were bound for the mountains on an annual deer hunt The Indians aeem to have an aptitude for finding just where the deer stay, and each buck wes optimistic regarding the number each intended killing. Fish are biting like mad. Several local followers of Izaak Walton were on the river at divers times during the past week and each caught all he wanted. While the trout are not as large as fishermen would like, still some catches of fairly larga. just four Lout fish were made. FOUR GOOD WATER GLASSES, for Saturday Special........... .. iOc ONE PINT BOTTLE CEDAR POLISH, oa, for special sale..:.... .....OvC 9x12 FELT BASE RUGS-Splendid Pat- AC terns, Saturdaay Special. T :::20-6 FELT BASE RUGS, for Special, only j 15x27 FELT BASE MATS, Special ? two for only $6.85 .....25c I0OGHERTY . I -POWER v are to held for tral. Such is life mail carrier, "ha his onions.' and Ollie must make the best of it! e - A dance aa Shady Book without the presence of K. L. Hauser on the erate the number and size f the fish floor, ia like raisin cake without the they catch. Not so Jim Chalmers, raisins. . L. will be much in evi- Some men are' prone to exag- Cur worthy blacksmith went fish ing last Sunday. He fished hard. 'Upon his return from the river he dence at the Community hall on the evening of October 1, and the fact that he will have something to do iwas asked about his catch. "Just) with the dance ia guarantee that a ! four," replied Jim. Not satisf ledT (rood time ia on tapis. , with the answer his interrogator looked into Jim's basket and saw OBITUARY . Ollie Weberg is sore at the world. Just as he became settled in a job as school janitor he was summoned as grand juryman and for the next few days will listen to evidence and decided whether or noot some men . Phil Starr has been harvesting S his crop this week. Said crop con sisting principally of that vegetable : which goes to make hamburger ' steak moje palatable. Phil had a !good crop, all large, and solid, and j it may be truthfully said of our Dr. Elwood says that all things are not equal and not as they should be. A friend presented our doctor with some fine trout one day re cently. He took them to a restau rant, bad them fried and he ate them with a relish. Now the doctor says that the joy of eating the trout is minus, for the restaurant people charged him for the mtaL Oregon TRUNK RY. . Central Oregon lint .; E. W. GRIFFIN Agent Phone, Main 122 Emma Magill was born in Ben nington, county, Indiana, January 24 1844, and died at Wamic, Oregon, on Thursday, Ecptember 15, 1927. having reached the age of 83years, seven months, and 22 days. She was laid to rest in the Wamic cemetery Saturday last, the funeral being at tended by numerous relatives and friends, the services being undej the direction of Rev. Alfred Frisch knecht. Thirty-one years ago Mrs. Magill was compelled to take to her bed and for .that length of time was an inva lid. She bore her load with a degree of patience seldom experienced, always being cheerful, never com plaining and taking life at it was doled out to her. Her memory was clear and it never caused her study to recall events of years agone. She was wont to call each of her child ren, grandchildren and great grand children by their names, remembered date of birth of each and incidents connected therewith. ' Decedent was married to J. R. Magill at Farmington, Mass., on July 4, 1860, and later moved with her husband to San Francisco. The same year, 1874, her husband and family came to the Wamic section, where they resided untl the end came, Mr. Magill preceded his wife about two years ago. To the couple seven children were born, they being W. F. MagiH of Portland; Fred and i George Magill of Wamic. tho others, i daughters, are Mrs. Anna Packard of Longview. Washington ; Mrs. Edith Eubanks of Wamic; Mrs. Jes sie McCorkee of Wapinitia, and Mrs. May Crofoot of Maupin. Besides the children two brothers, J. C, and Wm. Gardner, ofiSelway, Montana, and one sister, Mrs. JoBeplrhie uerlyes of Carson, Kansas, are left to mourn her departure. There are 26 grandchildren and 26 great grandchildren who remain, all of whom are in deep grief at the tak ing away of the one who really i . v J ..V -r-vi' V The cigarette thai offers the utmost in refreshing pleasure The Camel blend of choice tobao cos makes a smooth, cool, mild, refreshing smoke. No special treatment for throats Camel tobaccos don't need it. ,,! . ... VUT, K.J. KynoWi ToWco i,, w union -cm i am, n. v