M hp When they come a fishin' They come to Maupin on the Deschutes River. I roads you cu i...h any place from Maupin. AM Vol. XIII Maupin, South' Wasco County, Thursday, September 22, 1927 Number 46 1IAUP1 ) Big Carnival Billed for This City Shows Here October 8 Days of '49 With Attendant Games Scheduled by Legion for Saturday, October 8 Pendleton has iU roundup, Spo kane iu air derby, Portland IU rose fostlval, The Dalles IU frolics but the crowning event of the season will be the grand carnival, arrrangod for bb the Maupin American Legion. This great event will be pulled off on the evening of Saturday, October 8 at Legion hall, Maupin. Tho managers have delved deep ly Into history of early days of the west. They have arranged for a truthful duplication of many of the characters of early times; have un earthed' games long forgotten and will stage a real "Days of '49" at this curnlval. If you like to take a chance, there will be penty of op portunity to do so, as old-time gamb ling gumes will' be on hand. Chuck-a-luck, keno, craps, black-Jack, and maybe the Inldlun stick game. "Mon ey" will be there In thousands the "bankers" handling the game know their stuff and all will be given a chance to either make a stake or go broke. As an additional feature there wll be supper and dancing. The mu elc will be befitting the occasion all those who attend will have the time of their lives. . DR. SHORT PREPARING TO MOVE TO MAUPIN Former Dufur DenUt Will Locata Hare Permantly Office In the Maupin Drwf Store What is Dufur's loss is Maupin's gain, for Dr. Short, the well known denist, who has practiced his pro- fession in the former town for many years, has decided to make Maupin hl permanent headquarter, and will arrive here some time next week. Dr. Short has disposed oi bin rildcnce and artlce and as s on as he has settle:! eome malten :n Dufur will come to Maupin. He will have parlors in the rear room of the Maupin Drug Store, which aro be ing fixed up for his accomodation. PORTLAND HAS ENTRY IN GREAT SPOKANE AIR DERBY "Tex" Rankin Will Represent Oregon In Flight From New York to The Inland Empire Capital The "City of Portland," piloted by Tex Rankin, will he Oregon's strong est entry In the New York-to-Spo' kane air demy wn.tn sihi w .rum ... eastern city September 21. Eanin is president oi tne KanKin r lying school here and vice-president of the Oregon Aero club. With a splendid record behind him, Rankin Is favored by Portand backers to win the class A derby. . The "City of Portland" is a small Waco plane with a wing spread of 23 1 feet and measures 22 feet from the i propeller tip to the end of the rudder. uJv. , , i V ; .- Wright Whirlwind motor, capable of Tt I. ..i. -J .LI. - , making a maximum speed of 140 : miles an hour and with a general ; cruising speed of 120 miles an hour, i The motor is the same type used by Colonel Charles A. Lindberg on his history making trip to Paris, Rankin has been over tho route several times and last August mapped out hid entire course and solected his four landing fields, which will be at Chicago, St. Paul, Fargo, North Da kota and Billings, Montana, lie plans to fly a direct compass course be tween stations in preference to fol lowing the highways and railroads as many pilots will dp. . He will carry tho required 320 pounds of ballast instead of the two passengers, reduc ing the personal element to a mini mum. The greater strength of the f mall plane in rough weather will al so aid him ho believes. Refueling the plane and eath of tho stops will take from three to five minutes enabling him to lund, fill the fine five-point buck. Bates in gas tank and be In the air again be- i tends to make another trip to tho fore the propeller has hardly slowed ! mountains, leaving about the first down. - , f . . , The National Air races will follow the derby at Spokane, September 23 and 24. These will be followed by the Spokane to Portland derby. Eugene building permits for Aug ust were $75,000. ONLY $6.00 TO SPOKANE'S CHEAT AIR DERBY Lowest Rata Evar Given to Capital of Inland Empire Good For Two Days The Oregon Trunk railway haJ made a special round trip rate of $0.00 for the great air derby and plane races, to be hold at Spokane, Washinirtoii. September 21 to 25. This I the lowest rate ever quoted to and from Spokane and applies to all stutions on the O. T. line, as well as from scvral stations In southwest ern Washington. The air derby has drawn noted pilot from, all over the United States and some of the fastest planes in the country will take part In the races. The derby planes have already begun their flights from New York City, and will bo In Spokane today. NEW PACIFIC COAST INDUSTRY MAKES BOW 1 . , .... s uoaia mil ror same vtm joon wa Marbat Flrtt Venture of Kind In The Country , ' Goat's milk for every tablo will bo a reality if a newly organized Pa- cific Coast Industry can supply the demand. ' A California concern, the J. P. Mcycnlcrg labratoriea of Salinas has entered the unique business of can ning goat's milk and already the out put has justified the faith of the or iginators. It is believed that this is the first venture of iU kind in the United State. The first large order placed through advertisements in trade magazines, was sold in Porto Rico. but orders from concerns throughout the United States are coming in for the new product. ; A large plant has been Installed by the Meyenberg encern at Salinas and its capacity is being increased to scores of cases a day. , ' Marketing Big Crop. Frank Gabel is in Maupin looking after marketing of his wheat crop. Mr. Cabcl says he will have about 3,200 bushels to haul to the ware house and has trucks hauling day and night Bruce Hull W.piniti. Teacher. ' rictad fon patch on the hill above . . . 4 ,. - his residence. In that patch he plant Superintendent Gronewald 6i mdSf imong othet vegetables. nvvtim uujs mulling ihuj vile ijuuu- ficutions of several applicants for tho position of principal of the Wap initia schools, finally choosing Bruce 1Iull Mr IIuU WM prlnclpa, of the , Joseph G. Wilson school at The Dttllej for twQ year8 and at junior gchooJ in that dty the lost Will See Big Fight. Thos. Connolly left Sunday for i..nicago, wnere ne win uxe in tne DemfFcy-Tunncy prize ficht. Mr. "M i ... lie i t -a I Connolly Is an ard?iit fight fan ard follows thut game with all the en- thusiasm of an amateur. Fulkerson Got Tho Bear. In another part of this paper will , D6 found story of Phil Starr see- '. lnK tnre0 hears on, top of Faquets gulch last Sunday. Tuesday Trapper Fulkerson went to that locality, and up a canyon above the Abbott sheep ranch ran onto the old bear and cubs. Well, all we will ay is that there ore three bears lesand that the ta- ble of the Times family Is liberally sunnlicd with hear meat. Thanks. Fulkerson. Shattuck Got One Deer. Bates Shattuck, who with his wile and brother, Lew Shattuck, and brother-in-law, Ed. Slerrett, of Van couver, Washington, hunted deer in tho Paulina country, returned to Maupin Saturday evening. The men each succeeded' in bagging a deer, the ne fulling toBates' aim being a of October. Attended Mother's Funeral. J Mrs. Chas, Crofoot was among I those from Maupin who attended I the funeral of Mrs. Emma Magill at Wamic last Saturday. Mrs. Ma Gill was Mrs. Crofoot's mother.. NOTES FROM MAUPIN SCHOOLS Nine new little faces have shown themselves in the primary room and the owner of each seems to be eager to learn. On Monday morning the first and second grades were pleased to find their room unusually bright and Lindley, Betty Slusher and Greatha cheerful, due to the fact that the Turner. walls had been calcimined during Since that time our attendence has the week end. been 100 per cent perfect The Third and Fourth grades have Genvievs Seithoff and Glenn Gra been presented with a beautiful pic ham of the Senior class were absent turc "Feeding Her Birds," by the first part of the week. They Millet, which was purchased by the ' were in Portland, school hoard and chosen by Mr. KaUl v During Mr. Weberg's absence on ser. The selection shows Mr. Kai- jury duty Cyril Fraley has been do- ser s apptitude in matting suitable i purchases of pictures for the grades. The attendance in Mrs. Joynt's third and fourth grade room is 100 per cent up to date. The Fifth and Sixth grades are showing their willingness to do some real work. They will be encouraged by the clean, bright atmosphere of the room, which hat been newly cal cimined. Mr, Crabtree has cut away large. white margin from one of the pie 'tures and thus improved it He .... , also perched himself on a risky scaf- fold support to hang our thermome-! ter from the ceiling. ; The janitor haa been busily en-1 eegaged in searching out and discard- premises. 7'.h and 8th Grades Our initial enrollment on Wednes day, September 14th, was as follows: DALLES MEN GET BIG BAG OF HEAVY BUCKS Eight Men Kill 12 Dear Found Ro mains of One Killed By Tjhem Last Season - A party of Dalles hunters passed through Maupin Sunday having the biggest bag of deer so far recorded this season. There were eight men in the party and their bag amounted to 12 big deer. , While they were in the mountains they found the re mains of a deer killed by one of them last year, but which could not bo found at the time. They brought in the horns with them, the points of which numbered five with a perfect spread. I Soma Big Spud. ' George Cunningham has a small ir Friday evening he showed The Times men a peclmen of his potatoes that for size is hard to beat. The tuber measured just one foot in length and at ita greatest circumference nine inches of string just met ends. George says he will send the sample back east to an aunt, to whom he told the story of growing potatoes in Oregoon and that when they were dug were corded on the arm like Btove wood. He will thus prove his gtory. New Clerk at Wilson's. Orville Fraley will receive Instruc tions in the fine points of merchan dising tit the R. E. Wilson store, Orville has begun putting in the time before and after school hours at that establishment, and the way he takes j hold is evidence1 that his chief attrt , bute is meeting the public and Uking care of its wants. Continued Journey South. W,. W.' Richmond and son, Ralph, ' who ,atc'y came her9 from Stanley, ' N- D- Packed P trusty Ford Sunday and left for the south, in- i tending to seek work in the Klamath country. Mr. Richmond is a brother of R. W. Richmond of this city and spnt some time in Maupin last sum mer. ( Brought Deer Through, A party of Cherryville hunters, made up by F. W. Huntington, W, J. Faliboane and W. E. Welch, passed through Maupin on Saturday, their cars containing the cacftssea of threa fine bucks, shot In the Blue moun tains. Attended Magill FuneraL Lester Crofoot and wife came down from Two Springs last Satur day and went over to Wamic, where they attended the funeral of Grand ma Magill that afternoon. ' , 8th Grade Charles Bothwell, Alta Chastain, Mary Greene, Beth Ruth erf rd, Harry Rutherford and Ed mund Wilson. 7th Grade Bonney Duus, Laco Greene, Melvin Lindley, Wendell jng the janitor work. io, Chastain is the driver of the; Fairview school bus, which has been ' ' i mi I Y . . J ! pamiea m naming orange, .luuging from its color it should be seen afar arjd not missed by lagging students. Madge Shearer, in addition to her Ichool dutiea, delivers milk each morning at the R. E. Wilson Co. tore. . i " No new names have been enrolled In high school since last week. Afew more are expected In later. ' There seems to be some prospect of the athletes engaging in a belated start in football. There is a lot of good material for this, considering the size of the school. The solu- tion resolves itself into the securing of equipment and a field. . At present typing seems to have enolled the largest number, with American history and English IV close runners-up. NATIVE OF WAMIC DIES AT PORTLAND HOME Mrs. M. J. Anderson, Formerly Miss Rodman, Passed Away Last Week Word has been received here of the death of Mrs. M. J. Anderson,' a native of Wamic, which occurred at her home In Portland the latter part of last week. Mrs, Anderson was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Rod man and was born at Wamic. Details regoarding the funeral have not been obtained by us. Home From Portend. Miss Ethel Kidder, who spent the summer at the home of her sister, Mrs. Laco DeCamp, in Portland, re turned last week and again is at her studies in the Maupin schools. Awaiting Household Goods. George Carl and wife arrived in Maupin from Carlton Saturday even ing. Mr. Carl has been here some time, in charge of the Maupin gar age and left for Carlton after his wife over a week ago. As soon as their household goods arrive the Carls will take up their residence in the Ben Fraley cottage, next the Henneghan residence, and make ! Maupin their home. More Deer Hunters Leave. O. J. Williams, Oliver Resh and A. J. Roy, a Portland hardware man, left Sunday fr the mountains in the vicinity of Prineville after deer. The members of the party have hunted . in that section before and it is a sate bet that if any deer are sighted their carcasses will supply the tables of the hunters -with venison.. The men will be gone until October 1st The Kramer Auction.' Don't Vorget the auction sale at J. G. Kramer's on Friday, September 30, Mr. Kramer has listed many articles of farm machinery and live stock, all of which is in good con diion, and which would all grealy to anv farm ecuipment French Butler wil cry the sale, whl,h will start at 10:30 in the morning of the day advertised. Wilson-Fraley Deer Hunters. Bob Wilson and Ben Fraley have gone after deer. They will seek the shy denizens of the forest in the vi- cinity of Prineville, in the Blue mountains andnntend to stay until they each get the limit They left Tuesday morning. Crofoot Had Quiniey. Charley Crofoot was laid up the first of the week with an old ailment -quinsey. He has been subject to attacks of the ailment for several years, but ths late seige proved about as severe as any he has en dured. , Use Your Ingenuity and Try to Win a Fine Prize BEARS SEEN IN CLOSE DISTANCE TO MAUPIN Thrae Observed at Top of Paquet's Gulch One Killed on Top of Buckhollow Bear seem to be numerous this fall, as hunters and tourists report having seen them in many different localities. Last Sunday, while return- ing from a trip through the reserva tion, Phil Starr and family saw three bears feeding on the carcass of a 1 dead horse at the top of Paquet's When t'bruine noticed the approacn oi tne buw tney amoiea into the brush. The same day while near '.he Ashley ranch on Buckhollow Elza Derthick saw a bear cub in a tree. He got his gun and now the steaks from that youngster are piece de resistence on the Derthick table. HIGHWAY TRAFFIC RUNS ABOUT SAME MONTHLY August Daily Traffic Exceeded Oilier Months By 199 Check Made Each Month Foreman Addington checked traffic ! on The Dalles-Calif onia highway Saturday, checking those cars pass ing through Maupin. He noted 161 cars going through that day. A check of traffic for the months of June, July August and , September showed the following: ' ; ' . June 165 cars. July 169 cars. August 268 cars. September 161 cars. Taking the check as an average would show that 109 cars went thru this city each day, 8,220 each month and 16,100 cars for the five months j, the matter in hand have made ar checked. These figures are conclusive j rangementa to take care of a large evidence that many tourists choose our highway as a means , of travel both to and from California and the east 1 . ' -" Hunters of Lost Men Return. ' " Eighteen members of the seekers for the oet Dalles men, Henry Cra mer and Guy Perry, were in Maupin Sunday night, and took supper here. They said they had covered practi cally 'all that part of the mountain where the young men intented to go, but failed to discover any trace of them. Several of .the party vouch af ed the information that they in tented to stage another hunt for the lost men, starting next Sunday. t AumnAmA TaAom Meettnf. Messrs. F. D. Stuart, James' ?f WaPmtia' been reassigned to Chalmers, B. F. Turner, F. C. ' But- Manor' Washington, circuit ler and' iaVerne Fischer ; attended , ZZIZLT t fv. p fit ,parker a third assignment to the Tygh Valley Monday evening, they i being Maupin ; lodge. members of that Visiting With Father. Mrs. B. F. Turner is at Airlie, roue county, wnere, sne wiu thi s with her father for the coming fort- night bhe len lor tne vaiiey wwn last Bunaay morning. Trapping at Conroy's. : Trapper Fulkerson and son re en gaged in setting traps for coyotes at the John Conroy ranch near Sherars this week. On Monday Fulkerson succeeded in catching three coyotea in that vicinity and went there Tuesday morning to look after his trap line. , John Confer Improving John Confer, who underwent an operation for goitre at a Dalles hospital last week, is improving md. will soon be discharged from the in stitution. John had suffered with the afflicition and all hope the re sult of the operation will prove of permanent benefit ' ." . V Mare Breaks Leg. Don Miller is unfortunate in that one oof his best mares "suffered a broken leg one dsy last week. ; The animal was in pasture and when Don went after her found that one of her f rent leps had been broken below1 the ; knee. Dr. Stovall was called and he is makng an effort to save the mare. Carl Pratt and 'wife attended the Magill funeral at Wamic last Saturday. Corson Music Store Seeka to Encour ! age Wasco Youth By Offering Prizes in Puzzle On another page of this issue will be found an Ad of the Corson Music store, in The Dalles, offering a num ber of fro prizes for the most artis tic answers to a puzzle given in the ad. Believing that we have as artistic a people in this vicinity as anywhere, we are venturing the wish that a number of these prizes might be brought to our locality. We under stand the judges awarding the prizes will first pass on the correctness of the solution, then on the most artis tic ' presentation. If those blessed with originality or with particular talents for art needlework, pen and ink or other sketching, or handicraft of various kinds, would spnd some time and thought on the making of the most artistic answer to this puz zle, no doubt the results would be very much worth while. No doubt the originality, together with the artictic working of this puz zle, will count for much and we would especially like to see our people bring home some of the prizes the Corson people are offering. DANCE AT SHADY BROOK SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1 Community Hall to Be Seen of Har ' vest Ball as Opener of Season Beit of Music , - The directors f the Shady Brook Community hall have bills out an nouncing a harvest dance at their hall, to be given on the evening of Saturday, October 1. Those having crowd, havemg smoothed the floor and one of the beat dance or chestras in this section will fur n ish ehtmusic. As the bills say, lay aside all care and take in the Shady Brook dance. Rev. Hazen Returns. Accrding to the Portland 1 Or gonian Rev. Everett Hazen has been returned to the Wapinitia charge of the United Brethren church. As the church of Maupin is in the Wap initia district, Mr. Hazen' will re turn here and remain for the com ing year. Rev. Mershon has been assigned to his present charge, Hazel Gren and Hopewell, a much more desirable charge than the one here. Rev. J. I. Parker, formerly i rfnfjmf wis a W4V.V vu c uJVi v vsv u Scraped Roadway. Gus Derthick got busy Tuesday morning and scraped the roaway north of the Tillotson garage. That stretch of street was in a deplorable , condition( butthe Iittle work Gul did on it placed ft ,a fair shapft Returns to Her Home. Mrs. Aylesworth and new baby, with her two little girls, has gone ; to her home at Two Springs. The. lady was at the Frank Dyer home before and during her confinement, and was mot anxious to get back in harness at her home again. She went to Two Springs last Wednes day. CARD OF THANKS We take this opportunity of . ex pressing our appreciation to our many friends, and to the Masonie lodge of Dufur, who so. generously assisted us end extended words of cheer during our recent bereave ment.' Mrs. G. C. Stakely. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Meiser. : CARD OF THANKS We the surviving members of the Magill family, wish to convey ouf heartfelt thanks for the kind words and ministrations during the long ill ness of the late Emily Magill. Es pecially do we thank those who bought beautiful flowers as tokens of love to lay upon her beir. Your acts will live long in our mmories. THE MAGILL FAMILY V r