tJtE MAtfftN times Hursday Auiust 25, 11 may be put in whon desired. Arrange to Attend and Exhibit at the 1 St h Affmoal a - of the- ? SOUTH WASCO COUNTY FAD k ASSOCIATION TyriiV aley 9 Four Days' Race Meet With Horses from Klickitat Co., Wn., Sherman and Wasco Counties, Ore'. Gigantic Farm Exhibits Including Grains, Grasses, Cattle, Hogs Sheep, Horses, Poultry, Etc, Outside Attractions Crandall Undertaking Co. o QUIET SERVICE- o o The Dalles, Oregon. " Phone 35-J -LADY ASSISTANTS- Oxo ooooooooooooooooexO o ELEVEN YEARS AGO o Oxo ooooooooooooooooexO From The Times August 26, 1916 The Times this week is advertis ing the Twenty-Sixth Annual Fair, to be held at The Dalles, September 20-21-22-23. Automobile races are mentioned as one of the attraction! of the fair. Gardens at Wapinitia were ruined by frost Thursday night ' A heavy froet on Friday nipped garden stuff on Bakeoven. Potatoes vara frown and even the humble tumble weed was not forgotten by the winter weather. A horse belonging to Charley Berg of Ridgeway was caught in a j barbed wire fence Sunday and near-' Jly bled to dath before Mr. Berg j found it. Claud Wilson happened I Berg In caring for the wounded ani I mal. By taking off a part of the terri tory embraced in the Criterion dis trict Mwresidentg south and west cf Maupin will have school t)is year. It is to be a joint district w ith Mau Pin. A building will b erected in Septemb on the Fiok Turner ranch. ... ' o The machinery at the riew eleva tor is in place and 'l8 being tried oot this week. So f.t.r it has operated satisfactorily and will be running to full capacity nc7:t week. " i o . Monday seven cars spotted at the warehouse ar being loaded with last year's w'neat bought by Mauser for shipment, east. Three thousand bushels of prain were received t the Hunts Ferrv Warehouse on Wednesday, 2,600 bushels being in bulk. A went into storage. Tliose making de livery of bulk grain to date are, C. H. Crofoot, F. S. Fleming, G. W. Mallatt, and L. B. OeCamp. ' The switchboard Ifor the Maupin Telephone exchange has arrived and i being installed . ii i the Maupin Drug store. It is oJf rfuffieienfi aize to accomodate ? Vines and so1 ar ranged, that a&ttkfnal ipups of ten Rasignad PotUlon. Leonard Farlow has resigned his position as pharmacist-clerk at the Maupin Drug store and hasVeepted a hko situation at Arlington. Leon ard had been with Dr. Stovnll for tho pant two ami one-halt yoars and whs considered ono of Muupin's ex cmplary young men. The best wishes of a host of friends go with' him to his new location. - Look A Young at You Are. The way to do that Is to have your hair trimmed in the latest stylo by the Modern barbers at The Dalles. Turners at Warm Springs. Postmaster Turner with his wifo and daughters, 'little Jean and Lona, went to Warm Springs last Thursday and are enjoying an outing at thiit well known resort. While Frank is absent the duties of the office are being capably taken care of by Miss Olive Tumor. Sojourning oa Mt. Hood. After . an arduous seance in tho hay fields L V. Broughton loaded loaded his family in the Jewett and hied to the huckleberry fields in ,the neighborhood of Mt Hood. Thy started Sunday night and will put In the week "on top of the world." Had Toe Mashed. Wm. Crlckett is limping around town these days, the cause, of his lameness being a badly mashed toe on his right foot. "Bill" was at work raising track on the 0. T. The jack, used in liftng the rails, slipped, let ting the lift bar drop and when it lit Bill's foot was under it Dr. El wood fixed up the injured member, but Mr. Crickett will be comoelled to lay off from work for a time. Folks at Summit Prairie. L. C. Henneghan took his wife. Mrs. Knowles of Dufur and Mrs. James Chalmers to Summit Prairie last week, going for th outine- and also to pick hucklcbervies. Lou re turned Tuesday evening, bringing Mrs. Chalmers home, and will return for his folks later. Enjoying Coast Breeses. Frank Creager loaded his falthfnl Ford last Thursday and with Franz Confer and wife left for coast point. Frank has been active for some time and the little outing "will fit him lor a continuous Beige c,f hard work upon his return. Our business is not only Cleaning and Pressing but we do Repairing as well, Everything cleaned and pressed and returned promptly. . . Driver calls every Thursday in Maupin,' so if you have work in our line leave' " THE RAINBOW RESTAURANT and it will be taken care of in the right hmanner. Williams Cleaners The Oldest Cleaners in Wsco County. Cone To Tha Coat., Ernest Confer and family are en Joying a layoff trom farm work, and last Saturday left for an outinff at Coast points. His father, assist ed by "Budre" Greene, will take care fo thj ranch during Ernest' absence. Paint! j. Smock School House. Wilson & Miller, the painters from S'jverton, who have been working in this section for some time, are now at work painting, the Smock school house. As soon as that Job is completed they will go to the faTr grounds and paint a number of signs,, then come to Maupin and cloth and paper the cottage recently purchased by N. G. Hedin. Pratt at Warm Springs. Carl Pratt and family are sojourn ing at Warm Springs just now. Carl is on his annual vacation and is en joying the healing waters of the springs, and at the same time striv ing to extract a few trout from the Warm Springs rivrr. While he i away, Everett Hazeniis carrying the mail on Route A. MERCHATS, GIVE YOURSELF A FULL THIRD DEGREE Getting Into a Rat Is Easy, Catting Out hard Study tha Poselbtlities of Consistent Advertising Getting in the rut is1 the chief danger of store keeping or of any kind of businses. When a man begins to fuel satis fied look outl .He has lihut the door to new ideas. He has. blocked the path to progress." " " . , ; Every little while it Is a gttod idea to get down to first principles to take stock of one's self aid to take a fresh start. Give yourself, a third degree. You can't depend upon your pres ent clientele. Your old customers dio off., or move away vavrish some' where! New customers must bs se-' cured constantly. New methods must be devt loped to keep new patronage coming. For building up retail business no , force has been discovered( which comi arJ 14U t . . wim newspaper aaverusnig. Ambitious merchants must si '.udy the advantage and possibilities of ad vertising. And they must open t heir minds to new ways and new ic leas in their advertising. Implement Re cord, . . A tjt . . . f FORXST WORK BENEFICIAL TO CLYDE T. BONNEY Popular Tygh Valley School Princl. pal Spends Summer la High Land Oat September 4 Writing from Ollalie lake Clyde T. Bcmney, principal of the Tygh W- lejr schools, says that his summer's work in the forest reserve has prov en most beneficial to him. Mr. Hon- ney says he will return to his school duties much Improved in health and with a determination to make the coming school year the best in the history of Tygh district His school begins September 6, and a record attendance is promised. Mr. Bonney says he will give all his spare time to the physical training of his charges and predicts his school will give a good account of itself in bask etball, football and other games In cident to school life. Dr. Clarke, Eye Sight Specialist, in Maupin Saturday, September 10th. Consultation free. HOT DOG STAND ELIMINATION State Highway Department Deter. mined to Kill Off Bill-Boards Etc. The State Motor asslociation points out that almost unnoticed a reform is taking place in the elim ination of billboards and hot-do stands from Oregon highways. Slowly but surely the Highway de partment is acquiring land along the right-of-way bordering on scenic and historical sections. This automatic ally eliminates the hot dog stand and the billboard two of the greatest de tractors from the beauties of the state. The Hghway commission has gone about the acquiring of these proper ties quiety and unobtrusively, and while other complain of tiie nuis ance along the highways, the com mission has sought to comet the e vil by acquiring tho property right in Bcenic sections. Every motorist In the strtte of Ore gon approves of this action of the commission as it retains for posteri ty the same beauties of nature that the persent day motorist?! enjoys. Read The Maupin Times and Get All the News HAVE YOU TRIED A DISH OF Ore-Gold Ice Cream Some Try a Disk, Others Order a Quantity We handle only the bast of COLD DRINKS TOBACCOS, PASTRIES, ETC. A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE Sig. Fischer At the End of the Bridge " 1 " " . "' ! The Times is your paper. wAPmrriA i. o. p. F. Lodge No. 309, Maupin, Oregon meets every Saturday night in L 0. 0. F. hall. Visiting members always welcome. O. F. R.alck. N. C. R. E. Richmond See'y THE BANK HOTEL The eaa place la The Dallee te make the rancher aad ovt-ef town fallow feel at dome. Hood Tires ARE GOOD TIRES The Largest Stock of Tire In Town JRichmonds' Serv. Station Time Schedule No. 1. Nov. St, 1IXS THE DALLES MAUPIN STAGE LINE Dependable Servlae Betwaea THE DALLES, DUFUR TYGH at Maupla. Read Down Read Up Morning Trips' 8,00 Lv. THE DALLES Ar. 11.48 840 DUFUR UiOS 9,15 Trail VALLEY 10(30 9:48 Ar. MAUPIN Lv. 10,00 Afternoon Trip 4:00 Lv. THE DALLES Ar. 4,40 DUFUR BilS TYGH VALLEY 5,45 Ar. MAUPIN Lv. iOO 7il0 64S 6,11 0. W. R. I. The Dalles to Dufur $1.00 $140 The Dalles te Tygh $2.00 $9.00 The Dallas to Maupin $2.80 $4X0 Connections at Bank Hotel, la The Dalles for Portland, Pendleton NOTICE . Modern Equipment Courteous Treat meat and Careful Driven JACK KINNEY Meager Stage Depot at Ralnbaw Rettaaraat TRAVEL BY STAGE Suite 18-16 Vogt Block Telepeno 111-W Dr. Fred H. Pageler OPTOMETRIST Strletly Optical DeLARHUE OPTICAL CO. Tl DaUae, . Oregeei Your Watch Haywire? If it is not doing its work bring: it to The Times office and Mr. Semmes will send GUY A. POUND Manuxaeturiog Jeweler sod Watchmaker Bum war to 1. Llndqulst THE DALLES . . OREGON