The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, August 04, 1927, Page Page Five, Image 3

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    Thursday, Aujrust 4, 1927.
been killed l.y be ing forced int a
ECONOMY Pints, at this time per
ECONOMY Quarts, special now,
per dozen
ECONOMY Half Gallon, go now for,
per dozen
KERIt WIDE MOUTH, pints at,
per dozen
KERR WIDE MOUTH, Quarts, at this
time, per dozen
KERR REGULAR, Pints, go now at
the dozen... '.
KERR REGULAR, Quails at the sur
prisingly low price of, per dozen
$i 17
. 1.17
mor by the bruins.
j Fern (Mayhew) Perkins was b:-
j The- Central Oregon Milling coin-Jut Maupia, Oregon, December 21,1
jpany ii rucuving considerable wheat; 1904, and died r.t Portland, Oregon, j
from the ranchers, and are going ty 'Monday, July 25, being 22 years 6
1 ship all they can ret hold of. They (months and 4 A?-;z of Efe at the time j
buy ail kinds shipping as well .of death. She was the daughter of i
j milling wheat. v jr and Mrs- A Mayhew, early J
o ; settlers on Juniper Flat.
j Mrs. Scltz Miller c.rd small child-1 Amos J. Perkins and Fern Mayhew
; rcn were in Maupin fmi Mikkalo, jwere married June, 2'J, 1022 end to
:e time to get your
u Tuesday. Mrs. Miller wan ac
companying Mr. anj Mrs. Jcste
;John,'n to their hon-o at Ktamath
"Vila for a vit.
' o
I Charley and Harry Redding have
. s-haken the duv.t of East Maupin
j from their broganu and have gone to
the Willamette Valley, where they
will pick hops. They expect to rec
tum and put in the winter on this
Hugh Wood wan in town Wednes
day morning on business.
o i
Floyd Hichmond went to U od
r.iver on business Tuesday.
Mr. ami Mrs, K. V. Richmond
went to Portland on business Tui -day.
Mamie Walker of Juniper Flat
wan In town on Wednesday on buai
ncss, o
Mr. K. A. Booth, waiter of Mrs.
, Richmond, Is visiting here for a few
Some Hot Weather.
Whew! Hot! Well, ve'il sty it has
been rather torrid of latj. The rrur
cufy climbed to tho top of the iher
niometer several time lately, and in
dications are that there will be no
surcease from hot spells for some
time to come. All ore praying f r
lain to cool the air.
them two children were born, one
dying in infancy. The remaining
child, a son, 'Donald, the hu.ibanJ,
father and three brothers, V. C,
Lewis and A. E. Mayhew, are left to
mourn her untimely death.
Close out on $1.25 and $1.60 flash
lights. $1.00 complete bo long as they
last at the Maupin Drug Store.
County Board Meeting.
L. B. Kelly went to The Dalles on
Tuesday to attend the regular
monthly session of the county board.
Wednesday the board members
viewed several pieces of road work
and sites of bridgs which are needed
in various parts of the county.
We have your size in stock, in the latest patterns
and styles, and are selling them at a reduction:
each, now :
Start Harvesting Wednesday.
J. A online of Criterion started to ;
work harvesting his wheat crop Wed- i J
nesday morning. Mr. Appling had I
In to get a piece of wanted farm ma
chinery. o
Dr. F.lwood went to The Dalles
Sunday to see his new granddaugh
ter, that waf born to his son and!om(, from Portland.
wife, Mr, and Mrs. Odgen Klwood, Mrs, U. E, Wilson and son, "13o, ' crcw ready to start to work and
o j returned from Portland Sunday-j as tsoon as the sun shone up on the
liirld Locke and wife are visitors j JI;r daughter, Min Jean Wilson, to- Eastern horizon began to turn out
at the Karl Cunningham home on muined in the metropolis, having ac-tR( haul "the staff of life" to one of
the Flat. They came from Portland yppted a position in the drafting de-jtho warehouses.
Mid will leave for home Sunday. iirtment of the V. P. & L. C. i ..
,, .' ir,na.l M.ivticw Vi.ilinv Here.
We also have a full line' of-
BATHING SHOES marked dowrito
per pair ;
Shattuck Bros.
Maupin's Leading Merchants
James Appling with
Arthur, were in town
his brother,
on bonne
ZiKgcnhagant Have Moved.
! Clarence Ziggt-nhagen ha rented
Ernest Mayhew, well known to
imany Maupinites, is here from Hills
Quite n lot of wheat is being hat:!- U" Frank McOorkle cottage an! bjhor() for a vigjt w;th relatives and
cd to the Hunt's Ferry, warehouse iroved thereto.' They have been f,(H rr;,,mjSi Mr, Mayhew has the dis-
ths days.
copying Uie ll. u. joiim.on pou:-c,
but Mr. Johnson having a chance t;
lincion of having built the second
(building in Maupin, the first bcinj
M'ms Doris Kelly is at the Hunt 'tell t' at. property "Ziggy" made -hc that o w H. StaaU Mr. Mayhew
Charley Pierce of Juniper Flat
was a business visiter in Maupin on
J. H. Woodcock and family went
to The Dalles Wednesday morning
on a business mission.
Earl Patrick, of Crchham, h ut
working harvesting at his brother-in-law's
place at Criterion.
o "
Jas. Jones, son-in-law to Sella Mil
ler, passed thru Maupin on his way, trout.
ranch this week, niinting Mrs. Huit;movc
d urine the haying season, i "
. 0 iSeethoT Family Here.
Verne Finher drove to The Dallas) The family of Henry Sedhoff of
Tuesday ' evening, going there to 1 the Central Oregon Milling companj
bring his father and Ernest Trojt
tnrn to Maupin.
has com' to Maupin from Metoliuo,
and' lire r w tnugly located in the
Johnson c'-It age, near the residence
Henry Seethoff's family have ! of R. F.. Wilson. The Times wci-
moved to Maupin from Metolius and Iconics the iv.wcomers to Maupin.
now our popular milier can put his
feet unilt-r his own table in this city.
"Dud" Fischer ret Mined from his
' trip to the mounui.u. Tuesday niRHt
tjecnery a;i well ,w
left this section some time ego and
has been making his home in 'the
Willamette Valley.
f , . t
Stuarts At Home Again.
Fxank Stuart and family returned
from a week's outing in the Klamalh
Fals and coast sections Sundry.
Frank looks as though his trip agreed
with him. end has jetted to
LooU,d Over Fiuoatrick R.ntb. 1 at hts job of ca.hivring at the
John Confer and Ira Kistner were iMarn Mate Bcnk.
Picniced at Swim.
W. E. Hunt and family, with sev
cd others from Smock, Wamic,
Tygh Valley and Dufur, attended a
picnic at Swim last Sunday. The
occasion being in the nature of a
farewell party to Mr. and Mrs. Ton:
Driver, who have been, visiting rela
tives and old fnend3 hereabouts for
the past" week or two. More than
100 people were at the picnic. The
visitors expet to leave for Hawaii,
thir home, tomorrow or Saturday.
its scope and theadvertwement tells
of some remarkable bargains. Read
, then if you choose to trade In The
Dalles, drop 'into the Skaggs store
and look it over.
A few Spalding swimming suits
left at close out prices at the Maupin
Drug Store.
Had Accident at Moro.
According to a report received
by The Times Wednesday morning
John Karlen asked the permission of
Jack Hollister for the use of his
Chevrolet car. After he had secured
Fair Directors Meet.
The directors of Southern Wasco
Fair association met at fair grounds
last Sunday. The most important permission to use it he started on a
at the FiUpnlriek ranch, above Ke-
ina, lar.t week, looking over the im-
! Attended Soldiers Reunion.
piece if legislation enacted at tne
meeting was the decision to erect a
few rest rooms for ladies. These will
be modern end will fill a long-felt
trip to Moro with a ('raper belong
ing to a combine. On ;he way there
he looked at it in the back seat and
just as he did he hit the end of a
bridge which caused the following
damage to the car: Bent fender,
Skaggs Store Advertising. 'sprung axle, bent frame, ; put the
Elsewhere in this issue ' of The t motor out of commission, broken
Times appears an advertisement of .wheel, an dother minor injuries.
T? Kninor n(l fnmilv rctnmul I I'lC KaECrs, 1 nc Ualles CTOCery Store. UUtSlue OI mis me car iw in
to Klamath Fails Tuesday.
Callcy Duncan of Wamic brought
In a sick man from Wamic to Dr. i place for tourists.
Elwood Wednesday morning.
Ray New, Ivan Molt and Floyd i
Ober are going out to, Dear Spring
to drive truck for Joe Drown.
o ' "ll the slopes of Mt,
Phil McCorklo from Happy Ridge
Swimming In Staals' Pond.
tinueii to be a favorite stopping The young folks of idaupin
ll.i.ll.r o ;-lif ..-. nt tl.nir Mir )'( tfikint' ad
i .... 'ii.a 4Vtn tvtitVtrmfr n-aa nn, Inna. in
naoses hut there ore several cars vantage of the opportunity offered:"'- J""" -
by Staats' fishing pond ly making ;
Itiil n,,r,l n nwimiiiinsr nlace. A nnmi-
i . . i . . . j.. .l Srrlciii Lost Brother.
t. rninrnn, 1 na charce for swimming is mane; m ,
going down the hill
Hood back of to the island nnd then hnv,ng to
i.. r- r. i..b. niinr-L-o.i rlhnh tin a verv stiff CTade to get
IJMllir, Unvv o jiui.rva viv ittvt,,' - t
. i ... .i i v. i.l i .........,., i j iImiv iii inc no- 11.
J !' . t-l At t -11. . it.- l-.A Thfif lnl itnf irn la olmnct riQtinnnl in IMas Rhnnn
catihiiir t"me!tieed as witnesses for Mr. I'ltzpal- ; irom a niamaui cans inp me awt-) - - -
.rid;, Sr., in his finul proof. !!art of last week, having driven to;
I . Lcity of railroads and sawmills from ;
! . . . . rr J I Mnnnin Whiln ak lllnniafll PflliH '
The Maupin camp ground con- in s.a... 'v i . t RnBBi,v ;
lUlU 1 VVW, VI '.-4i. ;
American Veterans convention and ;
parked on the grounds.
Have Donaldson
it.. ...
i r tW M..1 KUrman tihuen rami, that it heals
was inMaupin today, having come ij-'y,1'? j;eccny; obout..?5 J188 -ck toJQ-Wn:
-. i
w ssv
a ' . tss.wx s-
v ft I J
This age finds Camel worthy fMfjfk
I 1 ' UJiLar
John F. Raymond of Fortland was
in Maupin last Saturday in quest
of the whereabouts of his brother,
Clarence, who is wanted to appear
and help settle on estate. The man
was in this section late in the win
ter, but since that time his brother
lias lost track of him and now de
sires him to make his whereabouts
known. ' .
Cutting Second Crop.
J. S. (Sam) Brown and wife were
in town from the Upper Flat Mon
day on business. Mr. Brown says he
is at work pn his second crop of alt
alfa and that this scond cutitng is
much' better than the first crop. Mr.
BrowTi also tells that with a continu
ton of water he will be able to har
vest a third crop, as his alfalfa
stands thick on the ground and is
well rooted.
THE people of lliis modem, busy ogc arc always anxious to
recognize quality, and they have placed Camel first among
Modem smokcr9 liavc an experienced taste that quickly
learns to know good tobaccos. Camel i3 their favorite,
because they recognize in it "the choicest tobaccos grown,
blended to bring out their exquisite taste and fragrance.
Camel has won its way to the top in the hardest-to-j lease
age ever known because it lia9 the qualities of goodness that
make smoking a pleasure. You will revel in the enjoyment
of these cigarettes. No better omoke can be made.
"Here a Cam J!"
v . mm
v,'.;.r-v-:'.' ; TV:
Helping In Harvest.
The Misses Helen and Lela We
berg are at the ranch for a week or (
so, presiding over the edible line of j
the harvest' Both young ladies are
well qualified to preside over a
kitchen, for that work has 'been a
part of their home curriculum, which
they have made the most of.
Accident on the Crade.
Last Sunday night Joe Riggles
started for his home on Juniper Fat.
He had proceeded for quite a ways
'when his lights suddenly went out
1 Upon investigation he found that the
! ground wire had in some way work
I ed loose, thus resulting in . blowing
the lights. Joe decided to try and
j get home without any lights but he
,1 bad not gone very far before he
1 snick a rock that was left by some
careless tourist in the middle of the
ror.d, which resulted in n broken
wheel find bent axle; This is the sec
j ond accident caused by some one
I leaving rocks in the road and it is
our opinion that something ought to
be done about it at once.
in IW. R. J. Remolds Ter
. Comp.itiy, wiiiKion-SuMDi, M. v..
Gone to Diamond I.nke.
A. B. Linn and wife of Milwaukie,
and ono of his sons and his wife,
left fbr Diamond Lake this afternoon
on a fishing t-ip. They will bo gone
until they have caught all the fish
they" can eat.
Bcrdcn's and Libby Milk, tal tins, per case $4.75
Lake View Sugar Teas, per case....... .....-......$3.19
Del Monte Peas '(Medium), per case..... ...:..$3.95
Iriquoise White Corn (Bear Brand), case........$3.19
Del Monte White 'Crosby Corn, per case............$4.25
Festival Golden Sweet Corn, per case..l......v.........$4.25
Waldorf Green String Beans, per case...... ....$3.19
Festival Succotash, per case......;....:..........-......!...$3.65
VanAllen Tomatoes (Machine Solids) case......$3.25
Libby's Kraut (2y2's) per case. .......$3.50
Libby's Spinach (2V2,s) per case.............:............$4.00
Happj'V'ale Pink Alaska Salmon ,dozen.. ..$1.89
Brookdalc Apples, No. 10 tins, 6 for $2.83
Brookdalc Pears ,No. 10 tins, 6 tins for...U.....r..$2.98'
Brooidlale Blackberries, No 10 tins, 6 for..!.:.....$3.28
Brookdale Loganberries, No.. 10 tins, 6 tins........$3.28
Siivcrdalo' Catsup, No. 10 tins, per tin...........-... 65c
Li! !y's. Apricot, JBlackbcrry and Plum Jam,
; II 10 tins, each for..., $1.35
Libby's Assorted Jelly, 5-lb tins, each.u...............78c
Red Mexican and Small White Beans, 13tbs. ... -$1.00
Rose City Elbo Macaroni, 13 lbs for..:.....,.'..........$1.00
Coiled Spaghetti, Noodles and Vermicelli,
15 lbs for.....:.:... ;...:.-......................--............$1.00
Fancy Seedless Raisins, 25-11) box....:... .,:....:...$2.29
Fancy Oregon Dried Prunes, 25-11). box..............$2.29
Cascade Blend Coffee, 10 lbs for,........-:..... ....$4.00
Parlor Blend Coffee, 10-rb pail...............-.......:...$4.60
Cream Pail Coffee, 10-lb pail..: . ....... .... $4.80 n
Green and Black Tea, (Good Quality) 3 Tbs.: ..$1.10
K. C, Baking Powder, 5-lb tin 65c
Calumet Baking: Powder, 5-lb tn 98c
Mazola and Wesson Oil, gallon $1.98
Webfoot -Flour, per bbl $7.89
Cane Sugar (Manufacture) per ewt $0.55
White Wonder Soap, per case $3.59
liO East Second Street.
The Dalles, Oregon