The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, June 09, 1927, Page Page Four, Image 2

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    f HE MAUPIN TlMfiS
Thursday, June i 12?
Page Four
The Maupia Times
C. W. 9wutM. Editor
C W. SeraaM Uld . R. Sramn
Correspondents' AVeekly News Items
Fublksh.4 very Thursday at
auujla, Oregon
.... . iu.. n.A ... 1 rn .
months, $1.00; tttrte months, 60 eta.
Entered aa second class' mail mat
r September 8. 1914, at the post
t.Yice at Maupin, Oregon, under the
rU of Marc S. 1879.
Much is being said for and
iaagnst the proposed income tax,
sponsored by Governor Patterson.
' Some interests are sending out prop
aganda decrying such a tax, while
othre3 are voicing their faith in the
'jneasure. The country press iis re
ceiving many, letters asking their
influence by both parties. The
Times hts not learned enough .of the
ins and outs of the measure to take
a stand either way. We will say, J
however, that Governor , Patterson, '
as well as many other astute poli
ticians favor the tax, no doubt hav
ing good reason for bo doing, and
that we believe they know what they
are talking about when they say it
should be passed. At anw rate, if !
it is a measure to increase the j
rtate's revenue and at the same time
not increase the general tax, we are j
for it
Doings at Pine Grove.
(Buchwacker b at it again
and has sent ua another batch
of welcome items from , the
Pine Grove section:)
N. G. Hedin and Walters made
a trip to Maupin Tuesday.
Jeo A. Graham was in Pine
Grove Tuesday on business.
Work on the rock crusher is
projjressins: and it will soon be
in operation.
Julius Shepflin and family
were callers at the Richardson
service station last Sunday.
Jesse Cox was vver from Up
per Tyeh last Sunday.
Virgil Mavfield and family
picniced at Clear Lake last Sun
day. Joe A. Graham and Ollie We
berg made a trip to. the moun
tains Monday.
Johnny Sinclair $3 on the way
to recovery from his recent ill
uess. Ted Endersby is hauling wood
to the Pine Grove school house.
Virgil Mayfield took a load of
wood to Wapinitia on Wednes
day. '.'
Someone lifted the gas from
N. G. Hedln's car one night re
cently. At any rate he got
home early next morning.
Ben was a big kid last Sunday
selling ice cream and soda pop.
You will find him on hand at
all times . Call and see him
when out this way.
Birdie Cox is watering his alf
alfa today.
Shearer, the oil man. was at
Pine Grove Monday with a bad
of oil and gas for the service
The cloudburst on the Upper
Flat was a humdinger. As it
covered many acres of alfalfa it
made the ranchers smile.
A. Lincoln Ilartman made a
busines trip to The Dalles and
While in The Dalles Mr. Hart
man had the privilege of attend
trip to Madras Wednesday, vis
ting Mrs. Hazen's uncle, Joe
. Mr. and' Mrs. Roy Ward left
ing the High school graduation.
Billy West is visiting his
aunt, Mrs. Eliza Bolton, of Du
f ur.
Prof. ' Lloyd and son, , Dan,
of Culver were in Wapinitia Sat
urday, Dan is planning to stay
with, the West family during
the summer, while Prof. Lloyd
has a position as instructor in
o: a. c.
Miss Evelyn Powell has been
spending several days visiting
her sister, Mrs. II. E, Richard
son, at Maupin.
Mr. Mailman's sister of Ore
gon City has been visiting with
Grandapa and Grandma Mart
man and other relatives for the
past week.
lola est is spending a few
days visiting with her Grandma,
Elizabeth Benedict of Duf ur.
Mr. and Mrs. Hazcn made a
Thursday for Walla Walla,
Washington, for an extended
visit, with Mr. Ward's daughter,
Lester West and family made
a trip to Arlington Thrusday to
visit with relatives of the for
mer, and returned Sunday
The program and ice craem
festival given by the Lalies Aid
was well attended by the people
of .Wapinitia Flat Friday evening'-.
Grandma Peterson is visiting
Mrs. Ernest Ilartman for a few
Grandma Woodside visited her
daughter in Shaniko Sunday.
Members of Wapinitia and
Pine Grove Sundav schools at-
roeeify asm
attended the Wasco County
Sunday school convention at
Maupin Tuesday. All rqxt a
splendid program, filled with in
spirational thoughts, given by
a number of speakers of the
Mrs. Mae McCoy made a busi
ness trip to The Dalles' Tues
day. Next Sunday Pine Grove and
Wapinitia will observe Chil
dren's Day at Wapinitia. Every
one bring their basket, and
stay for preaching services in
the afternoon.
Sunday afternoon at 2:30
Rev. Hazen will speak at Wap
initia and in the evning at Maupin.
New Scalee Arrived.
Last Saturday F. C. Butler re
ceived two fine scales, one of 25 and
the other 80 pound caplclty. They
wer emaed by tha Dayton, Ohio,
Scale company and, besides being
a valuable adjunct to the store, add
greatly to the appearance of tht
counters at Butler'a grocery nd
meat market '
Read The Maupin Times
and Get All the News
We wonder why it is that press
dispatches from the Coos Bay coun
try invariably bear a Marshfield
date line, when the fact is that most
of such are related to North Bend?
The latter city has the unbound
hustle of the west, is growing by
leaps and bounds and in time bids
fair to be the metropolis of that sec
tion of the state. We suggest that
the correspondent use 'a little more
discretion and not play one . town
against the other so strongly. ,
It is rumored that, in case Secre
tary, of State Kozer is given another
state portfolio, Hal Hoss, secretary
to Governor Patterson, will succeed
to Sam's office." Knowing Hal, We
will say that the governor couhi do
no better In making the appointment
for the former Oregon, Cityt news
paper man is a good "hoss" both in
name and ability. .
Because the Portland Oregonian
saw fit to support the proposed in
come tax measure it is called turn
coat by some of the country press,
Those who dub Oregon's leading
newspaper two-faced are reminded
that "a wise man changes his mind,
a fool never."
Uucle Sam will make the size of
his currency smaller. Not on our
account. Our purse is large enough
to hold all the old size bills we can
get hold of, and not cause it to
bulge at fchat.
There is a wood man in The
Dalles who deserves a medal for
honesty. He delivered a ' load of
wood to a firm there last Saturday
and while unloading iti demanded
the, buyer get a man to tramp the
pile down so as to makevaure of
correct measure.
The suggestion of . Dr. Stovall
that "Clear Lake be closed this sea
son is apt. Fishermen who have no
aregrd for the Jaw regarding the
size of trout are -many, and with
hordes taking them from, the Jake
but few will be left to grow to !
mature size, and thus strip the lake
of trout thatotherwise would make
good fishing.
We oftentimes wonder what be
came of the city triffic ordinance
and why it is not enforced. Hardly
a day passes but what some autoist
goes through town os though on the
wings of the wind, and he is allow
ed to get away with it. If someone
s struck by those in such A hurry
we expect then the ordinance will
be strictly enforced for a time.
Nick Karolus is the possessor of
a dog. He says it is a shepherd
dog. We thing differently. Judging-
by the nose it makes when left
alone we imagine it must be a mix
ed strain part jackas3 and part
, coyote.
Dr. Elwood is somewhat busy
these days. Taking care of his
practice engrosses his attention a
part of the time, then he bus!es
himself assisting th, carpenters! at
work on the new addition to his resi
dence. Doc does the heavy work
hands the lumber to the workmen.
; , f
mm?. ,
'I, i u fjiw- i'iffii-f-i s -
d' I f si F -i -3 I nr 1
Something Exceptional-direct from the Ira F. Powers factory
Genuine Birchfield Davenports and Living
Room Chairs
will be sold during fhe Anniversary Sale at very tempting prices. Get yours right now
Large Kidney Davenport
in Rose Blue
Mohair with Reverse Cushions to match
Regular price $185.00, Anniversary price
. $137.85
Large Roomy Chair to Match
Regular price $132.00, Anniversary price
Birchfield Davenport
with Silk Revesible Cushions, the two pieces Regularly
. priced $227.50, Anniversary price ,
Birchfield Davenport
and Chair
In Blue Jacquard Velour. Regular price for the two
$110.00, 'Anniversary price
Odd Davenports
In Jacquard Vclour, Rose and Blue Taupe, Regular
. $85.00. Now f.