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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1927)
Pasre Etent This age of high standards welcomes the Camel quality MODERN smokers are 'the most exacting ever brawn, and they place Camel first among cigarettes. For Camel was created to succeed in the hardest-ro-please age ever known. It was made to satisfy those who demand the utmost, and modern smokers have given it such popu larity as no other cigarette ever had. If you're downright hard to please, just try Camels. To bacco taste and fragrance will be revealed as never before, for Camels are rolled of the choicest Turkish and Domestic tobaccos, supremely blended. This modern cigarette exceeds all other standards but its own. To light one is to find taste fulfilment. "Have a Camel!" ' '"' ''" I J Company, WinatoB-Salan, t Correspondents' Weekly News Items i News Of Busy Shaniko - The following items from Shaniko were taken from The Dalles Chroni cle of Tuesday: Allen Pratt,, accompanied by his mother left Tuesday for Portland where thy wiel lsepd tnhe cshool va cation. . Everett Wilson of Portland was here Tuesday and Wednesday pro moting a round-up at Tygh Valley in June. , . Ford A. Thompson of Madras was a visitor here Wednesday. J. H. Young of Hood River and A. D. Johnyn of The Dalle were visitors here on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kramer and son Harold, left Saturday for a motor trip to Minnesota. (They were ac companied by Miss Florence Cavin, who will stop in Detroit Mich., for a visit with her mother. Mrs. Julia Spalinger spent Mon day here visiting her daughter, Per enta Spalinger. Velma Brady, who has been here the last month attending school, left Monday to be with her mother at Aurora, Oregon. . Mr. and Mrs. Otis Profit and Mrs. Win. Gott and son, Lawrence, went to The Dalles Monday. ' Hugh McGeer of Clarno, G. G. Kcsling of Portland and Claude Kel- sey were- visitors here Saturday. Margaret Logan of The Dalles was visiting relatives here Monday. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Feldman wers callers here at the Altermatt home Satur day and Sunday. A large crowd from here attended the dance at Antelope1 Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller spent Sautrday night and Sunday at Tygh Valley visiting relatives and fishing near White River falls. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hinkle and chil dren of The Dalles were visiting rel atives at Ridgeway over the week end. "., Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fisher "and daughter, Helen, were visitors at Wapinitia Sunday. T. S. Hamilton and son-iu-law, Ale xMcDonald, of Ashwood were visitors here Monday. . Charley Hanson and Mrs. Edgar St. Marie and son, Adrian, of Port land, were visitors here Friday and Saturday. .. Chester Fritz of The Dalles and id f M . v. N. C. A1red Benntt ' Antelie visitors here Monday. were WAPINITIA ITEMS Born To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Woodside, a baby boy (Holland Elden) weighing 10 pounds. Mother and baby are doing finely. A number of Wapinitia people at tended the class day exercises at Maupin Wednesday evening. Professor Lloyd and family of Culver attended' the graduation exercises of Wapinitia High school Thursday, and visited friends Thurs day night and Friday returning to their home Saturday. The graduation exercises of Wap initia were well attended Thursday evening by the people of Wapinitia Flat and Maupin. Prof. Ferry de serves special credit for the well ar ranged program. The school picnic at Bear Springs wasa well attended by Wapinitia ites last Friday. Everyone attending reported a good time. Prof. A. D. Hulbert and childm and relatives of the Powell's have been visiting at the John Powell home since Friday. Mrs. John Lewis was a caller at the parsonage Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gausten from The Dalles visited Grandma Woodside over Saturday night and Sunday. Mrs. Roy Batty came near having a stroke Monday. She is ' slowly recovering, and we hope that she will soon be back to her tegular duties. ' Mr. and Mrs. Hazen spent Mon day night at the West home, lookinz after the chores while the Wests were visiting relatives in Dufur. A number of people of Wapin litia Flat attended the graduation exercises at Maupin. Grandma Woodaide is visiting at the home of Lewi Woodside for a couple of days. Alva Hammer went to The Dalles Tuesday. The Ladies Aid met Tuesday to work on a quilt for Grandma Hart man. They have decided to give their program and Ice cream sale June 3rd. Every one com and have a good time. A few of the Wapinitia people at tended the Pine Grove program Tuesday evening. Sunday morning Rev. Hazen will speak at Wapinitia and in the even ing at Maupin, , , . THE MAUPIN TIMES THE CORRAL By M. J.. W. What-ho Vacation! "Our vacatioo days are here Happiest days of all the year." Vacation is coming and I'm ready to swear ' I'll go to the country and spend it there. I'll flee from the classroom's rule and law From English and science cut loose And go where the strawberry grows on its straw And the gooseberry grows on its goose. And I'll rise at morn with the early bird To the fragrant farmyard pass Where the shepherd turns his beauti ful herd Of grass hoppers out to grass. No more lessons, no more tests, No more laughs at teachers' jests. No more books and no more classes, Will I miss them? Yes! the lasses. Teacher's Pet! Do you? Contest Weeded Out It is to be regretted, that out of the vast number of candidates an nouncing their 'desire of entering the Maupin May King Contest so few were able to survive the rigid inspec tion imposed by the rules. Three popular High school chaps were weeded out due to their ob vious bewilderment and perplexity in distinguishing "plus fours" and golf knickers at the established distance. Another very eligible candidate had to be debarred since it was prov en he had, on several occasions, worn a red necktie within the last 11 months. ' Circumstantial evidence was too strong in the case of another likeable entrant. It ws reported that he has been in the habit of purchasing a bottle of Listerine every Saturday night. The Committee felt that all regulations must be strictly adhered to. This weeding out process has left the field clear to three contestants. Although it wan primarily the inten tion to publish their, full names and any other interesting data obtain able, a certain reticence and innate modesty urged them to request that we refer to them by other names than their own. For the sake of con vience we shall allude to them as Mr. A, Mr. B, and Mr. C. 1. Mr. A, when intcrvieed, frank ly admitted that his chances for elec tion looked very favorable due to his fame gained as an example of "What Palm Olive Oil Soap Did To Me." He is strongly in favor of abolishing tin earrings. 2. When, the reporter called upon Mr. B., he was mistaken by this well known man for an agent or repre sentative of Fleischman's Yeast Co., and commenced to address him, "For three years 1 was unable to perform my own work, but after cue cale of : yeast after each meal every day I am now able rise to any occasion. I feel I cannt say too muh in priase of" but here the reporter felt im pelled to prevent any more personal disclosure and informed htm of the nature of his visit. Mr. B.says he has always admired women for their beauty and intelligence and expects their votes. 3. Mr. C. says "There is very little doubt in my mind as to the outcome of this gala affair. The populace, in the main, is with me to the last gnsp. One of the many points in my favor Is my thoro knowledge of "Eti quette," being as I was, Emily Post's inspiration on her famous book on that subject The foregoing men are all a-twit-ter and agog, one might say, in an ticipation of the great honor to be conferred on one of them. They await only an elective majority of votes. Will it be necessary to add,' "Let your conscience be your guide" in voting? FOOT FACTS TO INTEREST ALL U. S. Department of Agriculture li me New Bulletin on Leather Leather shoes have received much attention from scientists in the Uni ted Sta'-s Deportment of Agricul ture who are engaged in the study of leather and its usos. In studying the suitability of rliffrront lent hers ,' u' footwear i'i.ii.'.i'1rr:ibli- lias bvvn kaiuiil :u,u! thf hcUhUuii of shoes and the care of footwear so that it will give the maximum service. The information has been incorporated in a bulletin, No. 1523-F. An interesting discussion is pre sented on the different typea of shoes and their construction. The service to which a shoe is to be put is an important factor in se lecting of footwear. Particular at tention is given in this bulletin to a description of the different kinds of leathers used in shoes and their rela tive value. To be comfortable, durable, safe, jand attractive, shoes for everyday wear must conform to the natural 'shape of the feet and protect them, says the department. They must also provide a firm, foundation for the body. The well-known Army shoe meets these requirements. Ci vilian shoes made along the same lines, but of lighter-weight material j and more pleasing appearance, can j how be obtained in most parts of the j United States.. They are well adapt-1 ed for everyday wear in the city and country alike. The proper care of footwear, coupled with its intelligent selection, means a reduction or irom one- quarter to one-half in shoe bills and at the same time keeps the feet neat ly and serviceably shod. Good care includes prompt repair. It is never true economy to wear down-at-the-heel, dilapidated shoes. Such shoes neiLher protect the feet nor proper ly support the body. What might be saved in leather may be paid evenu- ally to foot specialises and doctors. If the necessary repairing is put off the shoe may be so badly worn that it no longer is worth mending and from $2 to $5 will be lost by neglect. Further suggestions as to the care of shoes include attention to cleaning and renovating, drying, oiling and greasing, and waterproofing. Sever- Choice of Fine Trains Yours! NORTH COAST LTD., 9:30 a. m. from Tort land via S., P. & S., N. P., C, B. & Q and ORIENTAL LTD., out at 8:00 p. m. via S., P. & S., G. N., C, B. & Q., both following the famous Columbia River scenic water level route through the Cascades, and with co ordinated service east of Chicago. Let Us Help You Plan Your Trip E. W. GRIFFIN, AGENT J. C. WRIGHT, Trav. Passenger Agent Phone Main 122 Loy round trip fares to the Portand Rose Festival, June 13-18 V 2StTiBne,Porflaii: vseatiie ,..iV al formulas for waterproofing given in the bulletin A copy of the bulU'tin muy be vh- Uincd, as long a the supply last, by i f writing to the United States Depart ment of Agriculture, Vanhiiigton, V. C. ! Take your picture developing to Maupln Drug Store. One enlarge ment free with each 60 cents worth of work. j Farm Reminder Overfeeding and not underfeeding Is the cause of many poultry ail ments in Oregon, says the Oregon experiment station. A poultry house in the orchard gives two incomes per acre valu able fertilizer and shade for hot sum mers. Some cod-liver oil mixed jn with the dry mash keeps fowls in bettor flesh and promotes firmer egg chells. High egg yields are obtained for a short time by feeding very concen trated feed materials and drugs but the hen is limited in her future use fulness. Swarm prevention is an important spring problem in honey production, says II. A. Scullen, assistant ento jmologist of the Oregon experiment station. More ventilation, larger brood chambers, fewer drones, younger queens and the destruction nf f;iicrn rem will itiai'mirMjro swarm mr. The berWper can prevent de jvelopintr queen cell by thornu'ily examining hives every 10 to 14 days. Ventilation is obtained by ihlarging hive entrances, and younger queens may be Introduced when queens old er than two years ure present In the hives. THE MODERN' BARBERS Most modern shop in Wasco county catering especially to farmers' trade. Everything in the line of barbcring done with neatness and dispatch. 410 Eat Second Street The Dalles, Ore. loriEGON BAKERY The Home of Harvest i Bread Also all kinds of CAKES, PIES, ROLLS, DOUGHNUTS, ETC. and everything elae in THE REST PASTRY The Dalles, - Oregon 0 ' rtfwniiwMl MAY 22d and goo! all summer' ROUND TRIPS PAUL, $75.60 CHICAGO, 90.30 NEW YORK, $1 01. tv O.bcr point In proportion Wm Wv-:--' ........ - Thursday May 2G, 192?. i Read The Times. $2.00 the year. NOTICE TO SUBB3CRIBERS As published In this paper two weeks ago we will raise the sub scription price of the paper te $2.00 per year, beginning the first of June. We have severe delin quents n our books, some of whom have told us they would soon come in and settle. Others have made no effort to meet their obligation to us, therefore If they fail to re ceive the paper after the above date they may know they have been cut off because they failed to pay a just debt Several de linquents may be served with notices from an atterney, in whose hands we propose to place their delinquent accounts. We have supplied the paper for nearly two years and now that we Imve made dectded improvement In it, we must have our money or take measures to collect it- Come in and pay up, you delinquents, PAPBQW Where tne lr Maa Cat Fell Satisfaction SHOiiT OUDEUS Ary Time -RY OUR SUNDAY CHICKEN DINNERS Ue Ci Cold DrUL aaj Time Schedule No. 1. Nov. 26, 10M THE DALLES - MAUPIN STAGE LINE Dependable Service Between ( THE DALLES, DUFUR TYGH at Maupin. Read Down Read Up Morning Trip 8:00 Lv, THE DALLES Ar. IMS 8:40 DUFUR 11 tOS 9.15 TV-.H VALLEY lOJO 9.45 Ar. - MAUPIN Lv. 10:00 Afternoon Trip 4:00 Lv. THE DALLES Ar. 8.00 4,40 DUFUR 7:20 6:15 TYCH VALLEY 6.45 5.45 Ar. MAUPIN Lv. 6.15 FARES ' V . ' O. W. R. T. The Dalle lo Dufur $1.00 $140 The Dalle to Tygh $2.00 $3.60 The Dalle to Maupin $2.50 $4X0 Connection at Bank Hotel, In The Dalle for Portland, Pendleton NOTICE Modern Equipment Courteou Treat moot and Careful Driver CHAS. BROWN - - . Manage Stage Depot at Rainbow Restaaraat TRAVEL BY STACE Suite 15-16 Vogt Block Telepone 1U-W Dr. Fred H. Pageler OPTOMETRIST Strictly Optical fctJLARHUE OPTICAL CO. BftUa, . . . Oreroa Your Watch Haywire? If it is not doinjf its work bring: it to The Times and Mr. Semmes will send it to GUY A. POUND MaHWfturlpflt Jeweler wi Watdunaker Ducumiw u U. Lindquiat THE UAuLES .' ORKGON WERNMARK SHOE STORE Shoes and Repairing Wasco County's Exclusive Shoe Store Shoes for the Whole Family XJeneral Repairing The Dalles, Ora.