Thursday, May 26,1927." THE MAUPIN TIMES HERE IT -'The price you have Long; Waited for but Never Expected All Wool Made-to-Order TWO-PIECE Suits! 15, MEN! n ; I Simnasho yesterday and while her "dickered" with the Richmond! for a new Chevrolet car. Carl Pratt and wife returned form Astoria Saturday' evening. They left the city at the mouth of the Co lumbia Friday and drove through. Mist Florence Mathews came op from Philomath college to attend the graduation of her sister. Miss jBerta Mathewt. She returned to ber .studies on Tuesday ' Miss Edna Poison, who has been teaching in a school near Portland, arrived yesterday evening and will spend a few days visiting iwth the Job Crabtrea, family before pro ceeding to her home at Madras. WEBB DOING FINE AT TYCH Former O. W. Section Foremai la Business for Himself Now $2 1 .75 Any 3-Piecc Suit or Overcoat $25-75 Single Pants, $8.25 WILL RECRADE PART OF THE WAP1NITIA CUT-OFF Five Thousand Yar3 of Earth to Be f Moved la Railing Grade and oa Cushions. E. R. Webb, for a number of year in charge of the 0. W. section at this place, is enjoying a fine trade in a grocery and meat market at Tygh Valley. Ernest has a nice stock of groceries and lately pur chased the stock and good will of the Lee Jackson meat market. He has insctalled a Frlgidaire refrigera tor and now is able to keep his meats and vegetables fresh for an indefi nite period. Ooo "000000000000000 oo 0 a PICKED UP ABOUT TOWN o OoooooooooooooOoooooO When you consider that the quality is all wool and that every garment 4s tailored to your indi vidual measure with a guarantee of absolute sat isfaction, you will realize that this is the greatest offer of the year. COO SAMPLES TO SELECT FROM ALL AT THE SAME PRICE You Save $15.00 Why Pay More? They're All .Wool R. E. Wilson Co. Member "Affiliated Buyers." The contract for graveling the Wapinitia cut-off has been let to a Washington firm of road builders. Before graveling operations begin it will be necessary to raise the grade of some sections of the road and to build cushions on others. It is esti mated that it will require at least , 6,000 yards of earth to be moved in the work. The engineer in charge has been in consultation, with II. M. , Greene of this place and it is possi ble ho will be given a contract on the regrado work. Helen W.borf "Hollow" Girl. No, Horatio, that voice which answers your telephone call in not possessed by a concert singer. It is Miss Helen Weberg who asks your number you want. Miu Weberg is at the switch board of the local tele phone exchange and her service in tha tcapacity is favorably com mented upon by all subscribers and users of the line. Yasco la Health Column. A bulletin recently sent out by the State Board of Health designa- i tcs Wanco as being one of the' most healthful counties ia the state. Out of a total of 523 cases reported foJ the wik ending May 21 ,pnd rang-1 Ing all the way from chickenpox to whooping cough, Wasco county is re ported as having but five cases, they being measles. 7 Home From Business College. , Miss Genevieve Hunt, ho has been attending, the Bcnhke-Walker Busi- ncss college in Portland, came home yesterday. Her mother and brothers went to Portland after her. - Before returning home Miss Hunt under went an operation for the removal of her tonsils. This was found necessary before she could receive trcatmnt for her eyes Leo Jackson Soils Out. L. F. Jackson, who, for some time past has been conducting a meat market at Tygh Valley, has disposed of his shop and equipment to E. R. We1b who will operate in that line in our neighboring village. Just what Lee will do do in the future we have not learned, but it is a cinch he will not remain idle a great while. Hunt Buys Fitzpatrick Wool. W. E. Hunt recently purchased the Fitzpatrick & Son clipp of wool. The Mutton Mountain Sheep company re cently sheared between 9,000 and 10,000 pounds from their flocks, all of which Mr. Hunt took off their hands and now has it stored in the Warehouse. Besides this clip Mr, Hunt has purchased several farmers' clip of wools. Mrs. Roy Batty 111. Report had it the first of the week that Mrs. Roy Batty had suffered i slight stroke of paralysis. Invest! itgaon proved the report to be unfounded, but her physician says that the lady was threatened with such a calamity. At this writing Mrs. Batty is improving. , Taking advantage of the market for cattle is on thing Deo Woodsid does. Last Saturday be, in company of O. S. Walters, Wm. Foreman, and Franz Confer, took five carloads of fat kine to the Portland market Foreman had two ears, tha others one each. x W have begun to believe that a man's friends arc numbered accord ing to the number of dollars he possesses. If man is worth million the whole world kow tows to him; if he is working from hrnd to mouth his friends make their friend ship known about pay day. x- Now that the contract has been' let for graveling the Wapinitia cut off, we expect Maupin's leading road builder, H. M. Greene, to get In 'ind get a good slice of the work to dot - Greene constructed a stretch of that road bed and it is said that his work was the best on the job. Ben Fraley's offer to le anyone use his shop and tools wherein and with whieh to do their own auto re pairing i meeting with response. Many of his old customer are taking advantage of the offer and, as a con sequence, his shop present the ap pearance of a big city garage. Maupin's dealers in ice cream are bewailing the cool weather. Last year at this time . all dealers were taxed to supply the demand for the cooling delicacy, but so far the trade in ice cream is almost at a stand still.. Charley Brown, owner and opera tor of The Dalles-Maupin stage line, Us authority for the story of that woman, which this paper mentioned a week or so ago as making absurd statements concerning the stage running in a circle off the road, has been awarded the sum of $1,400 as compensation for a scratched knee. At that rate there is hardly a person in Maupin but would have both knees scratched for that sum. An insurances company paid her claim. Jefse Addington will be - J. W. Temple's helper at the Maupin Motor f If TvtOW SUMMER BXCUaSlON F RT9 IN EFFECT MAY Jl TO S ft. JO MTURN LIMIT OCIOfcBK3t.UJ7 BOVND TB&F TO DENVEfl OMAHA fANSASCTTY I tS MOINES... ST. LOUIS CF'CAGO..-,.. aSci-vWATL.. .$7.20 .. 7.9 .. 7S.W .. .. $. ... IM.I1 ...ItM riJVUJt'.tf 117 M TOONTO........ - ATLANTA. - JZL.6 rrrrt'KGH ... m.o WAJNGTOV H5.M f LA(-fXPtIIA 119.23 M.W YOnvit 1S1.7 BOSTON .J57.7 Low fares also to other points In Middle West, South and East. . Liberal ttopovert permit ehiting ZlaaNattMaiParli OnadCanyao National Far. YellowatoeM Nation: Park IWejky Moootaln Hfl Park . For Illustrated Booklets, Reservations and Information, address Agent named below. i UM IOM PACIFIC TUS OVEJUAXD BOUTS ! R. B. BELL, AGT., J l Maupin, Ore. iiJ EDW, H. McALLEN, T. F. & P. A;, Bend, , - - - Oregon Read The Times, year. $2X0 the Knight Back on the Job Hugh Knight, who puts in some of J company's garage during the summer PERSONAL MENTION Ceo. Mallatt thnnsacted, business at The Dalles Monday. Mrs. Lster Crofoot was a in The Dalles Monday, visitor F. J. Stuart transhacted business at The Dalles last Snturdny. Dee Talcott was Hlown from the raich a short time yesterday morn ing. Joo Riggles transacted business at The Dalles a couple of days last week. o I 1 B. F. Turner arrived home from' the Odd Fellows convention lost Friday,.. r Alvo Hammer went to The Dalles Tuesday and will care for his mother for a time. o Dee Woodside mado a trip to Portland Saturday, returning on the stage Tuesday. 0 Clurence Alexander was trans acting business iq Maupin a short time yesterday. Jake Davidson and wife drove in from the ranch on a trading trip on Tuesday evening. " H. E. Hummer was called to The Dalles on business Monday, com ing: home on Tuesday. Carl Dahl, with a couple of sheep buyers, Messers. Buckley and Pow ell, was in town Tuesday, i Leo Jackon, who lately conducted a meat market at Tygh, was in town a ah6rt time yesterday morning. Sheep Buyer Bohosky is in this vicinity picking up the wherewith by which to increase his Washing ton flocks. Rev. Matthews camo1 in from histime while not engaged in his vacation. As a boost lor the boy ranch lubors in Jim Chalmers' wagon ' we will say that all that desire their shop, is again working at his bench, enrs washed and made look like a Hugh is an expert wagon maker and new one, just give Jesse n chance to haul-for the past few days has been kept show what he can do with a sponge end a stream of water. Crabtree Haulinj Wheat. T, r.tllilMin V.aa Urn iva, viuuucc lino lvvii ilui- . ing some of his last year crop of rather busy overhauling farm ve ...i a. a. iL it t ' ! wheat to the Maupin warehouse com- hides, pany's plant this week. Quite at - number of the Fla t raichers are j Passenger Agent CaJU. holding thir wheat and we expect ; E. H. Allen, traveling freight and that soon a large amount wtl bo I passenger agent for the O. W., wa3 hauled to town and shippd out. Employed at the Bank. Miss Alda Pugh, who graduated from Maupin High school with the class of 1927, is now employed in the Maupin , State Bank. Miss Pugh is through in her work and will prove a valuable addition., to the bank's clerical force. Putting lD Windows. Job Crabtree, who is noted all up and down the country for his con struction ability, is busy these days putting in new windows the Wil son store. Before the improvement was mado the Hide of the store did not have windows on the north, therfore no light could come in. Now with windows that sid8 of the j store will have sunlight to light it up. , a welcome caller at The Times shop yesterday. Mr. McAllen is station ed at Bend and makes regular visits to all towns on the line of his rail road. While here he attended to his company's business at WTapinitia. BIG ROUNDLfP AT Tygh Valley Fair Grounds JUNE 11 and 12 There Will be Steer Rid ing, Horse Races Chariot and Roman Race, Wild Horse Race, and many otheir Events. -X- EVERETT WILSON, MANAGER Lay.'ng Pipe Line. Dee Talcott is laying about 300 feet of pipe from his water tower to the hog lot Do has a fine well and windmill and keeps the tank on the tower full at all times, thus in suring plenty of water both for do mestic and stock use. Installed New Oil Tanks. ' George., TUlotson has three new oil tanksat his garage. The receptacles are painted white and havo been placed on the con crete foundation betwen the gas tanks. ' It has been said that "the prayers of the righteous shall prevail." We realize the truthfulness of the nro verb, and further state that those prayers, coupled with the real truth. will have a great deal to do with proving the innocence of two wrong fully accused men. Those of our ronchers who are debating their exhibits at the coming fair are advised that there will be four days of the exposition this year. New accomodations will be provided for exhibits and an entertainment program, better than ever before, is in view. Secretary-Manager Gillis is leaving no stone unturned to make this the best fair ever held in Wasco county, and knowing hia go-getter nature,, we do. not hesitate to say installed l tnat n's prophecies will be worked out to the satisfact on of a'l Armax Ducco Flashlights. Will l Will not break. ,$1.30 complet with Fair Ground Pavil'n I SATURDAY, JUNE Cr Dane and Show ... This dance is the thirfl of the Diamond Ring ser ies and will be one of the best of season. Music by Plyler's Orchestra -X- Rin-Tin-Tm the Wonder Bog in Tracked Snow Country The film offering depicts the famous Rin:Tin-Tin in an absolutely new role and the story carries all to the land of the frozen north, where men are men and where the Royal Monted Police hold full sway and yield absolute power. ' Shaw starts promptly at 8:00 o'clock p .m. Admission to Show ...L;.20 cents and 40 cents batteries at the Maupin Drug Store. ! Read The Times-eet the news. TO ALL HOLDERS C? SECOND LIBERTY LOAN BONDS NOTICE OF REDEMPTION AH outstanding- Steosd Llbrtr Loan prr tnt bonds of W!-42 (Second 4 and all outstanding- Second Liberty Lean Converted 4 4 per sent bonds at 15)27-41 (Seeond 4Vs re ealled lot redemption on November la, 127, pursuant to the terms of their Issue... Jntwc t on ail Second 4's and Second 4 ' wilt etaae on aid redemption ('ate. November IS, 1V27. Holders of Second 4s and Second 4Vs will be rati led to have the bonds redeemed and paid at par on November IS, 1927. Sucb holders mi, however, bi advanc of November 15, 1121. k offered the privilege of exefcaiiBinsr all or part of their bonds for oter int rest- , bearing obligations of the United States. Holders who desire to avail themselves of the exchange privilege, if and when announced, should recinest their bank or trust eompany to notify tbem when Information regarding the exchange offer ing is received. Farther Information may be) otslne4 from anv Federal Reserve Uenk or branch, or from the Commissioner of the Publ'e Debt, Trsasury Department, Washington. A. W. MELLON, Secretary of the Treasury. Washington, Iay 9, 1327. WAPIN1XJ& I. O. 0. F. Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregen meets every Saturday night in I. 0. 0. F. hall. Visiting members-always welcome. 0. F. RENICK, N. G. E. R. RICHMOND sec y. Crandall Undertaking Co. -QUIET SERVICE- 0- -' V The Dalles, Oregon. Phone 35-J -LADY ASSISTANTS- L r- DRIVE IN AND DO YOUR OWN WORK AT THE MAUPIN GARAGE Tools, and Help if Needed You can do your own work.- We " will furnish' the tools and charge only a minimum amount for floor space. , Help furnished if you need it on your worK. , i B.D. FRALEY -5)