Thursday, May 26, 192?. Page Four The maupin times The Maupin Times C W. Samxea. Editor C W. Semnee ltd E. R. Samm PablUhera Published everr Thursday at Ustipin, Oregon BnbBcripttoa: UN year, $1.50; six months, $1.00; tire months, 50 cts. Entered as second class mail mat--r September 8. 1914. at the post v'flce at Maupin. Oregon, under the . q of Marca a. lSifl. ' PREJUDGEMENT Human nature is frail at its best, . end many people are prone to pre judge in many caa?s. Opinions are allowed to sway facts and argument pro and con are often used to con vice whether they are founded on real fact or on hearsay. A person is accused of an-offence against so ciety, is arrested and' cited for trafl. He makes his plea and the case is set for hearing. Many who know nothing of the facta prejudge that psrsm- They are sure ha is guilty; urgue to that end, and, in soma in stances obtain the acquiescence of a few others. The accusesd person is thus prejudged. When ha comes to trail, Jits innocence proven and he is returned to his heme and business, those people who prejudged him are never on hand with a word of welcome and smypathy. Their minds still contain the thought of guilt; they are prone to shun the accused as though his very presence was con tamination and continue to perse cute him because of the charge laid against him. They are entirely obli : vious to that tenet of law which sayi "all men are innocent until they are proven guilty.". In their minds one accused is guity or the accusation would not have been made. Such persons are worse than any accused. Their minds are wrped; "they are not broad enough to enter tain a doubt, but "know" the accused must be "charged rightly, not being willing to accord the benefit of a doubt as to his guilt That is not t charity aid moat times works to the undoing of an innocent man and ruination to his character and busi ness. Tax Reduction Objectives of taxpayers' associa tions, as revealed by a survey of tax payers' associations of the United States by the National Industrial Conference Board, may be disting uished as (a) the prevention of cur rent extravagances in appropriations of public fund3 or instances of. faul ty financing, and (b) gneral improv ident cf the system of taxation. UTILE! YIAUPIN'S LEADiNC Me&i-M&irkdt. Callaway's Funeral Chapel Funeral Director and Embalmer v LADY ASSISTANT Union at Third Phone 289W - The Dalles AUTOMOBILE tt AND GENERAL MACHINE WORK CyHn&A Grinding4, Truing Crankshafts, Making .Pistons and Rings, Bearings All sizes Made to Order SIHEET METAL WORKERS Ccrcr.fcf-a Line of Parts for All Makes of Cars MJPmmQ and OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING EAD . QALLOWAY mum i i ! Miller McClintock, director cf only the shadow remains to them By Municipal Research of Harvard Uni- attempting to draw them into a on. vcrsity, whose work takes him all pact the federal government recog over the country, and who has ajnized their lawful rights. Amona large acquaintance with city halls, makes some interesting statements on the workings f government in the Cambridge, . Massachusetts, Tri- bune of April 23. Mr. McClintock j Oregon, Washington and Idaho re claims that the type of government 'garding the Columbia river basin depends more upon the kind of men who are administering it than upon superficial changes in the form it self. He points out that no govern ment is as bad as its opponents try to make out, and none so good as its oroponenta claim. The public gets ! .he kind of government that it has he interest and intelligence to de mand. Mr. McClintock likened the gov ernment to business and said that in dustry is no longer made np of only Capital and Labor. A new group las come into industry known as the Management group which performs luties for both Capital and Labor. These duties have become more and nore of a profession. Had it not been so, industry would never have cached its present state. Stockholders (owners) rarely ex- mseanydiscredonatallhedeclar-i d, and .asks, "Does that not teach us juiitciuiiik Buuut gvvcriiiueui. its well!"' Municipal government after all, isn't a matter of politics, he con tinued, but a matter of complicated business. Business is having a sub stantial effect upon government " " "- ; modern industry is a thing separate I from mere ownership, so must man agement of public affairs become a hing apart from mere politics if gov ernment is to be most efficient and taxes reduced to the minimum. . . . ... . j Overreaching State Rights The claim of federal control of water rights is an example of gradual encroachment on the states. In an able editorial, the Portland Oregon ian of May 3, says : "The government controls navi gable rivrs for the purpose of navi gation only, and permits construction of dams for that purpose. As the same dams develop waterpower, it assumes authority to license con duction of power plants, and logi cally that of dams for both uses. In many cases it owns the shore land needed for buildings, and thus has di rect as well as indirect control over use of water for power. The gov ernment owns land on unnavigable . iiiiivii unuf muu vu uiiuavigtiuie streams flowing through public do - main and controls power develop ment by owning the power sites. In law, the states are sovereign over the water for purposes except naviga tion, but their control is rendered in efficient by federal ownership of shore land and by federal authority to license dams, "In tlfe Colorado basin, the states to hold in substance a right on which Tha Dallas, Oreson Phone 383-J v and Utah dissent, and the nation now undertakes to supplan the ahadow with the substance which it holds. A similar compact is sought between 'project, and here the governments hold is stronger, for reclamation jy use of federal funds is proposed. A contest in the courts is threatened in the Colorado case, and if the three Columbia river states should fail to agree, the government may proceed in spite of them, and may be blocked by another lawsuit A final defini tion of federal and state authority over rivers and of the manner in which water shall be apportioned among the states may be given by the supreme court as the outcome." Santa Claua Idea "Government ownership is the pro duct of loafing minds and loitering ambitions," says Ifenry Swift Ives, Vice President of the Casualty In formation Clearing House, Chicago. mind Rn(1 ,t anmtr may bc bnck through ft ,Qng M of dawdling political soothsayers. As a theory it lacks imagination, origin ality, inspiration and romance. As an actuality it is a stupid, dull, lang uorous method of carrying on the work of the world. It is the substi- tution of government deficits for pri- t. nrofit t. HpBlrtpin brake on individual enterprise and ' - r - no'"( stubborn barrier to industrial pro gress. It is the Santa Cla'us idea of government, heralded by political aleigh-bell ringers." In commenting upon the great feat of Captain Lindberg in cross ing the Atlantis ocean in an air ship, and alone at that, a certain The Dalles Swede remarked: "Lindy made the trip. He is not a full blood jankee, neither is he a yew, but I can feel my proud blood rise ven ay tenk he is Svede." Now , that the commencement is over and the graduates scattered it might be a place to remark that "Over the Alps lies" not Italy, but the whole world awaiting the culmination of the lofty ideas and ideals of those who lately received diplomas. One of the most aggravating thincs that could he nemetrated ' uPon a Iot of prisoners is for one of them to play "The Prisoners Song for the edification of his fellow un fortunates. Kirach Ships Cottle. P. J. Kirsch drove a bunch of fat cattle to the 0. W. stockyards Sat urday and that evening the consign ment was taken to Portland on the special stock train operated by that railroad. Vitited In Dufur. x Mrs. W. H. Staats spent a part of la3tweek visiting with friends and relatives in Dufur and The Dalles, returning home on Saturday. Increase in Pouplation. A six and one-half-pound baby is a late arrival at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Truman Crocker, the newcomer putting in an appearance last week. Mrs. Crocker will be rmembered as Miss Vina Ayrea of Wamic. Poitpones Shearing. W. E. Hunt has postponed shear ing his sheep until June 15. The continued cold weather makes it rather dangerous to divest sheep of their coats, and for that reason Mr. Hunt has delayed shearing. Stopped In Maupin To Fish. I Bert E. Jlaney, former member of the U. S. Shipping Board and demo 1 cratic candidate for U. S. Senator at the last election, with his wife, stopped over in Maupin Saturday night and Sunday to get in a day's fiohing 'on the Deschutes. The Han ey's were enroute to Moro. Bought Ford Roadater. Richard Gerity of Wamic is en joying his first car, he having chosen a Ford roadster for his ex perimental driving. The new ve hicle was purchased of the Tillotson Motor company. Nice Rain Shower. Tuesday night and yesterday a. m. this section was visited by a mighty fine rain. While the storm was not very severe, still sufficient fell to give growing wheat an impetus and also warded off ' possible , injury should hot weather set in. Late Going to the Mountains. j Sheepmen hereabouts say that it will be the middle of July before hey wil be able to take their flocks to the mountains. Cold weather aon an unusual amount of Snow on the 'ranges will not permit an eariner i entry 'onto the reservations. "Inside Information Remember when you wash rayon or artificial underwear, thut it is much weaker when wet Launder it very carefully in lukewarm water, with soapsuds, of neutral sap. Then squeeze the garment don't rub them, and rinse repeatedly until clean. Rough fingernails or rings tear wet artificial silk very easily. Never use clothespins when hanging these garments up. Just hang them carefully over a line. Iron with a medium-hot iron, never a very hot one. ' Jellied prunes are made with gela tin, in the same way as any jellied fresh fruit Use the water In which the prunes were cooked, adding a little lemon juice to tone up the prunes, and allow one envelope of jelatin to each three and one-half cups of liquid. As with other jellied fruits, a trifle less liquid is needed than usual because of the 'presence of the solid pieces of fruit A few pecan or walnut meats scattered through this dessert make it extra good. Don't leave the windows without curtains all summer. It's, so ugly an dunuttractive. If you must take down those that are up now in order to launder them, either put them back or provide another set for the warm months. Curtains soften the glare of the hot summer sun, and as sure sufficient privacy without shut ting out as much air as shades. A Heavy Marketing Day. The Department of Agriculture has made .an-inquiry into the heavy marketing of cattle on Monday, Some of the larger public stockyards, it has been found, receive 40 to 60 per cent of the total for the week on this one day of the week. This means larger expense for equipment and personnel than if the receipts were more evenly distributed throughout the week. The Department has for warded the results of its Inquiry to various livestock interests which may cooperate to remedy a situation which it ia contended causes a loss to both consumers and producers. FOR SALE One Holstien bull calf eight months old. Sired by Marathon Bess Burke, whose four nearest dams have an everage production record of 1,225 pounds of butter in one year, and he has a daughter in heifer form that produced over 1,000 pounds of but ter in year. At the John Erickson sale in 1924, 20 of' his daughters sold for a naverage Of $1,117 each. At the Murphy sale one of his daugh ters sold for $2,100,, and a son for $3,100. His dam's sire is Chief of the Ormsbys, a bull from high-grade pudrocers, which which sold at three weeks of age for $6,000. See this calf at my place. Nothing better. Price $125.00, F. O. B. Maupin. 29-t2 DON ST0GSDILL, Maupin, Ore. Coming to Maupin. Dr. Clarke, of the Clarke Optical company, 304 Salmon street, Port land, Oregon, eyesight specialists, will be in Maupin day and evening Friday, Juno 10th, at the Home ho tel. See him about your eves. Adv. Oxo oooooooooooooooooxO o ELEVEN YEARS AGO ,o Oxo oooooooooooooooooxO Miss Etel Emerson has been sworn in as assistant in- the local poatof f ice. J. O. and F. II. Chastain and fami lies left the fore part of the week MAUPIN LEGION HALL MAUPIN, OREGON Thursday, June 2 HILL BROS. Comedy Circus! COMEDY DOGS AND PONIES v COMEDY TRAINED MONKEYS COMICAL CLOWNS AND WHIRLWIND ACtlOBATS This company cltfscd a two week's engagement at the Oaks Portand, last Satrday, ..It has appear ed under the auspices of the Portand Hunt cltib, and will appear at the Portland Streetcar Men's frolic tomorrow an(J Saturday ..This is a guaran teed show and stops here in order to fill a break in dates between Portland and Bend. Admission Children 25 cents Adults 50 cents A ttention YOUR CHECK IS A RECEIPT "ray. all bills by check" Is the thought today. For a checking sys tem automatically glvs "receipt for every bill paid a receipt which should be filed for your protection. A checking account gives you a defi nite record of your money. Shows your balance at any time. Helps you maintain an orderly budget. And don't forget when making a checking account with this bank, yo uare milking nil the resources of this bank avaiulnhlo in case you may want to take advnntiige of them. i Maupin State Bank (INCORPORATED) , for Boncta, .Malheur county, they have taken homesteads. where ' L. D. Kelly had his right forefing er painfully mashed Wednesday while rolling rocks from the road leading to his field above the ware house. o While rounding up somo horses on Tuesday Lloyd Wuodsldu met with a serious accident. He and the horse on which he was riding got mixed up In somo wire, cutting Lloyd quite badly. It was necessary to take 28' stitches in his leg. A public salo was held at the late Free Stall home Saturday, when all personal property was sold, every thing bringing a fair price. Harold 'E. Jfrawford, chief archi tect for the Tum-A Lum Lumber Co., ind Mr. McLcoud an experienced elevator builder, were In Maupin Fri day and Saturday, The latter Is ex pected to take up hla residence here for the summer. Saturday R. Johnson harvested the first of his strawberry crop for this year, bringing four boxes to Maupin. Fishing tackle that gets tho tt Maupin Drug Store. fish, Read Tha Timet for tha CLASSIFIED LOCALS FOR SALE Guernsey bull, regis tered, three years old, will soli reasonable. Inquire of, McDonald, McLennon. Malcolm Oregon. 2C-t2 FOR SALE 05 head choice Hum- phire yearling ewes with wool on. Inquire of B, F. llerrling, Maupin Oregon. 20-13 FLOWERS FOR DECORATION Large assortment. Prices reason able. Oder eurly. Gladiollas, Carnations, Calla Lillics, Peonies, Mixed ' bouquets $.50 and $1.00 McDonald Flawer Gardens, Tho Dalles, Oregon. 29-t2 FOR SALE 24-Inch Cbbc thresh ing separator in good running order. $200 or $250 with cook house. Inquire of C. W. Hcinlcr, I Dufur Ore. 20-t2 WANTED TO RENT Wheat or al- fa! fa ranch. One of about 820 acres. Can furnish part outfit Want ranch suitable for cows and chickens. Address C. Nichols, Mau pin, Oregon. 27-t3" NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that L C. Ilennt-ghan, Administrator with th will annexed of the Estate of Fendel Batty, deceased, has filed his Final Account In said Estate; and that Monday, tha Oth day of June, 1U27, at the hour of 10:00 a. m., In the County Court room In the County Court House, in The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon, has been fixed as the time and place for the hearing of objections to said Report, and the settlement thereof. L, C. Hcnneghan Administrator With the Will Annexed. nil2-j9 T. Leland Brown, Att. """notice FOR PUBLICATION Department of Tha Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 9, 1927. Notice is hereby given that William Edwin Hunt, of Maupin, Oregon, who, on Aug. 12, 1925, made Homestead Entry under Act Dec. 29, 1916, No. 022,892, for Lot 2, Sec. 81, Township 6-South, Kamre-15 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof to establish claim to the land above described bo fore; F. D. Stuart, United State Commissioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on the 24th day of June 1927. Claimant names as witnesses: A. J. Mann, A, E. Troutman, Hugh Knight, J. B. Kidder, all of Maupin, Oregon. ml2-j9 J. W. Donnelly, Register. nii"F0ll"pUBCATr6N Department of tha Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 9, 1927. Notice is hereby given that ( Wilbur M. Bolton, of Antelope, Oregon, who, on April 10, 1925, made Homestead Entry un der Act Dec. 29, 1918,, No. 021,520, for EttEtt, NWHNI'.'i, ENWU. Lot 2, Sec. 7, W',iWM, Sec. 8, NVi NWVt Sec. 17, NEKNEU Soc. H, .SEUNWU, Sec. 20, Township 7 S., 'Rango 18 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final three-year proof, to establish cluim to the land above described, before H. C. Rooper, United States Commissioner, at Antelope,' Oregon, on the 22nd day of Juno, 1927. Claimant name sns witnesses: Henry E. Rooper, David B. Crab tree, Edna F. Bolton, Frederic II. Rooper, all of Antelope, Oregon. J. W. DONNELLY, M12-J16 Register. NOTfCE FOR PUBLICATION Department of Tha Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 2, 1927. Notice is hereby given that ' Frank Dyer , of Maupin. Oregon, Who, on Jan. 10, IP -1922, made Homestead Entry under -J Act Dee. 29, 1916, No. 022262, for f SWV SWU, EVs SW4, Sec. 7, 8WK SW', SEy SEU, Sec. 9 SW USWU, Sec. 15 Township 5 South, Range 14 East, Willamette; Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, United States Commissioner, at Mau pin, Oregon, on the 15th day -of June, 1927. , - Claimant names as witnesses: John Foley, Frank Turner, Lester Kelly Laverne Fischer, all of Maupin Oregon. m5-j2 J. W. Donnolly, Roglster. Hood Tires ARE GOOD TIRES The Largest . Stock of Tires In Town Richmonds' Serv. Station THE BANK HOTEL Tha one place In Tha Dallas to make tha rancher and out-of town fellow fael at home. CD .0 i i