The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, May 26, 1927, Image 1

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Tith highways and
roaas you can roach any
place from Maupin.
Maupin, South Wasco County, Ihursday, May 26, 1927.
Number 2a
When they come a fishin
They Come to Maupin on the
chutes river.
Commencement Day
of the Class of
Maupln's school year cam to a 'to go with it, can t made a mere
cloie Monday night, when lx of thla I incidental In life. Sport alone be
town's brightest itudents were given come tiresome! So along with health
' parchment which denoted they had
completed the full course of the
chool, they being, James Appling,
Fred Shearer, Stanley Wood, Helen
, Weber, Alda Pugh and Bertha
The graduation exercises were
' held in the auditorium of the High
chool, which wa filled to overflow
ing with students, and relative und
! friend of the graduate!. The pro
gram waa one of the beat arranged
for any commencement in Maupin,
the musical and vocal numbers Lc
intf especially fine. The diploma
were presented by H. It. , Kaifir,
president of the school board.
The address of the clans was dcli
MTcd by Rev. C. A. Edwards of The
Dulles. Mr. Edward' remarks,
which occupied nearly nn hour, were
not in the nature of a sermon, but
rather word of advice. He told the
cla tho commencement waa not the
end, but rather the commencement
of education; that life was just open
ing for them and that, If thoy de
sired to be true men and women,
they munt formulate high ideal and
work to their conummation. Tho
reverend gentlemen emphasized
brotherly love and declaved that war
would never cease until there wax
nuivenal love between nations.
Mb Helen Webcrg read the salu
tatory, a paper filled with trite and
true words of wisdom, and was re
ceived generously by all who heard
the young lady read her paper. It Is
ao good that we publish it in its en
tirety Salutatory Address
Friends and Classmates:
We, the Senior Clus of 1927, aro
pleased to welcome you to our Com
mencement exercises tonight as the
last performance In which we shall
take a part. It la with Joy at having
completed our four year in high
school, joy in tho realization that we
reached one goal, tluit we welcome
you tonight; but it is with regret
. that we leave clfls smates, f riemlH,
teachers, and perhavs our parents,
all of whom have done their best
- to help us during our high school
career and who hnvo offered us every
opportunity to make our school
life pleasant So it in with eager
ness, and also wlt'a regret, tliat we
step out into the world to tako our
lives in our own hands and shape
them accordingly.
Commencement meanB the time
for beginning; and the hopes of
finishing school (as we all have look-
ed forward to) are shattered in find
ing that we are only ready to begin
to rtart in the world doing things by
ourselves. Our education is not com
pleted when school days are over.
The lessons are not ended, and we
are by no means free. We are only
ready to open, tho greatest book in
tho world the book of life. The
hardest lesson m still left for us. to
learn- the lesnon of "How to live
a satisfactory life." When I say
satisfactory, I mean a life that is
honorable and successful. There is
: much satisfaction in knowing that
wo have gone a step higher i nour
education. After all, satisfaction, is
the greatest thing ' in' lite', satisfac
tion thaat lusts for years, not merely
today, tomorrow. We havo acheived
one 'of the satisfactions of life in the j would be a good motto for all of us:
completion of four secondary educa- ''Give to the world tho best you have
tion. ' V ; .. and the best will como back to you."
I might nsik ;. What ro tho sat- I" conclusion," as tho spokesman
Isfactions of ljfe? One of tho most' tho class of 1927, and with feel
important to r.s all, thoup.h we often ngs of gratitude for the opportune
neglect it, iy, health. rii;'Hicul well ties given us, opportunities which
being is th?. foundation for our en-iPi'haps some of you did not have,
tire life, vethor successful or un-jthe class is truly glad to welcome
successful. Success or any honor- you to this commencement We career is built upon bodily
wholesomeness and vitality. A per-
son's body must1 aut in accordance
with his mentel demands. Thus the
body must be the obedient servant
for the mind. , Eveiy day that you
are in poor physical, condition you
ore cutting down the profits of tho
business, whether it is for yourself
or somebody else. There) is no need
to enter into the discussion of tho
care of the body for everyone today
has heard ('somethirig bout it , It
is wonderful to be ablt1 to enjoy
sports and active bodilj' exercise.
However, ' health, without anything
should com a mental capacity for
hard work.
There is a great difference be-1
tween the class of people who have
an opportunity. The educated class
lives mainly by the excercise of In
tellectual powers and gets more, en
joyment out of life than the larger
elans of uneducated people, who live
by the exercise or bodily powers. In
order to be successful in anything
we must put our whole effort and
energy into the task. Exclusive
attention to any line of efforts ha a (has thus far in our career constituted
tendency to make tho mind rigid and the principal factor in our lives. It
inflexible, and the man who has not j follows that we believe it to be of
cultivated mental responsiveness is; prime importance; therefore I vUi
hardly likely to be equal to the emer- to talk for a short time upon "the
genrics to devise expedients to meet ' value of education," and especially
them. Therefore, we ought to ob
tain, in our high school career, the
traained capacity for mental labor,
which means concentration. Com
petition become sharper as time ad
vances and success in the future
must be measured by mental train
ing. But there la still greater sat
isfaction in life.
Shukespcre said, "The purest
treasure mortal times afford Is spot
less reputation." This is especially
true in our commercial world today.
Bankers loan money or refuse to
loan it; merchants en dother busi
ness men give creditor refuse it all
determined by your reputation. An
honorable person never borrows
more than he can repay; he never
cheats a person weaker or poorer
than himself; ho never betray a
trust; he is sincere, candid, and gen
erous; not generous with money but
generous in his opinioos of man
kind. We are Judged by our ac
quaintances and,, to be honorable we
must live In fear of them. Many
of our acquaintances get only a gen-
Pra1 ImnrMiinn nt ... H,,m An nnfivice as their portion of the world's
wnos us aat all; yet it is these con -
' - !
temporaries who judee us. and the!1081 ume
Judgement, tithcr good or b vl. ren-!0 8cm otners because of their
crally lusts a life time. If their rat- (handicap and their, inability. They
Ing of our character is good, we have wil1 BBy moHi emphatically that cdu
gaincd the greatest satisfaction in cation is a raost necessary' aid, no
life; but if their rating is bad, we
hnvi lcmt thA orpatost nni.
It is oftentimes said that each per-'
son should live so that he leaves the
world better than he found It The
way to do this is by serving others. !be hampered by lack of preparation;
Jacques Reich said, "Strive not so , "Nation is not the least factor in
much for wealth as for accomplish- lthe meeting of life's problems. Con
ing something that enables you to "gently, order to be able ta
moke others happy." We are not
sent into this world to do anything
lnto which wo can not put our hearts.
ve nave certain work to do for our
bread and that is to be dona st'onu-
or.sly; other work, including service
4 An tr.. j u .
uikvio, m uv iui ucjiKiii., nnu mat
is to be done heartly; neither is to be
done by halves or shifts, but with a
will; and what is not worth this ef
fort is not to be done at all. One of
ways to serve others is to be able to
do something to entertain. It can
hardly be said that the Americans
do their part in this. It has been
one of tho defects in our education,
at school and college, that we have
not paid attention enough to this ele
ment in an effective education the
acquiring of some capacity to give
other people pleasure, a capacity
which pnee acquired will lost thru
life. There in nn old saying that
trust wo shall do you an honor as
well as an honor to burselven.
Again, friends, welcome, thrice wcl
com to tho exercises this evening,
I thank you.
, The next offering by a graduate
was that of Miss Alda Pugh whose
rendering of the valedictory will long
be remembered by Maupinites for
, its clear and forceful contents. Miss
IPugh has been a favorite among the
students and her graduation caused
many a pang of regret to pierco the
hearts of thosia, who have been asso
ciated with her during her school
days here. Her paper follows :
Valadictory Addrsts
Friends and Fellow-Student:
It is with a mingled feeling of joy
' and pain that I appear before you
ithis evening; Joy at the opportunity
greeting so many friends at this,
the closing of another year and the
Commencement of the Class of 1927;
pain at the thought of parting from
my fellow-students. As schoolmates
we have spent many years together,
happy in sharing all our Joys and
pleasures and it is with a kindly
feeling and much regre that we, as
graduates, take leave of you tonight
Education and all that it implies
upon one phase of it, which, in my
opinion, seems important namely:
democracy in education.
Occasionally we meet with pepple
who, not having known the advent -
age tf school training, discourage
education, and even , ridicule and f
disparage it Many contend that it
is possible to SUCCeed in this or that'
line of work without education. This
is true in some extent, but not en
tirely so, for if the individual suc
ceeds in his work he must neces
sarily put daily thought upon it and
study his work, which is just another
way of getting training. He is get
ting practical training, rather than
experimental; he learns many tjines
fchrftlllh ttftil f'Vnorlnni'fl find tyiflnv'
drawbacks what " he might have
known by previous study. No! is ifvuue,nt"
i. .. ...j -.i ...! knowledge of
ib uiioisuuu icantnuiK tu UIKUB klini ... . ... , ,
success in life is always. possiU 5hlch the majonty would not other
,;t... . ,u 1 wise receive.
mviiuut nil vuuiatiuu, uut tuuBU w wt
have succeeded will tell you that
the best part of their lives have been
npent in overcoming this drawback i
rather than giving a greater ser-
lworK - Aa,n ana. again they have
, ... .....
, pleasure, and opportunity
.matter what ones lot m life may be,
funng mm modern age, times anil
customs hanS rapidly that the
unK. man or wom" w't ha life
, service bef6re him can ill afford to
adapt ourselves to these ever chang-
in gconditiona, hatever theyvmay be,
and lost in the. crowd.
The real purpose of education is
not merely the acquirement of
knowlodge or the accmulation of
'facts, but the developement of the
Pw"s of obseryation-the develop -
ment of the ability to reason and
.i.- j...., . I .....
the development of character. Plu
tarch say, "The very spring and root
of honesty and virtue lie in the feli
city of lighting on good education."
I realize that I have not said any-'
IVimM nm T 1-... I. 1 .
? . .. , .
all heard these same thoughts ex-
,,, vti tut
l'ii-osuu uvivi v. ivb i ivnuw timt yuu
feci with me taht they will bear fre
quent repetition.
Most people today have come to
regard educationas the prime fac
tor in life. It is a true saying ut
tered by Publius Syrius thnt "it is
only the ignorant who despise edu
cation." From the beginning of our
government democratic ana to a
great extent they . have succeeded.
Pope says, "Tis education forms the
common mind : just as the twig is
bent the tree's inclined."
The esteem of the American peo -
pie for education can readily be seen
by the way they have generously
paid taxes to provide schools and
colleges for tho younger generations
Not so ninny years ago only the rich
people could afford to educate their
children. They either sent them to
a school where tuition was required,
or hired a private tutor. Conse
quently the poor children never re
ceived any education and as few peo
ple were rich, the; majority of tho
peoplo were uneducated. Of those
who did receive an education the
boys were given preference, because
it was. believed that they were the
ones who neded an education. The
girls were taught household duties.
But this idea has changed; women
not attend school in even larger num
ber than men; and educate them
selves for many positions that were
formerly considered only for men. !
The first great advance concern
ing education in the . elementary
schools was made during the 19th
century, although some effort had
been made in this direction as early
as the 17th. The rich and poor have
since that time been offered equal
chance for an elementary school edu-
cation by the establishment of the
fre system of education in those
' ;rade. , -
The enactment of the compulsory
education law was another advance
made by our people toward universal
education. Without this law some
people would send their children to
work instead of school, either not
knowing or disbelieving that each
day spent by the student in school
Is worth over five dollars to him.
Lowell says, "It was in making edu-
cation not only common to ail. but
in some sense compulsory on all that j which the railroad runs. ;
the destiny of the free republic of j The reward is determined on a
America was practically settled. basi ' 7S percent rank In club
American people do not realize the'wt and 25 percent of character,
value of their educational systems interest and qualities of leadership,
as much as foreigners do. "A Mis Knighten has been In club
Russian immiwant. like many others. ,work thre year- Sn wn on
came to America with this his chief
hope that he could send his chil-
. a i . '
dren to Khool to learn a1 thoge
tthin. that he knew by fame be
degirBble- A common school educa-
tion, perhaps high school; for one
. Iw npr, rnlW. Aa for the
or two, perhaps college. As for the
children themselves, he knew no
surer way to thei radvancement and
It is probably known that public
high schools in large cities in Ameri
ca are not yet a century old, while
those in small town have been only
crecntly established. Through this
extention in free education by the
public high school sjtern
students now , acquire a greater
beneficial studies
Then there are the colleges ana
institutions of higher learning where
students of moderate means ana oi
ambitious nature can complete their
' education ; many students are now
losing aavanu. ...Bu-jRn0w
, i ... j . . ii !:.,.
itions. tne nuniDcr navinK more mu
doubled since the World War,
This increase is due to the fact
thnt society in the hiuher fields of
learning demands better educated
DeoDle. that our country -as well as
other countries, see throuuh educa-
tion higher ideals, better citizen,)
better government, and sounder in
ternational relations. '
Students in America have not
only been given the advantage of
better and less expensive education
but have also been given more care
and consideration to the selection
of the teachers. There are three'
reasons why good, efficient teachers'
are now availably: first, they are re-
j quired to have a college education;
second, competition anions teachers
!, A S1 . .
IS SO Birong mat it la iiefs-f-vt! y ivi
, theffl b(j weU educated h lhdr
-. - , ,, .'
.ine of work before they can KHMire
.n fos'tion, and third, they avr p;;id
much arger salaries than former!'.',
thorofcie it pays to educit; onesc'f
f ir taut position.
Thur, through democrati; ! j o-
. ti oi cvr country has ele-aled it?
, . . , , . , .
people to a standard that could be
rea. bed, only .through such education.
The history of every country proves
that it was not until learning was
introduced that the country showed
any material development. . The
greatest countries in the world to-
day are those "which have the most
through educationnl system in which
XI .. 1 i .' ' J.
the common pe0ple may participate,
Education of the masses is the i happy times we have had through
foundation stone upon which a na- out our high school course here are
tion is built, and peace and harmony so impressed on ouT minds that we
amontr the different nations of the
world will never be accomplished un-
. til in a large measure universal edu -
cation has been brought about.
And now I wish, in behalf of the
; eraduitinir clrss of 1927, to bid you
fnrpwell nt this, the closing exercise
of our hisrh school davs
Wo, the graduating clnss of 1927,
approach with , regret this time in
our hi?h school year career when we
are obliged to say farewell to a host
of friends who have ben so willing
to help us at all times, to our
teachers "who have been so faithful
in instructing us with untiring ef
fort, to our schoolmates ' wha have
made our way pleasant throughout
each year, and lastly to bur parents
who have given us one of the great
est opportunities of life.
Chosaa Oror Ail Other a Leading
Mambar Paul Kortaf Naciad
aa Aitaraata
According to a special to this
paper from the state - Agricultural
College, at Corvallis, Miss Ada
Knighton? a freshman from the Mau-!
pin High school, has been chosen as
the one on whom to bestow the Union
Pacific scholarship froaa Wasco
county, she ranking highest among
th 18 boys and girls of the county
striving for th honor. Paul Kortege
of Wapinitia, we chosen alternate.
Miss Knighten is but 15 years of
age and this year graduated into th
freshman class of our school The
honor carries with it a $100.00
scholarship in a full term agricul
tural or home economics course at
Corvallis, and was striven for by boys
and girls between the ages of 14 and
21 in each of the counties through
sheep at the county fair In club class
ana xim m open class, iirst on I at
anra lata inrl Vft1 tr Anan
v iuu viua nuu te its vvti
class. Besides these she has won
many prizes on poultry, fat lambs,
and is the owner of a band of 13
sheep. .
Wonder Dog in Play of North Wood
at Fair Ground Saturday
Night, Juno 4. , ,
C. M. Piyler has secured one of
the , best stories ever written as his
offering at the fair grounds on next
week Saturday Rin Tin Tin the
wonder dog, in Edward Meagher's
thrilling story of the north wods -"Tracked
in the Snow Country."
The story tells of "Silent" Hardy
propector, who had lived for years
)n the land of snows with his daugb
tcr, Joan, and a wolf dog, Rin-Tin
, Tin, as his only companions. It is
ne was goia siruccmiwy...o
i i . .
Known ne naa sotuck goia, wnea n
drew a map for his daughter's guid-!7
( ance.
Joan left for a walk and when
she returned found her father had
been nmurdered. Ciscumstances
pointed to the dog, one of a race of
killers. Terry Jloulton, who loved
Joan was called upon to shoot the
animal, which leaped thru a window,
and escaped. The story further tells
of the search for the real killer and
how the dog waa instrumental in
bringing him to justice. Third of the
diamond ring dance series with Mr.
Plyler's orchestra furnishing the
music. :
Tca.cb.ora' Examination
Notice is hereby given that the
County Superintendent of Wasco
. ... , . ,
county. Ore., will hold the regular
examination of applicants for state
,,. . . ... ... . ...
certificates at his office In the
! Court House, as follows: !
Commencing Wedneaday, June 8,
1927, at 9:00 o'clock a. m. and con
tinuing until Saturday, June 11,
1927, at 4:00 o'clock p. m. Pro
grams may be had upon request '
, Although we have finished . the
high school course we feel that there
still lies before us a great field for
further advancement As the name,
commencement, implies we are Just
jbginning instead of. completing our
, education. , ;
! The happy, smiling faces we hav
'lAnimAr) VrMo ni A iliA
j learned to know and the pleasant,
, can never forget them.
We of the graudating class of 1927
! sincerely hope that the Maupin High
school will continue to grow as it
'hns before and that we may som
.day return to see a much larger class
.than ours leaving it portals of learn
And now sgnin, the class of 1927
bids you all farewell. ; .
And thus ended the exercises at
tended upon the graduation of tht
clnss of .1927. Each member of the
class hns been a diligent student
Each hns been popular and each
caries in his, or her breast , fond re
membrances of the time ' spent In
study and school activities in Maupin.
The Times wishes each nothing but
successe in the life just opening to
them, ,
Beat Players of Thoaa Team Bw to
Better Playing af Stubbl y
Jumper in Neat Cam
Score one fpr The Dalltfc Letter
Carriers against a baseball team
mad up of players of the calling
from Bend. The two forces of Uuclt
.Sam's mail men met on the Maupin
" diamond last Sunday and when th
(last man was out th score sheet
'showed that th men from the, Waseo
county metropolis had had five men
cross th pan, while all Bend could
get around were three. The gam
abounded in fine plays and showed
that th carriers knew something be
sides th addresses on tire mail
matter they deliver daily.
At th conclusion of the gam a
team was mad up of the best play-
ers of each town, and these played
the Maupin Stubble Jumpers. Of
course it must be conceded that the
first game tired the carriers some
what but but it is well known that
the Maupinites play real baseball
and it takes a snappy, fighting team
to down them. At the end of the
game the score stood, Carriers, 3;
Jumpers 5.
Next Sunday, May 29, the fast
Culver team will b here for a game
with Maupin. Culver has been de
livering a fin article of ball this
season and promise to make the boys
who warm their feet in furrows
hustle for every tally they get The
game will be worthy of patronage
and our people are asked to turn '
out and leave a few shekels in the
gate receipts. Playing bail costs '
some money, but the satisfaction re
ceived in watching the plays more
than offsets the costs, therefore
Maupin people should patronize the
games. The price of admission is
not high, kids being taxed but 20
nceta, while their elders as asked to
pungle up but 35 cents. Come out
aeld pay expenses and root for your
favorite players.'"
Biuamcnt Computed.
The basement for. Joe Kramer's
new five-room bungalow has been
completed and only awaits the
forms" and concrete before the su-
; perstructUre is placed ove rit.
-- -
i Dnsement is Z4xau leei in size ana
bnsement is 24x30 feet in' sis
feet deen. joe ernecta
to have the forms made and con-
crete poured In the near future.
Abla to Leave Hotpitai.
Mrs. Maud Hammer, who under
went a major operation at The Dalles
hospital about 10 days ago, was so
far recovered as be to able to b
taken to her home yesterday.
Waaco nod Sherman Counties With
Klickitat in Washington,
1 ' - Mambors
At a meeting held at the fair
grounds at Tygh Valley a week ago
last Sunday representees ef fair
boards from Sherman county, and'
Klickitat Co., Washington, met and
formed wha( is to known as the Mid
Columbia Fair Circuit Mr. Barnum
of Sherman County was elected
president, Robt Ballou of. Klickitat
county, secretary, and W. E. Huns
of this place starter for the races in '
each county. The object of the or
ganization is to secure entries for
the races and to generally boost for
the fairs represented by the different
hills' comedy circus to ;
be Here next Thursday
rWn This Week at The Oaka in
Portland Alto showed at th
Hunt Club Frolic
' Clcrence P' -'er was in town th!v
a. ra. and M!! the famous Hills'
Comedy ' Circus for a showing here
. on next Thursday evening, Juno 2,
; This afjc?rgation of trained anf
mals Iosed a two ' weeks' engage
ment at the Oaks in Portland last
Saturday. They have appeared ,
under the auspices of the Portland
Hunt club and the streetcar men's
association, which holds its doin
in the Portland armory tomorrow
and Saturday.
The show will onsist of trained
dogs, ponies and monkys; clowns as
well as acrobatic and tumbling feats
also will be on the program, and a
fine class of music is carried by the
company. ' Admission will be charg
ed at 25 cents for children aad 90
cents for adults.