The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, May 19, 1927, Page Page Four, Image 2

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    i'age Four
..4, t . fe.fc
Thursday, May, i ,1927.
The Maupin Times
C W. SauM. Editor
C. W. SernaM ud E. R. Samma
j up" ft the puint of a pisol, and more
so, for in the first insUnct there is
threat of. Injury by non-compli-lance
in the Utter case the thieves
work like a rat which steals in the
dark. Whenever such vandals are i
Airplane Ambulance troves Value
.Publish! em Thursday at
Maocln, Oregon
apprehended they should be given
the 'full extent of the law and thus
set an example for others of like in
stincts to heed.
months, $1.00; three months, 50 cts.
Some of the remarks on educa-
OM year, J1.50; aix tion made by students in modern
schools are about as empty of
sense as is a discarded bird's nest I
To read some
some young
Entered a. fcond class mail mat-! with ,hfe
4-. ct,h. ,oij .f m. -0 the notes sent by
i iHla a waiimm Ka iAia Ana tA ana.
v.'fiee at Mauoin, Oregon, under the
Avt 8f Marca S. 1879.
pect that all schools is for is to .cul
tivate a desire for the. company of
the opposite sex.
"Crossing the Alps" is an
Friday, a salesman from The -time subect for graduation valedic-
Dalles had the misforune to be spill- torians. In this section it is cross
ed from his car, the vehicle turning j ing the hills bordering the Des
turtle on the highway on Juniper chutes that occupies the time and
.Flat While at a rancher's home ' minds of fishermen.
r fter assistance he saw the occupants
r.f three cars, each bearing a Cali
fornia license tag, divesting his
crippled car cf things movable.
Harrying to the road he secured the
number of the cars and by phone had
them stopped at Tygh Valley. In
vestigating his Iofs he discovered
the battery, raotoraeter, some wir
ing aad sundry oher parts missing.
The stolen parts were recovered at
Th. ' ,
Such actions cn the part of mo- l ast Friday was "Straw Hat" day
terra's are nothing but the workings , in Portland. yThe straw is an article
cf vandals. They ..arc as bad as the j of comfort; the "High" hat being
man who calls on you to "stick 'em I the one not in popular favor.
j . Chicken coops should be well ven
. tilated, says the agricultural bulle
i tin. It is evident that information
'has been broadcasted among the
' modern females, as a casual view of
I their costumes would suggest.
Now that winter has left us and
old sol shines with increasing warmth
I we rise to suggest that it is time to
' shd the heavies and indulge in B.
iV. D.'a instead.
D)n WWW IE?1B)P.
iffy;. a:
msrm MBgS)m
Manufacturer of the Famous-
erfection Hard Wheat
Cereals, Pancake Flour, Mill
Stuffs, Barley, Etc.
We also have '
We also make Woodcock Spring Wheat Flour
. I I
i I ' 1 " "J
A ttention
Some habits are a detriment
while others are beneficial.
It's always best to break off ,
from the bad habits . and
continue the good ones.
Ono of the best habits to
form is that of
With that folowed relig
iously you will soon be in a
position to laugh in the face . .
of the world, for you will
have provided for the mor
row and will have laid away
a competence for your old
age. Begin saving today by
v. making a deposit in the
Maupin State Bank
'The value ot an airplane as an ambulance Was provd after tlid
recent tornadd at Rock Springs. Tex., where H people were killed and'
scores Injured. The plane ambulance Is shown above, the patient being
placed In ft special compartment of the (usi-lage. Below a family la
shown seeking lost valuables in the wreckage ot their home.
Inquire of
Mrs. N.
G. Hedin, at
rUK ball Guernsey bull, regis-
tered, three years old, will sell i WANTED TO RENT Wheat or al
reasonable. Inquire of Malcolm
' McDonald, McLchnon. Oregon.
ranch. One' of about 320
Can furnish part outfit.
Want ranch suitable for cows and
RHODE ISLAND RED HATCHING I t chickens. Address C. Nichols, Mau-
Eggs for sale. 15 for 75 cents. I pin, Oregon.
By M. J. W.
Callaway's Funeral Chapel
Funeral Director and Embalmer
Union at Third . Phone 289W The Dalles
CyHnJfcT Grinding, Truing Crankshafts, Making
futons and Rings, Bearings -All sizes
Made to Order
can Tfefc, Line of Parts for All Makes of Cars
The DalUs. Orecoa
Phone 38S-J
The Kins; Konteit It On
Interest runs high and competi
tion waxes warm over the coveted
honor of Maupin's May King.
A number of well known men-
about town, landed barons and schol
ars have already announced their in
tentions of entering the contest. Be
fore their names can be given out
to the reading public, It will be nec
essary to delve into their pasts to
some extent, to ascertain whether or
not they correspond with the rules
and regulations governing this, contest.
Another prize has been offered
by a local merchant, to-wit: one doz.
poet-holes, assorted sizes.
"Ont West, Where Men Are Men
and Women Are Governors," this
sordid tale occurred. "Tobacco
Juice" Jackson cycloned down the
main street. He was riding an oary-
eyed brene which could, without
moving, unseat Euckr.lcin Bill him
self. For a hatband he sported a
rattler, whose forked tongue slid
glibly in and out with eerie swift
nsss. On one arm he held a scream
ing cougar, with the other crm he
was lashing his mount with a wrig
gling rattler, similar to the one on
"his hat. With uncanny infallibility
he spotted a bootlegger. In a frac
tion of a second he had dismounted
and was spouting with steaming
breath: "Mix me a swig and make
it hot, carbolic acid, nitroglycerine,
moonshine and a dash of red pep
per." With one gulp he swallowed
the stuff. "Where d-d-did you hail
from?" timidly and respectfully in
quired Bill, the bootlegger, his green
eyes drooping and his toenails a
quiver, "Aw, I just left Tornado-
vUlc. The tough guys run me out."
I had a buggy, I'd go' for a buggy
ride with my girl
I had a girl.
Be a good boy, Perclval, and
Grammer'll tell you a story about
"'The Little Red Bug."
The Little Red Bug
Once upon a time there wasi a boy.
He went to college. , He was a col
lege boy then. He bought a little red
little red bug?'!
"Not I," said pretty Polly.
"Not I," Baid eloquent Esther.
"Not I," said capricious Katrinka.
"Not I," said vivacious Viola.
"I will, then," said the College
So he washed the little red bug
with LUX. (Paid ad.)
Then he said, "Who will buy gfjs
for the little red bug?"
"Not I," said the gullible G t,ini
"Not I," said flirtacious Frances.
"Not I," said audicious Anr.ctte.
. "Not I," said tittering TiHe.
"I will then, said the College
So he bought a gallon of gas for
the little red bug. Wint'r? I should
worry. Ethyl is here. WiM to go
these chilly mornings. (Paid ad. Gas
Then he said: "Who vill crank
the little red bu?"
Not I," said lovable Lillian.
"Not I," said Muical Minnie.
Not I," said amhble Agnes.
"Not I," said Yomrtntic Rosie.
So he crankud the little red bug
with a crank. (No special kind no
d.J . .
Then said: "Who will go for a,
ride in the little red bug?"
"I will," Raid pretty polly, etc.,
etc., etc., 'etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.
"Oh, no, you won'V' said the Boy.
"I will." And he uent for a ride all
by himself. f
Service With a Smile
Now that
is here we are able to ac
commodate all -campers
and fishermen with such
articles, they may need in
the lines of
Mrs, L. Fischer
Just Across the Bridge
Maupin, Oregon
Meridian, has filed notice of Inten
tion to make final three year proof,
to i-stnbliali claim to the land above
described, before F. I). Stuart,
United Str.tcs Commissioner, at Mau
pin, Oregon, on the 15th dny of
June, 1927. ,
Claimant names as witnesses:
John Foley, Frank Turner, Lester
Kelly Lavtfrno Fischer, all of Maupin
m5-j2 . J.. W. Donnolly, Register.
Depart nt of The Interior
U. S. La no' Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, Ap rll, 6. 1927.
Notice is hereby given that
trm.n J. Schmidt
of Shanikc Oregon, who, on Feb. 20,
1 yJ4 mad II. E. under Act
lec. 2i, Tilie, No. 023,154, for Lot
1, Section 3, Township 7-S., Ranga
15-K.. Wil'.amrtte Meridian, has filed
f notice of 'intension to mako final
three yea e pnxof, to estublinh claim
to the lui id al't've described, before
H. C. "Roc per, United States Commis
sioner, al. AnteLopc, Oregon, on the
25th diy of May, 1027.
Claiman t names as witnesses:
Edrnond Ierrlinj;, Maupin, Oregon,
Otto A. Sc hmldt, Andrew J. Brown,
t'harha l Wagonblust, of Shaniko,
Oregon. .
Bl4-nU2 J. W. Donnolly, Register.
This is only a story, '
. Hal Hal Ha!
How do we like our onions?
Raw! Raw! P,aw!
J. W, Tenple and Jesse Addif ng
ton went to South Junction r ,i a
fishing trip Saturday lasrt. B el 'ore
embarking for that point Jesr,o re
solved to make a record catc' ,i, but
it wos a case of man proposi? jg rand
God disposing, for his catc'h, Jwati
very much abbreviated.
Claude Roach likea'city Jif n the
extreme, but when he i- glven'. a
job to Mverall the rr ,hch buil din.?
such as those of J. M. Abbott. weH,
mat is tne time uaur4( f orgets there
Department of The Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dulles.
Oregon, y.ay 9, 1927.
!otice Is hereby given that
William Edwin Hunt,
f f Maupvn, Oregon, who, on Aug. "12.
ivlj, muoe iiomeaicua r.niry uu der
Act Dec- 29, 191fi. No. 022.H92, for
Lot 2, Sec. 31, Township 5-fV.uth,
Range-15 East, Willumettc Meridian,
has filed notice of intention t a make
final three year proof to r.tablish
claim to the land above dene rt'ocd be
fore F. D. Stuart, Unit id States
CommisJioner, at Maupin t Oregon,
on the 24th day of June 1927.
Claimant names as w' Ancsses : A.
J. Mann, A. K. Trout man, Hugh
Knight, J. B. Kidder, a'n 0f Maupin,
m!2-j9 J. W. Douno lly, Register.
Notice is hereoy gye n that L. C.
Henneghan, Adm' nit;.trator with the
will annexed of lne Estate of
, , , Fep dl Baity,
deceased, has fiiC( his. Final Account
In said Esta'.e; and thnt Monday, the
6th day of June, 19 27, at the hour
of 10:00 a. m., in (h s County Court
room n the County Court House, in
The LVlles, Wasco County, Oregon,
has ht in fixed as the time and place
or V ,e hearing of ol ijections to said
Rej?fyrt and the settlement thereof.
U C. Hcnnes;linn Administrator
With the Will Annexed.
f.'12-j9 T. Leland Brown, Att.
Department of tit Interior,
U. S. Land Office nt The Dalles,
Oiwon. May 9, 1927.
Notice is hereby given that
Wilbur M. ISolton,
t)f Antelope, Oregon, who, on Ay rll
10, made HomCHtead Entry -an-'
der Act Dec. 29, 1916,, No. 023,!2(
I for EE, NWHNK'4, EiiNWK ,
Lot 2, Sec. 7, W'iWVi. Sec. 8, N',i
NWVi Sec. 17, NENISVi. Sec. 18,
SE A NW , Sec. 20, Township 7 S.,
itange 16 East, Willamette Meridian,
ha'e filed notice of intention to make
.lo 'm to th InnH nhnva flpscriVioil
o befoTe H. C. Rooper, United Sti.tes
O Com.TUSfiioner, at Antelope, Oregon,
on th e 22nd uuy or June, 197.
Cla'mant name sus witnesses:
Henry E. Rooper, David B. Crah
tree, i'ldna F. Bolton, Frederic 11.
Rooper,' all of Antelope, Oregon.
M12-J16' Register.
Dparti nent of The Interior
U. S. La nd Office at The Dalles,
Orrgon, Api rll, 6. 1927.
Notice Ibi hereby given that
5 a illah E. Rooper,
formerly Selloh E. Foster, of Ante;
lope, Ore: ron, who, on Oct. 14, 192,
mado He imcstcad Entry under Act
Dec. 29, 1916, No. 022,589, for EH
Ktt. So t 20, NWA NWVi, SV
NV4. N Vi, SEV4 SW, SVs
Sli'4, S pc. 21, Township 7-S., Range
16-E, W J llamette Meridian, haa filed
notice of intention to make final
three yci r proof to establish claim
to the l:r id above descriuea, oezore
II. C. Roo per, United States Commis
sioner, at Antelope, Oregon, on the
24th day of May, 1927. '
Clnimm it names as witnesses:
It. Bonf cf i Hooper, Edna F. Bolton,
Walter 1 3 . Walker, John A. Silver
tooth, all,, of Antelope, Oregon.
al4-ml2 J. W. Donnollv, Register.
He said: "Who will wash myi8 such places as bi towns.
Dr rpartmant of The Interior
U. ,' J. Land Office at The Dalles,
Orego; j, April, 6. 1927.
Not k:o is hereby given that
Erneit C. Schmidt,
of Shon.'ko, Oregon, who, on June 12,
1922, ni. tdo Homet tead Entry under
Act r-b. 19, 1909, No. 022,924, for
SEU SE V4, Sec. 33, SV4 SWV4, Sec.
34, T. C 1 1., R. 15 E., Lots 1, 3, SVs
NE Vi , SE V NWVi Sec. 4, T. 7 S.,
R 15 IJ., V. M and on April 10,
1925, made' additional H. E. 023,460
under Act '.Dec. 29, 1910, for SVs
NEK., SEU SWV4, Sec. 33, SVi
NW'k, Sec. 134, T. 6 S., R. 15 E., and
SVi NWVi, Sec. 13, SEVi NEVi,
SerA 14 T. fl', R. 15 E W. Meri
di tn, has filled notice of intention to
i) mke final iihreJ year proof to estab
'Jsh claim tu the land above described
before 11. C. Rooper, United States
Commissioner, at Antelope, Oregon,
on the 2.5th day of May, 1927.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Edmondl Herrling, Maupin, Oregon,
Otto A. Schmidt, Andrew J. Brown,
Charles F. Wagonblast, of Shaniko,
Oregon, v
al4-ml2- J. W. Donnolly, Register.
H ood Tires
The 1 arget Stock of Tires
In Town
Rid tmonds' Serv. Station
Dep irtment of The Intoiior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, May 2, 1927. ,
Notice i'a hereby given that
. Frank Dyer
of Maupin, Oregon, Who, on Jan. 10,
1922, made Homestead Entry under
Act Dec. 29V 1916, No. 022252, for
SWVi SWVi, E Va SWU, Sec. 7,
SW SW14, SEVi SE1, SeC; 9,
SW ViSW, Sec, 15 Township 5
South, Range 14 East, Willamette
The o n place in The Dalles to
ma it, ti'e rancher and out-of
to' irn J elhiw feel at home.
rtead Tt ' Tlm'ts for the twa,