I With highways and ail- Yrhen they come a fishin They come to Maupin on the rhutcs river. roan you can reach any place from Maupin. Vol XIII Maupin, South Wasco County, Thursday, May 19 1927. Number 23 MAIF1M TIMES NOTES FROM MAUPIN SCHOOLS i This la Commencement Week in the Maupin schools end the exercises incident thereto began lust Sunday evening with the baccalaureate ser mon, which was delivered by Rev. Jos. A. TenBrovck of the Episcopal church of The Dalles.' The auditor ium of the High school building was well filled with friends and patrons of the school, and a fine program, wltich follows, was rendered: Baccalaureate Sermon Moonlight Serenade two pianos. Merle Snodgrass, Chas. Bothwell, Crystal Stewart and Velma Cro- foot Invocation. Vocal SoloMrs. J. H. Woodcock. Scripture Reading. Melody In F two pianos. Jean Wilson, Marjorle Tlllotson: Sermon Rev. Jos. A. TonBroeck of The Dalles Episcopal church. "Awakening of the Birds" Two pi anos Crystal Stewart, Mabel We-j Rough Riders, two pianos Olga Ab bott, Lucille Walters, Merle Snod-grais. Class Prophecy Stanley Wood. Piano Trio Carmel Woodcock, Ma bel Weberg, Jean Wilson. Advice to the Class Jas. Appling. March Trlumphate. two pianos Carmel Woodcock, Helen Weberg. Graduation Day Monday, May 23, will see the last meeting as students of the Class of '27, at which time they will receive tlwir diplomas signifying they have completed the prescribed course of study in the Maupin schools. The program for the occasion follows: Comrades la Arms, two pianos Marjorle Tlllotson, Jean Wilson, Carmil Woodcock, Olga Abbott. Ladles' Quartet "Come Where the Llllles Bloom" Mrs. E. R. Wil son, Mrs. J. II. Woodcock, Mrs. George Morris, Mrs. II. F. Both- well. DOUBLE HEADER BASEBALL Postoffic Team From The Dalles and'Stubbl Jumper v. Cra VeJIeyitea berg, Velma Crofoot and Maglll. J Benediction, Clan Day Wtnesduy was Guns Day and in . the evening a large concourse was present to listen to orations, and Naomi , Salutatory Helen Weberg. j LtCarillon, two piunus Mi-rle Snod gras, Lucille Walters, Olga Ab bott, Mabel Weberg. Adtlren Rev. C. A. Edwards of The Dalles M. E. church. Valedictory Alda Pugh. Mau pin's Stubble Jumpers went to Madras Sunday last and cleaned up the baseball team of that place by a score of 7-6. This was the second game Maupin has taken from up the river boys. On the coming Sunday there will be a double headrer game here. The first game will be between the post office forces of The Dalles and Bend, and promises to be a game for blood, as there is quite a little rivalry be tween the teams. Immediately after the postoffice forces game the Stubble Jumpers will warm up for a game with Grass Valley. -The latter team has been taking all comers down the line this season and promise to make Maupin hu mpifour players, get the verdict On the other hand the Jumpers say that If Grass Valley wins over them the ywill know that a real game of ban-bull has been played. BIG ROUNDUP AT FAIR ; CROUNDS JUNE 11-12 Everett Wilson, Noted Beekaroo, Will Give Two Day of Real 1 Wild We.t Skew Everett Wilson, who pulled off a big roundup and wild west show at the Tygh Valley fair grounds last year, will repeat the performance on Friday and Saturday, June 11 and 12 this year. He has arranged a program which includes bucking conr testa, 'wild steer riding, chariot and horse races, wild horse races and many other stunt incident to the cattlf and horse" ranges. There will also 'be other attractions provided for the enjoyment of all who attend. Mr. Wilson carries a string of real bucking horses and has several riders with him, each of whom has won re nown as a rider and steer roper. The show will be better and larger than any like event ever staged hereabouts. other offerings of the graduates, j Grand Valse Caprice, two pianos The program opened with: Jean Wilson, Mrs. Geo. Morris. Camp of Glory March, two pianos ! Presentation of Class, Nova Hedin, Mabel Weberg, Merle Snodgraas, Charles Bothwell. Class Will Berta Mathews. Vocal Solo Mrs. R. E. Wilson. Class History Fred Shearer. Prewntatlon of Diplomas. Bullata and Blzzanatwo pianos Marjorle Tlllotson, Merle Snod grass, Jean Wilson, Carmel Wood cock, Olga Abbott, Mabel Morris. CAR TAKES FIRE, TOP AND CURTAINS ARE TOTAL LOSS Spark Suppod to Have Ignited Celluloid UuholiUrlng I Ruined by the Blaae anaManMaaai On Tuesday George Claymitir drove his Chevrolet car into the Maupin Motor company's garage for the pur pose of having a broken fender re paired. "J. W. Temple went to work on the job with his welding outfit He was compelled to quit when a spark, supposedly from the flame, struck a celluoid window In a side curtain. Soon the whole top was aflame, and the fire continued until all the curtains, top and upholstering of the car was consumed. ARRANGING FOR FOURTH JULY M. Plyler Booking Act and Get ting Ready for Big Tim Will Install Electrie Rafirgor-itor. Bates Shattuck has ordc ed and expects to receive about Ju are 10, a nctwypo refirgerator calljd "Zero lone," The new piece of store fur niture will have an inside measure ment capable of giving eight cubic feet of space. It will bo electri cally operated, and is s'jtld to bo the last word in refrigerators. Emboldened by last year's suc cess with his Fourth of July cele bration ot the Tygh Valley fair ground, C. M. Plyler will stage an other big time at that place the com ing celebration for three days July 2-3-4. He is now booking attrac tions for the event and promises a high old time. There will be races, horse and foot, a big free show in front of the grand stand, shdws and dances. Flyler knows how to sat isfy the public with entertainments and the coming one promises to be the best he has ever attempted. RESULT of MUSICALE Spcmored tf The Dalle Monday Mu.ical Club Would Help to Make Mu.ical Nation -r- r ABOUT HENS AND PRODUCTION ' . "Eggsprt" of Agricultural Collage Tell About Poultry and How to Car For Suck Secluded and darkened nests are preferred by hens, making egg eating habits lees common. Injured and frightened hens some- Correspondents' Weekly News Items The music contest, sponsored by The Dalles Monday Musical - club, times lay soft ahelled eggs. deferred until May n, iyn, Will Baffl Burglars end Fir. Richmond and Son and the Maupin Motor company ea:h received fine Mosler safes on Tuesday. These iron boxes are said to be as near fire and burglar proof as is possible to make them, and add to the appear ance of the servlcre station and office wherein they are. installed. Wearing Out Scales. F. C. Butler's business has been such that his scales havn been about worn out. In order to give his cus emtors 'correct weight French has ordered twtj of the latest typo coun ter computing scales, and expects to receive them next week. Excavating Coing On. Joe Kramer haa a force of men at work evcavnting for his new bun galdo, which ho will build on his lot next to James Chalmers'. Frank Creager with his team and several other huskies are keeping picks and shovels warm on the job and soon will have tho basement deep enough to suit our popular gnrage man. Delegates to Astoria. Carl Pratt and B. F. Turner are at Astoria this week as delegates from Wapinltla I. 0. 0. F. lodge No. 209, and Mesdames Lawrence S. Stovall, Mayhew and Pratt repre sent Wapinitia Rebekad Lodge No. 194. Mr. and Mrs. Pratt left for the lower Columbia city by car Sunt day, theothers going by train. Dance at Fair Grounid. C. M. Plyler w ill give another dance at the Tygh Volley Pair Grounds this week Saturday nif?ht, with Rorick's Musical Gnng furnish ing the music. Numbers will be given and at the fourth 'dance of the series aomootie holding tho lucky number will be given o $50.00 dia mond ring. ' ' t Uuderwent Operation. Mrs,. Maud Hammer, well known to many here, who is nuw living at The Dalles, underwent o major "per- ation at The Dalles hospital Monu'ay. At this writing hear condition is re ported as being favorable. , Sold Registered Cattle. W. B. Sloan, of the Mays ranch at Tygh Valley sold and delivered five head of registered short homed bulls to A. M. Bennett of Antelope Mon day afternoon. The bulls that he has just sold are in good Bhape and give promise to build up the herds of Mr. Bennett in a ' great degree. Visited With th Stat.'. The homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Staata was visited over Sunday by Mrs. Staats' brother, George Dufur, and wife of Portli md, and Harry May and wife of D ufur. ', Mrs. May is a niece ' of Mrs. Staats, While here Mr, Staats . and Mr, Dufur made a trip up the river and caught nearly the limit of ; fish. Serve hot foods hot and on hot dates. Serve cold foods cold not lukewarm. It Is astonishing how many homemakers ignore this simple and obvious detail of an attructive meal. A bread pudding will be "soggy and snd" if you use too large a pro portion of bread to egga. Or it mny come from cooking at too high a temperature. It is much better to cook any custard-like pudding in a pan of water in. the oven. ' The water keeps the eggs from being over cooked. . Always grease an iron with lard or" vaseline beforo putting it away for a long time or it will rust. To remove rust on an iron, scour it with scouring powder, and rub well with a flannol cloth. .. , was when it was held in the High school auditorium of .hat city. The pur pose of the contest was to help make us a musical nation. Following is the program es it was rendered: ' . . i Piano 1 Dorothy Hennecke Second Mazurka, Godard 2 Frances Shogren Second Mazurka 3 Elizabeth Yantis , i Second Mazurka 4 Georgia Forney , 5 Helen Linquist Second Mazurka ;....Rondo in C Major. Beethoven 7 Alma Yoder .? '. ......Second Mazurka . Malcolm S. Krier ... ',. ........Second Mazurka 9 Helen Weberg Second M:".:urka 10 Louise Swanser ,.., Rondo in C Major Voic 1 Ruby Randall In the Time of Rosas V2 Erma French : Sing Me a Song of the Time That Is Gone. Violin 1 Helen Lindquist Londonerry Air 2 Donald Ingle Londonerry Air The winners were: Piano, 1st Hel en Lindquist, 2nd, Frances Shogren 3rd Frances Shogren. Voice 1st, Erma French, 2nd, Ruby Randall. Violin 1st, Helen Lindquist, 2nd, Firv a A Tn rrtn 1 VW "ft'VI The judges were Rev. Eichenearb, Prof. Goodrich, both of Portland, and Mrs. Sexton of Hood River. The first prize in piano contest was awarded to Miss Helen Lin quist, who showed fine technique, fine position and her playing was beautifulyy executed. Kcnnard Sexton, who won the sec ond prize,' rendered his selection in a masterly manner and with the skill would have considered able these ar and poise. A real music critic would have considered his position faulty and bad. Miss Frances Shogren of Mosier won third prize at the piano and tho she did her part wonderfully well, she had a close competitor in our own representative from Maupin, Miss Helen Weberg, who caused many favorable comments In the au dience during: her performance at the piano. She showed , composure, skill and a fine technique. , Carmel Woodcock and Olga Ab bott were unable to attend the con test, the former having been unable to prepare for it because of illness, and the latter because of an infected finger. A decided inprovement in the texture of eggshells is observed when hens are turned out in the Ex ercising yard after a long confine ment, states experiment station. PulleU taken from free range and confined in laying houses often lay thin-shelled eggs within a short time. Granulated bone is a good mineral food for laying fowls. 1 For furms, where poultry keeping is the major business, at least 10 acres of land Is ncssary for success ful operation, says the extension StiVice. - o i.f.,. ....... ,., - -, Concrete brooder-house yards are used in Oregon to overcome soil con tamination. Thin shelled eggs do not hatch well and do not stand 'shipping. Much can be done by using only heavy shelled eggs for hatching. Shell is always, kept before the fowls to enable them to produce good-shelled eggs. Overfat hens have a tendency to lay soft shelled eggs, says the ex periment station. Eggs saved for hatching are kept in a cool place of about 50 F. They are not saved longer than 10 to 14 days. The profit producing period of the laying hen is usually two years. Hens are sold at the end of their second laying season, .before moult ing. Sodium-fluoride is an effective lice powder. Fowls are held by their leggs while the powder is rub bed into the feathers. . Tygh Valley items , Class Gradual The graduating exercises for the Class of 1927 of the Tygh Valley High school were held in tho L O. O. hall Friday evening, May 13. The members of the class were Clair Korval, Rachael LuCore and Henry McGreer. . ,. . The address to the class was given by Rev. Bruce J. Ciffin, pastor at the University of Oregon. . Owing to the unavoidable absence of chair man of the school board the diplo mas were presented by Prineipal Clyde T. Bonney. " An unique feature of the evening was the presentation of track, base blal and basket ball' letters. Thirty letters were given. To th two boy graduates the baseball suits which they have worn during the season just closed were given them as a re minder of the jolly times on the baseball field. To Kenneth Webb, who was next to the highest point man in the county track meet, was given the shoes and track suit which he wore, as he covered himself with honors on the third Saturday of last April. It is confidently phophefied that the suit will be in evidence on the third Saturday of April, 1928. Everyone voted the school year just closed a grand success. Tygh will accomplish greater things an other year. "Tygh Down Wapinitia. Since Maupin would not permit the Tygh ,and Shanikc-Antelope baseball teams to play off a tie on neutral grounds, the Tygh boys went to Wapinitia last Wednesday after noon, May 11. and played the Wapi nitia team. The score was 22 to 7 in favor of Tygh. This score would seem to indisate that the Tygh boys could have given the Maupin High school team a run for their, money, inasmcuh as Maupin had been able to beat -Wapinitia the week before by a score of only 8 to 7. The Tygh boys were oManppointed that Maupin did not see fit to include them in their baseball schedule. WAPINITIA ITEMS . The Tygh Valley High school boys played the Wapintia High school boys Wednesday afternoon on the Wapinitia diamond .resulting in a sweeping victory for Tygh Valley, Mrs. Hazen la recovering from an dines that eenfined her to her bed for two or three days. Mrs. Frank McCoy and Grandma Woodsid were visitors at the par sonage Friday afternoon. ; Mrs. Frank McCoy was a caller at the Wapinitia church Friday after noon. Oscar Xenick of Maupin made his student trip over the mail root with Mr. Pratt Friday. He Is tak ing the letter's place while he la gone to grand lodge at Astoria . Rev. Matthews and Mr, Drake of Simnasho were business visitors in Wapinitia Friday. Mrs. Frank McCoy has been help ing at the Wapinitia hotel siace Sat urday. Mr. Matthews was a duller at the Wapinitia parsonage Saturday. Re ports they are carrying on an evan gelistic campaign at Simnasho mis sion. Mrs. Ben Forman was a visitor at the home of Grandma Woodside Sat urday afternoon. Roy Batty and ftmily were in Mau pin Saturday afternoon visiting his mother, who la now at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L C. Hennoghan Rev. Hazen delivered the Bae caularate sermon Sunday evening at the Wapinitia church. A large crowd was 'n attendance. Mrr. Roy Ward the Ted r-lub afternoon. wis a visitor at home Sund Chickens need a dry, well venti lated, draft-free house to give best results. A good poultry house is located on high or sloping ground, with dry, well drained soil. Open-front houses are desirable in western Oregn, where the winters are not very cold. Cement floors in poultry houses are sanitary and easy to clean. From 8 to' 10 nches of roosting space is allowed to each fowl in Ore gon. All roosts are of the same height so that fowls do not crowd and fight for the highest roost.. One nest for every six fowls is recomomended for best results. A good nest is at least 15 inches square. Tommy Kingsley has completed his labors at the Abbott sheep ranch and on Mondey went to Portland for a short atay. Putting aside all musical criticism the young people deserve great cred it for their performances, and wo hope the ono who was overcome with stage fright, wtfl take heart and try again. ' ' There were only two contestants in the vocal department and two in the violin department. Erma French won first in singing and Ruby Ran dall second, Helen Lindquist won first on violin and Donald Ingle was I csecond, , Miss Helen Weberg is a pupil of Mrs. II. F. Bothwell and has progres sed so far as to be recognized as a coming musical celebrity. The young lady has acquired a technique and touch simply wonderful, while as a sight reader there is hardly her su perior in this section. Mrs. Bothwell is entitled to great praise for tho showing Miss Weberg made in so large a field of young musicians. R. G. Weiabcck went to Wapin itia the first of the week. Lee Jackson was In The . Dalles Tuesday. Mr: and Mrs. Willis Norval were in Maupin Wednesday La Verne Scarfing of Shaniko was in Tygh last week. Jim KIstner and Hugh Wood were in The Dalles Tuesday. Guy Brittain was in The Dalles.1 one day last week. " Mr. and Mnw Callie Duncan and Mr. and Mrs. B. W.Welch of Wamlc were in Tygh Tuesday. Albert Padgett, Arthur Muller and Clair Norval were in Maupin Wed nesday. - Miss Verda Wing of Wamlc spent a few days last week with Mrs. Milo Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold and Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler of Shaniko were here Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McGreer of Clarno were here Friday for the commencement exercises. Clarence Plyler of Portland gave a show and dance at the fair ground Saturday night. The Tygh' Valley baseball team : played at Grass Valley Sunday, winning by a score of 14 to 2. Miss Margaret Elllo, the assis tant high school teacher for the past year, has , returned to her home at' Swappa Oregon. -', . " . Mr. and Mrs.: Willis Norval and Mr, George Miller left here Sat urday mornins; for Astoria to attend the R"bekah lodge. Henry and Walter McGreer have returned to their home at Clarno. George Claymier had the sad ' nifnrt!tne of t'avinr kis car prvJ7 Lutm-d up at lie Tillotson garsur Monday. " Mrs. Katie Graham wss a visitor at the Grandma Woodside borne Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Hazen and Lincoln Hartman were visitors at the F.oy D. Woodside hade a business trip to The Dalles Monday and come back Tuesday. ''"' Mr. and Mrs. Clyde T. Bonney were callers at the parsonage Tues day morning. Grandma Woodsde spent the day with Mrs. Hazen Tuesday. , The grade school rendered a com- menable program at the school house Tuesday evening. Mrs. Kate Graham and Mrs. Walker made a business trip to The Dalles Wednesday. , The Ladies Aid of Wapinitia haa calK'd off their program for a later date. Rev. Hazen will speak at Maupin Sunday morning and in the even ing at Wapinitia. On Business to Portland. Floyd Richmond went to Portland on Monday, goinng down on businesa for the Richmond service station. At The Dalles he was joined by Tommy Kingsley, who went on to . the big town, and will remain until . Saturday, Floyd returning on Thurs-' day morninj. Muir Sells Horsr. ' Bob Muir hits disposed of h 'horseB. On Wednesday he so'd head to A. H. Lindley, who will vs ! them on the ranch. Bob went , jTygh Valley that afternoon for ttj I purpose of disposing of tho rest t rui.ch. , ) hi n Neufchatcl and cream chceaa s " Mr. and Mrs. 'M. : L. Kinkey are I valuable for the protein, fat, pK . . . . 1 1 . 1 i r - f , 1 y, f . tne parents oi a Daoy gifi com moiv day morning. ' Visited at The Dalles. Phil Starr loaded his family into their Dodge car Monday and drove to The Dalles. Those going with him were his. wife and daughters, Minnie and Bessio. , ? paorus vna caiciuia vc tumjj The American diet is said to be i j in calcium. It is well therefore romember that all cheeses tatm calcium. t shearing sheep the last month, f in Maupin Tuesday transad business. 'n(S . ' -t2