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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1927)
Thursday, May ji jgff TI1E MAUPIN f tME$ Page Four '' The Maupia Times C. W. feaune. Editor C. W. SrrnnM Md E. R. Semmet PablUhyt Published avanr Thursday at Kaupln, Oregon imbscrlptton; OM year, $1.60; six months, $ 1.00: three months. 50 cts. ' Entered as second class mail mat--r September 8. 1914. at the post v fice at Maupin. Oregon, under the tiA of Marc 1S79. - INCONSISTENCY We somestimes wonder if all man kind is inconsistent, whether there jtrt? none who consider things with an unprejudiced mind and who are broad enough to "give the devil his due." There are people who seem to delight in having the papers tell of the lapses of others, but who are miffed and riled if the editor speaks of them in any manner not accord ing to their lights. There are others who get all worked up if anything Is said which might reach the ears of certain others, even though the men tion is actual truth and was written with no idea of placing the subject in a wrong light A short time ago a certain man was mentioned in a paper- in a jocu lar way. Later he went to the news paper office in an angry mood, stopped his paper and berated the writer for the mention. Among oth- ! er things he said the article was not taken amiss so far as he personally was concerned, but certain things were said that ho did not care for the members of the concern he work- I ed for to learn of. i Th is a great deal of inconsis- , ,, what he said. While we do 1 not believe his duties, an such hat , he should be bound to his desk at all times, and that a little recreation ir.Hould be enjoyed, still in the case '. at bar the man should not have been 'ofriad his actions might have called the part of his em 'plyers, should they have found out v: ei;tt darpiirtion to their m- I 1119 oi4". " . - - - - The article was not written for tv, Tiumose of appraising the head LffiA of anvthin not according to TTnvle on (he part of tho employe, but merely, rather, to give nim a pas nn th back for performing the du tips of his "office in a meritorious manner. point that to win ngninrt another is vhe main object That is all wrong. Contests between schools should bo considered in the light of social visits. They are a means of inter course that should bespeak a frater nal feeling; should seek to elevate to a plane that rivalry, other than merely friendly one, should be dono away with. Manv cities and towns have been estranged from others by the acta of students In . carrying a grudge against some other school, all be cause of certain defeats in school gamse. That feeling has been car ried for years and in many instances have been carried to xan extreme. Such is all wrong. Neighboring places should be neighborly. The affairs of one become a part of the other. No place can exist by itself. It needs the cooperation of its neigh bors and there is no one thing which fosters taht cooperation so much as friendly relations between schools. THE CORRAL By M. J. W. on Attention OUT TO WIN In many schools there seems to be a feeling that, when competing against other institutions of learn ing the main thing is to win. It is not considered that such events are provided to foster a social feeling, to more firmly fraternally amalga mate students into a general body, one that will tend uplift and up build our schools. School rivalry oftimes reaches a MAUPIN'S LEADING G ay Meat Market I c natal Oifegona MILLING COMFY Tom Vernon, erstwhile bootlegger and moonshiner, has violated his parole and ia now serving a six months suspended sentence in the Wasco county jail. I Tom agreed to keep away from both this and Hood River counties, and only make short visits to Sherman county. It seemed as though the old saw about a crim inal seeking the scene of his crime worked true in Vernon's case. Eith er that or some of his customers were overcome with a consuming thirst and called upon him for the wherewith to' alleviate it, that caus ed him to violate his parole. One dav last week we asked the "niHo.t pttler when the wind stopped blowing on Juniper Flat, if it ever did. He replied, "I have lived here fifty years and it has nev- 1 i -11 ! T.I1 V.'tinin it er sioppeu ai an m " umi memory serves me right "One swallow does not bring spring, but one swallow of the stuff sold under the guise of vfhiskey will make a gray digger fight like a rattler." We've tried it and know by experience. "The way of the transgressor is hard." Verified jn the case of the five moonshine sellers at Shaniko, who were taken in by the minions of the law last week. April showers were few and far between, but at that our hills are covered with all kinds of flowers mostly blooming weeds. i And now comes a National Music week. Every body sing. Except you Archibald. Your voice la like Caruso's, only better. The stiller the better. Wherefore art thou, Romeo? Kathleen Mavoureen what, slumber still? "If you can't sing, whistle. That's the big slogan. Besjdes, Kathleen, there's induce ments, as the following tete-a-tete between mother and daughter tend to show. (With enlargements on the original verse.), . Whl.tU For It Whistle, daughter, whistle i And you shall have a cow, I can't whistle, mother, Because ! don't know how. Manufacturer of the Famous 0 Perfection Hard Wheat FLOUR Cereals, Pancake flour, Mill Stuffs, Barley, Etc. We also have" CRACKED CORN, SCRATCH FEED, EGG MASH, OYSTER SHELL FOR CHICKENS We also make Woodcock Sprin? Wheat Flour Callaway's Funeral Chapel - Funeral Director and Embalmer LADY ASSISTANT Union at Third Phone 289W The Dalles TOMQBILE AND GENERAL MACHINE WORK i Whistle, daughter, whistle, And you shall have a pig. I cant whistle, mother, Because I am too big. Whistle, daughter, whistle, And you shall have a goat, I can't whistle, mother, Because It hurts my throat Whistle, daughter, whistle, And you shall have a goose, I can't whistler mother, Because a tonsil's loose. Whistle, daughter, whistle, And you shall have a duck, I can't whistle, mother, Because it brings bad luck. Whistle, daughter, whistle, And you shall have a cat, I can't whistle, mother, That's all there is to that Whistle, daughter, whistle, And you shall have a barn, , I can't whistle, mother, i And I don't give a darn. Whistle, daughter, whistle, And you shall have a man, (Whr-r-r-r-r, wh-r-r-r-r-r.) I just found out I can. Goldsmith tells us of some chap, who "cast off his friends, as a hunts man his pack, For he knew when he wished, he could whistle them back." Good whistling, that' Think how handy when you'd want to borrow a few bones. This hank is a service insti kUV, ... organized to meet fi nancial necessities of its de positors. This bank must carefully protect the funds , placed here by its deposit ors.. Money can be loaned only when we're sure it will beiiafe That is the reason ' why depositors who main tain large balances get bet ter service from their bank. Why not make your de posits with us and reap the benefit in case you desire a loan? Maupin State Bank (INCORPORATED) Fishing Season IS HERE I now is the time to buy Rubber Boots for fish ing;, at right prices. -x Service With a Smile Now that Fishing Season is here we are able to ac commodate all campers and fishermen with such articles they may need in the lines of CANDIES TOBACCOS, LUNCH GOODS, COLD DRINKS, FRUITS, ETC. OREGOLD ICE CREAM PASTRIES Mrs. L. Fischer CASH STORE Just Across the Bridge Maupin, Oregon Muridlan, has filed notice of Inten tion to muke final three year proof, to establiah claim to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, United States Commissioner, at Mau pin, Oregon, on the 16th day or June, Claimant names as witnesses: John Foley. Frank Turner, J'"?' Kelly Laverne Fischer, all of Maupin Oregon. . ... ,. , ... mS-jU J. W. uonnoiiy, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of The Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, April, 8, 1927. Notice is hereby given that Armin J. Schmidt of Shaniko. Oregon, who, on Feb. 20, 1024 made II. E. under Act n.. m 101(1 K'n. 023.164. for Lot .1, Section 3, Township 7-3., Range 15-E., Willamette flienuian, nas iuu notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before II. C. Roopcr, United States Commls sioner, at Antelope, Oregon, on the 25th day of May. 1927. Claimant names as witnesses: Kdmond Herrling, Maupin, Oregon, Otto A. Schmidt, Andrew J. urown, Charles F. Wagonblast, of Shaniko, Oregon. a!4-ml2 J. W. Donnelly, Register. Coming to The Dalles Dr. Mellenthin SPECIALIST la Internal Medicine for the past fifteen years Does Not Operate will be at . DALLES HOTEL THURSDAY, MAY 12 Office Hours i 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of The Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, April, 6, 1927. Notice Is hereby given that ... . W Vfe - aellan t. nooper, formerly Sollah E. Foster, of Ante lope, Oregon, who, on Oct. 14, 1922, made Homestead Entry under Act Dec. 29, 1918, No. 022,689, for EH EH, Sec. 20, NWtt NWV4, Stt N4, NV4 Btt, SEtt SWtt, Stt SEtt, Sec. 21, Township 7-S., Range 16-E, Willamette Meridian, has filed notico of intention to make final three year proof to establish claim to the land above aescrioca, Deiore II. C. Rooper, United States Commis sioner, at Antelope, Oregon, on the 24th day of May, 1927. Claimant names as witnesses: R. Honfoy Rooncr, Edna F. Bolton, Walter D. Walker,. John A. Silver tooth, all of Antelope, Oregon. al4-ml2 J. W. Donnollv, Register. Cyiinwtf Grinding, Truing Crankshafts, Making Pistons and Rings, Bearings All sizes Made to Order , KHEET METAL WORKERS lasiwiteta Line of Parts for AH Makes of Cars ELKCTOC and OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING ;EAp (QALLOWAY The Dalles. Oreeon I Phone 383-J 1 1 )Eaw ifcnmt trxxm 40 Black Hip Boots.. 3-4 Sport Boots.... ' - $4-95 Knee Boots, pair.! !. $.95 Red Rubber Hip Boots $5-9 Red Rubber Knee Boots $3-95 Auto Trunks as low as ...'...$5.95 All Kinds of Wall and Auto Tents Wall Tents 7x7, 10 oz 1 $6-65 Auto Camp Beds Auto Robes for $3-95 Hickory Shirts only : 89c Blue Cambric Work Shirts : i 69c Waist Overalls heavy blue S1-11' Shaving Soap, Colgate..... Vevet Tobacco 3 for -..... Driver's Cushions : Heavy Khaki Canvas Cots $3.25 50-Watt Light Globes 1(ic Army Axes ; 5JC Shaving Soap, Colgate's.'. Suit cases, all kinds, as low as "Zj Luggage Carriers : $125 Headquarters Army Goods Store No Charge for Consultation rw TtTMlfinthln Is a regular gradu ate in medicineand surgery and is licensed by the slate of Oregon. He doe not operate for chronic ap nendlctti. Ball stones, ulcers of the trim v tonsils or adenoide. ' m f uA I. fn hi rredit wonderim results In diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood and skin dis liver, bowels, nerves, heart, kidney, blade" er, bed wetting, catarrh,' weak lunai. rheumatism, sciatica, leg ul cers and rectal tilments. B elow are the names of a few ot his many satisfied patients in Ore-1 ' !3. G. Clark, TroUtlako, Wash. , ,J. A. Wilbert, Albany. ' .Mrs. Yaquina McClay, Reedsport. lElmer Booker, Condon. Mrs. O. Garrison, Warren. Mrs. L. D. Beam, St. Johns. .TDjai. Eliz Yoller, Astoria. JMrs. R. Gustavision, Wcstport. TMrs. W. B. Henslee, Marshfield. Remember the above date, that consultation on this trip will be free i and that his treamcnt is different. Married woman must be accom panied by their husbands. Address: 211 Bradbury Bldg., Los. Angles, California. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of The Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon, April, 6. 1927. Notice is hereby given that Erneit C. Schmidt, of Shaniko, Oregon, who, on June 12, 1922, made Homestead Entry under -Act Feb. 19, 1909, No. 022,924, for SEH SEK, Sec. 33, SH SW, Sec. 34, T. 6 S., R. 15 E Lots 1, 8, SH NEtt, SEV NWH Sec. 4, T. 7 S., , R IB E., W. M., and on April 10, ivzo, maue auumonai a. uzj.tou under Act Dec. 29, 1916, for SH NEtt, SEtt SWK, Sec. 83, SH NWH, Sec. 34, T. 6 8., R. IB E., and SH NWH, Sec. 13, SEH NEtt, Sec. 14, T. 7 S., R. 15 E., W. Meri dian, hus filed notice of intention to make final three year proof to estab lish claim to tho land above described ' l.fnr II. C Rnoner. United States Commissioner, at Antelope, Oregon, on the 25th day of May, 1927. Claimant names as witnesses: Edmond Herrling, Maupin, Oregon, Otto A. Schmidt, Andrew J. Brown, Charles. F. Wagonblast, of Shaniko, Oregon. al4-ml2 J. W. Donnolly, Register. Second and Washington The Dalles, Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of The Interior TT. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 2, 1927. Notice Is hereby given inai Frank Dyer of Maupin, Oregon, Who, on Jan. 10, 1922, made Homestead Entry under Act Dec. 29, 1916, No. 022252, for SWtt SWtt, Ett SWtt, Sec. 7, SWtt SWtt, SEtt SEtt, Sec. 9, SW ttSWtt, Sec. 15 Township B South, Range 14 East, Willamette Hood Tires ARE GOOD TIRES The Largeit Stock of Tires In Town Richmonds' Serv. Station THE BANK HOTEL The one place In The Dalles to make the rancher and out-of town fellow feel at home. Read The Times for the en vs.