The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, May 05, 1927, Image 1

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When they come a fishin'
They come to Maupin on the
i-Kchutcs river.
I With highways aiM .ail-
roaaa you can reach any
place from Maupin.
Maupin,! South Wasco County, Thursday, May 5, 1927.
Number 26
May Festival and Program
at High School Tomorrow
Tho May Festival program to be
given by the first ilx grades in
scheduled for Friday evening, May
6. Everyone U urged to attend, an
It promises to be a very pretty and
tuneful affair, and no effort has
been, i pared In costuming and stag
Ing. Tha following li a lint of tho
numbers on the program:
1. Bprlng SongFifth and Sixth
Queen of Flowerdom...
Dorothy Doty
Fapa Jitcque Rose .....
Ralph Kal:r
Mama Jacque Rose
, , Margaret Applinj
Their Daughters ......
....Louise Duui, Dorothy Greene
M'lle Cricket Mabel Roberts
MUs Mots Rose Alice Greene
Marie Knlghtcn, Eda Slefert
Mine Bluebell Allene Wiliton
Mr Sunnower....Leslio Troutrnan
Miaa Pnnny ..Marie Seifert
Frog Chorus Gayle Mayhew,
4 Victor Broughton, Loyal Pratt,
Lloyd RuberU, Floyd Adding-
ton, Merle Addington.
Flower Chorus.... Myrtle Kramer,
Lena Turner, Jean Renlck, Jean
Caton, Bernice HoIIIm, Frances
3. Daffodil Dance
Greatha Turner, Betty Slusher,
Thelma Morris. Irene Woodcock,
Jean Renlck, Frances Lindley;
Rilph Kaiser, Jack Chiwtaln,
Genevieve Allen, Bernice Hollis.
Flag Drill
Laco Greene, Wendell Lindley,
Henry Wilson, Ralph Kaiser,
Jack Chastaln, Douglas Both
well, Herbert Kramer, Theo
dore Klrsch, Alvln Ashley, Earl
Addington, Leo Cunningham,
John Slusher, Melvln Ashley.
Girls' Maypole
Jean Caton, Marie Knighton,
Dorothy Doty, Bernice Hollls,
Frances Lindley, Jean Renlck,
Dorothy Greene, Lena Turner,
Myrtle Kramer, Allene Wilson,
Margaret Appling.
Boys' Maypole ', .
Henry Wilson, Douglas Both
well, Herbert Kramer, Ralph
Kahtcr, Jack Chastaln. Theodore
Kirsvh, Ernest Confer, Frank.
Senior Class Play Wins
Strictly on Own Merit
Rural Simplicity Bounded by Social
Ambition Theme of Play at
H. S. Auditorium
Whot proved to be the best of a
series of plays put on by the stu
dents of the Maupin schools was that
played by the Senior class on last
Friday evening, when the four-act
comedy-drama, "Esmeralda," held
the boards.
The characters were well drawn j
and the play itself, showing the '
ambition of the mother, coupled ,
with the unsophintication of her hus- (
band, the love of a couple of country j
young people and the worldly-wis j
dom of a man about town, the grasp
ing French count, as well as tho close
speculative mind of a broker, was
all that could be desired aa a vehi
cle in which to show the talent of
the students essaying the various
Berta Mathews us the mother,
carried the part in a natural manner.
(The young lady has an aptitude for
lin Renlck, Emery Crofoot, Er- ;guch pnrU and het rendition of the
nest Klrsch, Leo Cunningham,
, John Slusher.
7. Song "Voices of the Woods"
By the School
Whilo the children are singing'the
last song the Judges, which are Supt
Gronewald, Mrs. Leone Miller of
Tygh Valley, and Mrs. Emma West
of Wapinitia, will cast their ballots
for tho team which, In their opinion,
hus wound the Maypole the best The
Maypoles aro to be judged on even
ness of checks, dancing and general
effect, and a prixe will bt awarded
to the winning team.
various moods the character called
for, particularly fitted her dtoposi-
ition. She scored a hit with the
audi' nee.
. The week beginning May 9th
and ending May 14th has been
designated as clean-up week for
Maupin. All residents are re
quested to clean up their proper
ty by gathering refuses in piles,
cutting and stacking weeds and
in all manner making their places
Trucks will be furnished to car
ry, away refuse, which must be
placed easy of access, so such may
e loaded with the greatest ease.
This is done as a precaution
against disease and also to give
Maupin an air of cleanliness.
J. II. Woodcock,
City Recorder.
F. C. Butler, Mayor.
Sixth Annual Gathering
of Wasco County Pioneers
The Sixth Annual gathering of the
Wasco County Pioneer association
will be held on this week Saturday in
The Dalles auditorium. An invita
I tion has been extended to all those
who were residents of the county
prior to 1883 and are eligible to
j membership, and this is stated in the
preamble of the call sent out for the
'meeting, which follows:
! The Daiies, Oregon, April 8,, 1927.
! "Dear Pioneer:
! "You are invited to attend the Old
j Wasco County Pioneer association
when it holds its Sixth Annual re
union in the Civic Auditorium at The'
Dalles on Saturday, May 7th, Any
one born in Wasco county, or who
I came to Wasco county prior to 1883
Pro. Winner. .1 Tygh Valley . cHgible for membeftp. Regj.
tomorrow evening j tration of pioneers at 10 a. m.
" , Basket dinner at noon, program fol
Sixes win in the ordinary dice ,owing At 4 p. . memorial ser
game, and seven, when thrown in L,ceg win be helJ , the old pioneer
craps always takes the. money when 1 rflV(,va.(,. and oW faah.
jioned dance in evening. .
made on the first throw. It must
have been those points which orl-
'glnated the saying, at "sixes and
Gentlemanly Ball, Players From Up
' River Lois Sunday's Game
to "Stubble Jumpers"
Madras baseballiats came down
river on Sunday, played a game of
baseball, and departed with the
small end of a 14-2 score In their
bat bair. It was not because thev
did not play good ball that they low, ! success of our teams. Lost year
Briginf Teams Here Entails E
pne -Met With Admission
Maupin has always been consid
ered aa being a good baaeball town.
Time was when the whole people
turned out to games and the "root
ing" done for the home team was,
in large measure, responsible for the
but because Maupln's
Jumper" played bettfr.
The "Jumpers" gfj-nered a total
of 10 hits off Boylrs, the Madras
heaver, while the visitors were able
to connect safely but four times off
McCorkle. Madras opened th? game
and were retired In one, two, three
order. Maupin fared as well in
their half. In the second the visitors
managed to get one runner across
on an error by Lewis and a double
sort of apathetic feeling seemed to
take hold of Maupinltes, and as a
consequence tne few games played
proved losing venture. The same
condition exists this season. Munftg
cr Stovall has booked some good
teams to play against Maupin. These
come from various distances and
their expenses must be met.
In the coming game, that between
Maupin and Bend, to be played here
next Sunday, -the expenses will be
Fred Shearer as Mr. Rogers, the
husbrnd, gave a fine delineation of
a couiiry-towner and farmer. His
fear of "Ma" seemed to be well
grounded, as he deferred to herein
all things. The vernacular of the
North Canalinan came natural to
Fred, as he hails from Kentucky,
i where the southern idioms and
speech is about the same as that used
in the "Tar Heel" state.
Jesse Crubtue as a mining broker
carried his port to perfection. He
showed no hesitiation in his lines and
his expression was as It should have j
been in the part.
James Appling as the country
lover demonstrated he had not for
gotten how to act. Ah
"A Pair of Sixes" bids sure to w'.n
the plaudits of alt who attend the
production of that comedy-drama at
the Odd Fellows hall at Tygh Valley
tomorrow evening, for it will be the
crowning achievement of the Senior
class of the schools of that place.
We have gone into the details of the
play in previous issues of The Times,
so our readers are acquainted with
them. There is little else to be said
other than when the curtain goes up
on the first act a hilarious rendi
tion of a hilarious comedy will have
commenced, and the hilarity will
continue throughout the production.
"George W. Johnson, President."
"J. L. Kelly, Vice-Pres."
"H. L. Howe, 2nd Vice-Pres.
"R. E. Williams, Sec-Treas.
"Mrs. J. S. Fish, Asst. Sec.
"Mrs. Lulu Crandall, Historian."
Program at Auditorium
The following progam has been
arranged and will be heard at the
Auditorium, beginning at 1 :0Q p. m. :
1. Singing, "America."
2. Prayer, Rev. P. P. Underwood.
3. Address by President Johnson.
' 4. Address of Welcome, Mayor P.
J. Stadleman.
5. Reading of minutes; reports of
i. St. Mary's Academy Orchestra.
7. Address by Homer Angel.
8. Trio, St. Mary's Academy.
9. Address, Rev. P. P. Underwood.
10. Song, Mrs. Bertha Steers Tay
lor. 11. Character recitation, Mrs. Clara
12. Address, H. L. Howe.
13. Violin Solo, D. D. Nelson, ac
companied by Mrs. Clara Moody. ,
14. Reading, Mrs. Lillian Strachan.
15. Historian's report, Mrs. Lulu
16. Chinook Wa Wa, D. L. Bolton,
R. W. McCorkle.
17. Character song, Mrs. Alice
Priee, Moro.
Evening Program
1. Kiwanis Club Quartet, Messrs.
Piper, Roth, Broer, Gronewald.
2. Solo, Mrs. C. P. Williams.
3. Maypole Dance, by 12 girls.
4. Solo, Dr. W. A. Short.
5. Recitation, Miss Ruth Ward.
6. Scottish Dance, Mr. and Mrs.
John Milne.
7. Character recitation, Mrs. Lloyd
Woodside, Maupin. ' . - ..
Dance After Program
Immediately after the program
has been concluded the old settlers
will be accorded the floor and for a
time will indulge in those dances
popular in by-gone days. An old-
time fiddler, D. D. Nelson, will dis
course the music for this. When tht
pioneers have had their fling the
young folks will be given a chance
to display their wares as modern
dancers, and for this Rorick's or
chestra has been engaged.
Tbomat Cleromem, Prominent Sal
vationist, Victim on Pacific
The actors are letter perfect in their
vounir far-Jprts ""d tne settings will be in
mam rinllMari .f 1 .1 ,...a With humAf.- BrCU UK Hit II1U1.HI w '
a., v., uvivuij ...w.. -
alda, he expressed all tho emotions
posslblo in the part. Especially was
he strong In depicting a magnaminity
in dividing an unexpected fortune
with the family of his "girl" and in
allowing the scheming mother to be
lieve the money she was spending
came from a mine on their old farm.
Alda Pugh and Doris Bonney, artbts to will feel amply repaid for Jhe ,Jr, and two others had received
Mrs. W. II. Williams was startled
keeping with the character
As soon as the play has been con
cluded the hall be cleared and all
who care to will be resraled with a
social dance. This event will con-j last Saturday when she received
eluded the activities of the Tygh word that her brother, Thomas Clem
scool for this season. All Maupin : mens, had been killed in an auto
people are Invited to attend both the j mobile accident near Newberg, and
.hn nrl rfnn--. and those who do ! that his son, James L. Clemmens,
j Errors in One Game Contribute To
Score of Combination
by Larson, but were stopped from 'rather heavy. In order that it will
doing further Injury by a fait double
play, Lewis to Raymond Crabtree lo
Earl Crabtree. Madras was blanked
in the following two frames, Maupin
drawing the same In the next try.
In our next up Doughton, Earl and
Raymond Crabtree and Don Miller
crossed the pan for runs, giving us
sufficient to win an old ball game.
Our next resulted in n blank, but In
the fifth six runners made wins on
the score sheet. Madras got one
mora over in the fifth, but so far as
more tallies were credited to them
theia side of the sheet shows blank.
Maupin accumulated two more in the
seventh and explicated the per
formance In the eighth, making a
total of 14 runs for the game. 1
In the seventh Inning Manager
Stovall injected three High school
players into the game, they being
Cyril Fralcy at first, Jessie Crabtree
at second 'and Andrew Crabtree in
the box. Andrew Bhowed the visitors
Just whnt could be done as pitcher,
striking cut one and allowing a few
little infield blngles.
A cold wind blew nenrly all the
time during the scrimmage, which
and muse them to lose what little
pep they had when they went in to
warm up. A team front Bend will
play the "Jumpers" here next Sun
day and a good game is expected.
not be necessary to Vpass the hat
to meet such a -good attendance
should greet the Benders, ihus mak
ing it possible to make the admis
sions pay the bill. Our boys are put
ting up a very good article of base
ball and deserve patronage.
I Injured in Speeder Wreck.
j Mr. Peterson, who is In charge of
the water tanks on the 0. T. between
Sherars and North Junction, was in
jured in a wreck of his speeder Sun
day evening. We are told that his
car left the track and threw him to
the roadbed with such force that a
deep eut which required several
stitches to close, was sustained over
his right eye, and that several
bad bruises on his head required
patching up. Dr. Elwood attended
in Paris, caried the house with them.
Miss Pugh's enunciation was as near
perfect as it could have been, like
wise that of Miss Bonney. Their ex
pressions of sympathy for the sub
dued heroine of the play, and the
many subtle hints they threw out in
order to bring about a better condi
tion in her life kept the audience on
tiptoes at all the time.
Stanley Wood as the man , about
town, who was averse to being party
to the scheme whereby the old couple
were to be deprived of their proper
ty, and the slow, easy-going demean
or of the boy, drew all to him.
Stanley showed great talent as an
actor and deserved all the praise his
Interpretation of tho part drew.
"Jack Desmond," brother of tne
journey to the
on Tygh creek.
bright little town
Stockholders Obtain First
Hand Information
Last Friday L. C. Wilhelm and R.
W. Richmond, two of the stockhold
ers of the Clarno Basin Oil company,
made the drive from Maupin to the
scene of operations near Clarno.
injuries. Mrs. Williams Ielt lor
Portland on the midnight train to
attend the funeral.
M. Clemmen, aged 60, had been
prominent in Salvation Army woVk
for many years. On the day of death
he was with a number of other Sal
vationists on the way to Newberg to
hold a meeting.- When near the
Tulatin bridge their car collided
with an auto bus, their auto being
thrown from the road and all pass
engers injured. The son received a
fractured skull and at the Good
A most interesting game of base
ball was played last Friday, April
29, between Tygh. School team and
the Shaniko-Antelope combined
team. The game was nip and tuck
until the seventh inning, when the
muffing of two flies by the center
fielder, and the consecutive fumb
ling of grounders by the four infield
men, excepting the pitcher, gave
Shaniko five runs and the game.
Tygh, with characteristic energy and
persistance, made a desperate rally
in the next and last inning and suc
ceeded in scoring three runs, but the
side was finnally retired with two
men on bases with the score 12-9 in
favor of the rugge'd boys of the top
of the world.
The veterans of the Shaniko-Antelope
combination got their first base
ball inspiration from Mr. Bonney,
who taught for five years in that
Thev found that the preliminary well
18 feet deen was beinir due. that a,j Samaritan hospital, where the in-
bunk house and cook cabin were in ljured were taken, it is reported his part of Wasco county, and they have
course of erection, and that several
men were employed. When drilling
begins, which will be beforejong,
the well will be put down from the
condition is "just fair.
The elder Clemmen had been a
resident of Portland for 50 years and
(was prominent in Salvation Army
' work. Hia funeral occured on Tues-
i ji.j v: i: . .. I hnttnm nf the hole now being due.
ttniHia, nuiiuiuu mo iiuva iih a - .111. -41 : , . .1
A sianaara arming rig wui oe uuu, ;- j -
and the hole put down by men who I Army citidal. Surviving him are
There was no hesitancy in his
and with a stage presence
Dleasant to behold. Earl Greene was. ihave operated in several of the pro-
to use street parlance, "there with iductive Montana oil fields. A prom-
. . . I J v. V M
a tendency to slow up piayers . ,. , i jowlon4
the evening more than 65
Served Many Luncheons.
v The Rainbow restaurant was the
scene of bustle and hustle los Sat
urday night. Many of those who
came in for the dance at the new
garage had failed to partake of
supper before' driving to town, con
sequently the service of the reatau-
not counting the number of ' light
lunches, were served. 1 '
! the goods."
Ira Kidder, In the part of the
French marquis, lacked but little of ,
the dialect to portray a perfect re
mnant of the deposed French aristo
racy. His delineation of the part
was good, especially his declination
to give Esmeralda up until he dis
covered her parents were broke and
not able to endow the girl with a sub
stantial dowery.
Ella Shepfiin waa a dandy maid.,
While she did not have much to say
during the play, still the. part filled
a niche necessary to make the of fer
ing go off smoothly. -
Made 800-Mile Trip.
Last week.Flske BoUwmll, Thllip
Goshaw and a couple of the Chastain
boys made a trip to the Valo-Ontario
country. Mr. Goshaw said ' that the
section visited seemed pronperousv
and that, with the completion of the
government irrigation pr ogram
there, would be o'.ie of the bcs,t sec
tions in Oregon. The John Day riv
er is reported as running bank l'ull.
On the road the'party encountered
four deer, which stood in the ro. d
and were so tame they could havO
been, run over by the car.
River Clearing Up.'
The past few cold days have had a
tendency to clear the river, also low
er tho water. Several catches of
trout were mado yesterday, but none
of the fishermen report fish of great
inent geologist has stated that, in his
opinion, the well will not have to go
deeper than 1,000 feet before oil will
be struck, although preparations
have been made to extend same to a
depth of 4,000 feet. ' , ; V
Pinched Thumb Off.
Ollie Paquet of Wapinitia sought
the services of Dr. Elwood yesterday.
In some manner he got his right
thumb almost pinched off ' at the
first joint The doctor fixed the
ends to gether and soon Ollie will be
using hia thumb as frcdy aa ever,
tion is of Miss Helen Weberg, who
carried the titular role, "Esmeralda."
Miss Weberg, by nature, was superb
ly fitted for the part. She is nat
urally shy and retiring, and her part
called for all the emotions of girl
hood. Her stand to remain true to
her country lover and notwithstand
ing the efforts of hef ' schemeing
mother to marry her to another, she
remained steadfast, and how at last
she openly rebelled against maternal
tyranny, called forth gteat effort
Miss Weberg, as "Esmeralda" made
many friends for her ability and is
deserving great credit for the man
ner in which she handled the diffi
cult character.
Ben Fraley Now in Charge. r
Ben Fraley, by arrangment with
George Tillotson, has regained con
trol of the Maupin garage and has
placed Earl Crabtree in direct
charge. On Sunday the mechanic
will arrive from The Dalles and
then that popular place will be ready
his wife, two daughters, Katherine
and Myra; two sons, Alfred and
James, and a step-daughter, Mrs.
Olive Hurtc,
Returned From the Springe.
Mrs. B. F. .Turner arrived home
yesterday from Shepard Springs,
Washington, where she had been in
the advantage of being seasoned
players, while the Tygh group is
composed of inexperienced boys,
four of whom are still in the Eighth
grade. .
Maupin willing, the third game of
this series will be played on the Mau
pin diamond on Wednesday, May 11,
at 2:30. Those who want to see a
team in embryo make a team of vet
erans squirm and work for scores,
should make it a point to see this .
last game. Tygh is one of the com
ing teams and will be ready another
year to tackle any of the high school
teams under the rules that govern all
high school contests in Oregon.
quest of relief from rheumatism.
She is feeling much better and is Rumor has it that these youngsters
loud in Draise of the healinz waters this next fall will be out with a foot-
of the springs.
for all business that comes to it.
And last, but not least in our men- LBen has laid in a large stock of Ford
parts and accessories, as well as a
supply of other things which go with
a well equipped garage. He asks
thnt all his old patrons remember
the place, also that he will grant
them same consideration - and ser
vice they obtained 'when he was
operating here before.
Home From Funeral.
Mrs. W. H. Williams, who was sum
moned to Portland last Saturday by
the accidental death of her brother,
James Clemmens, returned to her
Maupin home yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. Williams was brought home by
her sister and her husband, who will
remain in , Maupin for a visit of a
few days.
ball team ready to test their metal
against older teams of the county.
Pipe Sale $,1.00 pipes 75 cents;
50 cent pipes for 35 cents, at the
Maupin Drug Store.
The auditorium was filled to ca
pacity, many coming in from the
country to witness the play. After
the show a dance was held, to which
many of the young people remained.
Brought Load of Machinery.
George Tiliotsoii and J. WV Temple
spent several days of last week at
Portland, returning Saturday. They
brought back with them several
pieces of machinery, which will be
added to the equipment of thi-new
garafre of the Tillotson Motor company.
Enjoyed Pictvc.
Saturday afternoon a party o:
Maupin's teachers wenet to Deep
Creek and spent that night and part
of Sunday picnicing. The party was
chaperoned by Prof. L. V. Brough
ton and Coach Ferguson. All say
they had the time of their lives.
Eastman kodaks and kodak
plies at the Maupin Drug Store.
Beginning Saturday, May 1J,
there will be a show and dance at the
pavilion at the fair grounds at Tygh
Valley an dever yothcr week there
after. Every fourth week there will
be a $50.00 diamond ring given to
the one holding the luck number
drawn. The management w;l lm
deavor to entertain all attending
with novelty dances.
25-t2 C. M. PLYER