The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, March 10, 1927, Image 1

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    With highways anX ail
roaos you can reach any
place from Maupin.
When ihcy come a lisiun
Tliey come to Maupin on the
chutes river.
vj v w mm r j?-. si ii i if km w r rn 1 -
iNO. 3
notes from maupin SCHOOIj,
hl. Friday evening
Regarding City Stores'
and Charge Accounts
Big Stores Offer Credit Require
mcntt are Varied aad Many ,
To Obtain ll
M osier. Both the boys anu
- ,lll mnlin the triti to
it-uuin win iif'
c...,,iv. Mr. Naifle and Mr.
Broughton funded a conference at
,m. will make the trip w ; -' ; u for
MoHl-r. Team, from that town win , - dwided,
play return game with Maupin on
Many of the bitr city itore offer
credit, laying great stress upon the
. tf . .....1
fact that "charge account are we.
Munificent Purse of $5.00
Split After Gruelling Go
"BlUler" LamoUeU Ter" Q'
M End of SUtb Round By
i . Mutual Afreetneat
Correspondents' Weekly News Items
' . r x . -- " '
TvB-h Valley, where the events .or . . . of coum
thin year' track meet were decided. fa of bwlMM but be-
The events win inciuue i
track and new evcni
The picture, taken of the basket-
t.Bm were very aiiiacwrjr,
Friday, March 18.
A county track meet it to be held
lit the fair ground tit Tygh Volley
April 10th. On Tuesuay o, v?j v
Tiw t if vaH I ."Si ZT of the giria' team
Z W i Uk. Pl-'.t the w tal, by Haan were no
m,,t. Knthusianm and interest u L yU.n. ' .5!. 1' bv Mr
Khown to the etxent that very lew j unincni a
Four member of the High school
have been drafted to take pari. ...
the forthcoming production of a
(.,edy-drama, to be staged for the
benefit of the local Legion post.
News Of Busy Shaniko
Julia Spalinger and daughter,
Perneta, were business visitors at
The Dalles on Wednesday.
......I....4- m.t Urn their nuiiien
JUUUVlltn win
fr entrance in two or three even's.
After n period of practice an climi
nlion contest will be conducted.
The grade school students are ubo
enterinu t preliminary contents
with much spirit. The Muupm
Golden Mascott Entertainers
rir Maupin Audienci
, town
' While Maupin may be off the tra
veled road of most shows, still an oc
casional company makes this town a
vUit. Wo have been inflicted with
..,.. .iinun iind some better
nuuiv ivvi
ones have appeared here. One of
the best to rcgulc an audience in
at Leirion hall
utia n'j '
Monday nightThe uoiuen .uomvw
Circus Attraction. The show con
futed of many acta usually seen in
circuses, and these were interspersed
v,lth songs, sketches and laughable
down acts. The slack wire turns
were far and above thoee of many
i ilmt line, while the lofty
tU nmn mi
bulancing and floor tumbling acts
were original and pleasing. A
is carried and
intu nlni nhowed themselves
to be imbued with all attributes of
finished actors. Even me mu
three-year-old embryo actress got
her "hand" when she did a "brother
tumbling act with her father. The
,!,,0-in. was better than usually
lu nrd on the Ur.e. ''' lht Ilf,li"'
conduct of the meuibrn of the ec.m
j,;illy made frieii.N tr thrm finon
(.itr'pcoplo. Wc'rommend tho (U.M-,
t ti M,i ott company to all place
they may visit and Maupin people
will fill the house for them should
Ihcy ever again visit this city.
if don't like the kind of i
That this town seems 10 oc,
If buildings here are tumbled down
A way you hate to see,
If something isn't up to date
Or good as things of old,
While other towns are simply great
(Or so you have been told),
fore anyone is granted that privi-
a . . 1 ! i ! ... Am
lege there are certain lormauue w
be complied with. , For instances
Your name; residence, emp.oy-
. ,.i,r.t nf vu(7fs. when paid,
how many in family if married, In-
gurance curried, deposits in wim..
...-. ,v.iiwi -affiliations, size of
shoe, color of hair, colored or natur
al, wife' maiden name, white or col
ored, favorite sport, belong to what
lodge, lazy or just tired, own a car
..., if .a what make, buy oooze m
open market or patronize private
bootlegger, favorite fruit, eliminat
ing that of the hen. wear livus,
does wife play bridge pinochle or
golf, relatives living with you, work
ing or just family boarders, attend
what show shop, fisherman or crap
1 f iiooter, ever bankrupt, going to be,
,!low coat to become shinny, pairon
If il.nL
. rr. . Duv.rtr Fffit Club" was
the scene of an encounter Tuesday
night, and will go down in nisioiy
hein the fierce scrap ever
.oth hv ft Dair of mitt artists in
Maupin." The Famou solo player,
"Blister." took on the Junipe Flat
"Tuber" for what was scheduled to
... I UtV tilM.
be' an elghi-rouna go. ...v. ( juja-oiumom
pugilist are world-renowned, their ; jayg( jj at home again.
victories coverinic me - t , , . .
Same- , .. 1 Sr. oTflvsl road
After ome haggling Ben r raiey ; compa.. yu... -
Cha. Wagonblaat of Paulina,
Oregon, was a business visitor in
Shaniko for a few days last week.
H. W. Lane, who ha been 'at the
i MM.nniitmhi hoDital for a fw
between the warehouse and th
Rev. Ten Brook gave a very good
semon Monday night.
Jnhn Nolan of Antelope had an
auto smash up last Saturday. He
ran into a truck near Metolius, hi
car, a roadster, being almost entirely
wrecked. No one wa hurt.
Mr. Wanner , highway engineer,
wa up Sunday putting up notice to
the effect that no trues carry...
more than a 1000 pounds can go
over these roads until they ore in
better condition.
wa agreed upon to be the third man
in the ring. Morri Greene was
he being
cautioned by both principal against
prolonging the rounas. ne
deprived of all betting privileges.
Temple and Slusher were seconua ;
for "Blister," while Weddle and j
Turner performed in that capicity
for "Tuber."
PnnnH nne onencd with each man
with hands up, waiting lor an ope..
Inc. Without warning
Floyd Richmond Better.
Floyd' Richmond, who ha been
confined to his bed for several days
with asthma, was so far recovered
as to be able to be at the aervice
station for a time yesterday,
i '-
R. C. Fulkerson U
If you would like to see a place
That's full of push and snap,
A town that hits a faster pace
A town that's on me map,
Yes, if a way you'd like to know
To find it in a jerK,
I'll tell you where you ought to go
You ought to go to worn.
'traper of
m rviwlitnrv animals." according
"Blister" ; t his own writing. He ha captured
. i l. tJ-iff i . .... . 4 nn)lil
i. i ii rar m in u 1 1 11 i. m i k.t v i-na i u v i iwii iiiuumuit
i- .. barber or shave yourseU these ; oimea a mow w - iour ouUtulo . - -
a d many ol-r question, relative tot Ml short and resumed a wa.Ung at- and hig 8mbition to ga her in the
ai.d many omtr qt t,,.,ja T,A.i. retaliated, missing fifiu v, 5n the following ef-
iUVU - -
fusion: 't '
I rode out on my poison route thru
chilly wind ana snow
And when I got to camp at night
'twas 16 down below.
You needn't pack a trunk or grip
And leave the loins uenmu,
You needn't go and take a trip,
Some other place to find,
You needn't go and settle down
in...... fri..nfu nf old you 11 miss;
For if you want that kind of town,
Just make it out of TbU.-
MIIUW VWIlt. v. " - - '
he barber or shave yourself these .aimed
,Mnlan,u" i""" I ullt,J. TW retaliated, missing
voiir nioda 01 HVing, wnui juu jiaiv umuv,
; :X dinier, when you take ad knocking over t e stove wi h his
bath, what toilet soap used, etc, iblow. Round ended with bot. ap-
Some go to the r home town store, parent mU.,.s .
tell th clerk to imp up 10 pounds Round two-Blister led wi h bo
of pruU a dollar's worth of float-j hands, Tuber receiving a light touch
oi prun,.., u BIjster m jed
hi? Boan. a sacK oi nuur, un-wu .. ,
ing bobji, o jIj t fv,. .wunif azainst a
suifar, pa r of shoes lor jonnny Uu - - - -
UKur, 1'" ,l. L..- nnt Kpndine t out of line..
im fur Alarv. tanull oi iiio'iiK" rvw, .
pl o N 40 thread-and please Tuber swung when Blister', arms
nut it .1 1 in a box-and charge it were around the post, connecting
d let it rWe uptil after harvest with Blister's chewer and causing
O course t ,c I me merchant com- blood to flow from one of his antag-
pll wTthe request, lie is rich; hi, gold front teeth. No more leads
: . - .. - l ,f t-Afninff n this round.
in in bUfiinetts ivr mc iu w ..wr..w , ...
nnd does not cart-wneiner ne i i""" i" " - , , ,
o no -his whoh-rile house give Blister tried to duck sunk a hard
or not n. . ... , ... .i,.. nr Rlster's head.
I him SO. CO or 90 days ana n requ- r.K..v ... . -
Tl. hfimt Th. tnnirli taSD Diaer tunic
The wind was still a howling,
the fog was hanging low,
I rolled up in my blanket, for
there's nowhere else to go.
The bobcat they -were growling
. ...
on every lull arouna.
While the lonely old trapper Jm
sleeping very ound.
Lrt Webb Ranch.
Billy and Fred Weber wrrp in
Vanpin thi.i tnornini', K'ttirur " -"11-
tract t uw up.
M.-ii-.ed the ( '.rover W el.t) raneu,
I (llh-d on White vist-r hi-ros from the
puwer plant. wlu enU'r upon a
( career of intensive farming.
merchant does not rtr custom-
. fill nut a credit blank, but
takes you at your face value, and
i I.C WUftU -
with a heavy swing to Tuber hair,
Mifflin same ud to some extent
tk niAile a irrand rush, carried
vou at your face value, anu luoer iuuc ---
... iVo in niut..r off his feet, so he had to be
very very filien ironw .............. . , . .
.. . . ,., i'M face ' nested to his comer, as he twisted
reading cnnruv. , " . t , ,.nu TIi
Stag Struck and The S.a Hawk For
Sunday and Wndar t
Manger Kramer has booked two of
the best screen stories yet filmed
"Stage Struck" and "Th? Sea
Hawk." The first named shows
Gloria Swanson in the leading role,
atr ia creeminent in
fildom, any production in which she
appears is guaranteed a iarKc
ing. The story deals m comeoy w
a great extent, giving Miss Swanson
& handy vehicle in wnicn to snow
versatility. As an amateur actress
she is funny, as a famous acxrew
she's gorgeous; as Salome she is
great, and as the female Merton she
has the comedy role of her life.
Miss Swanson ia ably supported by
Lawrence Gray, who oeconre yro....
nent in fildom through his work in
uch plays as "Are Parents reople?"
and "The Coast or tony.
The Wednesday night play is a
spectacular production, depicting
life and activities of those who sail
the seas in ships. The story is il
luminating and contains many traai-
i J ...
Thev wake me from my siumoen lumtnaung ana conm.. ......
..... ii. I .. , . t i i Von4o1 dnwn
with those awiui niaeous yens. t10ns wnicn nave uu
tni n t twn tomorrow for some from generation to generation
A. 11 KV ----- .
i Sometime he nsqks for a
Back From "Gold Mines."
Last fall "Dnd" Cole shouldered
i.i. ..V-i aVmvi-1 nnd cold pan nnd set
out for his former divings in Cali
fornia. His quest was yellow met
tal, and ho told close friends that he
would not return until he had made
his stake. But there is a power that
i hapes our ends, and so it provcu in
Dnd's rase. Arriving in the Golden
,,tste he wns taken with a violent at of nnthma. Went to tho Bart-
l.-tt hot springs and sojourned there
;5 days under treatment. The gold
fever abated while at the springs so
Dad accepted employment jn an olive
orchard. Picked that fruit n time
then set his face toward Maupin.
While in a town in the northern part
.r (V,f ufnto our irrenressable hide
huver ran across a man to whom he
had given $30.00 years nctorc.
man recognized tho Maupin mnn nnd
offered him $!i0.00 In payment for
the loan. Had refused to take more
than the original amount.. He
glommed that and came home, a sad
der hut wiser man.
Blackbirds Win Over
Tarhawk Trap Shooters
onlv makes him mad and he joes to
another store with his orders anu
patronizes that place until skcd to
.. ur, o fhanee of trading
pay uy, - , .
.crain. The city merchant
Ullv Vi " " ---
handlers injected strychnine into the
corn and he was fit to continue when
the bell rang for
Round four Both came together
in the center of the ring. Blister
landed a stiff left on Tuber's hip
30-30 shells. -
i'm ging up on the river to
try to make another drive.
I want to get another bob and
bring it in alive.
Cby Pison Breaker! Out in Force
At Trap Lait Sunday Some
Fair Scorei Mads
r iunu?u o iw"
. . I . . . .v.
takes no. chances; he cinches ms j pMK; too , . . - -
rAdit customers by his lnlormation iront oi ms i -----cedit
cus nm J . ht re.
blank and u vney uu ..v w .... vpnpr
.. n Havs their credit stops and turn. Tuber asked the time keeper
. ..... v.j f r
RebekaV Convention.
tv Jtati-ii-t convention of x the
Rebekahs will be held at Legion hall
m- in the. Odd Fellows Hall, as we
stated in last week's paper. The
convention opening will be at 10:00
a. m. and the evening program at
7:30 in the evening. The conven
tion meets next Thursday, March 15.
iirom Kciici" ,-----concerning
pirates, their conquests
and. their loves, wuaton dui -1
f ttiA Sea llawk and
X 3 HIT J'
his chief female support is Enid
Bennett, than whom no more popu
lar screen star is shown on the silver
f nal-s that all who at-
vii. w ..... - -
tend these shows to be at the hall in
j Lt'iiu wirac buuttj v - -
time so that the performances may
. . . 1 . .1 twA.a
begin at 7:3U o ciock snary.
of admission will be: Sunday night
20c and 40c; Wednesday, 25c and
. tu !,!, of the Maupin Gun
ll HIV -
club lust Sunday some fairly good i
u.-..r..a were made. Two teams the ,
Tarhawks and Blackbirds, contested,
each member shooting at ia oirua.
Ti. Tnr.nttkK. rantained by L. C.
Hennetjhan, cuina out at the losers
end of the scrap, the shooters of
that team seeming to have a harder
time locating the flying discs man
did the Blackbirds. Bates Shattuck
t tho hich score, h
breaking 22 out of a possible 2o
birds. The scores of the two teams
was as follows:
L. C. Ilenncghan
J. K. Kramer
O. 1. Besh IT
the account is placed in the hands ot
nn nttorney for collection.
goes the world.
fnr time out while he got his wind
Greene seemed disposed to grant
same, but Fraley, knowing the rules
of the game, refused to comciue.
Do. .ot. r.rornp ran? the bell on
the round.
An Erratic Auto.
While returning from Portland on
St. Patrick' Day Dance.
li.nn eomnlet-
i Arian;!i-i-"i ---- -
ed for the St. Patrick's Day dance,
to be given at Legion ball on the
evening of March 17. The ladies of
the Altar society of the Sacred
Heart Catholic ehurcn na u , on floor
fair in hand nd it is weil known , J cut
that anytninx
Kocs over right, a splendid time may
be looked for on the birthday of the
patron saint of Ireland. Remember
the date and make arrangc-mcw ,
1 .f il.i. V.U.U'.
Painter Returns. UfnTiHnv PVPninr? with his brother-in-
C. E. Roach, a , vr ' law c,arence Wedd,e( Ben Fraley
hanger who painted the fconta , i . , a Deeuliar tSperience with a
several Maupin m" Dodge coupe. The machine had
fall, returned to this city on Mon- ; Boa p
suit: ureene rang tne u v.. eaving h . Koac ,ied th" brake9 in
five-Blister sprang
terial arrives he will paper he res, - -
dence of Dr Stovall and that two thm. turn, pacrful-
Wm. Beckwith. , i I bacbed off the grade) Ending at
" ' h hnttom with the front end point-
Returni From Shaniko. I . . .jj Tuesday morning Ben
Miss Minnie Starr, wno . Rra
r Tuber took his time answer
ing the bell's call, but when he con
fronted his opponent, without a.
warning proceeded to lay blister 3
:.u n
Will. a
;nntp9 and sixty-fives seconds
Blister remained prone. Jumping to
Miss Minnie Starr, who has been i , Krnmer went to the scene of
his feet he lambasted Tuber iro n d Miss to a levei ... - - " ;
one pool table to the. other, fmat y ; - - homeskkneSi
i AM Society.
The Ladies Aid society of the U.
B. church met with Mrs. 'W. It.
Starts yesterday afternoon. The
members arc busy makinR articles
for another bazaar, to he held in the
miminer, the proceeds of which arc
to go toward furnishing the church
to be erected this season.
Took Carload of Hogs Out.
ti;,,c. Rhonlin. Roy Batty
U UMUO ' t " ...
ioined in shipping
E. R, Semmes j Jf fflt hog, to thi North
Mrs. Jesatc bhattuck I .UnA K,nckvard9 Saturday. Julius
accompanied the shipment to Port
land. Send. Welding to Temple
iru .tntmtt ns an acetylene
jna ivy'""
....,.i- v, fniinwed J. W, Temple.
Last week he received a piece
machinery from Fossil by parcc
post, made the weld and shipped it
back as good as new. ,
flooring him by butting him in the
ufnnionn Wit'. It his head. A claim of
, foul was refused by the refree, that
1 official ruling that i aoer jacijiuu
Lew Wilhelm Flu Victim.
" The flu is no respecter of persons.
It hits tho large as well ns the small.
Lew Wilhelm discovered that fact on
Saturday when he began to sneeze
nnd feel grumpy. Since that day ho
has been considerable under the
weather, feeling rather bunged up.
Called to Father's Bediide.
Rev. Everett Hazcn was absent
from church Sunday. His father,
who resides on Eight-Mile, wns seri
' outily ill and Rev. Hazcn was called
to his bedside.
Total. ?5
Bates Shattuck' ' 22
Marion Lister '.
J. W. Temple
Wm. McClure 13
Mrs: llnttie Rcsh
. Total 69
The club will hold another shoot
tit the grounds next Sunday, the bird
breaking to begin at 10:00 o'clock
... i ........ ...n vArmeKTPn
sharp. All snooteia u.o .-m------
to be on hand on time and he ready
to break all records of the club.
Excavation Completed.
The work of excavating for the
THlotson guruge has progressed to a
point nenring completion. All that
I ,!,, tn bo dnno is leveling off,
and when that has been done build
ing forms for the walls will begin.
the nir when Blister swung at him,
thus bringing his body in line of con
tact. ! , .
Round six Both athletes seemea
tired and wary of each otner.
Blister uncorked a heavy left and
when. Tuber lowered his guaro. san
a heavy right jab to the weakened
stomach of his opponent, thereby
nvnot misprv. The Tu-
causniB .in" 6- - , , i , .,.
, .i.-i-.j t inrnnf." hut before i:m a Road Builder
u" . .:. ... t.:
oooioii" nia trioves ma
lie nan
seconds threw a pool table cover into
the ring, thereby acknowledging de
feat. '
The crincipals then went into
I nnnfprcnrc and upon emerg
lv .-r - a,;u into town. iouuns WM
Starr says it' was homesickness winch , a8seneer wa9 injured.
prompted her to return, tms Deing j
increased by the winds coming over
the- hills. , p ,n. Mui!er has decided to
tUlW -v-,.-.
change situations, and today went to
the Hotel Kelly, where she will be
employed as waitress. For some
time past Miss Muller has been work
ing as chef at the Rainb6w, at which
place she has made many friends by
giving the public what they wanton
nd putting same up in the best pos
sible manner. Mrs. Pechette of
Wfr-iniu will succeed Miss Muller
at the Kainoow.
Tygh Downs Maupin.
Coach Ferguson's "babies" were los
i th Kosketball eame at the
ci a in .i.
Maupin High school gymnasium ii.
evening, that team being taken down
the line by the grade team from the
Tygh Valley school. The score was
10 to 8.
n as a ia ,
ph.- iwnrder Woodcock is a road
builder as good as the best lo
prove that fact he neotiatea ....
loan of a crowbar and pick yester
day morning and extracted several
large stones from the street u...s
l' rmilv Moves.
Joe Kramer moved ins household . bapk ropm gtated tbcy ;up Q hig re8idcnce
mod to the Butler cottage, next to ,. th $5-00 pur8e , .
The Times office, yesterday. Tho AnJ go cnded the battie 0f
location brings Joe near a - t
and makes it possible for mm to ,
iu closer touch with thuiRs at homo , .
than nt the place oi ms law ; oumea ...
t. (jni,v nieht while Hurstel
Hollis was coming down the BaKe
oven grade his car stalled in a rut.
Notwithstanding the catastrophe
. , j...i. i0hnn1fs' horses ana
jlurstei wu w -
Goes to Shaniko.
' M....i.. T.UIer left for Shaniko
Spalding base ball gov., fecial this morni. dow to the hall and enjoyed
prices to schools and baseball teams. ployed in the Alex RooS dance
See Maupin Drug Store. tlon
Fruley Wins Triie.
At the Rainbow solo tournament
on Tuesday night Ben Fraley proved
that he knew something of the game,
ii, fact so much that when time w
..n.j v horl tho lare-est numoer u.
caut-ii m ... ,
points to his credit, "mud wv
came out at thet small end of the
came out at the small end of the
horn and was awarded a stick of gum
for hia "victory."
R.,Vpr-r! 'n Portland.
Geor?re Morris was registered at
the Oregon hotel in Portland Mon
j... Vv-inn. pnnp tn h big town on
uoji Hi"1- r m ,
business connected with the Maupin
Warehouse company, of wmcn pianu
he is manager. He was pccompanied
by his wife and little daugnter.
Foler On Sick List.
John Foley, just to keep up with
the procession, was taken with the
i nn, dav the first part of last
week and was compelled to go to
bed. Being of an ambitions nature
his illness palled on John, so he hui
ried, got well and was out yesterday.