Relief Work in Wake of Earthquake large paddock or incloture especially a sodded one, helpa considerably to I. t MSA. JI.I 1 At America's Orphan City in Armenia workd imuinriy. Thorough ni "V'1W" f J grooming is a further aid to tb I . KT". "rrr-i LUJ' 1 1 F"" tmuy"i-immm t r j - WAV The FavoriU Salad Crop si ; I .-. f S fc,., -isw, SSV .iV -i v 111' Jif. 1 Near East Relief Orphans Repairing Damaged Streets American Ambulance Bringing In Casualties. hA been reduced to nlna thousand. ilaid waste ibe most novel city The disaster, howeter. now threateni In the world Cable dispatches to throw a large number mora oa the California leads in volume of let tuce production, followed by Colora do, New York, Arizona and Florida. The order of importance changes each season due to the weather con ditions, although California always takes first place. Last year, these five stated shipped about 90 per cent of the total carlot lettuce sup ply. Shipments are made up chiefly of the compact, substantial head let tuce of sueh well known types as the Iceberg and the West, and the Big Boston from the eastern shipping region. kHE Armenian earthquake has laid waste ibe most nove city In the world Cable dispatches to the Near East Relief Indicate that Its orphanage ctnters of the organiza tion In Lenlnakan. formerly Alexaa dropol, have been seriously damaged by the disastrous earthquake thai cost 500 lives and made SO.00.0 home less In the mountain country. The orphan city was established by the Near East Relief shortly after the armistice, being housed in bar racks that once belonged to the Im perial Army of the Russian Czars. At one time 35.000 children were cared for here, though rehabilitation efforts had ben so successful up to the time of the earthquake that the number hands of the organization. Relief officials on the field have es timated that a million dollars will be required to provide adequate relief In the earthquake sons and to (urntsh sufficient funds to repair the orphan city and maintain It until June. People In the United States are urged iy the Near East Relief. 151 Fifth avenue, New York City, to ob serve International Golden Rule Sun day, for the benefit of the earthquake victims and to aid In the continuation of work In the earthquake tone and In Greece. Syria. Palestine. Turkey and Persia for another year. Pulling Horses Through Winter . The condition of the farm work horse that has been wintered in the open i3 usually better at the end of the winter than that of the stabled horse. Weather conditions in some sections, however, will not permit this practice. Where the horse must be kept indoor the stable should be made as sanitary' and comfortable as possible, and have an abundance of light and proper ventilation through out the year. A system of ventilation with floor outlet ventilators will tend to carry off foul air and regulate the temp- erature, especially in colder cli mates. Where windows are relied upon for both light and ventilation they should be high up from the floor, and open Inward from the top, in order to protect the horses from direct drafts. Stalls should be well bedded and cleaned daily. Clay floors are doubtless the best if correctly built and properly attended to. They must be kept smooth with slightly more slope for drainage than for other t types of floors. In connection with the stable, a Early Birds For Egge Pullets hatched early In the spring as weather conditions permit are likely to be more profitable layers' than late-hatched birds. ' They be gin laying earlier, thus producing a a larger proportion of eeirs during the period of high prices. Kill a Hog Sara $15 You save an average of about $15 on each hog you slaughter for jvur own use. Of course this saving doesn't take into consideration the cost of your labor, curing materials, and mch things. Information For The Homo A, cup of water placed in the oven when a fruit cake is baking helps to keep the right amount of moisture i in the air and to prevent the cake from drying out. n If you have some jelly that is not firm enough to use on the table, it will do in place of cider or grape juice In fruit cake or mince meat. When you cut up material for sal ads, make the pieces large enough so that you know w hat you are eat ing, and small enough to be .dainty. Do not mix with the dressing until servinsr time. exceDt in the cas of those salads whic'n call for special ' treatment Chiloquin The $75,000 , Chilo quin theater to begin building at once. ATTENT'(-J, TRAPPERS went live muBKrats and a male con. B. F. Lka, Wapinitia, Ore mvn. 11-tl Where the Inner Man Ceti Full Satisfaction SHORT ORDERS Azy Ticie (TRY OUR SUNDAY CHICKEN DINNERS Ice Cream. Cold Drinks and SmbLfci?' Coodi Time Schedule No. 1. Nov. 26, 1928 ' THE DALLES -MAUPIN STAGE LINE Dependable Service Between THE DALLES, DUFUR TYCH end Maupin. Read Down Read Up A. M. P. M. 9:30 Lv. THE DALLES Ar. 3:30 10:20 DUFUR 2:40 11:05 TYCH VALLEY 1:55 11:30 Ar. MAUPIN -FARES Lv. 1:30 O. W. R. T. The Dalles to Dufur $1.00 $1.80 I The Dallei to Tygh $2.00 $3.60 The Dalles to Maupin $2.50 $4.50 i I. Your Watch Haywire? If it is not doing its work briny it to The Times office and Mr. Semmes will send it to GUY A. POUND Manufacturing Jeweler and Watchmaker Successor to D. Lindquist THK DALLES - - OKI GON Connections at Bank Hotel, in The Dalles for Portland, Pendleton NOTICE Modern Equipment Courteous Treat ment and Careful Drivers CHAS. BROWN - - - Manager Stage Depot at Rainbow Restaurant CRAtlDALL UNDERTAKING COMPANY "QUIET SERVICE" of The Dalles, Ore. Phon 35-J LADY ASSISTANTS TRAVEL BY STACE Suite 15-16 Vogt Block Telepone 111-W Dr. Fred H.Pageler OPTOMETRIST Strictly Optical DeLARHUE OPTICAL CO. The Dulles, Oregon AUTOMOBILE and General Machine Work Cylinder Grinding, General Machine Work, Truing Crankshafts, Making Pistons and Rings, hearings, All Sizes Made to Order. Sheet Metal Workers. Complete Line of Parts for All Makes ef Tars Full Line of Lahers Springs ELECTRIC and OXY-ACETYLENE WELDDING EADJSL QALLOWAY R 609 East Second Street Phone 400 The Dalles, Oregon Phone 383-J WAPINHL1 I. O. O. F. meets every Saturday niglrt in Lodge No. 209 Maupin, Oregon, I. O. 0. F. hall. Visiting mem bers always weteome. "J. C. PRAJT, N. 0. E. R. RICHMOND Sec'y- "SUPREME R 1THC RITV" 31 J .-. B!TV I a 1 NEW INTERNA TIONAL r iCTIOMA W -THf. MIRHIAM WEt TltR. Bccausa Hundreds of Supreme tcvtt Judges conrur in highest i rs ' of the work as their Auth Wit. The Presidents of all lemllnn I lit. vcrslties, Colleges, and Nor Schools give their hearty (ndt we ment. All States that have adopted a Urge dictionnry as standard hava selected Webster's New Interna tional. The Sclioolbooks of the Country adhere to the Nierriam-Webster system of Jiacricicai marks. The Government Printing Office at Washington uses it as authority. WWTE for s mkidIc pin of th N WWi, i-wdrwri of R.-ulat tnj India ate. Merrlam Co., Surlna ti.ld. SOMETHING FOK NOTHING! That's just what we mean, and we stand ready to prove it. It is just a matter of paying your arroraanes to The Maupin Times and getting a year's subscription to The National Farm News ab solutely FKEE! How does that strike you, Times Readers? Those of our readers who are in arrears on subscriptions, and you know who you are, will be given an opportunity to pay such arrearages and one year in advance and each one so doing will then be entitled to r-rpo limes AND THE Ul Farm ma The National Farm News is the best paper published in the United States and whose efforts are confined to matters pertain ing to farm legislation, farm problems, household entertainment, farme and legislative remedies, family reading, questions of law pertaining to farmrs, and many other entertaining features. It is published at Washington, I). C, and is in close touch with all things connected with the agricultural interests of this country. The price of either paper alone, per year, is rv II ) I I 5 but to those who cimc in and pay what they owe us on their sub scriptions and one year in advance, both papers for the price of one. Come in and get sample copies of The National Farm News and see for yourselves just what sort of a paper it is. For You and Your Family! yOU A HE INTERESTED la important NEWS of the great Farm Organizations complete and authentic Congressional Reports full information on Departments of Government and Administration FRElfsERVICE to bring you MEWS, assistance, instruction and entertainment 8 live, up-to'-the-minute NEWSPAPER for th busy farmer and his family f.nd those interested in agricultural pursuits. Such in A Rational Wttkly Xtviptxpir I'0 Thf jimttican Farmt'mUy Published Every Saturday at Washington, D. C. VOU CAN'T AFFORD to do without it if jrou want farm data direct from the national cap- ftal Washington, whore we have the hearty co operation of the great U. S. Department of Ag riculture, as well as of the natiunally:known Farm leaders. Not only agricultural informa tion, but news and instructive columns for the womenfolks and children, too. It Is the liveli est, most interesting, most helpful' Farmer's yjgwspaper published. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.00 PER YEAR. ' The National Farm News 215 G STREET, n! W. WASHINGTON, D. C. j