The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, February 03, 1927, Image 1

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    "-""-' N
With highways and ail
roaaa you can reach any
place from Maupin.
When they come a fishln'
They Come to Maupin on the
'wrhutcs river.
Maupin Southern Wasco Couuty Oregon, Thursday, February 3, 1S27
No. 13
in wry EBATES
Aflirmativ Travels to Mad
ras and Negative Talks
To Maupin People
Judges Decide Two to On la Favor
of Maupin in Argument For
and Against Measure .
Thousands Spent On Our 'Here's a Chance to Get ,
Own County Roads Something For Nothing
Prova th Contrary
It' Said That Can'i B Dono WVll
Whenever you are ofcred some
thing for nothing there usually b
catch somewhere, but we are here to
On Tuesday of this week occurred
a double debate between the High
schools of Madras and Maupin, on
the question of government relief
for agriculture. Both debates were
won by the home teams.
Fred Srearer and Helen Webofg,
our affirmative team, journeyed to
Madras and debated wth two Madras
boys James Brown and Frederick
Martin. The Madras postmaster and
one of that town's attorneys, with
F. D. Stuurt of Maupin, acted as
judges. II. G. Kecney, principal cf
the Mudrns High school, acted as
chairman, while one of the teachers
of that school kept time.
The debatn was held in one of the
classrooms of the commodious Mad
ras building. Fred Shearer, some
what conscious of the sea of faces
before him, opened the debate. . He
explaned the Haugen- McNary
Farm Relief bill and gave his hear
ers an idea of the principles involved,
in the measure. A picture of j the
farmer's condition for the past sven
years was then presented by our Vig
orous senior and the issues of 'he
debate clearly stated. Fred enM
his argument by naming a formid
able list of bu purlers of the Haugen
McNary bill. j
The first negative speaker then
opened, the argument for Muras
and ho was followed by He), i and
the second 'negative speaker. i
In the rebuttal work the negative
had the floor first. The defens he
put up was quickly demolished! by
Fred's master logic and analogies.
His quick, keen analysis of what) to
refute and Helen's straight forward
presentation of our arguments, on
a two .to one decision for them. I
It is worth mentioning that Uiey
lost the vote of one of tho judges
by only one point from a total of
Mr. Stuart and Mr. BrougUon
drove their cars to Madras carry!"
a total of eleven supporters of Jthe
Mr. Broughton expresses satis ac
tion over the efforts and co-opOra-ton
of the debutors. Only conjsci
encious work and determination ion
tho part of the students enabued
them to get their debate perfected.
Tho coach promises a great deal of
improvement in delivery and reut
tul in tho future debates. u
Clarence Hunt and Doris Bond y,
alternates, have assisted the ter ns
and deserve praise in spite of ' ir
inconspicuous positions.
Stat Highway Commission Issues
Report Covering Astlvlti Oc
cupies 587 Full Pages
Te State Highway commission has
issued its report of actlvitis for the
years 1925-26, after submission to
the governor. The work is volumin
ous, covering 687 pages and includes
numerous views of roads' bridges
and scenes along the various high
ways of the state.
The report says that the state
highway system covers a total of
4,468 miles,, and Includes 728 miles
of paving, 178 miles of which are
cement-concrete, 600 miles bitum
inous type, 2,137 miles of crushed
rock of graveling, and 2,491 tnllci of
There were 77.32 miles of high
est road construction on the state
highways constructed under super
vision of the U. S. Bureau of Good
Roads, which total 371 miles of
crushed rock and 461 miles of grad
ing. The work done in Wasco county
during the bienntun includes: that Times and get something for noth
i. i't on the fol'jviif: projcU; tbo ing in the shape of the leading farm
cott of which wai: J paper published. The Farm News is
Dufur .'. $60,142.26 published at Washington, D. C. 'In
Wapinitla 47,842.26 the city where all farm legislation is
Mill Creek 68,081.60 made and where its publishers are on
W. E. Ilunt Again Chosen
On Growers' Directorate
Ra-elected After Serving Several
Yaari On Wool Growers Board
W. E. Hunt of -Maupin, Oregon,
has just been re-elected to the board
nt directors of the Pacific CooDera-
prove the contrary. FV torai time ive Woo, Crowerg the largMt trict.
past wo have been calling the atten-! . . .
lion o ranchers to the National Farm cooperative wool grower. marke.t
News, the leading form newspaper ing organization in the United
of tho United States, and inviting ! States, according to R. A. Ward,
them to come in and secure sample I general manager of the organlza-
coplcs. A few have availed them
selves of the offer, and we still have
some samples on hand.
Here is our offer;
' All those who are subscribers to
The Maupin Times and know them
selves to be in arrears, will receive,
absolutely free for one year the Na
tional Farm News by coming in and
paying arrearages and one year in
advance.' Each new subscriber pay
ing a year in advance will also re
ceive the Farm News for one year.
You will see by this there is no
catch in the offer. By paying up
you will square yourself with The
"Mr. Hunt is one of the best
known and most progressive wool
growers in this territory. He has
served on the board a number of
years and the association as a whole
is to be congratulated on Mr. Hunt's
reelection to the board by members
of his district" says Mr. Ward. "The
terrritory he represents - comprises
Deschutes, Gilliam, Jefferson, Klam
ath, Lake and Wasco counties Oregon."
Wife of Dr. W. A. Short
Dies At The Dalles
After Month of Suffering Dufur
Woman Pats to Land of Hap
piness and Eternal Rett
Maupin people were shocked Sun
day when the death of Mrs. Lelah
Short, wife of Dr. W. A. Short of
Dufur was noised about town. Mrs.
Short had been ill several months,
and as a last resort was taken to a
hospital at The Dalles in the hope
that medical attendance there might
effct cure. She suffered greatly,
but through it all bore op like a
christian martyr.
The following from
The Dalles Chronicle is
ographyof Mrs. Short:
Funeral services for
Experiments at Floyd Kelly
Ranch Successful From
All Standpoints
Irregularity of Wind Made Export
nonU Profitable la Man From
Forestry Department
Wrentham .'"77ZZ... 47.886.63 the ground to get all farm laws at ty-four per cent of the volume was 1877, and married Dr. W. M. Short
.... . . . .. . mA ;-w.f n iMn.nmlnl. mjlla nn tYia 9 TVifnt. no.imk 09 1019 RVin
KuvVendall 68.960.19 first hand. The News ia a seven
Tvirh Rid 69.169.99 colum, six to 12 page paper. Besides
Wamic 48,779.16 farm news it contains much of inter
est to the housewife, rancher and
family generally. Clean stories and
the best recipes and farm remedies
are contained in its columns mak-
Ing the time mentioned, and a great ing it an ideal paper for the whole ,ason, and the directors are antici-
j-.i f (,... i familv. Come in. nay back aubserip- Patln& material increase in the to- Debaters Argu. .t Madras
- . - . . , . . 1 . V.
iru ii . ,...,,). tha nn. nH o wnr n ni vnni and vet voiumu Ul wool vt ue imu
1 11V COII1IIIID01VU vviiuiicuub .v..d . w -
Total $340,362.14
There were 77,-32 milea of high
way constructed in this county dur-
supplement the mileage in the county this great paper for nothing,
constructing the road system of the
county. Especially is the board ex
tolled for the fine maintenance kept
up. The roads of Wasco county are
among the best In the state and it is
the intention of the county board to
mileage in the county by aaaing Disannroval of a movement to in.
many feeder to the main highways, , creage the tuition fees in Oregon in-
Astoria Laboritet Rciolut Against
. Increasing Fe For Education .
Messrs. Isaacs, Simson and Canna-
a short bi- vina, the gentlemen who were con
ducting a series of experiments to
Mrs. Lelah determine how nature carries and
Driver Short, Wasco county pioneer plants the seeds of trees, concluded
and daughter of a family of long their labors last week and left for
residence here, will be held from the Portland Monday, While carrying
Dufur Methodist church at 10 o'clock on their experimental work they
tomorrow morning under the direc- used kites, which were allowed to aa-
tion of Crandall's. Rev. E. W. Al- cend to a height of 160 feet, and at
baugh will deliver the funeral ser- that altitude a box was opened and
The Pacific Cooperative Wool mon, and interment will be in the the seed released. ,
Growers has just completed its sixth family plot of the Wamic cemetery, i From Floyd Kelly we learn the de
year of successful operation in co- ( The body was at the Crandall chapel tals of their work and it follows:
opratively marketing its members' I today. j . Although they were forced to wait
wools, and this season handled 5,-1 Mr Short died at The Dalles hos- several days for sufficient wind to
000,000 pounds. The Pacific is the'pital at 10:30 yesterday after a long. take up their kite, the experiments "
only growers' agency actually main- illness and was 49years of age. She j were a great success and a great
taining its own mill salesmen. Nine- was born at Wamic September 3, deal of valuable data was collected.
The past few days were very favor
able, as the wind was very irregular
as to velocity and direction, which
gave an opportunity to note the dif
ference of seed drift at different
velocities of wind. The warmth of
the wind had eaten small holes in
the snow, which prevented the seed
from sliding . along the crust upon
landing and made possible a very
accurate count. The frequent shift
of direction, made it possible to drop
the seed on new area each time with
out moving the equipment
At frequent intervals an anemmo
meter was sent aloft and checked
against another one on the ground '
in order to determine the difference
of ground velocity and that of a few
The kite used was
sold direct to consuming mills on the of Dufur December 22, 1912. She
Pacific coast and in the New Eng- was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I.
land and Philadelphia districts this D. Driver of Wamic, who survive,
last season. Membership in the or- She also leaves three brothers, H. E.
ganization has been increased by and Thomas of Wamic, and W. M.,
600 farm flock owners and a num- of Hood River, and a sister, Mrs. W.
ber ot range growers since the last H. Johnson of Wamic.
through the association this year.
highways, providing local assistance
is to be had.
County Agent to Instruct In Killing
. Cray Diggers
County Agent C. W. Daigh,
stitutions of higher learning was em
phatically voiced in a resolution
the affirmative team of the Mau
pin High school went to Madras
: Tuesday and met the negative team
CHINOOK SWEEPS THE HILLS from the school of that place that
; evening. Maupin's representees,
who upheld the contention that the
'nrlnninliu rt ta TTai1ln.MpNarV
t v - -
Farm Kelief bill should be enactea
Thos. A. Connolly was in from jnto m, were Fred Shearer and
the ranch Tuesday and to a Times Helen Weberg. Frank Stuart drove hundred feet up.
Covered Strip Mile Wide Extend
ing From Eatt to Wett .-t
man said that a chinook wind came the debaters and some friends over
over the Criterion ., hills Monday, ;to Madras in his Dodgcf
'IlUUltUiy miicu ill a 4irouiuwva . . . . . .1. XT
. .... .... .. . seeoiinK io priKiiioio auoe
dopted by the central labor council . . tnnt flll
of Astoria which was received at the
University last week.
The resolution pointed out that j
the tuition now charged in Oregon )
schools is higher than that of simi-
in ! lar institutions of the west and that .
creek, and- took all the snow from
the hills. The warm wind covered
th'e Jones ranch, Devils Canyon and
extended way over east This is sort
of natural phenomena, as usually a
chinook sweeps the whole country
Concern You and Your Duty
Your Own Horn Town
a series of meetings to be neia in financial Barrier mat woum chpSen a special track from which
Wasco county this "month for the sons and daughters of the common, tak(j th(j white coverm
t purpose of instructing the proper i people irom acquiring a nigner eou-
method of mixing and putting out cation.
poisoned bait for extermination of "We believe that any movement
gray diggers. The meetings, which along these lines will receive the
mentioned below, wtll be held .condemnation or an right tmniarg
Mauoin has its own water. system.
when it makes up its mind to get to Th t svstem purchased with
one of the box variety, standing six
feet high and performed like a thing
of life in the air , ,
Some varieties of seed had a sur
prising drifting power. Hemlock
t seed was urutea as lar as iour
thousand feet when released at an
elevation of 150 feet in approxi
mately a ten-mile wind. These seed
like most other seed of the forest,
rI!!r?lfrn Tl'Z Z. but lHmoeyWi by the of bond,have ..1 win, attached to one
9:30 In the mornings and at 2:00 in citizens," the resolution stated
Robekah Card Party
One of tho most cntcrtainng t
of the spring season ' is ch( ' 1
for next week Thursday. Fo
10. The members of Wapnl'.is i
bekah lodge of Maupin will, ft
date, entertain all those vht-v
chant is "600," and the gan v
pleasant sociability, will 'r t'
other item in the long iit f
times the lodge is rcspotiMi i
1 pen
with t an
good for.
Another Lady Locked In '
Last week we mentioned '
dental locking in a cellar o
pin housewife. That inrid.,
a parallel near Waplnitia Ip-
8 accf
s Mau
nt had
A lady hat! gone to the cellar after
vegetables and in some "i icr tho
door swung shut. The Uae , fell In
place and tshe, too, became l-i prison
er in her own home. The $ady car
ried a lantern with her, whlteh aided
in dispelling the cold, altVtijjh it
was sonic time before her hudiand
the afternoon, the schedule for this
section follow:
Tuesday the 8th, Tygh Valley in
the forenoon and Shady Brook in the
afternoon; Wamic, Wednesday
morning and smocK weanesuay
afternoon; Thursday, Wapinitia in
the forenoon and Maupin in the
afternoon; Friday the 11th, Cri
terion in the forenoon and Antelope
in afternoon; Saturday, Bakeoven
in the forenoon and Nansene in' the
afternoon; Monday, the-14th, King
sley in the forenoon and, Friend in
the afternoon.
All the materials will be furnised
for making up the poisoned grain
except farmers who wish to do ao
may bring their own barley. ', It
should be good clean, plump barley.
Oats are used in those communities
cast of the Deschutes river. Wheat
is not used on account of the danger
of poisoning the game birds. Fur
ther details will be announced later
through circular letters.
'This body shall conduct such a cam
paign as it may deem to
prevent such schemes from being ;
put into operation."
Will Form Christian Endeavor
At the church meeting Sunday
Hauter Visit Maupin
K. L. Hausesr, than whom no bet
ter scout exists, and wife were
Maupin visitor Saturday last He
had been looking after a shipment
of hay from up the river. The hay
went to feed his sheep at Fargher
The issuance of bonds made each j end which causes them to fall with a
property owner in the city liable' for rapid spinning motion thereby
just so much of those bonds as" his . greatly retarding their rate of de
property is worth. The water sys-1; scent so that the wind may carry
tern is as much one man's as the them farther from the parent tree,
other's and it is a duty each owner A complete set of photjffrrn'.is were
owes to Maupin to see that his water taken of very phase of t)w experi-
bills are met promptly.
If delinquencies are allowed to oc
cur interest and payments of prin
cipal on thoselbonds may go by de
fault. In ase of that character the
city gets a black eye and all proper-
Who Want Green Hay?
Ed Herrling is advertising several ty owners Me jn the same boat. As
hundred tons of 1926 crop green . H,,fv .voaA Dav their water
Another Pine Grover
Dr. Elwood was called to the Davis
home at upper Pine Grove Friday
afternoon and before he returned to
Maupin introduced a little baby girl
to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hasler, the
i ' 1. uuvjr : y j w 1UI. ailU lUIO. VWf J.4O01CX , bile
evening the matter of the organiza-. hay for sale.'- Ed. put the sheep ifont when the first of the month mother being daughter of Mr. and
inn nt Christian Endpavor society iSppA nn in rood season and the j tv nn..'fi,,.. -.. , m.. n..i. , !tj
tion of Christian Endeavor society
in connection with the church came
up. Sufficient encouragement was
forthcoming, and the Endeavor will
soon be a working factor for good
in Maupin. . ,
TilloUon Stick In Tho Mud
. While out In the Wamic country, not
last week . George Tillotson had an
experience which he will not care
He had been out on. a
Benefit Dance Saturday Night
The Legion annual benefit dance
is scheduled for this week Saturday
night at Legion hall. The soldier
boys are making an-heroic effort to
lift the debt on the hall and take
this means of giving all those who
desire to help in that undertaking
a chance to do so. Tickets are in
the hands of members for sale, and
all who feel able to should help the
boys to the extent of buying at
least one ticket, whether they dance
address Ed. at Criterion.
feed up in good season and the . n( The monev thus col- m twu ti, kh-l Mia wio-v,H
stacks are in fine shape. Anyone kcted goes int(J the water fund seVen pounds and the doctor says
wanting prime hay for Bheep feed, g on the systeni and eventually she is apt to make other young ladies
accrues sufficiently to take up all sit up and take notice before long.
outstanding bonds. - ,
Maupinites take this home to
yourselves, then make an effort to
meet water dues regularly. Realize
your duty and perform it promptly.
Back From Madras '
Philip Goshaw, father of Mrs. L.
V. Broughton, has returned to Mau
pin from Madras, to which city he
had gone to visit another daughter.
He was absent about three weeks,
and expects to stay in Maupin for
some time. . i
Worm Reported In Wheat
Some ranchers living in the vicini
ty of Wapinitia report that worms
are working in the wheat The de
vastators do not eat the leaves but
confine their ravages to the crown
of the plant. In some cases ranch
ers opine it will be necessary to re-
came from the field
ajid released
Transferred To Fremont F'
L. B. Bailey, who has J en the
assistant to Joe A. Grahanri on the
Wapinitia forest for . the pst yeivr,
has been transferred to the jFremo.nt
forest division. He left thej first tf
the week for Paisley, whf'h point
will be, his headquarters fto n now
on. 1
to repeat
radio selling trip and was on his, way
home when his auto refused to pull
through the heavy mud. George
coaxed the beast to do its best, but
of no avail. As a last resort our
garage man trudged to the home of
his father above Tygh, where he re
mained all .night. In tho morning
a team of mules were hitched to the
machine, but were unable to budge
it. Then a Cleveland tractor was
tried and after several attempts
George's machine was hauled clear
and he headed for Maupin.
Attended County Board Meeting
L. B. Kelly boarded the outgoing
stage Tuesday, bound for The Dalles
where ho will attend a meeting of
the county board.
seed their whole fields.
Cunningham Out Again
George Cunningham has been
unmbered among those sufering with
flu with its accompanying sore
throat and auinsev. Georee was
Miss Dori Talcott 111 nnfinoH to thu nnnao tnr two wofb.
Word was received here the first I making- his first appearence since
of the week of the serious illness of being taken ill on Monday. His dose
Misi Doris Talcott,, daughter of Mr. 0f quinsey was aggravated by a
and Mrs. Dee Talcott of Juniper throat abcess.
Flat, the young lady having been at- j ;
tending school at Portland. She ,
was reported to be suffering from
an attack of flu.
Marshall IU at Th Dalle
A week or so ago Marshal Gus
TDerthick took his daughter V The
n n . t - x x x ll'Lll iL.,.
Home From Cen.tralia wun T ,
After a two-months' visit with he was taken ill and for Snyeral
ru. in Washington. Miss Retrina ! days wes confined to a room at the
Mrs. R. E. Richmond III ,
Mrs. R. E. Richmond is confined
to the house with an attack of ton
silitis. Mrs. Richmond is but one
of the many who are suffering from
the effects of colds in this vicinity.
Muller came in on Tuesday's stage
: Bank Hotel.
Beginning Feburary 1st there will
Miss Fanny is now at t,e an increase in cost of all classes
She is again at the Rainbow . cafe the home of Gus' parents at Dufur, 0f water service of approximately
and ready to cook a tempting meal
an serve same a la Ritz.
Sprained Hi Ankle
Some 'time back Mark Stuart was
doing some work in his granery, and '
upon leaving Bame slipped on the School Bus Driver Design
alpn. The result was a badlv sprain- Ben Herrling has resigned
well on the way to recovery.
Some More Snow
Sunday evening snow began fall
ing again and continued until Mon-
10 per cent. Provision is also-made
for a discount of 10 per cent on all
monthly charges if bills are paid by
the 20th of the month follownig date
of billing. If bills remain unpaid
glen, j lie iesuiir vno unuij ri"- r o - - ....... . ., . i
ed ankle, which kept him confined position as driver of the Criterion day. The prec-pitation was light by the lOtt t of the following Wh
Read Tb Timet fpr MWi
... . . i U J V. M if fsvot ,.f aw m!11 ka elSiif rff mrA a Vi arfrn
to the house for sonic time. John school bus and has been succeeaea aim buo umwu, .... a.. tilv t
n..r... ..,. iitH BnH hv nvfl Wilson. Ben auit his driv- loosening the remaining from a of $1.00 made for turning on water
for some time he has been taking 'ing job in order to give personal at- former storm.
care of the chores around the Stuart tention to his sheep, which will Boon
Tygh Valley dairy ranch.
( be lambing.
1 Read Th Times $1.50 the year.
after bills have been paid.
By order of