The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, January 27, 1927, Image 4

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' want livt uiuaarsts and a mala
ccoon. H. r. linn, Wapinitia, Ore-
Tim. Schedule No. 1. Nor. U. 1926
DcpoaJaLle Sorvice Batweea
Klamath Falls Oil seepage along THE DALLES, DUFUR TYCH tU
Lost River
near Bonanza intereati
Whore Ik laoer Man Cots
rv Time
lea Crooe Cold Drink aad
S.vwaiv' Goods '
Read Pown . Read Up
A. M. , p. M.
9:30 Lt. THE DALLES Ar. J. 30
10:20 DUFUR 1:40
11.30 Ar. MAUPIN Lt.JiM
0. W. R. T.
Tko Dall.t lo Dufar......$1.00 $1.90
The Dalles to Tygh $2.00 $3.90
Tko Dallea to Maupin $190 $4.50
Connection at Bank Hot!, La Tko
DalU for Portland, feadletoai
Modora Equipment Cearteooe Treat
ment and Carofal Drivers .
CHAS. BROWN . . . Maaaaoc
Stage Depot at Raiabow ReaUareat
Tko Dalloa, Oro. Pbooo 3 5-J
Your Watch Haywire?
If it is not doinsf its work
brintr it to The Times office
and Mr. Semmes will send
it to
Manufacturing Jeweler
and Watchmaker
Successor to D. Lindquist
j Kutlicrino
I. 0. O. F.
meU every Saturday nigiii in
Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Orespou,
L O. 0. F. hall. Visitinj mem
bars always welcome.
3. C. PRATT, N. U.
, E. R. RICHMOND Sec y.
Suite 15-18 Vogt Block
Tolapoao 111-W
Dr. Fred H. Pagelcr
Strictly Optical V
Tko DalU, ... Orofoa
and General Machine Work
Cylinder Grinding, General Machine Work, Truing
Crankshafts, Making Pistons and Rings,
Bearings, All Sizes Made to Order.
Sheet Metal Workers.
Complete Line of Parts for All Makes fars
Full Line of Lahers Springs
609 Eat Second Street
Phono 400
Tko Dalian, Orof os
Phoa 353-J
Judge concur In highest
(Th. story of a womsn who had loat
tn nr.nicut thing in Wtt faith Iti lior
f.llowmtu and how It cam back to
h.r at Chrlatmas Urn..)
unhappy. Fur two iiionttia alia
hud fretted herself because a
um of mone, which she had Invested
had been loat. ' She had ent runted It
to an old friend of her girlhood In a
nearby city and when the newa came
that the money wai lout rtuldu made
up her mind then and there that all
humunlry was alike eager and ready
to cheat even tta own friend If thero
was a chance. She grew more hitter
aud sullen each day mid withdrew her
self almost entirely from the circle of
friends that alio hud known so long.
She never stopped to think that even
without tills umouut she could still
live lu comparative ease; that there
was nothing In reason she would hiive
to deny herself as the Income die still
had was quite large. Mindly aha shut
her eyes to all thfa and would not ul-
3. Thnt the known bondholders,
mortgagees, and other security hold
er owning or holding 1 per cent or
more of the total amount of bonds,
mortgages, or other securities ar:
(If there are none, so stato. )
.li'Hiiillno E. Morrison, Cape Horn.
Mergiinthuler I.lnotyps Company,
1 llrooklvn, New York.
I I. That the two paragraphi nt
above, giving the numci of the own
Of tli Ownership, MniiBnoinrnt, Cir
culaton, l ie, Required by tlm Act
of Congr.ia of Auijint 24, 1912,
Of the Muuplu Times published
weekly ut Maupin, Oregon, for
October 1. lUL'tl. .State of Oregon,
County of Wnsco, ss.
Ileforc me, a notary public in niul ,
fi- the Stnte niul cminty ifr'Hiiil,
pcrsonni.y upponreu v, v . semmes, j ,,,. ,m.M10um, and security hold.
its, if any, contain not only the list
Hundreds of Supreme Court
Cur in hlimeit nrilia
oi ins wot a their Authority.
The Presidents of all leadlne Uni
versities, Colleges, and Normal
Schools give their he my Indorse-
mi state tnat nave adopted s
large dictionary as standard have
selected Webster's New Interna
tional The Schoolbooks of the Country
adhff to the Merrianv Webster
system of diacritical marks.
The Oovernmcnt Printing Office
at Washington uses It as authority.
WRITS far a tunpU Din of th Htm
Werilf, tpwinita ol Ktfular nj India
fipcu. HlxE.
n aw
J J i , N, I -II
I s
Music By the Well Known
New dance music, a warm hall, good floor and Good
Management will make this dance erne of the best of the
IMnce Tickets $1.00
Spectators 50 cents
of his knowledge and belief, n true
statement of the owm'i'xhlp, ninimi'c-
nient (niul If 11 daily paper (he cir
culation), etc., of the itfoi'fHuid pub
lication for the date hIiowii in the
above caption, required by the Act
of AutruHt 'ii, 1!12, embodied in sec
tion 411, Pout ul Lawn and Regula
tions printed on the reverse side of
this form, to wit:
1. That the tinnics uml addresses
of the publisher, til itr. innniiKlntf
editor, and business malingers nre:
Publisher, V. and K. It. .Semmes,
Maupin, Oregon.
Editor, C. W. Semmes, Maupin, Ore
gon. Mnniigin.T Editor, ('. W. SemmeM,
Maupin, Oregon.
Business Mutineers, C. V. Semmes,
Mnupin, Ori'ifon.
2. That the owner is: (If owned by
a corporation, its mime Wind nddrens
must be stated uml ulso iiunu'diately
thereunder the naiiii-ii uud addresses
nf stnikliiilders owiiiiil' or holiluvr
lone per cent or more of totul nmoutil
of stock. If not owned by a cor
poration, tho Mime and addresses of.
I the individual owners must be given, i
l If owned bv a firm, t unman v. (tr
low herself to think of her many bless- other unincorporated concern, its
lngs or to frame even the slightest ex- nmnc nnd address, us well n those of j
cuso for the friend who had fulled, leach individual member, mint be
Now, with Christmas approaching, (riven.) I
he grew even more bitter than usual. I 'mmes, Muupm. t)regon.
ng to law, deposes nnd says that, he of Hloi.k10( tmjy ippr upon
Is he ed or of The Maupin 1 t b,Mks f thf company but &
arid that the following Is, o the .est . , ,.,. whwo h, lt0ckholdr or !
"I'm not going to do a single thing
this year," she repeated to herself over
and over. "Why should I, anyway,
after my great loss?"
So when the Ladles' Aid called for
an offering for the annual entertalu
ment and Christmas baskets to be giv
en to the poor Bhe was ready with her
ffswer. But when they left hurriedly
after her curt refusal she was more ,
unhappy than ever. "No ene seems to
have 8Dy sympathy for my great mis-1
fortune," she walled to herself. "What 1
a cruel world It is ; no one seems to
care." .
The window where she sat brooding
opened out on Arbor street. Soon after
the Ladles' Aid left she looked out to ,
see that some one else was coming up
the steps. This time It was a young
girl and Hulda sniffed to herself as ,
she saw her: "Another who comes
seeking," she sold under tightened lips.
But the young girl who entered hnd
not come begging. Instead, she hud
come to tell Hulda that she was the
duughter of the tnun to whom Huldu
Edw. K. Semmes, Maupin, Oregon.,
ctirity holder appears upon the books
of thu company as a trustee or in any
other fiduciary relation, the name of
: the person or corporation for whom
such truidve la acting, Is given; also
that the said two paragraphs contain
statements embracing affiant's full
knowledge Mid belief as to the clr
, cumstnnces and conditions under
'which stockholders and security
holders who do not appear upon the
books of the company ai trustees,
hidil stock and securities In a capacl
ty other than thut of a bona fide
owner; and this affiant has no rsa
son to believe that any other person,
it'h'K'Intluiii or corporation has any
interest direct or indirect In the said
stock, bonds, or other securities than
in ho stated by him,
ft. That the average number of
opics of each issue of this publica
tion! sidd or distributed, through the
mails or otherwise, to paid subscrib
ers during the six months preceding
the dute shown above is: (This In
formation Is required of dally publi
cations only.)
C. W. Semmes, Editor.
Sworn to and subscribed before
me this 2Gth day of January, 1927.
SEAL Geo. McDonald.
(Mv commission rxnircs Jan. 13,
Read Ttio Tlm.i for th. bows.
Field Director of the Near East Relief
The observance In December of Golden Rule 9undy en behalf of
the overseas wck of the Near East Relief, as sponsored by President
Coolldge, tails soaln to public attention the importance and alonift.
canee of this humanitarian enterprise. In the current number a tM
Review of Reviews, Mr. Maee reviews what AmorsM has dene for tnt)
people of Bible Lands. This extract la given by epectat jorvnlaatotj
of the publishers.
HE Near K.nt la a true topsy
turvy Intnl. Hhei'o thinxs
are not wnut they seem nor
as you expect them to bo.
Everything that the Ameri
can thinks he knows tibnn ttn Near
East turn3 out to be different whi'ti he
gets there. For exumnln nn!l,lii I.
had entrusted her money and that she more dotlnrte to tho American mind
had heard thut Huldu was In need; bofore tho American leaves ho-ne-
umi nrr iue uuu len ner Hirunaea. i man toe el -estn ) is ie,l f.iei
Her father bad been 111 for several
months, crushed by the failure of his
hopes, all of which was due to the
treachery and deceit of his pnrtner In
business. He was now better and
things were beginning to look brighter.
mere was every nope tnnt no one
would lose a dollar. In the meantime
tho girl had come to offer Hulda some
money from her own eornlngs she
was private secretary to some big man
In the city.
" After the girl left Hulda sat hud
dled In her chair. God! how selfish
she had been how blind how un
grateful! Great teurs trickled slowly
down her cheeks, tears thnt carried
away orever the bitterness and self
ishness that had been In her heart of
late. The world, after all, was a won
derful place and Its people were won
derful people I -
Making her way to the phone, she
picked It up with hands thnt trembled
and called for the president of the
Ladles' Aid.
(, Mil, Wetrn Union.)
Hubby What kind of a tree shall
I get for Christmas?
Wlfey A fir tree might help suggest
a suitable present for me.
Turkey achieved a tremendous vic
tory over Greece three yeari iibo.
Asia Minor, although It meant th
herculean hatard of absorbing a mil
lion new Inhabitants Into a populatloa
of five millions on a limited and thin
soiled area.
It was a task and risk from which
the slronr-est and richest natloa ot
earth mlRht excusably have shrunk,
llupe borrowings and desperate expo
dbmts were necessary lo order to feed
and shelter this horde of fugitives.
Inevitably there was great loss of life
nmonx the sick. Infirm, and aitd:
crushing (he power of il, Creek na- I only the strongest survived. But t
Uon utterly and securing to itself I rt(ly ,)lat undPalred Immigration Is fast
' Empty Bowl, Formed by Children of an American Orphanage In 9yrla.
TTaRK! Now the btlU, on Christmas Day,
X -i Bring back tht iny of happy limes
Some spirit, which had gont away,
Now hovtrs in these merry chimes ;
JFitA peace on earth, good will to men
I touts the message heard again.
Hark I How the belli, on frosty air.
Ring hope and comfort, love and peace
i iw ljuwu oj n uwui u mere
To hid the worldly tumult cease;
With peace on earth, good will to men-'
Thus is the carol heard again.
Bark! Now the bells o'er vale and hill
Reach to the Islands of the sea
In one sweet voice of "Peace, be still,
and let thy burden rest on Me;"
Thus peace on earth, good will to men
Is, In the echo, heard again I
This Town of 20
Ha9 44-Piece Band
A 20-man town with a 44-pleee band
has been discovered by the Conn Mu
bJc Center at Elkhart, Ind.
Forflst Grove, Mich., Is the town.
Th enflrs population of 20 ! housed
in five dwellings. Small boys throw
stones from cne end of the town to
the other. Two stores serve the needs
of the community. Yet Forest Grove's
bond numbers 'A pieces,
Indisputable ascendency In nil the
gean and Anatolian region. Hut
visit the Near East and what Is your
dlseovory? There you re.illzo that
Greece looks vastly more like a vic
tor, now, than Turkey.
6habby Constantinople
The Turk holds Constantinople, of
course, by. virtue of scaring Europe's
peace negotiators when he. camo down
to the Ilosphorus with Hie big, Inso
lent army that had driven all Greeks,
military and civil, out nf Asia Minor.
Brrt there Is grave question about how
much glory thero Is In holding tho
Constantinople of today. The ctty
looks meaner and shabbier than lt
ever did bofore. Try as' ono will to
wish well to tho modernized Turk In
his professional reformations, one has
to acknowledge that If tlm appearance
of the city of Constantinople Is any
algn, the Turk Is stj.M the skk man
of the Orient And he has lost Syria,
Arabia, and Mesopotamia forever.
Prosperous Athens
On the other hand, In startling con
trast, Atnans Is a city on a boom. By
the same token the present-day Greek
is In lusty health. Greece's come
back since 1922 Is amazing. Not only
In the capital and In other cities, but
In towns and In counlry districts there
abound evidences of a sound and
growing pronpr.rlty.
All this has happened as the direct
result of Greece's great "defeat." The
stupidity of the Turks In driving out
meir ureea-unnstiun subjects, after
their supposed triumph at Smyrna, is
proving an Incalculable enrichment to
Greece. After tha fall of Smyrna the
Greek nation In Europe, with rare
generosity and faith, opened Its doors
to receive tho refugees of Grecian
atock who were being expelled from
proving an asset to Greece. It brooght
Into the nation a host of clever,
thrifty, enterprising people the sort
especially that had made Smyrna ths
richest, city of Its site on earth a
great army of producers and business
Athens Is vibrant with energy, die
tlnctly American In spirit. Its popu
lation has doubled since the beginning
of tha World War.
The pro-American feeling ot Athens
is not exhausted by Its Imitative ener
Kies; a great spring of gratitude wells
out of the national heart Greece ha
not forgotten that America, thronaa
the medium of the Near East Rellefl
and other benevolent agencies, santl
her inestimable assistance In money
and In experienced social worken
when refugees from across thi
Wgean three years ago were pourlni
in on ner by Hundreds of thousands-
sick, Hungry and dying.
I took much comfort In thinking oi
that while I was In Athens, for then
is no satlfactlon deeper than In help
Ing those who help themselves
Watching the crowd, It pleased me tt
reflect that some, at least, of.thosi
happy folk were among the exile
whom America had fed and helped U
keep alive until they could stand oi
their own feet again. And It Is pie
ant to record that the Greek public
authorities never let down any of theli
own efforts because Americana wars
there helping. Tbey shouldered ths
utmost of their own burden, and en
operated Desidos In everything that
the American organisations asked
and It should be remembered the
more than half of the warda of ths
Near East orphanages are Armenlai
children, with absolutely no clalm
nxcept the paramount claim of bumai
Ity for refuge on Greek soil