PERSONAL MENTION Ray Kaylor was In from hit ranch on business on Monday. 0 B. But dwell and wife wore hre In town shopping yesterday. o It. G. Johnson, Jr., wa over from Wumic on business on Monday. o , Letter Drlttaln wai representing Tygh Valley in Maupln Monday. Stanley Wood ipent Saturday at the parental home at Shady Brook. 0 ' Earl Curmngham and wfj traded i(h Maupln merchants yesterday. II. N, Dodge and wife were In from their Juniper Flat ranch Mon day. John McCorkle was In fron bl Juniper Flat lanch on buslnoss Tues day. II. K. M.rinin was o'er from Tygh Valley on business on Sa'.ur iuy last. 0 I the highway and the road crew is at rats would be relegated to that Juke Duvidnon muck- his appear-1 work cleaning it off he roadway, j bourne from which no such ever re anc in Maupln Tuesday, coming in i Yesterday the crew shoveled the return. S to do nomo shopping. Art Cutzler braved the cold and snow and cume in from the ranch on a buninens mission Monday. Hugh Wood, prominent sheep man from Shady Brook, was talking wool with Muupuities yesterday while in Ma'. fin. M I . Phil Mott came to town Tuesday. On the way his car radiator froze up, neccKititating the uso of a blow torch in thawing it out. Cecil Ch i.Uin came to Mnuplii fiom hin ranch Tuesday. H repojts prospects for a bumper crop next sunson arc brighter every day. K. T. Hulbrook Is now living at . Dufur, and for some aimo has been located at the ranger station above Smock, was in town Saturday last Hugh Wood came in form Shady Brook Monday. He reports plenty of snow up Tygh creek and says that whent and grass propects never look ed belter.- - - . - Fih Growing Rapidly A. B. Smith.supcrintendent of the Oak Springs fish hatchery, was in town Tuesday and to the Times man stated that the rainbow trout being held over his winter are growing rapidly. He says that many of last fall's hatch have attained an length of six inches and that the average size will reach five inches. When spring arrives and time to liberate the 750,000 trout in the holding pens Into the Deschutes river, tho fry will be amply able to take care of them selves and not become food for doll ies and other fry preying fish. "Behind tha Front" Picture Mnnngcr Kramer has booked ono of the moat laughable and at the same timo most dramatic film Btorics ever filmed for Sunday, January 30 "Behind tho Front" with Wal lace Beery, Raymond " Hatton and Mary Brian in the leads. The story has to do with the late war and grip ping situations dramatic exploita tions with a vein of comedy, go to make the play one of intense inter est. Prices will bo 25 and 50 cents. Colgate's toilet soap, 3 bars for 25 cents nt the Maupin Drug Store. LEGION HALL Sunday, Jan'y 3,0 "Behind the Front" With Wallace Beery, Raymond Hatton and Mary Brian in the Leads. A SUPER-PARAMOUNT PICTURE Children 25c Li su'Jr N,b The Legion will give another of thoM P"nt dancing affairs at the hall Saturday night. The local or cheittra will eupply the music, and as that organization will Introduce sev eral now dance compositions, it is a foregone conclusion that that part of the evening's entertainment will be appreciated by all attending. The hall will be warmed io that those taking part in the dance need have no fear of cold, besides a cbinook will undoubtedly be here on that date, which will greatly aid in mak ing all comfortable. Filling Station en Highway Th triangular strip of land lying between the Waplnitla road and the cut-off road hat been told to a man who figurei on establishing a ser vice station at that point. The loca tion is a good one and when the new highway is roady for travel many cars will no doubt stop there for oil and gas. Road Crew Buiy Foreman Addlngton and Truck Driver Dcrthick are two buBy men these days. The recent snows filled ! snow from the bridge and now that part of the throughfare is passable Taken to Hospital Miss Fannie Dcrthick was taken to a Dulles hospital Tuesday by her futhcr. Fannio recently contracted a case of flu which seemed to affect hear ears. As she continued to grow worse it was thought relief might be obtained at The Dalles, hence her go ing to tho county scat. Reminder of Wintt Cecil Mayfield and a friend came over from Smock last Saturday, mak ing the trip on a sleigh. With his team prancing and the sled runners creaking many were reminded of winter days in the eastern states where that season was considered as the longest in the year, the whole year's seasons being called July, August and winter. Helped On Road. H. E. McClain, driver of the Tygh Valley truck, cume over to Maupin on Monday and assisted Road Fore man Auumgion in cl earing oui me hill roads. The recent snows and freezing weather made work on the roads hard to perform and at the tame time clear them of snow, hence McClain's visit National Farm Newt We have sample copies' National Farm News, the farm Journal of the United and which all ranchers may of , the calling at this office. Thi Farm News differs from all othei? papers published in the Interetss of the far mers. It is published at Wanington, D. C. at the seat of govermont, and contains valuable Information. It keeps in touch with everything done by congress, besides cntaining- many hints on farm life and farm ccrnduct. The samples are free. Come tin and get your copy. Dufur Downed 43 to 3 Duf ur High school basketbi til team drove over Wednesday nisrl It and gave the local team a little p ractice. As the local team manager 3' scms to keep news of such games un dcr his hat and away from The Tin les, we are unable to say whether th e ga.'ne was on the regular schedule oi: just work out 30v Adults 50c OooooooooooooooeooooO o PICKED UP ABOUT TOWN 0 Ooo 0000000000000000 00 0 If the people of this section are not supplied with radio receiving sets it wll not be the fault of George Tlllotson. He was up In the Wamlc country last week in an indeavor to interest denizens of that district in long distance wave introducing machines. The fact that five communicants hava tiaen milled ii tha router of the U. B. church speaks loud for the ! work of Rev. Hazen. The reverend f gentleman has been conducting re vival meetings here for the past two weeks and is mectng with the suc cess his efforts deserve. Old-timers have been predicting a ' Chinook to folow the Cold spell. w.n if it 1. romln the -ooner the Bob Wilson has - designed a war upon all domestic animals, espec ially those which figure as household pets. He says that if he had his way all dogs, cats, canary birds and par- x And now comes a proposition to establish a "chair of demistry" , in jthe Lincoln-Lee university of Mia- J j souri. If that is done we may ex pect barbers to be called "doctor," as a sheepskin from such a school would carry the degree "Doctor of Demistry," therefore the doctor title. Btn Fralcy has invented a new hickcy game "Pitch in the sink." It Is played all samce as stud poker, but with a trump turned. Whoever opens a jack pot is entitled to count the trump as of value to his hand, it serving the same purpose as tho joker running wild. The weather man certainly played heck with the arrangements of the Legion when it cooled off to the ex tent that the soldier boys had to call off the advertised carnival last Sat urday night John Mannion and Bob Bell are two consistent argufiers. Whichever advances a statement regarding poli- ;tjcg the othr uke8 the oppo,ite, and 4Vw, .,,..,, .fiH,iH insure. able to listeners in. Dr. Elwood say. the calls for his .v. "e services seem to vary with weather. When the skies are clear and the roads good his calls are from town, but when cold weather sets in leading and rains make the roads impass States, ; able, the calls seem to come from have by sections farthest from town. But such is the life of a country doctor. Jack Morrow is sure one unlucky boy. Just recovering from the ef fects of an amputated finger he was compelled to take to his bed with a combined attack of sore throat, flu end incipient quinsey. He is out attain and is waiting on customers at the old stand Butler's. Oxo oooooooooooooooooxO o ELEVEN YEARS AGO o Oxo ooooooooooooooooo xO From The Times Jan. 28, J6 The Bakeoven postoffice will be discontinued by the first of April if no one makes application for it very soon. Claude Wilson, who has had the running of it the past year, re cently sent in his resignation and will give it up as soon as the .re quired arrangements are made. Born At Wapinitja on Saturday, January 22, to Mr and Mrs. P. J. 01sei a daughter. 0 Thif Maupn Good Roads associa tion" lwld a meeting Saturday last, I). M. Shvittuck, chairman, presid ing. 'i?he chairman was authorized to circulate petitions, and he ap pointed ttitf following assistants: L. B. Kellly, J. S. Brown and Clarence Alexander, Juniper Flat; A. A. Canfield, Criterion j Claude Wilson, Bakeove n. U to yesterday morning $510.00 had b?en subscribed, for work on the Maupin grade, and more is expected to come in soon. '..j The little daughter of Arthur Henderson of Criterion died Wed nesday o:f pneumonia d will be buried this afternoon. Pastor Ellis of this rilace will have clVe of the services, r s ' The Thursday night train of a week ago was derailed at Shcrar and h ld until Friday noon, when a relief engine came from Fallbridge and jntt them on the track again. They ' reached Portland.-M 3:!Q in tho nfternoon. k Mr. Fischer recently received a letter from his sister at Fair Acres, Alberta, Canada, in which she stated the thermometer recently registered G2 degrees below zezo. A. A. Baxter arrived Wednesday, coming from Criterion on horse back. He carried the mall from that place and reported snowdrifts in some places in his section as be ing from six to eight feet deep. The mail should have reached here Tues day, but was delayed because of an epidemic of lagrippe and heavy nowf a11" Cascarettes for constipation, 25 and 60 cents at the Maupln Drug Store. ; OREGON NEWS NOTES Fr.s.i. M.rt.n Recovered Fressle Martin, who has been con- fined to the house for some time past, suffering with an aggravated 'attack of flu, has so far recovered as to be able to be out. Fressie does not like confinement and is en joying his convalescence. Klamath Falls Orleans suxpen sioiv bridge over Klamath opened for use. River LaGrande Old Foley Hotel may be razed to make way for modern hotel. Klamath Falls district shipped 4,200 head of beef stock durin 1926, worth $300,000. '' Astoria Sanborn cannery puts up its last run of saucrkr iut. Portland Apple shipments to Europe reach 195,000 boxes in one Week. Bend Brooks-Scanlon mills ship car of lumber to Capetown, South Africa. ' ; Since May 21, 1915, 'federal hunt ers have distroyed 39,083 predatory animals. Springfield-The Booth-Kelly com pany reopens two logging camps. Schools Pushing Music to Fore America Destined to Lead EWorld, Say. Frederick ? Neil Innes. I U bringing to ttolta I music world, Is the belief of Frederick i ... . m, . .i x'. en innes, uirvcior ui iue y,vnu na tional School of Music,. Chicago, and Internationally known band lender. "America Is destined to lead the world In music," says Innes. "It does not yet rank wllh Germany, France, Hungary, Italy or England, hut we are climbing. Fully eighty per cent of the high schools have some' musical organization, an orchestra or a band, or both. Music In the public schools Frederick Nell Innes, Director, Conn National School of Music. rV will give America this coveted musical supremacy." ''".." Mr. Innes further believes that the time Is near at hand when even the smallest community will have Its band. He thinks that when this condition Is brought about that It will be due largely to the Incentive Rlvpn musical training by the public schools nf'the nation. "The modern school is as proud when musical championship ! -n on by their band or- orchestra as It U when their footbRll heavies go down the field to glory In every gan, play," he says. V, "The bn4 or orchestra Is -vastly su perior to the vocal class," bbv Innes. "because the boy in the RdolesvenV stape simply will not sing.. He nmy b compelled to go through the motions, but he will not. actually sing. He re fuses for the simnle reason that h ias no voice to sing with, (live n lnd a trombone or a cornet, or other instrument of the band and i,.il nrosress w ll astound blmselt" - For Chicken Lie Poultrymen who hay tried both sodium fluoride and .blue-ointment for chicken lice say the fluoride is better. You. can use sodium fluoride any season - of the year. Fluoride may be used as a dip, in the summer time or in cold weather, if you take care to prevent the birds catch lng cold after dipping. Blue oint .ment should always be used sparinly (especially on chicks. Also be careful with sodium fluoride when you dust chicks with it. The poison sometimes proves too much for very young chicks. It's a good idea to clear the lice out before the hatch ing begins. "Intlde" Information Soaking; any kind of fresh meat before cooking is a mistake. It draws out the Juices which give tht characteristic flavor and add to its food value. If the meat needs clean ing, wipe it off with a damp cloth or 'trim It In making quick breads and cakes allow in general one to one and one half teaspoons of baking powder for each cup of flour. Butter cakes that have a great deal of egg white may however, need less. ' Poo-overs and -i il. : J I sponge canes are uie ccyuun biiu require no baking powder at all. To make soup more interesting or festive, as well sis to improve its fla vor, add to each plate at the last minute a little minced parsley or a half slice of lemon, or both, if it is a meat soup. A spoonful of un- For Sale FORD TOURING CAR New Top, Fair Rubber, Hassler Shocks, Stromberg Carbuerator Fischer's Garage MAUPIN, ORE "When Fischer Fixes t Your Car It Stays Fixed.' Cheap For and Your Familyl yOU ARE INTERESTED In important NEWS of the great Farm Organizations complete and authentic Congressional Reports . full information on Departments of Government and Administration FREEfSERVlCE to bring you NEWS, assistant, instruction and entertainment - A live, up-to-the-minute NEWSPAPER for the busy farmer and his family and those interested in agricultural pursuits. Such is' A national Wnltly Xmctpapnfj- f Thi Amtriran Farm Fwmily Published Every Saturday at Washington, D. C. VOU CAN'T AFFORD to do without it U you , want farm data direct from the national cap ital Washington, where we have the hearty co operation of the great U. S. Department of Ag- riculture. as well as of the nationallv-known Farm leaders. Not only agricultural inform-" tion. but news and instructive columns for the womenfolks and children, too. It is the liveli est, most interesting.- most helpful Farmer's . Newspaper published. '' - tfcey! ."I SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.00 PER YEAR. ' The National Farm News 213 G STREET. N. W. - WASHINGTON, D. C. such ; any hl even J:S ubscriptionsTaken at Times Office sweetened whipped cream is good on many kinds of soup. Tdtsted squares of buttered bread (croutons) farina balls, and other garnishes often seen in restaurants are easily made at home. Any one can becomea good cot ton picker at the white sales theso days. Send to the U. S. Department of Agriculture for the bulletin on "Selection of Cotton Fabrics" (1449-F) and "Principles of Win dow Curtralnlng" (1516-F.) These tell how to judge weaves, tithes, and dyes in cotton fabrics for many uses. Coming to The Dalles : Dr. Mellenthin SPECIALIST in Internal Modicine for tho pad fiftaoa year Does Not Operate will bo at DALLES HOTEL Saturday, February 12 Office Hourii 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. No Chargo for Consultation Dr. Mellenthin is a regular gradu ate in medicineand surgery and is licensed by the state of Oregon. He does not operate for chronic ap pendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of the stomach, tonsils or adenoide. He has to his credit wonderful results in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood and skin dls liver, bowels, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ul cers and rectal tilments. , 1 Below are the names of a few of his many satisfied patients in Ore gon: Mrs. L. L. Peetz, Moro, heart trouble. Mrs. F. F. Hager, (daughter Marie), Walton, tonsils " and ade noids. Mrs. E. C. Mulloy, Hillsboro, ulcer of the leg. Mrs. Nels Peterson, Skamokawa, Wash., colitis. Grover C. Gothier, Coquille, Ore., colitis and ulcer of stomach. Mrs. Carl Johnson, Marshfield, ear trouble. J. W. Turner, Dallas, stomach trouble. E. A. Russell, Klamath Falls, ap pendicitis, 'i Remember the above date, that consultation on this trip will be free and that treatment is different ' Married women must be accom panied by their husbands. ' Address: 211 Bradbury Eldd.; Los Angeles, Calif oornia. t You