Phain Store Prices w JUST A FEW ITEMS TO SHOW OUR EXTREMELY LOW PRICES: M'OUNI) PACKAGE SEEDLESS RAISINS OHQ Per package V CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUPS J? Op! Six cans for tiui HULK MACAUONT, as good as made anywhere, p ' per pound . OL PEAS "HAW" BRAND the equal m ;ny other pa- kid, 1 J p at this stcre per can A MONOPOLE SWEET POTATOES- 10 better than fresh ones, can 10 1' SLICED PINEAPPLE, Size 22 ?)H per can here " i R. E Local and Personal J. W. Temple was at Tygh scv end days this week. H. M. Greene spent a few days of j last week in The Dalles. J. M. Chastain was in from ranch on business Tuesday. the Miss Carmi'l Woodcock of Wantlc culled on Maupin relatives Saturday. Hugh Wood wns in from his Tygh Vulley ranch a few hours on busi ness Tuesday. O Mrs. Ethel Magill, with her daugh ter, Naoma, were In Maupin from Wumlc lust Saturday. o P. B. Driver, roud supervisor on ,thc Wamic section, wns in from that place on business Tuesday. Prof. Nagel hitched up his Ford and took in tho sights of The Dalles last Saturday and Sunday. Dr. Elwood was called to Wamic Saturday and ngnin Sunday to at-1 tend to a couple of hick patients. luting around Maupin for a few o dnys. Hank naysthe climate around John McCorkle and wife wore in Skamania, Washington is not ns sa from their Juniper Flat ranch and ( Iulu ious as that of this section, be transacted business hero on Monday, i sidcu he has more friends here- R. H. DeCnmp arrived home Mon day after a visit of several weeks with his sons and families at Port land. Mrs. Lucilc Cantrell and little dnughter visited with relatives and friends at Tho Dalles Saturday and Sunday LEGION flALL $n jta., Jan. 16 HAROLD LLOYD IN a Admission Heaven's Sake" : J linvc computed nrrrncm(.'nts with a Grocery Jobber in Portland whereby we are enabled to buy on the same basis as any chain store. This will enable us to give you prices and quality that no one else in Maupin can give you. Every v. hen: obsolete bi:.sincsa methods arc thing way to the modern. credits, which tend to raise costs make the man who pays help to pay for those who fail to pay their bills. We believe there are enough people in this vicinity who want their dollars to purchase all they possibly can. At the prices we will make you, you can afford to borrow money to pay your gro cery bills each month. . WILSON CO. PHONE MAIN 271 I R. K. Wilson came home Saturday evening after making a business trip to Portland and stoying there 'a few days last week. F. D. Stuart and wife motored to The Dalles Sunday, going there for the purpose of taking Mrs. Beck with to a hosital. o Ben Fraley shook off the responsi bilities of the leading cafe of South ern Oregon and went to The Dalles on business Monday. James Woodcock and wife are en joying the sights and pleasures of Oregon's biggest city, Portland, they hnving gone down Sunday. Hugh Knight has returned from his Christmas visit with home folks at Wnshougal, Washington, and is now putting in 'his time at Criterion. I. H. Sheer, wife and little son were in Maupin consulting with Dr. Elwood Sunday. Mr. Sheer latly in jured a leg while working on the highway. "Uncle" Hank Hurphnm is circiv j abouts, ,all of whicgh causes him to yearn to bo here. A. J. Baikham and Henry Seet hoff arrived here from Metolius on Wednesday to take charge of the mill and are living at East Maupin at the IlarriH building. Word has been received that J. H. I rf'. iSjjj 20c and 40c .".,?!i!r!'-l?J,'! McMillan, who has been at a hospi tal at The Dalles the past six week3, will be able to come to Maupin soon, '" i although he will have to U3e crutches for some time. EAST MAUPIN NEWS NOTES Bob Fortune i3 working for Webb, j and The Dallc3 and will continue o n . ' 1 running on the same schedule as out-; Saturday night the I. O. O. F. Chester Crabtree nTain is employ-' lined by Mr. Tabor, for the time be- lodge held its first business meet cd on the railroad. ing. Charley is an old stage man ing since moving from Wapinitm. o and will give patrona tho best sen-ice Quita a representation from Wanini- Verne Fischer attended the. -salo on Juniper Flat on Monday. o Ira Kistner left for Two Springs where he will stay a few days. Vtrnc Fischer went to The Dalles Saturday, accompanied by E. A. Troutnian. O - Elmer Hornquist has returned home after spendning the holidays at Barlow, with folks. The Phil Mott family spent Sun day at the Andrew Cunningham home. Special on 50 cent boxes of sta- j tionnry at 35 crnts. Maupin Drug Store. Bob Wilson III Bob Wilson made a business trip to Portland last week, returning on Saturday evening. On the way homo ho contracted n cold and for a couple of days was confined to the house. He suffered some with tho prevailing sore throat, hut Bob has so far recovered as to be able to be at his duties r.t the store. Good Pork Hogs weighing between 180 and 230 pounds will ordinar.'ly produce the best and most economical cuts of meat for family use. 'JIams and shoulders from such hogs will weigh 12 to 15 pounds, with loina and ba con strips at about 9 or 10 pounds. If the pig has been well fattened, not only will he produce more lard but also the flavor of the meat will be improved. If the pig is given a 24-hour fast before slaughter, with plenty of water available, the car cass will drain more thoroughly and 1 produce a bettor product. Shod Horses Al Tyfl'1 James Chalmers was called to Tygh Valley last' Thursday to shoe several horses on the Mays ranch. Such is Jim's wcrk that his services are in demand in llio horseshoeing lino all over this aecrtion. . . : At Tho Dalles Hospital Mrs. Wm. BecW-ith went to Thp Dalles hospital on Sunday bust in the hope that treatment there will have the effect of restoring her to health. Mrs. Bwkwith has been under the weather for somw time, and instcud of getting better.1 continued on the decline Her nvnny friends join in the hope that aha soon may be re stored lb good health'. ' ' " ' . ' " Hd Finger Maided. Last Sunday. While C. G. Matecr was working on his Ford he was no unfortunate as to git his hand caught between a spoke and the brake drum. The result was the I 8s- rranK fctuart receive a Mateer is carrying around 8 very , m11 package the other day, con aorc digit, one of his fingers having ! taining several thousand dollan, and had to bear the brunt of the squeeze. ! Frank stated each bill was a3 g od as I gold, being backed by Uncle Sam. j Wiring Tygh Valley H.ll j J. W. Temple was at Tygh Valley several days this week, engaged in ' wiring the Odd Fellows hall there. ; Temple in an all around workman . end his services are in demand when- 1 ever a really fine job of work is re- i quired. Tyjrh recently was con-! inected up with the White River 'power plant and nearly every busi - i .. w, or,,i in tho tnwn is now enjoying power and electric lights. Frcssi Martin III Fressie Martin is the last Maupin ite to join the ranks of those who are suffering with the prevailing sor? throat and hard cold. Monday mornint this last victim found it almost impossible to swallow, white an intermittant cough attested the fact that a cold had him in its grip. As wc go to press Frcssic is some- what better, iilthough still confined to the house. Shaituci; Down Again. I Bates Shattuc't suffered with quin.sey several day.? during the past; two weeks.' llir amturon 1 caused him to be around the store Friday, j but on Saturday he suffered a re-; lapse. Consequently he was con- j fined to the house froni that day until Tuesday, when he showed up ( for a short time. He's better, but j eomewhat weak. j Carl Pratt Around Again j Carl Pratt wrenched one 01 nis I limbs severely about three weeks ago and for most of the intervening i time ha3 been confined to the house, He has so far recovered as to be able to be around again and expects IU SUUU resume ma inuu iwuic I Change In Staje Ownership ' ' "M 1 r , . . . n Ua talfAH' Ltm. IVia uaiit) uiuu iias miwii v.. w". ; stace line running between Maupin 1 possible. I i REBEKAH5 INSTALL OFFICERS . Odd Fellows' Sister Lodgewomen . Hav New Corps of Workers Wapinilia Rebekah Lodge No. 194 held its regular annual installation of officers last Wednesday evening. Those who will serve in the various capacities as such officers arc. Nobel Grand Zuah Rcnick. Vice Grand Julia Ward. Secretary Margie Stuart. Treasurer Elsie Beckwith. R. S. V. G Julie Pratt. R. S. N. G. Bertha Stovall. R. S. V. G. Edna Ward. L. S. V. G. May Crofoot. Warden Eva Webcrg. Conductor Leila Eutler. Chaplain Mamie Bostrack. I.' Guardian Grace Chalmers. O. Guardian Vena Kaiser. Margie Stuart was elected Degree ; "PlRln lor t0,,;mS -1 OoooooooooooooooooooO o PICKED UP ABOUT TOWN o Ooo 0000000000000000 00 O Shakespeare said "The Play's the Thing," and that saying was aptly proven Friday night at the school auditorium. When the underclass -students show theaptitude for dra matice as was shown that evening old Shake was right in his declara tion, according to the verdict of Jim Woodcock. ' "Well, Mary, I'm glad you propos ed to me anyway,", said Grandpa. iThere are some men in Maupin who (would be pleased to say the same I it-nvilo in sntnp wnnipn had thev the! chance. Rev. Hazen says the efforts of a minister to instill Christianity into the hearts of the people has its com pensations. He is holding a series of evangelistic meetings at the church and the attendance is in creasing nightly, which makes him feel good. Joe Kramer had good cause to cuss- Sunday night. Just as he was ready to throw a picture on the the screen ono of Iris machines went haywire. At 1'iat he did not cause any long waits by using a single pro jector. s A Bakeovcn sheephorder came to Maupin Saturday and caused many I of our people to think he was tho Istrawrler. searched for nil over the ' country. lie made himself conspicu- and, make x Good goods come In small pack- We could have stowed the whole away i one of our pockets, so small was it. x L. V. Broughton has reason to bq proud of his chess playing (X3 evenin TecentV he ''' acknowledged champion of this sec twn R- W- Richmond, and at that ! he no Player but iust tude"t ! tn8 game. Some student. Similarities of slogans occur in j Maupin garages. Fischer says that "when Fischer fixes your car it stays j fixed." Temple's slogan is "if your ! : car can be fired Temple can fix it" And at that both make claims that borne out by their work. x ' A certain county commissioner says it is the intention of the county oara to make a new grade and fix "P the Bakeoven-Shaniko road. It ' miht bs a good idea to carry out . tUnt v...: 4....1 1. ous by calling at residences fchen admitted, ..j.J , himself at home. '. u.iu ciuiu wor. ,1'ower company extends lines to out ; A drive ovr that highway at the ! side districts. present times makes an auto driver hold tight to the steering wheel and watch his curves if he wants to keep out of the canyon, Oxo 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 xO o ELEVEN YEARS AGO o Oxo 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 xO From The Times Jan. 14, 1916 . The cold weather of the past two j weeks still continues, accompanied i .... ... Dy snow, wnicn is now about six inches in depth. The thermometer reached zero the past two nights. Sleighing is fine, the snow being dry and sifty. -0 The snow of the past three weeks ' has been more like the real article ; since 1911-12, when the snow over the Criterion section was nearly f .. . I J 1 . , 1 luar iutt ui.up una lay cn me ground for several weeks - tia was present and greatly helped in ! the work. After the business meet Mrs. Job Crabtree, while at the .spring for water Wednesday morn ing slipped on the ice and sprained ! one hip quite severely. j ing a dance, free for all, was held, : with music furnished by the Maunin orchestra. During the evening a delicious luncheon consisting of sal ads, pic, cake and coffee was served. Last Monday morning, while en route to school Miss Herrling wa3 1 thrown from her cart, her head hanging downward until Gertrude i.For and Your Family1. yOU ARE INTERESTED in important NEWS of the great Farm Organizations 0 complete and authentic Congressional Reports full information on Departments of Government and Administration FREl?SERVICE to bring you NEWS, acsistanc, , instruction and entertainment 8 live, up-to-the-minute NEWSPAPER for the busy farmerand his family and those interested in agricultural pursuits. Such is A Jatwnl H ecUp .evsVap fa -fht Antrim Fa fmUty Published Every Saturday at Vashington, D. C. VOD CAU'T AFFORD to t;; viuuut u K you want 'arm (lata direct from th national cap Hal Washington, 'vhere we have the hearty co operation of the great U. S. Dejnrttrient of Ag riculture, fis well as of the nationally-known Farm leaden. Not only agricultural informr. tion. but news end instructive cc'uirirs for the womenfolks an'l children, too. It is the liveli est; most interesting, most helpful Farmer's Nev,'urr.per published. surscr.iPTicrj price, $1.00 per year. The National Farm News 215 G STREET, fl. V. WASHLVnTON. D. C. Subscriptions Taken at Mathes jumped out and stepped the horse. Miss Herrling was compelled to go .round on crutches several da;-j afttr, owing to having a badly sprained ankle. Criterion Cor. OREGON NEWS NOTES Klamath Falls 17 local sawmills cut 404,300,000 feet lumber last year, nearly 20 per cent above 1925. Klamath Falls Building permits for 1928 represented $2,905,818. E'terprise Flour mill recently l -r d with $35,000 loss, will bo Tr Medford War Eagle mine, rich j quicksilver property, to be incor ! porated for $2,000,000 by new own ers. Hillsboro National and Commer cial banks consolidate, with $1,250,- i 000 assets. Salem Oregon Pulp & Paper company plant will be doubled in capacity by new additions. Medford New "Mail Tribune" radio broadcasting station ' KMED went on the air Dec. 28. Redmond Georges Hcbhs, high school sotJhomore, raibtd $1,155 ' crop from 31 acrea 192G ; jne Dalles is selected for Eastern Oregon state tuberculosis hospital, j Springfield The Mountain States . Portland Libby, McNeill & Lib by will build biggest cannery in the northwest, to handle 500,000 cases the first year. Baker Sumpter Valley R. R. re tires $160,000 bonds through earn ings. Salem Lee Hatchery and Poultry Farm will hatch 350,000 chicks this yearr. For Sale FORD TOURING CAR New Top, Fair Rubber, Hassler Shocks, Strcmberg Carbuerator Fischer's Garage MAUPIN, ORE "When Fischer Fixes Your Car It Stays ' Fixed.' fygg limes Ofrice You iiaiomnirr.iii1