The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, January 13, 1927, Image 1

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    When they come a fishin'
They come to Maupin on the
rhutcs river.
With highways ani rail
roads you can reach anf
place from Maupin.
Maupin Southern Wasco Couuty Orejon, Thursday, January 13, 1927
No. 10
Alabaman Evidently Tired
of Reptiles Seeks Wheat
Ranch In Oregon
John McCorkla Hears From Lafay
alta Wiltrt Who Datcribaa
Condition! in South
John McCorkle recently received
letter from Lafayette Water, man
whom many in thli section may be
acquainted with and who la now liv
ing in Mobile, Alabama. The for
mer Oregon man, In talking with an
Alabaman, wus told that the luitcr
was desirous of changing habitations
and that he wan thinking of coming
to this state and trying to get hold
of an Oregon wheat ranch. Mr.
Water told him of the ranch owned
by Mr. McCorkle, and was asked to
write to the Wapinltia Plains man
regarding a trade of properties.
Mr. Water did so, mentioning In his
letter a few of the outstanding nuis
ances and dangers to be encaun
tere In the Alubama low lands, His
letter follows:
Mobile, Alabama, l-4-'27
Friend John McCorkle:
For the past three month 1 have
been perambulating throughout the
stat of Mississippi, Alabama, and
Florida. As a matter of compari
son these states are as dross com
pared to those composing the Paci
fic North-West Notwithstanding
the vast difference which exists in
favor of these states as places of
permanent residence, there are those
who will stand any Inconvenience
for the sake of the dollar. But I do
not believe, Friend McCorkle, that
you are a man who would act or be
receptive to a proposition which 1
am about to present: There Is a
man living in Southern Alabama
who la extremely anxious to procure
wheat farm In Oregon. He asked
me If 1 knew of anyone who had an
excellent grain farm that I couid
recommend; my thot Instantly re
verted to your place as an ideal one
to suit this man's temperament. Af
ter describing your place respecting
soil conditons and the surroundings
he stated that he would be willing
to exchango farms, but would give
no boot. His farm embraces an
area of 1800 acres, 800 of which are
in cultivation, the balance is logged
over land which affords pasturage
for hogs and cattle. This land is re
markoblo for what it will not pro
duce. Under heavy fertilization It
will yield 20 bushels of corn to tho
acre, provided, however, you are
alert in combating the multifarious
weeds which grow here with great
spontanlety. You will also have to
be very vigllent in warring upon the
hordes of insecU which are con
stantly making inroads upon the
vegetation. These insecU rawce
from tho infinitesimal "red bug" to
tho gigantic "green" bug. Tho lat
ter 1b as green as grass, and gener
ates an odor that Is more lasting
than the strongest essences made in
Paris to perfume the ladies. Were
you to pick one with your naked
hand the noxious odor, which his
majesty would exude thereon, would
be sufficient to last six hours, in
spite of vigorous application of soap
to neutralize It The mosquitos with
in this southern sphere are as large
as honey bees, and very persistant
In their desire for blood. Tho only
thing they cannot resist is a cyclone.
Sufferablo man, however, seems
powerless to contend with them. On
retiring it is imperative that the
screen netting enclosing your bed
be securely fastened; for were you
so unfortunotc ns to admit three to
your nocturnal Banctum there would ,
be no peace throughout the night.
These southern mosquitos arc horn
and persistant fighters, and never
know tho ignominy of retreat, j lated pulte a jag. Monday he went
They are adepts in evading blows, to The Dalles, alighted in front of
Ono will light upon the most meaty the Bank Hotel gave voice to his de
part of your leg and proceed to boro sires and was taken to the coop by
for tho most succulent fluid. As he Chief of Police Heater. Requiesoat
penetrates tho flesh and begins to in rnpe- r
regalo himself upon the richness of .
your life's fluid, you soy, "now old Ployed Butcher
boy, I have you!" You deliberate-j L. C. Henncghnn went to the
ly raise your hand and, with eye riv- ranch Monday and assisted Art
ited upon the enemy, bring it down, Gutsier in killing a batch of hogs,
as you suppose, upon him with an The porkers weighed around 200
unerring bang! Did you murder pounds each and Lew says they were
(Continued on page tw6) no fine as any ever grown anywhere.
"Path Acrou tho Hill Final Pat On
By Uudarclaaa Stndanta
Dramatic art, at usually taught
in schools does not often reach the
pinnacle of perfection on the part of
those taking it. Not all studenti are
possessed of the divine spark suf
ficiently to faithfully portray char
acters represented in plays. But it
remained for the underclass pupils
of the Maupin schools to show that
more than an ordinary amount of
dramatic talent was lying latent,
only needing the opportunity to blos
som forth upon demand.
The play, "The Path Across the
Hill," as presented by the under-
class members at the High school ,
uuiMinum ia r ruuy mgni was a ad asked that a copy of the local kinds. His personal report is com
pleasant surprise to all of the large directory be sent them. That re-' prehensive ond entertaining,
audience assembled to witness its i quest was complied with. Later each I M. L. Ryckman, superintendent of
performance. The story had a vein j advertiser in that book was solicited fish hatcheries of Oregon, includes
of sentiment running throughout Its . for an ad. Some of them wrote re-! a iWort of his department He
length, while the comedy part was
just strong enough to offset the dra
matic. Each member of the coat
w" w'" "P " r ner individual
part giving good voice and enuncl-
iatlon to their lines and using Just
the right expression to bring out the !
uo..K Paris ass.gnea tnem. We
have not room sufficient to make
Individual mention of each charac-
ier, oui win say that for real acting
on the port of novices the perform-
ance by the underclass in the play
mentioned was as good as that play'
ed by many pupils of more years
and of greater experience. To Miss
Enright, on whom fell the task of
assigning the parts and coaching the
members, should be given the credit
for the excellent performance ren
dered by her young thesplans. Mau
pin can stand a great deal of such
dramatics and we hope that more
plays will be put on by our school
pupils before tho end of the school
Yearned For Oregon;
Auctioned Off Holdings
Kentucky Man LUtad Various Arti
cles, Alto Several Negro Slaves
Had Soma WhUkey
Way back in 1849 a man named
Moss, living at Anderson, Kentucky,
desired to come to this territory and,
having disposed of his farm, offered and county officers, neither do they
the following property for sale at I construct, equip of maintain elcva
public auction, his advertisement;10" and ltock yards where the
! reading as follows: rancher may market his grain and
I "Having sold my farm and amctock receiving pay for same when
lcaving for Oregon territory by ox
team, will offer on March 1- 1849
all my personal property to-wit
"Two milch cows, one gray more
and colt, two ox carts, one iron
plow with wood mold board, 800
feet of poplar weather boards, 1,500
ten fence rails, one 60 gallon soap
kettle, 85 sugar troughs made ot
white ash timber, ten gallon of mapel
syrup, two spinning wheels, 80
pounds of beef tallow, one large
loom made by Jerry Wilson, 300
poles, 100 split hoops, 100 empty
barrels, 32 gallon barrel of John
Miller whiskey seven years old, 20
gallons of apple brandy.
"Forty gallon copper still, four
sides of oak tanned leather, one
dozen pitch forks, one half interest
. . . -
in tan yard, one 52 caliber rifle '"-re 111 wuupm. . he nave our snop
bullet molds and powder, rifle made!0 keeP UP- we must Pav our bills!
by Ben Miller, 50 gallon's soft soap, jtaxes nd insurance eat. into our
hams bacon and lard, 40 gallons of i roS income, our family must eat
sorghum molasses, six head of fox I and tne 8tufr used on our table Is
hounds, all soft mouthed hut one ! bought here at home.. If our roer -
"At the same time I will sell my
six negro slaves two men 35 and
50 years old; two boys 12 and 13
years old; two mulatto wenches, 40
and 30 years. Will sell all together
to same party, as will not separate
them." Ex.
Sheepherder Gathered In.
A wild and wooley sheepherder
made Maupinites sit up and take
notice on Saturday and Sunday. He
was an irrigationist and demanded
tho wherewith with which to wet his
tonsils. In some manner he accumu-
Trade A tllome Applies
As Well To Printing
OaUido Printing Pirataa Solicit
Work With Soma RtipoaMt
Injur, Local Papar
The Times has ever been advocate
of the "Trade at Home" principle.
Of course there are articles which th activities of the State Game
cannot be procured here and which commission for the two years, 1925
pcople want, and in that case they 26, Mr. Averill takes up all sub
are justified In sending away for jeets germane to his department,
them. But the latest infringement ' making: special mention of stream
on the trade at home argument is pollution, education, game farms,
that the Dyar Telephone Publishing game refuges, predatory animals,
company of Kansas City, Mo. (publicity, cooperation and game ani-
Some time ago that company sent mall Under the latter heading the
to the local telephone exchange and report ' mentions four-footed and
offered to tirlnt a rnnnla tinnitrd fnatVirrp(l nni tailing nf ihm nrn.
telephone directories for "nothing,"
fusing such patronage, saying that I
the local print shop was deserving !
of that work and refusing to patron-
ct the K. C. concern. Others paid
no attention to the appeal and have
been billed all the way from $3.00
to $5.00 for an advertisment Of
course thev will refusa to nav the
bills, os they never authorized the '
publication of their cards.
! This is but one of the many
.schemes worked to take in the gulll-i
hie. The mail order houses place !
catalogs in every home; they Must-'to and librated in the waters of the
rate each article sold by them and as ' state and what food is used in bring
a result reap a harvest. Buyers are ! ing the young fish to a stage where
(taken in by the seeming lower prices,
never taking into consideration the j selves upon liberation. Mr Ryck
fact that pfcper, envelopes, stamps, 1 man says that at the close of this
money orders and parcel post or ex- fiscal year state hatcheries were
press charges more than make up the holding approximately 16,700,000
difference in prices offered and fry. This is the largest number of
those of the local merchant The
big mail order merchandise and
printing houses work on that ignor
ance and the result is are able to in
crease business year by year to the
great detriment or ho jie dealers.
We do not hesitate to say that if
one of our farmers csked a mail
order house for credit he would not
get it. Yet he has no hesitancy in
asking that favor of . the home
dealer. The mail order houses do
not help to pay the cost of maintain-
Ing the home schools, build up the
county roads, pay salaries of city
deposited there. Their sole object
ia 10 8Ta& oil all they can, not
caring a single d n whether the
home merchant is able to meet his
bills because of credit stretched by
! his customers or whether he retains
sufficient trade to warrant continu
ing in business. The mail order
firms are sapping the life from the
country. They may be classed as an
octupus reaching out tentacles to en
shroud every cent there is in the
country, making a pretense of "sav
ing money" for their customers.
In the case of the telephone book,
we printed the last one and those
printed before our time was issued
from this office. We can do as good
Work aa can the K. C. firm, and the
' money received for that work stays
1 1 i iir w. i i
chants and others who pay money
for advertising to an outside firm
would only stop and think of the
good The Times is doing this com
munity they would refuse to patron
ize printing pirates and give this
office their whole patronage. "A
hit bird flutters," and in this case
we are hit, therefore flutter.
Goats Brought Low Prices
The auction sale of Toggenberg
milk goats, held at Tygh Valley on
Monday, was fairly .-well attended,
but bidders were not inclined to go
very high. One blooded buck, for
which .Mr.' Spurgeon paid $100 was
bid in at $14.00. Others sold at
from $6.00 to $14.00. : In all : 10
goats were sold, F. C. Butler using
all his persuasive powers to get .high
er bids, hut it seems " that ; not
many peoplo there realized the true
worth of that animal,'- therefore
would not mako high bida.
Magnesia Oil for chronic consti
pation. "$1,00 per bottle. Maupin
Drug Store.
Game Warden Averill
Issues Biennial Report
Covers Aclivitia of Dapartmeot for
, Past Biennial Shows All Da
partmenta la Detail
State Game Warden E. F. Averill
has circulated his biennial report of i
Wation and names of the various
mentions the fact that during the
two years covered the hatcheries and
egg taking plants under his direction
have taken a total of 107,000,000
eggs from Oregon waters, and re
ceived 12,000,000 eggs in exchange
from outside of the state. He pub
lishes the list of hatcheries of this
state, which number 24.
Mr. Ityck
how fish
; mln speaks at length of
fry is taken care of, what diseases
attack them and how these ailments
are combated; tells how fry is taken
they are able to fight for them-
small fish ever held over a winter
season in the . history of the depart
ment. The director states that fry
will be held longer in the tanks thon
heretofore, and that while this will
entail a greater expense, the result
will be greater, as the fish will be
laffjer and stronger when turned in-
to other waters,
The financial statement in the re
port shows that a grand total of re
ceipts for just one year were $297,-
130.59, and that expenditures reach
ed the sum of $296,909.24, leaving
a balance of $221.35 on hand. This
was for the year 1925.
The report shows further that at
our Oak Springs hatchery there were
hatched, from December 1, 1925, to
j September 30, 1926, a total of 756,-
j 000 eggs were received. Out of that
,numDer a.sao were lost, you, iuo iry
being hatched. Of the fry lost they
numbered 9,358, leaving 742,777 on
hand at the close of the year.
During the year 1925 there were
70,384 anglers licenses issued, mak
ing a total of $238,891.25 received
for them.
The report covers all departments
of tho bureau and is a nicely printed
finely illustrated volume. We ex
tend our thanks to Mr. Averill for a
Times Editor VitiU Hustling Towq
and Interviews Citizens
I tl. rni - 3 : .
, euuur ui-tuiupmueu
jPnil Starr on nia mail run to Shamko
last Friday and while there sounded
out several prominent citizens of
that hustling city regarding season's
1 prospects. Each one talked to ap-
peared optimistic regarding crop
outlook. They all say there is more
moisture in the ground this season
than for many years past and that
fall wheat is showing bright pro
spects of making a bumper crop.
Eusiness there is keeping up, not
withstanding the seeming depres
sion, each mercantile "and other
establishment appearing to be busy.
Shaniko in its heyday was one of
tha most progressive places of East
ern Oregon. It was headquarters
for this section for stockmen,
freighters, miners, ranchers and
travelers and all lines of business
prospered and waxed great. The
people there are ambitious and with
good crops this coming season Shani
ko will again take its place on the
imp as being one of the most pro
gressive and ujpf-to-date cities of Ore-
gon.' - ':.'''
Electricity Uted In Tanning .
Hides are now tanned by electrici
ty in Germany in half the time form
erly required.
Read Tha Time for tho nawi.
Induction, Degre Work and Social
Time Held Saturday Night
The recently elected officers and
their appointees were inducted into
office at a meeting of Wcpinitia
Lodge 1. O. O. F. last Saturday night
George McDonald, acting as direct
deputy and his appointee for the
occasion, Job Crabtree, were in
charge of the ceremony, the follow
ing being installed:
N. G. O. F. Renick.
V. G. L E. McCorkle.
Secretary R. E. Richmond.
Fin. Sec. F. D. Stuart
Treasurer Ceo. McDonald.
Chaplain Roy Ward.
R. S. N. G. James Chalmers.
L. S. N. G. Dee Talcott
R. S. V. G. R. R. Crabtree.
L, S. V. G. F. C. Butler.
I G J. W. Derthick.
O. G. P. J. Kirsch.
R. S. G. Dave Donaldson.
L. S. G. D. L. Rutherford.
At the conclusion of the installa
tion work the first degree was
put on, Cecil Woodcock being taught
the mysteries of that part of the
work of that order. After Cecil had
been proven the meeting resolved
its self into a social affair, in which
talks, stories and a fine feed was in
dulged in.
Foreman Hurts Leg
I. H. Sheeer, highway foreman on
the Tygh section, was so unfortunate
as to injure one of his nether limbs
Saturday last, and now is limping.
He was alighting from a truck when
some frozen mud gave way, throw
ing against the step and badly
wrenching the limb. He has been
laving off since the accident, but
expects to be back on the job soon.
Great American Desert
Makes African Setting
French Foreign Legion Play Umi
Aritona Desert for Filming
Beau Casta Picture
Three months in the most deso
late country in the western hemis
phere on the sand dunes of the Ari
zona desert, near the Mexican bor
der, were spent by 2,000 men ' in
order that "Beau Geste" might ap
pear on the screen.
The thrilling story of the French
Foreign Legion, which is coming to
the Auditorum theatre January 30,
for two days, represents the great
est undertaking in the history ot
Paramount, the same company that
made "The Ten Commandments,"
"The Covered Wagon" and many
others of equal magnitude.
Six weeks before Herbert Brenon
and his huge cast arrived a small
army of men began the building of
i a camp among the dunes, thirty miles
; from any habitation, and the French
1 fort which serves as a background
for much of the thrilling action.
By the time of the arrival of the
featured players, Ronald Colman,
Alice Joyce,- Noah Beery, Mary
Brian, Neil . Hamiltonl William
Powell, Norman Trevor, Victor Mc
Laglen and Ralph Forbes, the place
was a miniature city.
A mile and a half of plank road
had been built rcros3 the worst of
the sand dunes so as to permit the
passage of automobiles. From the
end of the road all supplies were shot
down -a five hundred foot chute
loaded on sand sleds drawn by
tractors ' .and hauled to tho camp
two miles away.
While the desert nights were al
ways, cool, midday , found the tem
perature at the 130 mark.
(& - YJr
Tim Linn Falls From Cliff
and Breaks Both Bones
Above Right Ankle
Victim Summons Aitiitance by Fir
ing RiHa Waa Covering Trap
Lino At Time
Tim Linn, head of the Linn St Sons
lumber mill operators on upper Juni
per Flat, was attended by Dr. Elwood
Tuesday, the Maupin physician having
been called to set broken bones
caused by the victim falling from
high cliff on White River while fol
lowing his trap line. Both bones of
the right leg above the ankle were
According to the story told Dr.
Elwood by the injured man, he had
, gone to White River to loilc at his
' traps. One part of the trail on the
river led over a steep bluff, end in
rounding this Mr. Linn slipped and
feu to the bottom. Bein? unable to
rise he summoned help by firing his
rifle repeatedly. ' The shots attract
ed his son, who was up the river
from his father". ' When the son ar
rived he carried his sire to an easier
resting place, built a fire and then
hastened back to the mill for more
help. When the help came to the
injured man, "it being other sons of
his, they were compelled to wade
White River breast deep, both ways,
the return trip being made with the
father being carried across.
Dr. Elwood was summoned and
when he arrived the injured man was
suffering greatly. The doctor found
both bones of the lower leg broken,
end several bid bruiaes . on Mr.
Linn's face and head.
That he was not killed is a wonder
to all who have seen the place where
he fell from the cliff. The rock is
sheer from the bank and below it
are many big boulders, upon which
the trapper fell
1 Mail Wagon Breaks Down
Earl Crabtree is substituting for
Carl Pratt on the mail run on Route
A. Monday morning Earl took the
mail cor out and when on top of the
I Flat the car went wrong, breaking
out the transmission. Carl was noti
fied and went to the scene of the
mishap and made delivery of mail in
his road car and on the home track
towed the mail auto in.
' Building Ranch Fence '
Leonard Clydehawk and a couple
of friends are working at The Fits
patrick Nena sheep ranch building
fence. It is the intention of the
Fitzpatricks to fence all of their
range and they have employed
Clydehawk to construct it.
Swipad Buick; Caught.
Sheriff Roberts of Bend phoned
officers here Wednesday last to be on
the lookout for a young man driving
a Buick roadster, as the car had been
stolen that ' morning at the up
river city. Later the Bend sheriff
phoned that the car had been re
covered at Madras and also that the
car thief had been taken into custody.
The fellow, cvedently having a hunch
that he was being watched for by
Madras officers, backed the car off
the roadway and hit for the ranch
district, where he was found that
evening. '".
Frank Turner Solo Champion
Frank Turner won the champion
ship for the week at the Tuesday
evening's meeting o,f the Solo club
at the Rainbow restaurant. . Joe
Riggles also played, the "also" mean
ing he won the booby prize.
v Fitting Up Bathroom.
1 Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Johnion have
had their residence made over and
j to add tone to the improvements will
install a modern and up-to-date bath
room and lavatory therein. Tho base
ment will soon be completed and
when the new rooms and additiom
are completed the Johnsons will have
as comfortable and modern habita
tion as there is this part of tha
--A few $1.00 boxes of chocolates:
left. " Will close out for 65 cents'
each. Maupin Drug Store.