NOTES FROM MAUP1N SCHOOLS f I Rena Batty of Tygh Valley is visiting: friends in Wapinitia this week. Mr. and Mrs. Mathews of Sim- - k .... . . Tuesday, just before dismissal, ; mng me names m v;c '""; , nassio, had to De towea in irom me the students of the High school used ridden, bull-dogged or hog-tied by ;foot of the Spencer hill, on election sample ballots and voted on all of the drawer of the slip. ! day M their motor refused to run. the issues before the citizens of the "John, you're frst," so out came jThey took dinner at the par90nage sUte. Instructions were given on 'John with his leather chaps and sib wjth Mr nd Mrs Haien. Not be how to prepare the ballot and fold ; ver spurs, both of these makng much ; ng Rble to get the rijcht parU for it. The returns were tabulated Wed- j noise. In a few brief seconds John the car Mr iIaIen took them home mrnin- was on his steer, holding on for dear I hi F rd- Mr. Mathews returned I lifp. ahoutinir at the top of his voice Hallowe'en frolics were enjoyed j aml wavjng his 10-gallon sombrero. in the lower grade rooms last Friday afternoon, when the children hunted for peanuts botbed for apples and When the steer mae his fifth jump John was looking for a soft spot to light, but his eyes were slower than fished for candy bats, cats ana j hi f Tne gteer WM roped at once witches from the fishpond. j an(j tne rope removed from his body. I After the completion of this event Communis Rodeos. !a rider was stationed behind (By Clarence Hunt.) Community rodeos were a com mon pastime out west where I lived 20 years ago in my boyhood days. and a calf was turned loose. it had reached the 100-foot mark a rider went on a dead run to rope and j hog-tie it The horseman threw his with Mr. Hazen Thursday morning to repair his car and take it home. Next Sunday after church services the people of the community will meet at the parsonage for a basket dinner. At 2:30 p. m. the W. M. A. wil hold their meeting. All are in- a line ,vuea 10 come, When Every Saturday the boys of the com-! rope and if he roped the calf he'd munity would gather wild horses and cattle from the rugged near-by can yons and would bring them to the large horse and cattle corrals, built by the stockmen of the county. It usually took a full day for the gath ering of these untamed animals, so they were Jeft in the corrals over Friday night, until Saturday morn ing. At daybreak on Saturday the boys were up from their night's sleep and had their ropes and saddles all ready for use in the corral. The horses were saddled in a spring from his horse, roll the calf on his knee, lifting him and letting him fall to the ground. Then, with his tie rope he tied the calf's oppo site legt together. This hog-tieing of 'a calf is called "Kansas City-tie' What to Expect if Craze For Titles Keeps Up Addendum to Names May Result Like the Following. Joseph S. King politely handed his card to an inquiring reporter. The card read as follows: "Joseph S. ing a calf," because it originated in K5n? j3 jj. b. D. C." When Kansus City, but this has been ruled aske(1 what all the titles were, King out by the Humane society. (proudly exclaimed: "Baptist, Truth, I can still remember that Satur- j Heaven, Master of Biblical Science day when I rode my first real wild ignd Doctor of Chiropractic 1" bronco. I quif kly put on my spurs j It is only a short step, now, until and chaps and excitedly climbed his ; the burglar on the witness stand frame. At the instant the chute hands the prosecuting attorney his gate was opened my bronco began chute, built especially for saddling lunging as few horses have ever and mounting wild ones. The cattle lunged, but at the second jump I were ridden with a rope around their earlized that I must find the saddle barrels as a hand-hold for their rid- j horn. The next jump I reached for era. The horses and cattle were j the horn, but got a handful of dirt named by one of the cowboys and j from the dusty ground of the cor slips were drawn from a hat contain- ral. Tygh News C. J, Van Duyn and wife returned Saturday from a short vacation in Portland. Some one unknown entered Van Duyn's store one night last week. Whoever the burglar was he failed to load up with much plunder, a hearty meal being all the of things taken being left. WAPINITIA ITEMS " The Ladies Aid held their organi zation at the church on Thursday evening. Rev. Hazen presided. Mrs. Daisy McCorkle was elected president; Mrs. Roy Ward, vice president; Mrs. Roy Batty secre tery, and Mrs. Kate McCorkle, treasurer. They have voted to hold card "A. Yegg, B. S. C. S. S. M. Y. M. 0. Y. L., which we readily under stand, means, "Boozer, Safe Cracker, Second Story Man; Your Money or Your Life." And the gasolino station man who fills the fliwer tank with gas may hand out cards bearing this: "Ime Knott Rockefeller, I. C. F. T. B. P. I. E" and knowing his little habits, we will realize that he is merely explain ing "I Collect for Ten, But Put In Eight!" evidence their meetings every Tuesday, at the parsonage, unt'.l after the ba- A basket social was held at the I White River school Friday night. The sum of $52.00 is said to have been taken in as proceeds. Those attending party given by the LuCore and Portia Butler home of the former, report had a most enjoyable time. a Hallowe'en Misses Rachel zaar. All ladies of the neighbor hood are invited to attend. Mrs Woodside spent part of Fri day with her son D. In the after noon she visited the school program. She motored to The Dalles Sunday, to spend some time visiting with her daughter. Later, she expects to j vsit her father in Portland, and may possibly make her home with him I - Mrs. Claude T. Bonney returned; for a time. from The Dalles Saturday. Mrs. ! Bonney had been there attending to I Useful Information One of the easiest ways of prepar ing egg-plant is to cut it in half lengthwise and bake it with bacon laid in strips over the top. at the having her daughter, Mrs. D. D. Kimsey, dring the letter's siege of sickness. L. I. Jackson and father attended a masquerade at Klickitat, Wash ington, Saturday night last. The Hallowe'en program and party, wheh was given by the school, was well attended and a good time was reported. Will Sturge3s and family went to jThe Dalles Saturday. They were l accompanied by Ruby and Rilla Students at the Tygh Valley high j Powell. Ruby remained in The school are feeling much better (or j Dalles over night, and attended the worse) now that the tests of Friday C. E. bonfire. She reported a and Saturday are over. 'good time. Miss Margaret Elliott accompan-1 Rilla Powell was a visitor at ied the LuCores to The Dalles last ; Sturgess's Saturday night. Saturday. I I A large number of Wapinitia peo- , , . . , Iple motored to The Dalles Sunday Lucky Tiger hair Tonic removes ;t() attend the funeral om MrjJ Gri(J. dandruff. Maupin Drug Store. ;hami at- Shady BrooR Ml Community 1 Twice-baked bread, that has been cut or torn into pieces and heated in a very slow oven until thoroughly dried and delicately browned is a good food for children. The last green tomatoes have many uses. They make good pickles and chow chow, and also marmalde, they can be used for pie filling, for mock mince meat and served fried. Why not use some of the windfall and specked apples to make pectin, which will be useful with fruits not ordinarly used for, jelly? The U. S. Department of Agriculture will tell you how to makft apple pectin. What do you look at from your kitchen window! Cleaning up the back yard may improve the view, or a lattice screen, a hedge of trellis of vines may be used to shut out unde sirable features. Do you know kohlrabi, sometimes called turnip-rooted cabbage? Pare the globe or bulbous stem, discarding any stringy or tough portions. Slice it and cook about half an hour in slightly salted w ater. Season with butter, salt and pepper or serve with a white sauce. 6 Saturday NOVEMBER """'"'"""""""MH MUSIC WILL BE FURNISH ED BY A Good Orchestra and one of those good old-fashioned times, enjoyed by everyone in the past, will be repeaf ted. Come out. Serve roast lamb or lamb chops piping hot, on a liot platter, and then on hot plates. The fat of the lamb has the peculiarity of sticking to the plate when cool also to the palate, and roof or the mouth. To most people this is umpleasant and it can be easily avoided by serving the lamb on very hot disihes. Instead of candy, make sweets to tuck in the school lunch boxes by grinding together in tho meat chop- (per 1 pound of figs, 1 po und of dried prunes or seedless raisins' (or both), and 1 pound of nut-moats. Mix thoroughly, roll out until abut half an inch thick on a boa fd di'edged with confectioner's sucrar.. and cut into small pieces. Or make balls, rolled in sugar. Wrap in para-' ffin paper to keep. Milk soups and milk puddings con tribute to the total amount of milk the children take, as do milk sauces and flavored milk drinks. Some times a drug store straw will help in persuading a finicky child to try one VI bllvOC ill si iv uiiiiivt A thick slice of ham, with raw sliced potatoes spread over it, and baked in milk for about an hour and a half, is usually good. Sprinkle the potatoes with flour when you put them in the dish. As a proftrcsslvo !)r l. t'cj'rl:i r 1 . , milk luirJ. I'ro t!o ncc: i -.. .. ;..i - il f teenro n.;i:;l:r.ur.i .tvfc front if ,1 sl:y c( a-'.V ri;tf, to ia o-lsed tw conn. mm VMOUfANO pounds H cow i i scheme cf cure, fc?U:v. or.J I :i:unm;v ir Via .3k " St. .111 - WMl' I" . I Inittttorr, t ! WtM ttut pur X'Uk It I iivr ilia 1 ihii! i..l milk ' I'm l mi col ww CM, 1 t in". 1 .1 UiU( u-' Irum w.D t). 1 mii Dial tl.p shout V. Hi. t.l'llou at Iru. n ''J 4 IllKllOQ vhlob ihoulj ntn ' uiiul car tuil it n PtoMr HlaettuB of dins tin nlll Wltil 1U vn tmtnli In mow tut. mint It, TYio mmfort of e0 nliual 14 Iraportant. Tlictuuah cKinliii 1,V.1 br rrlcKllcl cttii 'lni i!il Siiiii. uJ.lcn uJ ui.Jir VtiM durlnt iUhH rai'iitla uj oil oiar lln ltr hea turn Ini ou In tlx iprini u rati of nr I1a .nlroal. rltia protrtm. Ht it ' O I tTTT t tl l1i it Th. rrowih In tlx DumlNf of row tnl ln lainUallulil tan tlntM mo Ui.t nmb.1. slip In out It t limit (Win, I plritn tat tormina full tuvimtl uj cw-oDtctUoa. hi 1 Lt T" L'-iVfr. "n.f-4 'iM Pruiar frBtn li Mietiilil. 7httjr ta t ct ofn btltnetd nl!X) to vtt bttd. mil 11 t pUciHful tunply of pun, vloui wwt 1 r" B?-.V.-. .'- ki" jt -7-; 1 jUtvjf'-;-t;l U f cow In mt htrit I'mal-il of MM I I h-xi.lrr or otKtiwltt u 1 Kim In uwtHUI I iiiili.itUKiit ttitll ur I .huu t fait. b I (,.ill Int Vh.lllMll 'H uti mr htni Bul totu feu Ul 111 Ptwt. .t l v'u I - tt P 1 1 ni Ik M Boniha. KluMMftr pot- liW, t tin 1 1 tupptit nr Iwnl wli4 t tuol, eWtn, omriilo rwilni plut, ln Ump sit' rtw Uxir ouJi la pnr tod ruoitiiltt M Ui. fcUtdnn of Mnf pntidar Ititut Uua 1 ptittlt. - a ;fc., . it Mimiinn ttit inti pl.iur4 hit 0.f pft till lu W.I nh Vi.a rttv, cim? tud bnnh 0110 Hi. I H cli ! na7 clwn llwrimililjl lip t4ti4 Willi lUmv floUi. bun. ltn . . s . Mill ! x Oimtf rfJL-. Jf.Li i 1 1 1 11, Th, dtliT 01 , v J orttmrrp toil V ' , " ? " . ' ! " Ji bujrt ur Milk much u I da. Hup bun ou. rp 00 fiat Hit point Immid whldi I kttt sa oouliul. nj.,,,,:, i..mi;ipi V I' w-ao.-.:jI! nasi! Thta whm mr Win It Uiilttd I tin 11 kno 1 in rtiilJ f bp oITjiU. I liull ft msM fci'k m l nort uon fur or oUlk uu) lh 0 1 p 1 1 of riMO in J Utttr mm than n ntd Ibrouili . Im Uot mm X'r Where Champions Are Made Mil y - yStt Mr. Davis, who also painted the new sign for The Times building. The U. S. Socret service state the western country is flooded wtth 'counterfeit J5.00 gold pelccs, to ! nearly perfect as to defy detection. ;If any of our delinquent subscri bers get hold of any of these coins, 1 pass them along to us and get some perfectly good money in change. I "SARA ANN DUPLICATE" Or.nd Champion Holeteln Cow at Pacific International Livestock Exposition ,nd "All-American" Aaed Cow for 1925. Owned by C. 3. Potter of Oaden, ULh If Cliff Potter of 0;,"in, Utah, had kept his Holstfiin cow at home, she would have been known only to the people of Utah as a vnry good cow. But CIi:f Potter la a man of vlalon and he sent his Holsteln,."Sara Ann Dupli cate" into tho hottest competition to be found In America she came to the Pacific Iiuernat'rmal Livestock Ex position In I925. There she was made Grand Champion Ilolstoln of the Show and later was made the wonder-cow of the bMed for the year, having re ceived the honor of the "All Ameri:an" aged cow an honor which Is outstund ine In tho Hab'elu breed. The beat livestock of the various breads will always bo found at tho Pa- rifle International and this year win be no exception. Therolore, lovers of livestock should make It a point to get aside the week of Oct. 30-Nov. 6 for their annual livestock vacation and education. It Is an inspiration to go through the various departments of this big, ten-acre Exnosltlonthe Dairy Dm. slon with the wonderful animals of the various breeds; the Fox section showing five hundred pens or more of silver, black and blue fox, brought from all points of tho United Ktates and Alaska. Through the Sheep De partment, surpassed by none In the country 13 breeds being rcprosented this year. Then Into the Ilorso Divi sion, where you'll see the heavy draft and show horsps. Tho Hog suction will exhibit five of the noted broods of swine. Then to the Beef section with four of the different breeds of beef and dual-purpose cattle, In the inaustrlul section will be found manufacturers of all types, showing raw products from the begin ning to their finish. Also a wonder ful Land Products Show and a splen did Dairy Products DivlHlon. As all railroads are making a rate of a fare and a third for the round trip, our readers should boo their agents at once and get full particulars. Mrs. A. W. Fargher returned Monday .from an extended visit with her brother, Dan Baker, at The Dalles. I joined the club and chose this lamb because it was a cross-bred lamb. The object being to get a mutton type as , well as a heavy shearing sheep. It Is one-quarter Lincoln and three-quarters Ramboulette; the Ramboulette giving it the dens close staple and the Lincoln giving it the long staple. I started the lamb on diluted whole milk, feeding about a half cup of such about every two hours for the first week or ten days, gradually substituting separated milk for the first six weeks and from that time his feed consisted of Hcparatcd milk only. The lamb running in the orchard where there was clover and green grass. I also have a pet rabbit and he took up with the lamb and slept on the lambs' back every night. Nad ine Harvey Wamic ELEVEN YEARS AGO J. R. Lewis and Geo, PJaymier, in the capacity of a committee from J. (J. O. e. loage at v""1'm here Tuesday in the interest ol . i-,,i nt tVio order in organ. . ' ,.. 'call on Monday. (And Nick is still eeunss m" - the were ing the week. T. E. Farlow sold 20 acres to John Gordon and G. W. Bargainholt purchased ICO acres from David Moorchouse. U. S. Representative N. J. Sin nott honored our little city with a Maupin. The me in congress. Ed, Times.) will he hew in the Dnaldson hal1' wWVi Mr. uarpnam n rc I Alex Brant, who for some time O I has been working in the I'ischcr Harold Locke was kept out of gara a. auto mechanic, has taken school this week b'ecause. of the ar- an interest in the phaniko Carngo hnv .it his home. and Livery, the new firm helng MICKIE SAYS tK FREE AW0 EA6H CASS O? PU8U3HIW& A UEVJSWiPER ARE GOiE TA.V.E5 CAW AUO IOCS OPVT T&WEEPTVUS HERE FAhAOUS H0kr6 JOURWAtGOmG, SO DOWT ACT GRAEVE0 WMEU VIE ASK. PAM FER OUR. SPNIZ, BWAX UK AW EWTf ITU 0 H ff I Ad m GOTTA rr a rVinncps in real estate ownership took place at Smock dur-jnew oil bouse painted this week by known as Henton & Brant. Shattuck Bros, arc having their