PERSONAL MENTION licrnord Welch of Wamlc wan In Muupln on a business trip Wednes ilny. (loo. Mullutt and wife wore In from their Iiakvovun ranch on busl iivhh Saturday. It. E. Wilson and family wont to The Dulles Sunday and while there uttendod two funerals. Joe Krumvr, wife and ion, Sylvester, wont to The Dalles last Suturduy on a business trip. L. C. Henncghan and wife mo tored to The Dalles Sunday and at tended the Crlqham funeral. Anton Soifert came down from Nuna Monday and transacted busi ness in Maupln a day or so Jock Morrow wont to The Dalles Tuesday for the purposo of having hl Injured finger attended to. Demie Roberts, one of the early settlers of tli In section, came In from Waplnitla to cost his vote Tuesday. F. C. Butler ond wife wore noi'-nij those from here attended tht fur.erul of Mrs. Grisham at The Dalits Sundiv. E. T. Halbrook, predatory animal exterminator, came over from Du fur and spent part of lost week in the vinicity of Maupin. Krnent Berks and wife spent InHt Suturday nijrht with the D. M. Goet jen famliy and took in the dance at Shady Brook that evening. Mark Stuart and wife transacted business in Maupln Monday. Murk reiort that things on his Tygh Val ley dinry ranch as humming. Steve Connolly, bother of T. A. and Tony Connolly, was in Maupin from Shnniko Saturday, white on his way to Portland to visit with hi family. J. H. McMillan is again numbered among Maupin citizens, Vic having returned from a business trip to The Dalles Friday, having lately come ont of the mountain?. Lester Crofoot and wife ' enme down from Cove Creek Friday to at tend the funeral of the lattrr's mother, Mrs. Tunisnn. They re turned to their home Sunday. Nobert and Krnest Dor.ler, cotw ns of Miss Uegimi Muller, from Stnyton, Oregon, spent the week end at tho Mullrr home at Tygh Valley; rating on Miss Regina at Maupin Saturday. W. II. Stoats and wife went to Dufur .Saturday. From there Mrs. Stoats continued to Portland, where she will be with her daughter, Mrs. Gill, while tho hitter's husband is absent in Idaho. Bill came home on Monday. EAST MAUPIN NEWS (Signa Fjicher, Editor.) Mrs. Clark Richardson visited her daughter, Mrs, 0. J. Willams, ami friends in East Maupin Sunduy. Little Alma Fratey spent a few days last week with her aunt,, Mrs. John Donaldson. . Lester Crofoot and wife returned to their homo at Cove Creek last Sunday. Louis Grishnm, who had been vis ting with his aunt, Mrs. L. D. Kelly, went to The Dalles lust Sunday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Ir a Gris lmm. Dave Donaldson haw return ed to town, after herding sheep fcr the Troutmnn ranch tho post ' three weeks. "Dad" Fischer welcomed 'Queen Mario to the coast - while ofc The Dalles yesterday. , Mrs. L. D. Kelly attended the funeral of Mrs. Ira Grisham at The Dalles last Sunday. John McMillan and Al. Kennedy nro in town for tho winter and arje staying at East Maupin. y Mr. and Mrs. Ray Aubrey of As-' torin, accompanied by Earl! ' Smith, nlso of that place, visited ' Menu's here Saturday and Sunday. Thcr left for Klamath Falls, after enjoy ing the Legion mask ball. Father O'D "ltyn"es 8toppfi( 1 in Maupin ono day this week to have Verne Fischer go over his car. Mrs. Put Kinney come In irom The Dalles .Sunday to attend the services held here on Monday, She will visit with friends while In Maupln. Mrs. L. Fischer gives tho follow ing is a good recipe for the blues: Into 2 cups of the milk of human kindness pour 2 cups of lend-a-hand; 1 cup of will power and one-half cup of common sense. Mix thoroly, spjrlnkllng liberally with ha, ha, ha. George Cunningham and family were guests at the Andrew Cun nnghom home Sunday. Why Not Organize Parcnt-Teacher Club? Mapin It Behind Other Communi ties In Retarding Such Alliance We have often wondered why some public spirted persons in Mau pin did not take the initiative and proceed with the organization of a Purent-Toaeher association. Hardly a community of the Stotc of Oregon, or of the whole Northwest for that matter, but has such an organiza ton. Such a society is always a went factor in nromugating and keeping alive matters of benefit and interest to tho schools. Much can i he done by such an association to further tho influence of the schools and a lasting benefit always ac crues where such an association ex ists. Who will take the initiative? DEATH OF MRS. C. E. TUNISON Retident Since 1904 Passes After Many MonthV Illness. Mrs. C. K. Tunison, well known and much loved woman of the Wop inilia Plains section passed to the great beyond Thusrday, October 28, death orcuring at The Dalles hos pital ofter many months of suffer ing. Her body was laid in its last resting place in the Bakcovcn cem etery on Friday, the funeral sermon being delivered by Rev. Aldridge. A large concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives accompanied the remains to tho cemetery. Lorctta SworU was born at Can ton, Ohio, in 1870. At the age of for years she went with her parents to Athens, Michigan. On July 4, 1881, she was united in marrage with Cyrys Tunison, and in 1901 came with her husband to this sec tion. To this union seven children were born, five of whom survive her, they being, Earl Tunison, Portland Vern Tunison, Maupin; Mrs. Carl Head, Tygh Valley; Nile Tunison, Mapin, and Mrs. Lester Crofoot, Maupin. Besides these children four brothers are also left behind, they being, Frank and Isaac Swartz of Athens, Michigan, and Elmore and Mclvin Swarti of Battle Creek, Michigan. Mrs. Tunison was a woman of more than ordinary attainments. Of a home-loving disposition she was ever mindful of the comfort of her husband and children. Her hand was always open to the call of aid and distress and during her long and painful illness was the personifica tion of patience. She bore her trails with a christian fortitude, and when the end come met it with a smile. That she has gone before is not cause for sorrow, for those of her I'amly should console themselves wthvlhe thought that the parting is but f n short time and that she has gone a)ed to prepare for a great meeting vith those she has left be hind. SCARLET Ft'VER QUARANTINE Geo. Tillotson Found To Be Suffer- ing With Malignant Disease The George Tillotson homo is un dor quarantine for having scarlet fever therein. Several days ago George complained of feeling ill. Ho colled a doctor and on Monday, not getting any brtter, went to Tho Dalles. There he underwent an ex amination and his ailment was di agnosed as scarlet fever. Both his wife and infant son were given serum injections ond the family re turned home. For some time to come the smiling face of our ef ficient school clerk and garage man will not be seen around town, much to the concern of his many friends. Attended Boundary Board Meeting. L. C. Henncghan, II. R. Kaiser nd T. B. Slushcr attended the meet ing of tho boundary boad yester day. The meetng had been colled for tho purpose of taking action on the petition recently sent in by resi dents of the Bakeoven section, who sought to have a separate school district set off from No. 84. The board laid the matter over for a r.ionth at the instance of T. A. Con nolly, ono of those interested In hav- ing-a separate district. Fixing up Residence Angeles, known to Maupinites as "Nick" Korales, is in town from Portland and is engaged in fixing up his residence. For some time the house bus been standing In an un completed condition, but Nick real izes that he has been losing money by not having It in a habitable condi-' prise, he is kept on the jump 23 tiori, therefore Is fixing it up. j hours aday. Now he wants the re Shingles on roof and walls greatly corder's Job so as to be able to fill Improve It. ! out f"H day' work. Quit Before Working The school board of District No. 84 recently employed a teacher lor j on his way home when a figure the Flanagan school, he coming from , loomed in the' road. Tom pulled his Roseburg. He showed up in Mau-1 flash light and discovered the night pin.cumpcd out one night and in the j hawk to be a big Mongolian pheas morning packed up his baggage and ; ant, evidently one of those recently family and proceeded to shake the dust of this section from his brog ans. It seems ne was ioiu me pupus of the Flanagan district were accus tomed tp attend school with a six shooter strapped to their waists, and bclievinsr that discretion was the a . i i i - :i better part of valor refused to carry i Ul v out his contract. Budget Notice Published The budget for the year 1927 has been passed upon by a committee ap pointed by the city council, and that jbody has computed that the sum of $1,500 will be sutncicni for the needs of Maupin for the ensuing year. There are estimated receipts of $50.00, leaving the sum of $1,450 to be added to the tax roll. Welch Doing Good Business While at Wamic Saturday we call ed on Bernard Welch at his new garage and service station. Bern ard told us he had b11 the work he can trke care of and that his sales of pan and oils, also accessories, keep him on the go all the time. He handles Khell gasoline and his custo mers are loud in their praise of that brand of auto fuel. Speecfcirs Cot Theirs Joe Krnmi-r, special cop for Mau pin, has been earning his salary. Since he has been on the job he has gathered in six violators of the local speed laws, and incidentally the city treasury has been augmented to the extent of $10.00. Motor Market Man More R. W. Brown, proprietor of the Motor Market of The Dalles, was in Maupin Monday demonstrating a ra dio outfit. "Brownie," as he is fa miliarly called, hus gone in for radio to the limit and has several pros pects in Maupin. Maupin Pictured In Big Paper In last Sunday's Oregonian, on the automobile page, appeared a pic ture of our hustling little city, taken from the first turn on the east hill. The view is a fine one and shows Maupin up like a real metropolitan place. Cutting Wood In Hills John Confer is in the mountains theis week getting out his winter's fuel. Ho is cutting wood on the right-of-way of the Wapinitia cut off and expects to put up sufficient to last him for a year at least. Another Shady Brook Dance. The Shady Brook Community club will stngo another of that kind of dances which please all who at tend, on the evening of Saturday, November 6. The newly organized Maupin jazz orchestra will be , on hand to furnish the inspiration, and when that is said a whole mouthful h:s been exploded. If you want to enjoy a dance that contains all the elments of pleasure, attend the ono mentioned nere. , . i To Go With Hot Cakes In making smoked sausage of country sausage, use the following ingedients in the proportions indi cated. 85 pounds pork trimmings 16 pounds lean beef 2 pounds common salt 4 ounces black pepper 1 ounce red pepper Cut tho meat into small pieces, sprinkle seasoning over it, and then run through the grinder. Hold for 21 to 36 -hours in a cool place and stuff in the casings. Then smoke in hard-wood or corn-cob smoke until a dark mahogany color is obtained. Store in cool place. The meat may be all pork if desir ed, or the percentage of beef may be increased and additional season- ing such as one ounce of sweet mar- joram, mace, or sage' may be used. Keep bread in a ventilated crackers in tight tins. 1 box, Apples For Sale Al kihds of fancy apples, picked onri 4cA trnm 9.n rpnts to BO cents a box. Also sweet cider. End of market road west of Dufur. Edgar A. Smith, Dufur, Oregon OoooooooooooooooooooO o PICKED UP ABOUT TOWN o Ooo oooooooooooooooo oo 0 Jim Woodcock is the busiest man in town, what with his milling Luai- ness, the electric light and power i plant and his Oak Spring enter-j -x Tom Henncghan experienced quite a scare Sunday night. He was released near the school house, The decision of the manager of the Legion hall to employ home talent music for the dances, is to be . commended. Our local musicians I fan mulfA a mitfti nnito nnr! rw. . , , duce as good harmony as any or- chestra from outside, " and they should be recognized whenever the chance offers. x Dad Cole is a democrat because his father was. He was betting on the election of Haney, but refused to place any money on Pierce, say ing his coin was backing democrats. And he may have been right at that. . x Al Kennedy says his horned toads suffered greatly during his absence the past summer. They got so hungry they ate nearly all of the barbed wire fence around the cor ral. x Joe Kramer got bawled out proper one day last week. A man he ar rested for speeding told Joe he had ! no need to tell him to stop in such a j loud tone of voice, that all the offi- j cer would have had to have done ! as to roll in front of him, then he would have stopped on his own ac count. For a local carnival that was given by the Rebekahs last Satur day night was a winner. While the crowd was not large, still it was made up of people who let go of their coin like true sports, thus en riching the lodge treasury to a con siderable extent. x D. M. Temple says he likes to fish, but when a school of rainbow trout deliberately swim' near him and virtully twirl their thumbs at him, he loses all conceit he possesses as a fisheman. Tony Seifert voted in the Maupin precinct. He asked information re garding the proposed amendment and when the word "prohibit" was mentioned emphatically stated that "that stuff gets, my 'noes.' " Bland, Sweet, Savory, Tart Serve a vegetable dinner, similar to the restaurant combinations known as "vegetable plate" once in a while. To be satisfying it must contain enough protein to make it substantial. To bo appetizing, it must have a variety of flavors the bland, the sweet, the savory, and the tart. There must be contrast of tex ture also, such as the soft, the hard, the rich, and tho crisp. Here are a few good combnations: Creamed potatoes, buttered string beans, beets or beet greens with vinegnr or lemon juice, raw celery; cabbnge scalloped with cheese, carrots, and fried potatoes; baked sweet pota toes in season, spinach with hard- egg, raw cucumbers; scal loped corn, steamed carrots, Swiss chard, raw sliced tomatoes; baked eggplant, buttered lima beans, water cress; fried tomatoes, mashed tur nips or squash, baked potatoes, raw celery. Doctor On the Job. An enterprising tradsmen sent a doctor a box of cigars which had not been ordered, with a bill for six dollars. The ascompanying letter stated that "I have ventured to send these on my own initiative, being convinced that you will appreciate their exquisite flavor." In due course, the doctor re plied: "You have not asked me for consultation, but I venture to send you thrre prescriptions, being con vinced that you will derive there from as much benefit as I shall de- e f mm vnnr ficnrs As mv ehfircro f. b twQ dolarS( makes us even." Tho only way to be sure a piece of colored goods won't run is to take a sample home and wash it. If you think it might fade, cover a part of it and expose the rest to sunlight for ! at least a week. Household methods of setting colors are useless. Radio batteries, all kinds, at the Maupin Drug Store. rxrszKrx slv nr.-wjiL'j .am : j.'.yy; At Maupin TOURING CAR AM 71 91 Delivered Here I l.OJL ROADSTER 5 CMCA QQ Here in Maupin..... $4WU.Od COUPE, (gfTOK A A Pries at cur garage yuvuJJ ..TUDOR SEDAN & C Q r O C A good buy at the price.... yOVOi&O TRUCK-CLOSED Cab and Stake Body...' JPO-S. 0 Remember, our prices are the same as in The Dalles or in Portland Wood Tillotson Co. Phone Main 221 Maupin, Oregon PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Suite 1516 Vogt Block Telepone 111-W Dr. Fred H. Pageler OPTOMETRIST Strictly Optical DeLARHUE OPTICAL CO. The Dalles, - - - Oregon iAPBOW Where the Inner Man Gets Full Satisfaction SHORT ORDERS Any Time TRY OUR SUNDAY CHICKEN DINNERS Ice Cream, Cold Drinks and Smokers' Goods Your Watch Haywire? If it is not doine its work brinp it to The Times office and Mr. Seniines will send it to GUY A. POUND Manufacturing Jeweler and Watchmaker Successor to D. Lindquist THE DALLES - - ORKGON CRANDALL UNDERTAKING COMPANY "QUIET SERVICE" The Dalles, Ore. Phone 35-J LADY ASSISTANTS WERNMARK SHOE STORE Shoes and Repairing Wasco County's Exclusive Shoe Store f hoes for the Whole Family General Repairing The Kalles, Ore. The Maupin Times only $1.50 HARIVIGS Fl 0 tR -HOP "Mtnhanbs o, L'ea.'itj" Flowers for All Occasions The Dalles. Phone 7G4 I. 0. 0. F. WAPINITIA Lodge No. 2(J9 Maupin, Oiegcr. meets every Saturday night in I. 0. 0. F. hall. Visiting mem bers alwaVs welcome. J. C. PRATT, N. G. E. R. RICHMOND Sec'y. Buy Non-Detonating UNION GAS AND Aristo Motor Oil UNION OIL 00. OF CALIFORNIA The Dalles - Oregon 8 Richmond's Service Station (As you come into town) Gas, Oils, Accessories Free Air ond Water TRUCK For Heavy Hauling AGENT FOR CHEVROLE Cars and Accessories My Aim is Srvice to the Public Courtesy in Every Peal Read The Times for the news.