jV. Ollio Webcrg informs us that lUulinf Winter Wood serving on the grand jury is no snap. Art Fnrgher in busy those days. His late service was so hurried that -He thinks we are going to have n his body had time only to consider hard winter and is preparing for it two cases, and both of them were by hauling wood from Maupin to his open and shut before the jury con-, "Dead Dog" ranch. Wo hope ho will vened, but the law provides that a bo nice and warm for we would like BUT F3 jury must pass upon them before to hear some more from the pen of MAUPIN'3 LEADING . Grocery, and Meat Market actual trial. ("the poet of the Cascades." r I Whis Radio batteries, all kind at PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Maupin Drug Store. ;JJ The Maupin Time! Published every Thursday at Maupin, Oregon C. W. Scmmcj, Editor C. W. Semme and E. R. Semmet Publisher! Subscription: One year, $1.50; six months, 75 cents; three months, 50c Entered as second class mail mat ter September 2, 1911, at the post pffice at Manpin, Oregon, under the Act of Mrtreh 3, 1879. J. V, Fisher's sheep are now on the home range. , Mrs. J. M. Reeder of Orchards, Washington, was calling an old friends Friday. , A. L. Hanna and Max M. Schmidt are thru seeding fall wheat Mr. Quinn, a Portland horse buy er, 13 stopping in town a few days. Ed. Crcy of the P.L. and L. S. .company was in town Tuesday for a load of supplies. John Conroy of Grass Valley was ransacting business here Monday. John McHarrue reports work on ilhe new ranch house at Bakeoven is progressing rapidly. With Mauiiin ta!;inp l)pfffr thvn I Fr"iife Dillon, a new nrrinl frnm GOO loaves of broad ns well as divers Ireland, was visiting over the week- ether samples of pastry three times a week from a Dalits bakery, the need of an institution of that kind here is evident SHANIKO HAPPENINGS ford Wm, end with his brother, Charles. i Eli;iii r.nd Eldo McKinley of Bridge Creek are spending a few days in town. Elgin is sporting a new Chevrolet coach and Eldo a Prices That Talk Ureidt has returned to his Pat Reilly of Ashwood delivered home in Antelnnp. three carloads of lamb3 here Satur- Rod Grant made a flying trip to day for Tom Boylan. Madras Sunday. D Dr. W. A. SHORT entist WILL BE IN MAUPIN October 12 to 18 ' All those desiring Dental Work can see him On Above Date. Tru Blu Crackers, 3-pound tin $ .50 Wesson and Mazola Oil, gallon tin ....$2.03 Snowdrift Shortening, 8-pound pail $2.03 Silverdale Catsup, No. 10 tin. , $'.80 Van Camp's Tomato Soup, per dozen $1.00 Ideal Sugar Corn, case $3.33 Lake View Peas, tender, case $3.33 Libby Milk, tall cans, case ; $4.65 California Small White Beans, 13 pounds $1.00 Fancy Head Rice, 10 pounds $ .93 Macarom and Spaggetti, 10 pounds $ .79 Shredded Wheat Biscuit, 2 for $ .23 Amaizo Corn and Gloss Starch, dozen $1.10 Cascade Blend Coffee, 5 pounds $2.00 Parlor Blend Coffee, 5 pounds $2.23 Cream Pall Coffee, 10-pound pail :....$ 1.83 Webfoot Flour, barrel $7.73 White River Flour, barrel $8.25 Star, .Horseshoe and Climax Plug Tobacco, lb....$ .70 Whte Wonder Soap, per case $3.79 Half Ground Salt, 125-pound sack ...$1.05 Dandy Brooms, White Handle ; $ .51 Fancy Yakima Potatoes, per hundredweight ....$2.25 Cabbage, per hundredweight $2.00 The Parlor Grocery 110 East Second Street . The Dalles, Ore. The Opportunity of a Lifetime WHAT would you give, Mr. Farmer, to have set before you for inspection and study the very best bred livestock in all America? A year of your life or ten acres of your best land, wouldn't you? ? The lessons learned would be worth it Yet, you can have that opportunity without sacri fice. At Portland, October 30-November 6, the 16th Annual Pacific International Livestock Exposition will exhibit the largest and greatest assemblage of livestock ever shown under one roof or at one time in the land. Dairy and Beef Cattle, Horses, Hogs, Sheep, Goats, competing for the largest premium list ever published $100,000. Also you will itco the great Fox exhibits. There will bo the world famous Horso Show, too, and a Land, Industrial and Dairy prod ucts Exposition. The Mapin State Bank deems the Pacific Interna tional an opportunity of a lifetime for every former in this vicinity and we say: Go! MAUPIN STATE BANK , (INCORPORATED) rHin hi n A A jOUT WITH A CHALLENGE Tjrgh Valley School Team Would I Play Series of Baieball Ca met 1 fl0 Charge for Consultation mt ...... I ine junior bascba team of th ' ,. ..,.n...i,:- i .. . i i..... . - 1 it. mcnciivmii in it ri'Kuinr gntuuniu lygn Valley school wishes to utilize in medicine snd surgery and Itf licensed the present fine weather and are out y tl,e 8tate "f Oregon, dm s not with a challenge to play a series of .pmte f?r chr","'C. ,""'",i'ili,V .... ".u. u .T .u . 1 1 "tones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or 1 Coming to The Dalles Dr. Mellenthih SPECIALIST in Internal Medicine for the pait fifteen year Docs Not Operate will be at ' DALLES HOTEL MONDAY, OCT. 11-12 " Office Houri: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. games before the basketball season opens. The Tygh Valley team is made up of boys under 16 years of age and desires games with Maupin, Wapinitia and Shaniko teams. They propose to play three games and are ready to play Friday afternoons or on Sunday as accepting team prefers. At the Chas. Wing place, 1 mile East of Wamic Commencing at 10 a. m. all the following will be sold. TO LOAN $2000.00 or part there of at 7 on good real estate se curity. Apply Box 130, care of The Maupin Times, Maupin, Ore gon. 48-t2 LOST A red stone from a ring last Saturday night. Finder will be rewarded by returning same to The Times office. 4742 ONE TWO-YEAR-OLD HEIFER ONE ACME WEEDER ONE FOUR-SECTION HARROW ONE DOUBLE DISC ONE DISC PLOW ONE TWO-BOTTOM OLIVER GANG PLOW ONE CULTIVATOR COMPLETE BLACKSMITH OUTFIT ONE THREE-INCH WAGON ONE THREE AND ONE-QUARTER- INCH WAGON THREE HEAD MILCH COWS (Fresh) ONE HEIFER CALF FOUR HEAD WORK HORSES ONE SADDLE HORSE FOUR GOOD COLLARS TWO SETS HARNESS . ONE IOWA CREAM SEPARATOR TWO BROOD SOWS FOUR CORDS WOOD FOURTEEN SHOATS TWO DOZEN CHICKENS SOME WHEAT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE OTHER THINGS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION TERMS: All sums under $10.00, cash. On sums over $10.00, a discount of 5 per cent will be given for cash, or we will accept bankable note due in one year; 8 interest. MARTIN WING, Owner F.C.BUTLER, Auctioneer ' F. D. STUART, Clerk NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned L. C. Henneghan has been duly appointed Administrator wun ine win annexed of the estate of Fendel Batty, deceased, and has qualified as such Administrator. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned at the office of Galloway & Brown, in The Dalles, Oregon, within six months from the first date of publication of this notice, to-wit, October 7, 1926. , . L. C. Henneghan, Administrator with the Will an nexed. o7-n4 adenoids, He has to his credit wonderful results in diseasesof the stomach, liver, bowels blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, blad der, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, kg ulcers and rectal ailments. Below are a few of the names of his many satisfied patients in Oregon: Mrs. L. L. Pcetz, Moro, heart trouble. Mrs. F. F. Hayer, (daughter Marie), Walton, tonsils and ade noids. Mrs. E. C. Mulloy, Hillsboro, ulcer of the leg. Mrs. Nels Peterson, Skamokawa, Wash., colitis. Grover C. Gothier, Conuille, Ore., colitis and ulcer of stomach. Mrs. Carl Johnson, Marshfield,' car trouble. J. W. Turner, Dallas, stomach trouble. ! E. A. RuBsell, Klamath Falls, ap-1 pendicitis. ' Remember the above date, that consultation on this trip will be free ! and that treatment is different. Married women must be accom panied by their husbands. Address: 211 Bradbury Bldd., Los Angeles, Califoornia. Carl A. Duus, of Maupin, Ore gon, who on Feb. 20, 1924, made Homestead Entry under Act Doc. 29, 1016. No. 023141, for NEU NW14, Sec.' 22, T. 7 8.. R. 14 K., SVi NE'4, SE'4. Sec. 23, T. 63., R. 14 L, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof to the land above described, before F. .D. Stuart, United States Com mlssioner, at Maupin. Oregon, on the 21st day of October, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: B. F. Herrllng, Otto Herrling, R. H. DeC-mp, P. J. Klrsch, all of Maupin, Oregon. J. W. Donnolly, Register. s-lfl o-14 Dance Dates Legion Hall OCT. 9 OLD TIME DANCE OCT. 30 HALLOWE'EN MASK NOV. 13 REGULAR DANCE NOVEMBER 25 ING DANCE THANKSGIV. DEC. 11 FIREMEN'S BALL ANNUAL DEC. 25 CHRISTMAS DANCE DECEMBER 31 JANUARY. 15 JANUARY 29 FEBRUARY 12 MASK BALL FEBRUARY 26 MARCH DANCE 17 ST, PATRICK'S MARCH 31 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Department of The Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Sept. 9, 1926. Notice is hereby given that AUTOMOBILE ... and General Machine Work Cylinder Grinding, General Machine Work, Truing Crankshafts, Making Pistons and Rings, Bearings, All Sizes Made to Order. Sheet Metal Workers. Complete Line of Parts for All Makes, Cars Full Line of Lahers Springs ELECTRIC and OXY-ACETYLENE WELDD1NG TfcEAD CALLOWAY 609 East Second Street , Phone 400 THE DALLES, ORE' Phone 383J Fisher's I Garage (East end of Bridge) Gasolene Oils, Tires, Accessories Lunch Goods always on hand for convenience of Tourists I I i i I i I I Repairs I Good work, lowest cost i