f f When they come a fishin They come to Maupin on the Deschutes river. Wtyh our highways and rail road you can reach any place from Maupin. Vol. XII Maupin Southern Wasco Couuty Oregon, Thursday, Septembei 16, 1926 No. 45 MAUPIN FATAL ACCIDENT ON EAST GRADE Mrs. J. M. Williams Victim of Collision Hetwccn Horse and Auto. LIVED BUT TWO DAYS Animal Swerved in Front Of proaching Auto, Which Ren Over Woman Ap- DEBATE CHALLENGE 13 "BULL Covernor Pierce Antwerod by i tenon In Opan Latter. Pat- I. X A fatal accident occurred on the top of the Criterion grade last Sun day In which M. J. W. Willlami), a young matron of 21 years lout her life and tho horses she had Wen riding- wai to badly injured tlmt it had to be killed. According to the story L pjatfom told by Gorald Wilcox, by wko L,u to tho p auto the woman wan struck, Mrs. Willlamt was riding horseback and was on her way to the Dave Wilson place. She had Just painted the Kra mer lane when her horse took fright at a passing truck, which was covered with canvas, tho end of which fluttered in the wind. Tho anlmul began to prance and did not take notice of an approaching auto, which was being driven by Gerald Wilcox, who was moving from Eta cada to Antelope. As the machine approached tho horse made a dash across the road. Mr, Wilcox saw a collision was imminent and put on the brakes and steered for the ditch. Just before the cor left the road the horse and auto collided. The horse was thrown to one side and Mrs. Williams thrown from the saddle di rectly in the track of the auto. Tracks show that the wheels of the machine had skidded fully three car lengths, also that one wheel had passed over" tho bdrfrofthrwo'lnair As soon as tho car stopped Mr. Wil cox picked up the victim, who had crawled from beneath the machine, and brought her to Maupin where Dr. Elwood attended her. The physic-Inn found that Mrs. Williams had sustained severe injury to her chest as well as having suffered in tcrnal injuries. He took several stitches to close a wound in her head. Tho Impact threw the horse to one side and it suffered a broken ankle Deputy Sheriff E. R. Scmmes was notified of the horse's condition and with Maintenance Foreman Adding ton went to the scene of tho accident and dispatched the suffering equine. Mr. Wilcox stated that ho notic ed the horse and rider in front of his auto and immediately put on tho brakes and turned tho machine to wards tho ditch. He has no recol lection of running over her form, but the tracks in the soft earth bears out tho idea that such was done. The tracks on one side of tho ditch are continuous, while on tho other side is tho impress of the woman's body with the auto track broken on either side of tho place where she lay. The driver of tho auto did the only humano thing possiblo nt tho time. His chief thought was to got the woman to a phyciciun and he burned up the road to get there as quickly as possible. He reported tho accident as soon as ho had sum moned Dr, Elwood and advised that the horse be killed. Mr. Wilcox'B household goods were on the truck ahead of him and the driver evident ly was not aware of tho accident, for he continued on his way toward Antelope. After lingering until Tuesday the injured woman answered the fi nal call, passing away calmly and peacefully. Her husband and step Bon, Albert Wlliams, and step-daughter, Mrs. Fowler, and husband, both of Portland, and her father, Sher man Snell of Gateway, were here at the time of death. Coroner ,Zell was summoned and he took the remains to The Dalles, where funeral services were held to day, the body being laid to rest In The Dalles cemetery. Governor Tierce, in an attempt to stengthen his gubernatorial chances, has Issued a challenge to I. L. Pultcrson, his opponent, for a debate on issues before the people during this campaign. Ike is ahcud of Walt there, as the following sub jects, likely to bo chosen, were con tained in Mr. Patterson's platform, issued prior to the primary: Hon. Walter M. Pierce, Salem, Oregon. My Dear Governor: Replying to your invitation for a discussion of certain state Issues to the end that people may know where we both stand, you name what you consider the five leading issues as follows: "reduction and redistribution of taxes; making the Oregon penitentiary self-sustaining ; highway; law enforcement, and irrigation." I take pleasure in refcring you issued some time prior to tho primary election, May Wool Men's Meeting At Bend Promises Big Time Man of Not on Program Ban quet and Boxing Will Enliven The Occasion. V 1 .Jit. ' :.iS V r ... & iu.. A very interesting program Is be ing prepared for the fall meeting at Bend October 8th and 9th. Speakers who will appear before the convention include: Fred W. Steiwer, Republican can didate for U. S. Senator. Dr. S. W. McClure, Bliss, Idaho; "Tariff." Fred W. Marshall, Scc'y. National Woolgrower's Association. E. N. Kavanaugh, District office forest service. Dr. A. K. Fisher, Biological Sur vey. Washington D. C. Stanley Jcwett, Biological Survey, Portland, Oregon. Prof. E. L. Potter, Corvallls, Ore gon. II. Elindgrcn, Corvullis, Oregon. Ward M. Buckles, Intermediate Credit Bank, Spokane, Washington. Dr. W. H. Lytic, State Veterin arian, Salem. It. A. Ward, Pacific Co-Op Ware, houe-, Marvin Fell, Western Wool. A banquet Is being provided by the Bend chamber of commerce, also a boxing match for Friday evening. An imitation is also extended to go over the lumber mills and see tho immense operations there in pro gress. Special entertainment will be pro vided for tho ladies. Be on hand. Crying Need of Maupin Is Outside Publicity J Pionm.r DIE3 FROM WRECK INJURIES Many Stangars Patting Through Deny Previous Knowledge of This Place Pattaa at Tho Dallas- Buried Sunday at Dufur. William Endersby, a victim of the wreck near Dufur on August 22, died at The Dalles hospital last Fri day. Funeral services were held at the Crandall chapel Sunday, inter- place at Duiur the Maupin might as well be off the map so far as outside publicity goes. Hardly a day passes but what some jmcnt taking traveler exclaims at the beauty of same day. the town and its location on the De- Mr. Endersby was 82 years of age chutes river. Many of them say ! at the time of death. He came to they had never been told about j Wasco in 1850, having . emigrated Maupin, and express surprise that j with bis parent from .Hillsboro, something had not been done to j Iowa. In 1864 Mr. Endersby, then bring the place to the attention of 20 years of age, moved to Boyd, and the outside world. j occupied the same ranch land from f The river alone is known to many j that time until his death, who delight to fish therein, but Besides two daughters and one those people are native Oregonians 'son decedent leaves other relatives who have learned of the fishing at-' to" mourn his srd taking off, among tributes of the Deschutes from j them being U. S. Endersby of Wap others or who have been here them-: initia Plains, who is a cousin, selves. No one seems to know that J Maupin has a system of waterworks j EIGHT WHEATS ARE CERTIFIED second to none in the west; that two railroads pass though the town; that thousands of bushels of wheat arc marketed here yearly; that thous ands of sheep are wintered here, all owned by local picn, and that car loads of fat cattle and hogs are sent . to the outside markets from Maupin. ASKED IN MEASURE Unrestrained Power Would Be Conferred Upon Few Incompetent Persons WOULD INCREASE TAX User Take Own Chances la Buying Other Grades I. I PATTERSON Bound For Pendleton Floyd Richmond and Ishom West left for the great western show at Pendleton Tuesday afternoon. They Intend to stay through the four days. 21. Your invitation for discussion leads me to believe you have not read my statement. If you had, there could be no reoson for discuss ion, as all points you make save only irrigation are covered in plain frank statements on each subject. Synopsis of statement follows: Reduce taxes by reducing cost of Government. Every dollar in taxes paid to re turn the taxpayer a dollar in service. Make Governor budget-making official. Receipts from Government land less expenses belong to the people of Oregon. Tlace penitentiary under Board of Control. Make Board of Control the Pardon Board. Fewer pardons. Enforcement of prohibition by officials who pelievc in enforcing the law. Hasten construction of Roosevelt Highway. Conservative road construction; adjust nutomoblle licenses; oppose peddlers' licence applying to travel ing salesmen. ' Adequate provision for retiring bonds. Issue no free tax bonds. Fish and Game Commission func tion for people and not as political machines. Piny fair with ex-service men. Maintain a high standard of pubic schools and institutions of higher learning. ' . The irrigation question in Oregon is not a politcal one, and the solu tion of tho problem will require careful, intelligent and , sincere study and action to the end that the farmers bn tho irrigation ' projects may not be penalized for their In dustry, confidence in tho stae and show of good faith. We should see that . the farmers now on irrigated lands , who , have shown their good faith are fully protected. Those farmers who are making or have made good their obligations to the Irrigation dis tricts and who are contributing to the productivity of ; the state, should be given the benefit of every pos sible means of protection. In some of the irrigation districts many of the settlers have suffered undue hardships and dire misfor tune, due to improper organization of districts and to the activities of unscrupulous speculators. The next legislature should, in so far as pos sible, provide legislation for the re organization arid restoration of the Batty Suddenly Stricken While on the Flat last Thursday Fen Batty was stricken with a se vere attack of stomach trouble. He managed to each his auto, but was unable to drive to Maupin. Lewis Mayhew and Bobbie Davidson hap pened along and they bought the sick man to town. At this writing LFen is up and around and seems to be tn a Xair way to complete re covery. Sinco only eight wheats white winter, Eaton, Jenkin, Holland, rink, huston, defiance and Federation are certified in western Oregon by . No concrete effort has been made the college extension service, buyers to interest outsiders in our unrival- j of certified seed for planting may ed alfalfa land, where dairy farming be sure that any other variety would be a paying proposition, 'grown here is not certified. If they Nothing has been done, in a general , buy any other kind they take their publicity way. to induce ' settlers to 'own chance on the purity of the locate hereabouts, and but very few variety and the freedom from weed people know that we have good ho- seed and disease, which the college tels, general stores, fine eating ' passes on in certified lots. places, first class garages, a sub- Public Service Commission) in Ore goa Safeguard Taxpayer' la attt and Pablic Wei faro ENROLLMENT IN OUR SCHOOLS Total of 102 Pupilt Lilted in The Various Grade The enrollment in the varbtis grades of tho Maupin schools for this school year ns supplied by Prof. J. A. Nagel, is as follows: First grade 8 stantial bank and divers other busi ness houses, all of which contibute to making this a good place to lo cate. Very few stangers are aware that Maupin has a school system and buildings as good and a3 complete as that of most towns many times larger than this town. Wouldn't it be a good plan to ad vertise the town a little to the end hajt .outsiders, might acquaint them out by this section. ; We are betting it would prove a winning venture. NORMAL OPENS SEPT. 27 Frethman Pupils Should Bo There on September 25. The fall term of the Oregon Nor mal School at Monmouth will open this year on September 27th. All students entering for the first time will be in Monmouth Saturday, O V frf tVinii nmlimtntirv aintrflnrga t The unrestrained power asked in the housewives' amendment, provid ing for state owned hydro- electric and irrigation is in vivid contrast with the present laws which safe guard the rights of the public in so far as hydro electric development is " concerned. It is conceded that ir rigation is a debatable subject, and only nnder national supervision does it appeal to some minds as a feasible or possible enterprise. One thing is sure: the state of Oregon la not war ranted in committing itself to a pol icy of irrigation 'development with., state funds at this time. Protection of the federal power act and the existance of an elective public service commission in Oregon safeguard the interest of taxpayers . and the welfare of the public Un der the housewives' plan as present ed for decision of voters November 2nd, there is no responsibility for the expenditure of moneys other than the recall, which may bt re voked. Conditions under a possible future administration by a board of five members, responsible neith er to the governor nor to the public service commission, would not re sult in benefits for the. state. It means the difference between flnsn- ERADICATE SMUT IN WHEAT Copper Carbonate Dutt Recom mended by Market Agent Smut is taking a heavy toll from the wheat growers of this country, The smut balls, are broken in handl ing the grain and millions of spore3 ;nre scattered over the fields, which is expected and school officials are busy during the vacation period making preparations for - the fall opening. Records of the past year show an enrollment of approxi mately two . thousand students with over seven hundred Btudents gradu ating from the regular two year course and three hundred from the year course. one- Second grade 11 flinging to the gran of wheat, Third grade o Fourth grade 10 Fifth grade 5 Total ....62 High School Nineth grade .....16 Tenth grade 13 Eleventh grade 4 Total I .40 Grand total 102 Humane Officer Here A. L. ' Cross, state officer of the Humane society, was in Maupin Sat urday on his, way to investigate the leaving of colts on Bakeoven by horse drovers. He said he was trail ing a drove of 300 horses over the mountains for the purpose of watch ing that no colts or disabled animals were left to die. sprout with it and grow up beside the plant The prevention is so simple and inexpensive that every grower should use it The copper carbonate dust treatment is general ly recommended, using two ounces of the dust to a bushel of wheat, mixing thoroughly so "that 'each grain of wheat wil have a coating. The mixing may be done in a revol ving barrel, churn or concrete mix er. A device may be mado on the farm by swinging a tight barrel so that it may revolve, using ordinary gas pipe for the axle and handle. Viavi Demonstrator Here Miss Francis Ward, demonstrator of that great female invigorator, Telegram Writer Calls C. M. Hyskell, special writer on the force of the Portland Telegram, It will increase taxes; we shall have a political machine In control of large properties owned by the state, in which the public will have no voice or influence as to opera tion, management or location of plants. Service would ' not be ex tended to farms as rapidly as pri vate interests are now giving it In stead of bringing industries to the state it will repel them. It involves the expenditure of at least 1 53,000, 000, with privilege of further bond issues and the added right to mort gage plants for' construction. . V.I. 017V XTrt n. it.- linneAflritfaa' Hyskell is author of T" " , . 7 . . constitutional amendment Paid Advertisement ! " ' was a caller at The Times office Sunday. Mr, the "Old Oregon" stories appearing bi-monthly in the Telegram, and was on his way to the Bend country after color for a Series of recounts of the early history", centering around the big town up the Deschutes. Gone to U. B. Conference. Mesdames L. D. Kelly, R. E. Rich mond and C. W. Semmes left yes terday morning for Portland, where they will attend the annual confer ence of the U. B. church. They Five Houtci Wired. The Maupin Power company has been busy the past week wiring j vrciilnnpaa 5n town for licrht find ' l ent Those houses which will enjoy B-k f0 Co modern conveniences along the j electric line, are those of Dolph , Goetjen, Ernest Doty, R. H.' Johnson, Viavi, spent several days in Maupin ; Ben Fraley and Chas. Crofoot The Inst nnrl this week. The ladv is oomnany h,.s also made a cut in Like Her Situation Miss Lorraine Stovall, who is teaching in the Wapinitia school, says she has 16 pupils in her depart ment and that each one seems to be striving to do his best. Miss Stovall is teaching her first school and states that Bhe is very much taken up with her work. ' Going to Prove Up Caarl A. Duus, who has a homo stead on the Criterion hills, will make final proof on same oa the 21st of next month. Alfred T. Herrling will prove, up on a home stead . entry in the same neighbor hood on the 2nd of October. from San Francisco, and proved an able assistant to Dr. Elwood in his attention to the late Mrs. J. W. Williams during her short illness. Gone To Roundup C. H. Walker and wife, Mrs. O. D. Bothwell and son, Lee, of Wamic and L. D. Woodside, wife and son, Vernon, left the fust of the week for Pendleton where they will take in the roundup. rates for a combined sevice of light and heat, the charge now being two cents per kilowatt, being the lowest j T. M. Dyer who, with his wife and son, came from Kansas for a visit with relatives here, returned from a month's stay at Banks and at some coast points. While at Hood River Monday, Mr. Dyer visited .several apple orchards, and said that appli cants fer work therein were lined up block unsuccessful districts. However the taxpayes of the state, outside the irrigation districts, are not responsible for the unfortunate conditions that exsist and must not be called upon to pay more interest on bonds, other than those for which the state is already obli gated, or to make good the losses. Respectfully yours, I. L, PATTERSON. Home From Dalles Hoipital Andrew Crabtree, who has been taking treatment at a hospital in The Dalles, returned home for a vis it last Saturday. Mr. Crabtree has been under the weather for some time and his many friends hope ho may be improved in health soon. ... . .j at the emnlovment office a peiuj long. The Dyers are undecided as i to whether they will return to Kans- . ' , 'as this fall or remain here. Installt Electric Vulcaniier. ; ; Patching tires by hand has grown monotonous at the Maupin Garage, so George Tillotson has installed an electric vulcanizer with which to fix tires. The machine will do the NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS Poison has been spread oh the rimrock of the L. D.; Kelly ranch. work as good as the larger machines Owners of dogs are notified to keep and it is being kept busy all the isuch away, otherwise they may be time. killed by eating coyote bait 45-t2 Deer Have Left The Hill The hunting party composed of W. H. Staats, W. H. Williams, , and Grover Slusher, ' and who, looked over the territory in the Cascades in the vicinity of Mt Hood, return ed Sunday night. They state the deer have followed the cattle from the section visited, but very few 1 tracks havng been seen. Building New Residence. - Harvey . Morris is at work build ing a new residence to take the place of the one burned last spring. The new building will be 26x30 and will have a full concret basement. Shipping Some Sheep Guano. Richmond & Son are making qutye a record as fertilizer shippers. Dur ing the past month that firm has shipped 450 tons of sheep guano to Hood River and Mosier, and still have waiting orders for five car loads to be loaded in the near fu CHURCH SERVICES Maupin. Sunday school 10:00 a. m. Mrs. C. W. Semmes, Superintendent. Rev. Aldridge, teacher ' of adult class. t ' . ; Prayer meeting Friday evening at 7 :30 o'clock. f Wapinitia. ' Sabbath school at 1:00 a. m. Mrs. Emma West, sperintendent i Christian Endeavor .7:00 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday, at 7 :30 p. m. '- ; ;.!'- . ' -W. A. Mershon, Pastor.