The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, September 02, 1926, Image 3

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    R.E. Wilson Co.
Children Ready For
School Supplies
. Our Number is Main 271
Geo. Magill wan in Mauplp from
Wamlc last Saturday.
Dr. Sjtovall and family transacted
business at The Dulles last Friday.'
Everett Richmond was a business
visitor at The Dalles last -Thursday.
Ceorgo Mallutt was in town from
his Dakcoven ranch Monday morn
ing. Harry Skinner was in The Dalles
on lunlness several days of last
Fountain pens; guaranteed. From
$1.00 to $7.00. Maupln Drug
Cecil Chastain and wife were
trading in Maupln from the Flat last
N. G. lledin came in from the Flat
Saturday and transacted business in
Mrs. W. ii. Sloan of Tygh Valley
was in Maupln on a shopping trip
Tuesday. . ,
Gus Derthlck went to Tygh Tues
day to see his brother-in-law, the
Tygh barber,
For Sale Thoroughbred Poland
China boar. Inquire of G. C. Allen,
Maupin, Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs, Harry May of Du
fur were Sunday guests of W. H.
Staats and wife.
The Abbotts, James , Senior and
James Junior, were transacting
business in Maupln Monday.
Let us figure on your paint bill.
We have the best grades at the right
prices. Maupln Drug Store.
The 0. P. Weberg family were
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Art
GuUIer on the Flat last Sunday.
Mark Sutart and family of Tygh
Valley spent Sunday with Mark's
brother, F. Q. Stuart, and family.
Miss Curie Harris will leave this
week for Dufur, where she will
assist Mrs. Knowles in housework.
Gus Derthlck. wife and daughters.
spent Sunday at the home of Mrs.
Ucrthick's parents at Tygh Valley.
R. W. Richmond and son. Flovd.
went toSeattle Thursday on a mis
sion looking to the sale of sheep
guano. ,
Paul Krauso and wife stopped off
In Maupln Friday, while on their
way home to Nathan from a trln to
Leonard Farlow sought new
scenes or his Sunday off, going to
the reservation' for his weekly re
creation trip.
Among those from Maupln who
attended the Arby Magill funeral at
Wamlc last week were Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Beckwlth.
K. L. Hauscr and wife were in
Maupln Friday morning. They were
i on their way to their ranch at the
head of Dakeoven. '
Miss Gladycs Smith of 4Vaplnltia
will leave Sunday ,for Portland,
where she will- attend school the
coming school year. .
Miss Marjoric Tillotson, who will
teach in the Maupin school the com
ing year, was a visitor here from her
home above Tygh on Tuesday.
Mrs. A. G. Harvey, sister of Mrs.
J. H. Woodcock, was in from Wa-
mic several days last week as a
guest at the Woodcock home.
Bert Hancy, democratic candidate
for the office of United States sena
tor, was looking after his prospects
in this neighborhood Friday last.
George Cunningham was in Port
land Sunday, going there to visit
Julius Dierfoldt, one of his section
crew who is in a hospital in the big
Mrs. E. E. Boehm and children,
who were guests, at the Geo. Cun
ningham homo for a week", returned
to their
Portland home Monday
Delarhue Optical .
finmnanu W)l
vuiiiljuiij upucai
Voght Block, The Dalle.,
JVV m 11 m UV " 1'
sAV .Mr AW PJW. . .IW"'
w 'v h r.,A m rj,
r if3 -. . in ' . iw a v.
I . 4 A . M MM " k M II . Mh
"Dad" Cole and his vocabulary
arrived in town from the mountains
Tuesday morning, and as Dad prom
ises to be good, he will be allowed to
stay in town a day or so.
Dr. F.. W. Clark,. Portland optl
clan was in Maupin on professional
business Tuesday. Dr. Clark will
make regular trips to Maupln here
after. . Watch thia paper or dates.
' Harry T. Lewis was among the
Waplnitia Plains ranchers who re
membered that a newspaper man
must live, by signing up for The
Times for another year, on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Greer, former
residents of Dufur, now of Los
Angeles, end Mrs. W. H. Dufur of
Portland, were overnight guests at
the W. II. Staats home one night last
J. A. Nagel, who will serve as
principal of the Maupin schools the
coming school year, arrived in town
Monday. Tuesday morning he call
ed at The .Times office and, of
course, added his name to our sub
scription list. .
Sunday school 10:00 a. m. Mrs.
C. W. Semmes, Superintendent
Rev. Aldrldge, teacher of adult
Preaching by Rev. Mcrshon at II
a. m.
Prayer meeting Friday evening at
7:30 o'clock.
It will be welcome, news to many
to learn that Maupin church has paid
the pasator in full for his labor since
coming here. The financial obliga
tions of the church have all been
promptly met and wo take pardon
able pride in reporting a 100 per
cent budget for 1926.
Sabbath school at 1 :00 a. m. Mrs.
Emma West, spcrintendent.
Preaching at 8 :00 p. m.
Chriftlan Endeavor 7:00 p.m.
Prayer meeting Thursday, at 7:30
p. m.
Sunday school committee meets
Thursday evening for the purpose of
nominating officers for 1926-7.
Election to be held Sunday morning,
September 12.
W. A. Mcrshon, Pastor.
Henneghun, "unless It did a lot of
walking In its sleep."
"You never can tell," asserts Dad
Fischer. "Maybe the fish goes home
and lies about the bait it stole."
The residents of Juniper Flat may
be likened to the Ancient Mariner,
in that the ocean is filled with wa
ter yet "never a drop to drink."
For Sal.
One hundred and fifty-seven ewes
and 127 lambs. E. H. Ashley,
43-t2 , ' Tygh Valley, Oregon.
Miss Certrude Doering, employed
in the dining room at the Hotel
Kelly the past few months, left for
her home at Tygh Valley Sunday.
She expects to attend . school this
winter. ; , . . ,.
Mrs. Wm. Bckwith visited with
East Maupin friends last Sunday.
s Jean Caton is visiting at the Hal
brook home on Bakeoven for a few
E. A. Troutman came out from
the mountains last Sunday for a
short stay with the family.'
Emil Hackler shipped a consign
ment of sheep from East Maupin
Billie Fischer came to town from
the ranch on Tuesday.
Dad Cole arrived in East Maupin
Tuesday morning, after a stay in
the mountains.
Mrs. Wm. Mott is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Andrew Cunning
ham, a few days this week.
Lester Kelly is trying to trap the '
Cheaper Tkn Walking !
We have a few nood buys in used cars, espec
ially priced:
1 Ford Roadster, sterter tpc, thor
oughly overhauled license ;
1 Ford Touring, sta: tcr type, new rub- (jjlOP
" ber, just overhauled and painted... ......P A0
1 Ford Roadster wi h truck bed, in fine (J? A
mechanical condition license ...V y"
1 Ford, starter type, Touring license A A
for sale at.... ipl-vJU
1 Ford Touring, motor just overhauled
.- . . " -
Ford Delivery in fine shape license (11 AA
marked at ..... ...! AUU
Terms if you want thefn. These cars are all good
buys, and are priced right.
Wobd-f illotsoii Co
pin, burial being made in the Kelly
Alfred McCorkle of Tygh Valley
and Miss Myrtle Hurshey of Port
land, who were married in the latter j
city last week, will, soon be at home
to their friends nt Tygh.
Millions in Pearls
Notice is hereby given to the j
legal voters of School District No. j
84 of Wasco county, State of Ore- ;
gon, that a special school meeting
of said district will be held at Mau
pin, on
the 7th day of September,
I 192C, at 2:00 o'clock in the after
noon, for the following object: To
smallest, and the last, of the family
of porcupines which have been rais-
in (V Iibuai ! 4 it til a ! nnrl rr n w t
. . .VI vtc on transpoortation of pupils re
den this summer. He got one Mon-i ... ... .
II I VI V llIMb VltU ilVIlt tli
; Maupin school house in District No.
day, but he wants the whole family.
Several parties from Portland
have been camped at the Williams
camp grounds this week, having
come a f ishin. -
Traveling Public Retains TU
the Delectable Stuffed Rolls
The traveling public's taste for
bologna as a light lunch delicncy
continues unabated, according to the
manager of a certain railroad din
ing car service.
Last month his company's commis
sary manufactured 29,000 pounds of
smoked meats and sausages, includ
ing 865 pounds of bologna for use
in railroad restaurants. .
Bologna, according to the mana
ger, remains one of the most uni
versally popular cold meat dishes.
It is in demand wherever men meet
to eat.
Ooo ooooooooooooooooooO
O fc.Lfc.VfcN IfcAKS AUU ;
o From The Times Sept. 3, 15 o
Ooo ooooooooooooooooooO
The Hunts Ferry warehouse is
taxed to capacity with this year's
wheat crop, there being more than
i 30,000 eacks of grain now in storage
The greatest number of sacks re
ceived at the warehouse was on
Wednesday, when 2065 sacks were
brought in.
84. Said transportation to bt' iu ef
fect until voted otherwise by the
electors of the district
Dated this 26th day of " August,
1926. " .- y
Attest i
Ceo. A
District Clerk.
II. It. Kaiser,
. Chairman Board of Directors.
Card Of Thanks
Fralejr Hat New Home.'
Ben Fraley has rented the Dolph
Goetjen residence and as soon as it
has been deserted by Dolph and
family, Ben will move his house
hold goods thereto.
M DE-1
We greatly acknowledge the kind
expressions r sympathy and the
many flowers offered by our friends
in our recent bereavement.
Geo. Magill, Wife and Family.
, 'i ' ft? 'rp ) ' 1
-w ? "j. . t . "
This pagof'a, a p-.rt of tha Japanese
exhibit at the Sesiul-Centennlal Inter
national Exposition t;i Philadelphia,
celebrating the 15l)th anniversary of
the signing of the Declaration of Inde
pendence, Is made entirely of pearls
and Its value exceeds 1 1,000,000. The
exposition continues until December 1.
Read T'ne Time for th sews.
Ralph Kaiser says it takes all
kinds of people to make a world, in
cluding the fellows who won't vote.
Fall hats are nowon display. And
as usual they bring "top" prices.
If you don't believe ask Bob Wilson.
"About the only thing you get for
nothing," says Landlord Caton, "is
the worst of it."
A young lothario of this city Is
improving his mind by committing
one of James Whitcomb Riley's
poems not one which would be ac
ceptable at a church social, either.
Alvis Martin says if' you are still
undecided what are weeds and what
are vegetables, just watch the chick
ens they know.
Frank Dyer has built a new w-jbd-shed.
Frank says the chief Item
connected with tho shed is how,, to fill
it with wood.
"Tho north iwlo should be a para
dise for fishermen since the only
wind that blows there la tho ' south
wind," says Dave Donaldson.
"Tho lamb couldn't keep up with
Mary these days," declares Lew
Jack Staats . killed, his first
mountain 'lion recently. Jack is
packing for the W. E. Hunt sheep
camp. The lion was killed near
Detroit, in south Oregon and had
killed-four sheep before Jack got
got it.
" Q
Parties coming from the moun
tains say rain is drizzlbig(up there,
although the fires continue, one
having broke out between Clear
creek and Salmon river and has ad
vanced to within four miles of the
Summit house. It is to be hoped
the fires will soon be under control.
A. A. and Howard Canfield of
Criterion hauled a load of wheat
to Isbell & Tillotson's mill at Tygh,
and returned with a load of flour.
Several fluttering offers .have
been' received by Criterion people
for their holdings, but in every case
have been refused.
Shoes and Repairing
Wasco County's Exclusive
Shoe Store
Shoes fur tbc
Whole Family
General Repairing
The I'allef, Ore.
"Merchants oj Beauty"
Flowers for All
D. A. M oad figured in an auto
wreck neav the J. W. Ward place on
the Flat, yesterday night; When
Moad aijd D. M. Shattuck left the
hill cormtry find struck level going
they vere spilled out, the car going
over 'the. bank. Fischer went after
the car. , Shattuck has his head
bandagel while Moad says he cafi
tell hoy badly he is hurt after the
car cor nes in.
Go red bv an angry bull, F. M., a rancher of the Wamic
sect ion, is in The Dalles hospital
su.fering with a fractured leg.
I The little tw7nd. one-half -year-old
son of Mi;, and Mrs. E. L. Nel
son passed away last Saturday morn
ing at 7:00 o'clock. The funeral
was preached by Rev. . Ellis of Mau-
The Dalles. Phone 794
. '. Buy
Aristo Motor Oil
fhe!c3 -- Oregon''
L O. O. F.
Lodge No. 209. Maupin, CKeecn,
meets every Saturday night in
I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting mem
bers always welcome.
J. C. PRA'.CT, N. G.
4 E. R. R!tCrMOND Sec'y- ,
,hlp tk M.tstundirl cHr(fki! 01 tlx
Stsl Univoiitj.
J2 dfpnrtmenln of the College ol
Lileralure. Science and the Arti.
Anhitedure and Allied Arts
Business Administration Educa
tion Journalism Graduate Study
law Medicine Music Physi
cal education Sociology. Social
WoiK Extension Division.
5lrt Yew Ojes Srptewbcr 27, 1026
fit mlormvuon or rrtnhim ant
7"w RuilHnr. Unll'milf of
Cretan, tvtmt, Ore.
Service Station
(As you come into town)
Gas, Oils,
Free Air and Water
For Heavy Hauling
Cars and Accessories
My Aim is Sarvice to the
Public. Ccurtesy in
Ev;r Teal