ilk. J Deoend on the MeinD Who DeDend on Yon X 7RHOW much does the Lpcddler' value your good will? 7RHe is here today and Hgone tomorrow. To day's customers are to morrow's memories TRYour dissatisfaction Miieans nothing to the peddler. He is off to new fields. He is a once over man. (TjTConsider this with esllyour local dealers' position; they must have your good will. Not a transaction between you and your local stores is complete until you are satisfied. (TjTDissatisfaction on your part sl means the probable loss of a good, steady customer,the loss of customers, influenced by by your dissatisfaction. No estab lished merchant can alford the short-sighted policy that would leave you other than thorough" ly satisfied. 7T True, the peddler often gives an elab orately worded guaran tee, but have you ever known any one who has ever secured an adjust ment thru such a guar entee? (7T It has been proven vite by a large number of bankers and lawyers that in most cases such guarantees are practic ally valueless. Besides, with whom will you deal to get ac tion on your guarantee? How can its provisions be enforced? Play safe. Depend on the men who de pend on you. Buy your merchan dise from your home stores. YOUR lcal merchant carries staple poods, known from coust to coast. Back of his merchandise is a well estab lished, reputable wholesaler ready to makt; good any de fective merchandise to his cus tomer, your home merchant. Dack of the wholesaler is the manufacturer, who will make good to the wholesaler any de fective merchandise. Estab lished business prizes the good name of its products and you, in dealing with your local mer chant, enjoy this triple assur ance of fair treatment and good merchandise- after spending some time in I this section with relatives and friends The Renick and Wilson fami lies spent Sunday last among the shade and cool breezes of Clear creek. While there Oscar man aged to entice 16 fine mountain trout to take his lure. Miss Evelyn Henton. who has been attending school at Port land, arrived here Tuesday and will spend a vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hen- ton, on upper Bakoven. ' The Rainbow cafe in now blaz oned to the world by means of a beautiful sign, depicting a scene on the Deschutes with a rainbow over the hills. It was designed and painted by Mrs. B. F. Turn er and is a real work of art. Dr. W. A. Short is in town this week taking care of his den tal patients. He is at the Home Hotel over Wilson's ' store, and will remain until the 31st. Dr. Short will return some time in beptember. Watch tnis paper for notice of his coming. The Richmond service station has installed the latest thing in oil tanks. There is a battery of ! eight square oil receptacles, each filled with motor oil, and are lo cated on the curb between the two gas pumps. The new tanks add greatly to the facilities and appearance of the station. o East Maupin News For the vacation after harvest, a com plete line of CAMP EQUPMEMT INCLUDING: COMPANY The New Kittle Kamp Bed . . . The Tourist Camp Stove . . . . The Coleman Stove Deluxe . . . Camp Tables ......... 7.50 Camp Chairs . ; . . . . . . SI T.50 SI 6.50 7.0O 12.50 Outing Clothes and Shoes. If in need try Shattuck's, we have it. Maupin's Leading Merchants ISHATTUCK BROS Bilty Fischer was down his ranch on Monday. from II fc 11 ii H LOCAL AND PERSONA! Milo Wood and wife visited Shaniko on business Monday. tia was a visitor at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Til lotson on Tuesday. Mrs. George Tillotson accom panied her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Lewis on visit with Du fur friends Sunday last. Grandma Morris ot The Dalles visited a fews day thia week at the home of her son, H&rve Mor ris, on the lower Flat section . Sawyer Service picture develop ing at Maupin Drug Store. Bring in your work. Clifford McCorkle of the upper Flat was in town a short time yesterday morning. ' Lester Kelly and family en joyed the scenery at the Warm Mrs. Everett Richmond has Springs agency last Sunday. returned to her Maupirf home o" after spending two weeks M Latest style Ever Ready flash-1 Clear Lake, coming in Sunday, light, large size, complete with! o batteries, $1.25 at Maupin Drugj Jack Staats left yesterday for Store. I Swim and from there will go o .further back in the mountains Everett Richmond and hia un cle went to Clear Lake Sunday ufter the family of the first named. Mrs. W. H. Staats left yester day morning, via stage, for Port land, where she goes on a busi ness trip. George Morris and wife were among Maupinites. who enjoyed a Sunday outing at Clear Creek last week. Andy Holt, who conducts the Moody ranch on upper Rrkeoven, was in town on a business mis sion Tuesday, Mrs. Harry Lewis of Wapini- I on a two weeks' recreation trip. o Take a kodak with you on your vacation. You can get an East man at the Maupin Drug Store. J. C. Thrall came over from The Dalles on Mo'nday and made arrangements to advertise his auction business with The Times. 0. D. M3rtin, manager of the Sunset 'garage at The Dalles, was in Maupin in the interests of the Oldsmobile car on Monday. Franz Confer came in , from Portland on Tuesday, accompany ing Grandma Derthick, who had been visiting relatives in the) big city. :. Winifred and Ralph Kaiser went to lone last Saturday and spent the week there with rela tives. They will return home Sunday. Richmonds began hauling sheep guano from the W. E. Hunt ranch yesterday. They have or ders for three carloads from Hood River parties. o S. A. Brezeau, better known as "Allie" by his Shaniko friends, with his father was a caller in" Maupin Tuesday. He came over on legal business. Wm. Ellersick and wife from Bonnes Ferry, Idaho, are guests at the hoe of Mrs. Ellersick's niece, Mrs. George Morris. They arrived hef last Saturday. Lester Crofoot went to Fort-, land Friday last for the purpose of takine examination for the position of track walker on the 0. W. & N. Ry. He returned Tuesday afternoon! Lester Kelly was at Madras a tiime last Sunday. He reports; that wheat around that section asv being almost a failure, it go ing1 but from two to seven bushels to the acre. k 0- " Timothy Brownhill, spent Snn day wifch his old friend, W. A. Staats. Mr. Brownhill will soon leave for x Puente, California, where he conducts a newspaper, Jack Wise is in from the moun tains for a few days. " Miss Gladys Martin has return ed from a few weeks' visit at Sherars. . . : . ..' o ,.. Frank Brown and family have moved to east Maupin, now oc cupying the Seufert cottage. Mrs. Jack Pullen accompanied her husband on the work train, which is here for repair work. Andrew Cunningham and wife and Frank Brown and wife visit ed at the Mott ranch Tuesday night. Grandma Morris of Dufur visited her daughter, Mrs. Hat tie Davison, at Hotel Kelly on Monday. Lester Crofoot successfully passed an examination as track walker and has been assigned the Cove Creek section. He went up yesterday. H. E. Fischer and wife, taking little Verna Lea with them, visit ed the Fischer family at Trout man's ranch Tuesday. While there "Dad" indulged in his longing to catch a big rainbow trout. David Morisy left for Portland Sunday afternoon, after spend ing a few months at Hotel Kelly. Mr. Morisy is an ardent fisher man and his st3y here was to gratiy a longing to land many big redsides. He was successful catching the limit many times, WERNMARK SHOE STORE Shoes and Repairing I Waico County's Exclusive Shoe Store Shoes for the Whole Family General Repairing The Dalles, Ore. Phone your news to The Mau pin Times. " .. - LaGrande lets Bewer and side' walk contracts. Church Services MAUPIN Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. Mrs. C. W. Semraes, Supt Preaching at li:0O a.m. Preaching at 8:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Friday even ing at 8:00, in Odd Fellows Hall. WAPINITIA Sunday school 10:00 a, m. Preaching at 11:00 a. m. Christian Endeavor, 7:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday at 8: p.m. A banner will be given at the end of this year to the Sunday school having the highest aver ageattendance. W. A. Mershon, Pastor. Light Fingered Gentry People who seem to havei saraething in their fingers which attracts property of others have been busy in Maupin lately. One of the latest to report depreda tions of this class is W. H. Williams. Bill neatly packed his auto tools in a box Friday night and placed the receptacle on his work bench. Sunday morning he went to the garage after a particular tool and discovered that box, tools, and all had van ished. Whoever took the out fit did not leave a single wrench, plier or anything else for Bill to , HARTWIG'S FLOWER SHOP "Merchants oj Beauty" Flowers for All Occasions The Dalles. Phone 794 in work with. Bill is about it just now. pretty mad For &le 200 course wool 'ewes. For particulars write or phone A. B. Mathews, Sherars Bridge, Ore gon. 37-13 Piano For Sale Near Maupin Bates Shattuck Appears In Magazine Pictures The current issue of the Sportsman and Fancier, a sport ing publication devoted to fishing and hunting, contains, several pictures of Bates Shattuck. One of the pictures depicts Bates standing behind a large catch of trout, another landing a fish while the third shows the catch made by the Maupin man at Gold lake. The first two were taken at Rosary lake. The story accompanying the pictures is by "Old-timer," whoever that may be.' , . . Beautiful high grade piano to be sold at once. A real bargain. Terms $10 monthly. If inter ested in particulars write Cline Piano Co., 66 Front St., Portland Oregon. 36-t4 Buy Non-Detonating UNION GAS AND Aristo Motor Oil UNION OIL GO. OF CALIFORNIA The Dalle? .- Oregon Your Watch Haywire? If it is not doing its work bring it to The Times office and Mr. Semmes will send it to GUY A. POUND Manufacturing Jeweler and Watchmaker Successor to D. Lindquist THIi DALLES - - OREGON For Sale -A Florence oil stove, five burner, with oven. Mrs. L. B. Woodside, Maupin Oregon. For Rent -Farm, 85 acres summer fallow ready to sow. 27 acres alfalfa. Place has good well water and fair building. Ranch is known as the A. B. Wamley place. If interested see Fen Batty at Maupin, Ore. ; , .. 28-u; Richmond's Service Station (As you come into town) Gas, Oils, Accessories I Free Air and Water TRUCK For Heavy Hauling AGENT FOR. CHEVROLET Cars and Accessories ! My Ahn is Service to the Public. Courtesy in Every Deal J Patronize our Advertisers,