The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, July 15, 1926, Image 2

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Grocery and
Meat MarKei
shadow causes us to turn in ex
pectation of a loving head being
laid upon our lap. of a wagging
tail and a loving: kiss upon our
I hand. But when we turn to re
i spond there is nothing there and
i we heave a sigh and drop a tear.
;Our tortured heartstrings will
i heal but the memory of the
i household pet and companion
! will remain forever.
Carl Pratt eeems to be not af
fected by the hot weather, for
h;s late it anent to the rising
thermomoier is: "If we don't
have some hot weather soon
I suppose along about January
wood dealers will be telling us to
lay in our fuel supply early."
The Maupia Times
Vubhslied every Thursday at
Maupin, Oregon
C. W. Semmes, Editor
C. V. Semmes and E R. Semme.
serious illness.
Then the heart is responsive to
sadness. How it is filled with
gloom and heaviness when one
near and dear is called ttway;
when something to which we
have become sentimentally at-
Mt Inscription: One ear. mx rul
makes no dinerence wnetner u
months. $1 00 three months
Entered as second 'class mail
matter September ?, 1914, at the
postoffice at Manpin, Oregon, mi
rier the Act of March 3, 1879.
The heart is, said to be the
most sensitive organ in a human
body. It is true that all emotions,
whether joyous or sad, affect the
heart Only those who have ex
perienced it are able to realize
the palpitations of joy in a moth
er's heart when her new-born in
fant is laid in her a-ms. There
is no language capable of express
ing the ectasy of the lover when
he receives the kiss of betrothal,
nor words to tell the joy at the
recovery of a loved one from a
be a human, a cat, dog or even a
toy belonging to some little one.
The heartstrings are wrenched
tears bidden by the loss fall thick
and fast all prompted by the
affected heart
We had a little dog. Intrinci
cally she was not worth a single
dollar, but her affection for us,
which was reciprocated by all
members of The Times family,
endeared her to each of us. She
was the friend of all; kind, play
ful and obedient But the long
hand of death stretched out and
took her to the dog heaven and
consequently this office is garbed
in mourning. Our heartstrings
have received a shock and Judy
is greviously missed. A passing
Announcing a
Leave Bend 7:00 a. m.
Leave Maupin 10:35 a. m.
Arrive Portland ! .. 4:30 p. m.
Leave Portland 8:30 a. m.
Arrive Maupin 2:00 p. m.
Arrive Bend 5:55 p. m.
For further information and tickets, see
local agent at depot.
R. B. BELL, Agent t Maupin, Ore. .
Edw. H. McAllen, T. F. & P. A., Bend, Ore.
Nothing retards the growth,
prosperity and advancement of a
I town like a "knock" from Bome-
j one who lives in it, and nothing
injures a country as much as
having it placed in a false light
by its editors, authors and public
So far as Maupin is concerned,
we have always preached the
doctrine of "move out of town if
doesn't suit you." There is no
law forcing a man to live in a
town he doesn't like and he
should keep this in mind when
he feels an urge to "knock" that
town, or any of its people or in
stitutions. So far as the country
at Urge is concerned, the man
who is unpatriotic enough to cri
ticise it or its institutions does
not deserve the protection the
flag affords him.
When we celebrated the Fourth
of July this year we. celebrated
the birthday anniversary of a
nation that gave $2,000,000,000
to help rebuild Europe after the
war, and in addition marked off
as paid t&ijee billion dollars of
honest debits that were due us
We give more each year for char
ity than all the other nations of
the world combined, and more to
religion than Great Britian gives
in five. That ought to prove we
are not "money grabbers" as
other nations contend, and ought
to be sufficient to silence the
"knockers," just as our local
"knockers" will be silenced if
they will take a look at a few
other towns before they start in
to "knock" their own.
Bob Wilson says "some people
enjoy trouble so much that they
spend their lives piling up estates
I .1 . u
lOrOUieia 10 ngni,uei.
Bill Staats broadcasts this epic:
"The man who ventures nothing
may not gain anything; but he is
certain not to lose what he has "
' Many a man who is willing to
try anything once," says Raiph
Kaiser, ''windsup by trying it
once to often."
"Half the fun of going home
to a vegetable dinner, says
'Dad' Richmond, "is in knowing
what you are going to have."
Bates Shattuck moralizes
thusly: "What I have never been
able to figurer out is why folks
who stay at home from church
are the very ones who ought to
rl-.. ... m",w at IK a-l S I 1
1 &yiUitoWt.wv
You Can't
Laugh This Oil
It has been figured out that if the sum of $1.00 had g
been deposited m a saving bank at 0 per cent on
the day of Christ's birth, the, interest on it up to
the present day would pay off all of tlio national
debts of all of the nations in the world.
And interest piles up just as fast today as it has
at any time in the history of the civilized world.
Did You Know
that the only reason more people are not saving, is
because they have not learned how fast interest on
money mounts up? Why not start on the one road
that leads to Comfort and Happiness-the Thrift
Our time is yours if you will ask for it Drop in
and let's talk over the benefit of a saving ac
countA dollar will start one.
"Teeth are nice things to
have." asserts Bill Beckwith.
f "If you had no teeth what would
you grit when your wife makes
you mad?"
George Tillotson says he has
received so many picturerof girls
who apply for teaching positions
in Maupin schools that he would
like to hire them all that is if
their faces lived up to the stan
dard set by the photographer.
Where the Inner Man Gets Full Satisfaction
Short Orders Any Time
; Once a lion was telling a leopard
I why he roared in the jungle.
"Doing business openly and with
plenty of advertising," the lion
said, "is the way I got my repu
tation. I earned the name of
king of the beasts by blowing my
;horn. Always let the other fel
! lows know you are around and
they will respect you and never
: bother you." A rabbit hiding
I nearby heard the advice and de
j cided to try it. So he filled his
i lungs with a great breath and
; started out to terrorize all the
other animals by roaring like a
lion. A wolf, learning of the
rabbit's whereabouts by his
roar, hopped onto the rabbit and
ate him up.
If you haven't got the goods
there is no need in advertising.
And if you don't advertise it's a
pretty good sign you haven't got
the goods.
Hot weather was the cause of
22 deaths at the Carl Pratt home
on Sunday. A hen mother and
her 21 chicks fell prey to heat
waves. Carl figures that he is
butMust $22.00 with no way to
charge up the loss.
Dr. F. V. Sauvce
Optometrst & Optician
Successor To
Dr. Geo. A. Cutting
306 Court St. The Patlcs Ore.
Portland Office
i0G-8 Swetland Building
Doc Haley, who is at the
Legion hall this week, is a firm
believer in physical culture. In
order to work up a sweat Sunday
he ran around the hall for an
hour garbed in a heavy winter
overcoat. At that he said he
felt fine when he had completed
the exercise.
Oregon News Notes
Try Our Sunday Chicken Dinners
Ice Cream, Cold Drinks and Smokers' Goods
r "JJ777'
IT s
jyg5d5ggg1 Magneto Parts in Stock
Genuinz Original Bosch
Magneto Service
All Makes Recharged, Re
paired and Overhauled.
muir & McCartney
Opposite the Postoffice. The Dalles, Oregon.
There are three times in every
Maupin man's life when he ought
to whistle when he is feeling
good, when he isn't' feeling
good, and and when he starts to
say something mean about some
other fellow.
! One of the hardest things
1 growing girl has to decide is
I whether she would rather be a
I "perfect thirty-six and poor or
' fat and wealthy.
j Ask any Maupin woman what
! is the most useless thing around
the house and she will tell you
it's a man at canning time.
Who says safety first doesn't
pay? . The man who invented
the first safety pin made $2,000,
000 out of it.
Piano For Sale Near Maupin
Beautiful high grade piano to
be sold at once. A real bargain.
Terms $10 monthly'.' If inter
ested in particulars write Cline
Piano Co., 66 Front St., Portland
Oregon. 36-t4
Burns Herrick Company re
ceives 13 cars steel, for logging
railroad use.
Hood River 20 cars Mack
berries shipped, to top New York
market and bring average price
of $3 per 16-pound box.
Roseburg Building permits
for first half of 1926 reach al
most $100, 000.
Klamath Falls County . will
provide most of $75,000 for grad
ing Beatty-Bly section of Long
view highway.
Grants Pass Graphite being
commercially mined near Hugo,
Josephine. County, and .Dixon
Crucible Company of New Jer
sey, is negoiating for the pro-
Bend-Bend Water, Light &
Power Co. acquires Deschutes
Power Company, and will build
18-mile line to Redmond, to con
nect systems.
Baker Baker Moulding Com
pany, year-old industry, has $5,
000 a week payroll.
Klamath Fall3 Work well un
der way, on $200,000 Hotel Wil
liard. '
Dolph Creek State fish hatch
ery, with 4,000,000 trout fry, to be
Portland stands as second city
in U. S. in average home use of
Try it once and fl
you will like it. 1
Ore -Gold
Ice Cream
We also
line of
have a full
Groceries, Cold
Drinks, Cigars,
J Cigarettes
Trade here and teach
your dollar to have
more cents.
Mrs. L. Fisher
Across the bridge
Act Doc 29. 191G. No, 025,000, for sel-4
nel-4 Sec.MT. 4-S. it. 14-K, Will. Merl
diun has filed notice of intention to make
final three year proof, to establish
claim to tho land above described, be
foro F. D. Stuart, United Motes
Commisioner, at Maupin, Ore., on the
Slut, day of July. 192H.
Claimant names as witnesses: John
Donaldson. Frank Lister, W. H. Will
iams. W. C. Richardson, all of Maupin,
j24-jul22 J. W. Donnolly, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. 8. Land Oflle at Tho Dalles, Ore
gon, Jnno 10, 1926.
Notice is hereby given that
of Klamath Agency. Ore., who on Feb.
4, 1922, made Homestead Entry, under
Act of Dec. 29, 1916. No. 021.454. fur
sol 4, St. 10, wl-2 awl 4, Sec. 11, nl-2
nel-4. Sec. 15, T. 6-S, R. 13-E.. Will
Meridian, has filed notice of intention to
make final three year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, before
F. D. Stuart. United States Commis
sioner, at Maupin. Oregon, on the 6th
dav of Auir.. 1920.
I Claimant names as witnesses: Thos.
IKlenzel, A. R. Wilcox, Frank McCoy,
jChas. Lewis, all of Wapinitia, Oregon.
j2t-juliZ J. W. I'onnoliy, Kegiater.
Notice hereby is given that, under
author'ty of an Order granted by the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Wasco County July 9th, .1920, in the
matter of the estate of
deceased, tho undersigned Administra
tor of said estate will seir at private
sale the following described real prop
erty belonging to said estate to-wit:-
1 he southeast quarter of the north
east Quarter of Section 28; and the
south naif of the northwest quarter
and the northeast quarter of the south
west quarter of Section 27; all in Town
ship 3 south. Range 12 east, W. M.,
Wasco County, Oregon.
The sale will be made from and after
August 13th, 1926, and bids will be re
received at the office of George D,
Brodie. Dufur, Oregon, Attorney for
the Administrator.
The terms of sale are cash on hand
to the highest bidder.
Dated July 10th, 1928.
Emll Mertz,
Administrator of the Estate of Joe
Traxtle, deceaHed.
For Sale or Rent 24 acres of
land st Wapinitia. Inquire of
Mrs. J. E. Sinclair, Wapinitia,
Oregon. . 33-t5
Pepartment of The Interior
U. S. Land Offlce at The Dulles, Ore
gon, June 16, 1926.
Notice is hereby eiven that
of Wapinitia, Oregon, who on Aug. 26,
1919, made Homestead Entry under Act
Dec. 29, 1916, No. 017029, for sel-4
swl-4, el-2 Bel-4, awl-4 Bel-4, Sec, 6,
nwl-4. Sec- 7, township 6-south, rnnge
13 east, Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make final three
year proof, to establish claim to the
iand above described, before Register,
United States Land Office, at The
Dalles, Oregon, on the 17th day of
August, 1926.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Frank Gabel, N. W. Flinn, of Tho
Dalles, Marcus Arnett, James Hart
man, of Wapinitia, Oregon.
j8-a5 J. W. Donnelly, Register.
Look over your office sta
tionery and before you arc
entirely out place your or
der for
Department of tho Interior
U. S. Land Office atTjie Dalles, Ore
gon. July 6 1926.
Notice is hereby given that
of Wapinitia, Oregon, who on
September. 17, 1921, made Homestead
Entry under Act of June 6, 1912, No.
022566, for Lot 4 nel-4 sel-4, Sec. 17,
Township 6 south, range 12 east,
Willamette Meridian, has filed no
tice of intention to muke final three
year proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before F. D. Stuart,
United States Commissioner at Mau
pin, Oregon, on the 17th day of Aug.,
Claimant names as witnesses: John
Boen, Harry T. Lewis, J. E. Hartman.
W. L.Woodside, all of Wapinitia, Ore
gon. j8-a5 J. W. Donnelly, Register.
Department of The Interior
U. S. Land Offlce at The Dalles, Ore
gon, June 16, 1926.
Notice is hereby given that
of Maupin, Oregon, who on Jan. 16,
1926, made Homestead Entry under
i Fisher's l
I RenairR
j Good work, lowest cost )
(East end of Bridge)
Oils, Tires,
Goods always on hand
, for convenience of,