The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, July 15, 1926, Image 1

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    MAUPIN-On the De
schutes, the Home
of the Rainbow Trout
yOu can start at Mau-
pin and go to any
place on the earth
Vol. XII
Maupin, Southern Wasco Couuty Oregon, Thursday, July 15, 1926
No. 36
Wasco and Wheeler Considering
Building 31-Mile Market Road
Stretch Between Antelope and
Clarno May Divert Travel
Thi Way From J. Day
At the next meeting of the
county court the matter of con
structing a connecting market
road link, beginning at Antelope
und joining the Wheeler county
road at Clarno, will be considered.
The contemplated road will be
31 miles in length and will be
made permanent by gravel Bur
face. The eoil through the line of
highway is gumbo, which
makes an ideal road binder, and
with a surface of gravel that
stretch of road from Antelope
to Fossil will be made one of the
best in this section.
A meeting of interested
ranchers and members of the
county courts of both Wasco and
Wheeler counties is to be held
soon at Clarno. At that meeting
the matter of votings millage
tix to assist in the building of
the road will be considered. It
It is proposed that Wasco's share
of the cost be appropriated from
the market road fund, and this,
with the millage tax, will be
sufficient to construct the whole
31 miles of road.
With the completion of this
link much travel will be divert
ed this' way. There is a great
deal of travel over the John
Day highway, and the new link
will shorten the distance to Port
land nd bring many tourists
through Maupin and The Dalles.
Musicalc Much Enjoyed
The musicale and reading pro
gram given by the ladies of the
U. II, church at Legion hall
Thursday night was a treat to
all who attended. Mrs. Fowles,
who headed the program, proved
to be all that had been said re
garding her vocal ability Her
voice is of strong' and pleasing
timbre and the numbers she
rendered appealed to all. Solos
ly Mrs. R. E. Wilson and Mr3.
Geo. Morris were pleasing as
also the duet by Mrs. Weberg
nnd Mrs. Staats and the male
trio, by Messrs. Staats. Pratt and
Mershon. The accompanists
were Helen Weberg, Mrs. Both
well and Jean Wilson. Winifred
Kaiser was there with ,a pretty
mandolin solo, again demonstrat
her mastery of that instrument.
After the program ice cream
und cake were served. The 'Aid
society realized a neat sum from
the'entertainment and luncheon.
New Resident For Maupin
Phil Starr and family are new
residents of Maupin, they hav
ing come over' from Moro on
Monday. The Starr family is
occupying the parsonage resi
dence. Mr. Starr is the new
mail carrier on the Maupin
Shaniko route.
Visited Olallie Lake
H. 11. Kaiser and family drove
to Ollalie lake Sunday. Ralph
says the road leading to the lake
i9 very rough but it can be made
by carefull driving. Quite a
few people from other parts
were at the lake, seeking relief
from the excessive heat.
Mirth and Mystery At
Haley Medicine Show
The hand is said to be quicker
than the eye, and this ii being
proven each night this week at
the Legion hall, where the Dr.
Haley Medicine show is holding
forth. The company consists of
Dr. W. T. Haley, his son Jimmy,
and Bert Waring, all old hands
in the show, business. On the
doctor devolves the task of. tell
ing about his medicine, also lead
ing in singing, character work
and story telling. Jimmy pre
sides over the candy sales while
Mr. Waring is mystifying his
audiences with seemingly Impos
sible feats of legerdemain, per
forming tricks that at once stamp
him as a master of the art.
Dr. Haley has been in the
medicine show business for 40
years. He is a graduate of an
accredited medical school, and
comes from a family of practi
ioners'. He knows his subject
from A to Izzard and his talks
are brief and to the point. The
Times man has known the mem
bers of the company personally
for a long time, and we frankly
say that when Dr. Haley makes
a statement that statement can
be taken for its full worth. Dur
ing our aquaintance with the
doctor we have had many business
dealings with him, ahd in every
instance he has "come through
clean." 'Wo were the one man
to whom Jimmy would go when
but an infant, and we take cre
ditor assisting the little fellow
to take his first steps. Our
acquantance with Mr. Waring
covers a period of 12 years., and
to say we were most agreeably
surprised at the number and
variety of new "tricks" he is
showing here, states it mildly.
The company will remain the
balance of the week and a change
of bill is given nightly. The
first three nights of the week J
were free, but beginning to
night a charge of 10 cents for'
children and 25 cents for adults '
will be made. At that each and
every one purchasing medicine
will receive a chance on beautiful
and useful gifts. The stuff Dt.
Haley is giving away is not
"phony," but consists of Rogers'
silverware in a variety of shapes
and designs. The company is
well worth patronizing and we
recommend it to all the people
of this vicinity.
Warm Springs Road
Nickerson's road building
equipment wa3 moved to the
north line of the Warm Springs
Indian reserve Tuesday and the
crew will soon be at work on
construction of a four mile
stretch of road leading toward
Wapinitia. The roaowill begin
at the north line and will follow
to the mouth of the gulch.
Engineer's Decision
The long-delayed decision of
the state water engineer anent
the filing of L. D. Kelly on the
surplus- water of the upper)
spring on the Staats place, was
sent to Mr. Staats last Saturday.
The engineer, after much search
ing among authorities and law
states that the application of Mr.
Kefly has been granted and that
he is entitled to the water asked
for. Just what the outcome of
the matter will be remains to be
seen. At any rate we are in
formed that Mr. Staats is averse
to further legal ' entanglement
and that he possibly will ' agree
with the engineer and also that
Mr. Kelly will get the water he
filed upon. .
The Wool Industry
mm rm
ii any
ll'Mti'V ilct ufr prfmiffM foosw in
Hilt the Qitnurt.
The Union of South Africa la rightly
cU-"iu among: the great wool pro
ducinc countries of the world. Cli
matic conditions there are Admirably
vljpted to the breeding and raising of
Merino type 0f sheep vita a
.ung, staple wosL
A luw part of this country 1 suit-
! only for the raising- of sheep,
1 trie tovernrnnt la making pro-
iiv und intelligent efforta to lra-r-io
both tlx thcep and the manner
a rnpanng the wool for market.
.'. Un's Ix-lnu a atrong menaca In
S3!- ' Africa, hnpj-time government
iitit ie extended to shrep owners
for t,. erection of Jackal-proof Jcnc
mtr. i -vernment sheep experts era
mmni. ted permanently In alloted
diMnc; so that their services and
advke i.ciy be assured at a nominal
The DMMon sheep of South Africa
la the f.ti-'iilod. black headed Cape
a non-wonled sheep. Aa no cross
breeding: for mutton lames Is done,
the wool ae purely Merino la char
rrojrress In this Couth African In
dustry la particularly noticeable in
the harvettln. Despite the fact that
Kaffir labor em be secured at th
equivalent of $3.50 American, per
month, there Is a trend towards the
modern shearing machine as against,
the aire-old hand Undea, which, even
In America, have not been discarded
by many otherwise entirely progres
sive wool raisers.
A study of this fart, however, read
ily reveals the reason for It Wh;le
ihere Is a first, coat fir '.lie machine,
the unskilled black adapt himself to
its use mticn more readily than to
markably smooth Job of sharing with machine.
Once adapted to the use cf the ran
ne, Its economic value Is demon
Heat Kills Chickens
Carl Pratt and family visited
at Wamic Sunday. He left an
old hen and 21 chicks in his
chicken yard, providing water
and feed for them. He over
looked the fact that the day was
hot and that chickens need shade.
When he returned he discovered
all the brood and the mother hen
dead, they having been overcome
by the heat.
Visitors From Iowa
Mr. and Mrs. Harve Morris
are enjoying a visit with their
daughter, Mrs. M. L. Kinzey,
and husband. The Kinzies reft
their home in Iowa early in June
and made the trip here via auto,
stopping at points of interest
enroute. They will remain for
some time, and while here take
in the various scenic beauty
spots of Oregon.
Drove From Kansas
Tom Dyer and wife, the for
mer brother of, Frank Dyer of
Maupin, are visiting at the Dyer
home, having driven from their
home in Kansas. The visitors
have a fine farm in the
state made famous by "Sockless"
Simpson and Mary Ellen Lease,
They have have rented the farm,
arranged for care of their stock
and contemplate remaining here
during the coming winter.
A Long Life
The Long Creek Ranger comes
to our exchange table, this week
with a new number and volume
at its head. The paper starts off
on its 28th year and the number
is one of that volume. We do not
know where Long Creek is on the
map of Oregon, but congrtulate
the editor of that paper, Grace
Tallin on the longevity and sup
eriority of her publication.
in South Africa
four cf Nni, Kaffir children.
strated In the materially greater num
ber of sheen shorn dally, the better
market value of the wool, too fewer
mairripd sheep,- and not least im
portant, the additional 5 to 12
more wool obtained with the machine
over and above the amount of woi
secured with tha hand-bladea, As a
consequence, the machine resol-"1
ilscif into a small Investment with
certain and big returns. k
Steadily, the science of
in. South Africa is fast ap
proaching1 the scientific efficiency cf
the Australian marketing plan, which
Is, without doubt, the most practical
and efficient In existence today.
Considering that the four provinces,
Vatal. Tianivaal, Orange Free State,
snd Cape Province, which compose
the Union of South Africa, have
20,000 srjuare m!ls loss of territory.
than Oregon. Washington. Idaho,
Montana and Wyoming combined, it
is surprising to note that they contain '
two and one half times as many sheep
ss our five states named.
This alone, makes that country a
strong contender for future leader
ship In the wool Industry. It Is lnfr
f Sting to note however, that the great
tuik of foreign profrresslvcness Is duo
to American Initiative, American im
plements, and machinery and Amori
em .Ingenuity. The South African
t-nl i . 1 1 1 1; , !-. ImM . 1L! I
methods and Amerl-
can Machinery are destined to tak a
largs Mid important place in the eco.
nnmlo proKrens of the f;ir distant
Union of South Africa.
Celebrated Brithday
Last Sunday wasthe natal dav
of Mrs. Ernest Confer, and to
fittingly celebrate the event
guests to the numbar of 14 gath
ered at the Confer ranch and
proceeded to make merry. A
suTiptuous dinner wa3 served
and all resolved that when an
other year passes over their
hostess' head- they will again as
semble and celebrate the birth
day, Held Up By Convicts
While in Maupin Tuesday R.
H. Kennedy, representative of
the Merganthaler Linotype com-
pony, told of being held up for a
ride by the four convicts recently
recaptured after an escape from
the penitentiary. Kennedy was
driving west of Salem when he
discovered two men intherearpf
his car. They ordered him to
stop and when he did so two
other men boarded the Ford.
One of them appropriated the
traveling man's overcoat, which
he used to cover up his convict
uniform. They occompanied
Mr. Kennedy some distance,
when they left the machine,
thanked the driver for his con
sideration in giving them a ride,
although it was granted them at
the point of a gun.
Thirty Bushels of Wheat
O. P. Weberg recently thresh
ed 30 acres of his 110-acre field
and obtained 30 bushels to the
acr. Mr. Weberg says the re
maining 80 acres promise to go
even better than that recently
put through the separator. The
stand is thick, , while the grain
heads are long and heavy.
jack Staats arrived home Mon
day evening, after having spent
a few days at Portland and in
the mountains.
Extremely Hot Weather
Causes great Discomfort
Whew! Hot! Hotter! Hottest!
Not a breath of air to vary the
temperature; sun shining as
though its main object was to
melt all things on this mundane
spere. Buildings and verdure
soaking up heat so that nothing
but a blizzard would temper the
air sufficient to enable peoDle to
sleep. Chickens and rabbits
dying by the heat waves and the
bills reflecting and deflecting
each scorching ray of the sun
striking them.
That is what Maupin people
have been up against several
days lately. Portland complains
of a measly 104 degrees in the
shade; The Dalle3 boa3ts of 106
degrees and so up and down the
coast. But Maupin, sequestered
in the Deschute3 valley, ha3 it
all over the places reoortinir.
Sunday, on White river and in
a deep shade, a standard ther
mometer registered 110 degrees
and 3:00 o'clock and it wa3 still
hotter , an hour later. Maupin
people took in their humidity re
gisters in order to save them,
for the little red indicator threat
ened to go clear out of the top of
Yei it was and is hot, with
indications , of no' cessation of
the Sahara wave in sight.
Wasco Most Healthful
Wasco is among the counties
of Oregon noted for its health
ful climate. According to bulle
tins sent out by the Health Ser
vices-division " oTlhe Treasury
department there was not a
single case of contagious disease
reported from this county for
the week ending July 10. In the
whole state there we were but
1SK), contagious cases reported
for the time mentioned.
y .
Wheat Coming In
The first hauling of wheat
crop of 1926 has begun to arrive
at- the two Maupin elevators.
Dee Talcott has the credit for
hauling in the first grain of the
season, and the Richmond trucks
have been busy all week hauling
wheat from the Fiat. Up to
Tuesday the Hunts Ferry ware
house had received but 1400
bushels, although several thous
and bushels are waiting available
trucks for hauling to town.
Escape From Drowning
Last Sunday Mrs. Ernest Con
fer, with a number of guests
from her birthday party, went
to Tygh creek for a swim. In
some manner that lady stepped
into a deep hole and went down.
She sank three times, when her
mother, Mrs. Frank Dyer, no
ticed her predicament. The eld
er lady called for help and
George Cunningham, , Arthur
Morris and Ernest Confer ran to
the assistance of the submerged
lady. George dove twice, catch
ing Mrs. Confer at the second
attempt and forced her to the
surface, where Ernest caught
her hand and pulled her from
the water. Before Cunningham
entered the water Arthur went
in and Mrs. Confer grabbed hold
of him, tearing his bathing suit
and lacerating her would-be res
cuer's shoulder.
Mrs. Confer suffered no serious
ill effects from her deep sea
plunge other than a slight pain
in her chest for a day or so after.
Old Papers For Sale
This office has a pile of old
papers for sale. Come in and
get a big bundle for 10 cents. "
Fish Commission Decides on Ad
dition to Oak Springs Plant
Fry Will Be Held Until Able to
Escape Dollie, Chub nd
Other Cannibal Fish
At a recent meeting of the
Oregon State Game Commission
it was decided by the members
thereof to build additional hold-
ings pens at the Oak Springs
fish hatchery. This mean3 that
trout hatched there will be held
until they have reached a size of
from five to six inches before be
ing turned into the river.
It has been estimated that
only. about 10 per cent of the
fingerling fry turned into the
Deschutes succeed in escaping
the cannabilistic tendencies of
the larger fish. With the addi
tional pens trout of a size suffi
cient to combat the raids of the
larger fish will be liberated, and
eventually the Deschutes, river
will regain its old time name of
being the finest trout stream of
the world.
The Game commission will
soon meet with federal commis
sioners and take action looking
to opposition to the government
including Diamond lake in the
Crater Lake national park. Par
melia lake, in the Cascades, was
closed to .fishincr because of . .
leak which ha3 developed. A
similar leak developed some
time ago and .that was stopped
up. The present leak will be
plugged up, the Game commis
sion supplying the material and
the forest service men doing the
The taking of fish from Dia
mond lake may be limited to five
fish a day. This provision is to
be recommended for passage and
inclusion in the game code to be
revised at the next session of the
state legislature. ;
T heives Very Busy
Some person or persons, whose
fingers seem to be sticky, took a
magneto from the newly pur
chased McCormick-Deering com
bine belonging to Mr. Singer.
The machine had been parked
near the intersection of the
intersection of the Sherman and
Dalles-California highways and
during a night recently appro
priated the mageto- Several
such thefts have been reported
lately and it behooves owners of
mochines with removable parts
to be careful where they leave
i ' "-
' Markets 500 Sacks of Grain
Jake Davidson has marketed
part of his wheat crop, he hav
ing hauled 500 sacks of grain to
the Maupin Warehouse com
pany's elevator. The Davidson
crop surprised all, as many esti
mated that crop as below a low
Enjoying Newport
L. C. Henneghan and wife are
at Newport, on the coast. Lew
writes that since they have been
at the coast resort they have
been enjoying cool weather, L.
C. stating that many times while
down on the clam beach it has
been so cool that an overcoat
was most comfortable. '