The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, June 10, 1926, Image 3

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    KM , .,iii;oaiL
rrrrm fc in
R. E. Wilson Co.
Harvest Time
Is nearing. Are you prepared? Now is the time
to bring in your harvest order and let us give
you a price on it. We will do the best we can.
Gallon can Prunes 48c
No. 1 can Tomatoes 086
Kippered Snacks 07c
Pork and Beans, small size 08c
Half Pint Mayonaise 22c
Rayon Silk Hose, pair 49c
Men's B. V. D.'s, suit 89c
Infants' Half Sox, pair 19c
Get your orders in now U
for your machinery extras
015 fi-rrrTraii
Cecil Mayflcld of Smock waa
seen on our streets on Tuesday.
Setting Up New J. I.
Case Combine Thresher
The R. E. Wilson company ha t
received and is settinsr up a new
J. I. Case combine. The bitf ma
chine has been purchased by T.
B. Slushcr and will be delivered
at his ranch In time for harvest. !
' Mr. Slusher considers the Case J
the best combine on the market-;
He investigated several other;
makes and finally decided that
the Case was the superior of all j
others. I
The Case company enjoys the
distinction of having a large list
of advance orders. The factory,
one of the largest in the country,
is taxed to 'capacity, yet orders
for combines continue to pile up.
No Case combines are carried
over from one year to another.
Mas. 0. J. Willams suffered
from a pair of accidents yester
dav. In the morning she drop
ped a cake of ice on one foot and
later in the day siepped on a nail
with the other foot, the iron go
ing in to the bone.
at tins store
bring in the coupon
and receive
a f ample can cS DECORET
a booklet cn Home Painting
a brush ict applying the
Think cf the articles around your home that could
be marfc brighter and more colorful with the use
U Decorct Enamel. '
T'ijjs Rasy-to-use decorative enamel can be used
1 1 tefinisu furniture tf every description. In the
biakfnsl room the brighter colors are very ap
propriato, while in the bedroom the paler tints in
c?n.i gloss finish aie more suitable.
Purir.g this Special Decorct Week you can obtain
without cost a sample can of Decorct Enamel in
any color you desire, a booklet showing color
schemes tcr home decoration, and a brusb for
applying the enamel,
You can sactiro these articles free by filling out the
attached coupon and bringing it to our store during
this week.
Please give me a sample can ot DECORET, a booklet on home
Jecorating, and a brush; all without cost to me.
, Name -
Bring or Bend Coupon to the
g mm
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kennedy of
Wamic were Maupin visitors on
J. G. Kramer was in from his
eastern Wasco county ranch
Cal Duncan and Wm. Lucas
were In Maupin from Wamic on
It. E. Wilson made a business
trip to Portland Saturday, re
turning Monday.
0. B. Derthick and son Klza,
were in town on business Mon
day, from Bakeoven.
Newton G. Hedin and daugh
ter, Nova, were in town from
Pine Grove on Tuesday.
The Ashley brothers, E. H.I
and E. W., were in Maupin from
SherarB Bridge Tuesday.
Dolph Goetjen spent a couple
of days at home, coming in from
the Vern Tunison ranch.
0. H. Russell, a prominent
rancher of the Kingsley section,
was visiting in Maupin Sunday.
Lee Kennedy and wife, prom
inent Wamicites, were transact
ing business in Maupin Tuesday.
Mrs. Chas. M. Clark, daughter
of Mrs. W. II. Staats, of Port
land, visited with her mother
last weekend.
Mrs. Jessie Cox, mother of
Chas. Lewis and, Walter Sharpe,
is reported as being very ill at
her Wapinitia home.
!,..., u.a ur if r..t.. I
lij'iarv, 11110, m 11, UULUl, CttllJU
up from Portland Saturday and
fished the Deechutes.
Harry Lewii came in from
Wapinitia Monday after parts for
a wood 'sawing machine. He,
with several others, is cutting
wood on the new Wapinitia
Portland cutoff.
L. C. Henneghan and wife
drove to Wapinitia Monday and
from there went to The Dalles,
being accompanied by Mrs. Jul
ius Shepftin, who went to the
county seat town to consult a
"Bill" Staats with Messrs.
Dufur and Gordon Slusher, went
a fishin' Sunday. They fished 10
miles of the river and when they
came in Bill's face was as long
as the . distance traveled. Im
agine his luck.
Harve. L Morris
Dad Fischer says that by this
time everyone is ready to admit
that Jonah was the first one to
tell about the "one that got
With a desire to be absolutely
perfect in his grammar French
Butler wanted to know whether
the sauage he sells should be re
ferred to as "it" tor "them."
"Everything's pretty ' well
evened up in this world," as
serts Oliver Resh." "There's
always as much pity for the
groom as there is for the bride."
ceived a 12-horse power Titan
engine mounted on trucks and a
steel frame thresher.
A. C. Egan was here Saturday
in connection with the wool sale
which will be held in Maupin
next Wednesday, the 16th.
A band dance was given at the
hall Saturday evening. Quite a
a large crowd was present and a
fine time enjoyed.
County Road Supervisor Fry
man was in town yesterday. He
reports that road work for this
season is about completed.
Mrs. G. R. Ellis came in from
The Dalles Tuesday. She has
been a hospital, there and 13 get
ting along fine.
G. W. Vanderpool will have
quite a number of red rasperries
for sale. They are beginning to
ripen and soon will be ready for
Pierce Mays is remodeling his
old home near the Tygh Creek
bridge into a modern bungalow.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buzan
have returned to their homestead
near Criterion after an absenc
of several months at Bakeoven.
Mrs. Buzan has Jbeen teaching
school there.
Joe Chastain, Jr., has several
men at work on his ranch north
of town, pulling mustard.
, All growing crops are making
excellent progress and th e
owners are optimistic a3 to the
Are Painting Up
Many ranchers of Juniper Flat
are painting their houses and
other building, among them ba-
ing the Oak Grove school house,
Julius Shepflin and Ted Ender-
sby hon33. 0th?r3 will follow
suit shortly. -
Frank Fleming, owner of an
extensive wheat ranch on Bake
oven, came in from The Dalles
Sunday to look after his interests
Malcolm McDonald, foreman
on the McLennon ranch, was
transacting business in Maupin
Tuesday, coming in frora,Two
The sheep shearers moved to the
McLennon ranch Tuesday. Oth
er shearers will begin at the J.
M. Conroy ranch at Sherar to
morrow. James and Howard Selleck,
the former from Boyd, the latter
of The Dalles, spent Sunday at
the ranch home of Floyd McLeod
at Criterion.
Oscar Hammer is driving a
new Ford, having acquired same
last Saturday. The new buggy
is a roadster, and was purchased
from the Maupin Garage.
R. B. Driver is picking some
excellent strawberries from his
ranch patch on top of the hill.
The vines are heavily loaded and
the berries of excellent quality.
Gus Derthick and the . Junior
member of The Times firm ac
companied the old man and War
den Gramse to South Junction
after fish tresspassers last Saturday.
The Maupin maintenance truck
indulged in a fit of sulks last
week and as a consequence has
been in the auto hospital several
days. It will be in service again
Milo Wood and family came
over from Shaniko Friday for the
purpose of having the garage
books fixed up. While in town
Mrs. Wood was the guest of Mrs.
Geo. Tillotson.
G. H. Dufur, court reporter in
Judge Hewitt's court at Port
land, a nephew of Mrs. W. H.
Staats, with hia wife and sister-
We have often wondered why
a wayside service station man al
ways advises the longest way
'round when directing aiftoists to
a place asked for.
If those people who are always
anx'oUs to report infractions of
the fishing laws would only take
time to ascertain name?, dates
and other data connected with
misdemeanor, the work of those
employed in guarding that in
dustry would be greatly facilitat
ed. '
The Bible states that Hade3 is
a hot place. Whoever chronicled
that fact never visited the can
yon of he Dechutes during a hot:
weather spell.
Jack Staats say3 that "whether
. .1
or not the cave up tno river
ever amounts to anything, still
it's smoking supplied a great
deal of copy for the newspapers."
The editor, in his capacity as
special game warden, visited
South Junction Saturday. Here
tofore he has laid claim to being
somewhat of a fisherman; that
claim has been laid aside pend
ing future fishing trips.
Tygh Valley
Bucking Horses
and Mules
Relay Races
and many other events
Picture Show
Dance Each Evening
1 Admission
50 cts.
"It i3 said 'that it is an ill.
wind that blows nobody some'
good.' I would like to knowi
what good the east winds of the
week did to
Sam Brown.
anyone, voices
The. name Kelly is an out
standing one in this section. At
the top of the hill coming out of
Gateway is a big sign board stat
ing that that the Hotel Kelly in
Maupin is the best place to stop
when on a fishing trip.
Eleven Years Ago
From The Timea June 11, '15
Jack Staats came down from
Nathan Saturday. He states
that they have a ledge of rock
there which looks good, also
that gold has been found in a
watering trough across the river
from Nathan.
Shattuck Bros, have just re-
Service Station
(As you come into town)
Gas, Oils,
Free Air and Water
Fpr Heavy Hauling
Cars and Accessories
My Aim is Service to the
Public. Courtesy in
Every Deal
Aristo Motor Oil
The Dalle3 - - Oregon
Your Watch Hayrvire?
If it is not doing its work
bring it to The Times office
and Mr. Semmes will send
it to
Manufacturing Jeweler
and Watchmaker
Successor to D. Xindquist
f DENVER $67 JO 8
VI OMAHA 75.60 f
V KANSAS CITY... 750 f
1 ST.L0UI9 85.60 I
i DETROIT 109.92 &V.-
CINCINNATI .... 110.40
Jkl TORONTO 118.05 M
M ATLANTA 121.65 ,
Mm PITTSBURG 124.06 ? tS-J
Wm PHILADELPHIA . 149.22 S&ff
m NEW YORK 151.70 ., MJ
mi . BOSTON 157.76 Mr,
f K
'meffect to Septemkilj
eturn limit Uctoijcrlt)
and the Union Pacific makes your
journey economical by low round-trip
excursion fares to all important points
in the East, Middle West and South.
enable you to visit the big eastern
cities or America's greatest wonder
lands Zton National Park
Tallawitena National Park
Rocky Mountain) National Park
all reached via the scenic and historic
Union Pacific De Luxe trains. Superior
service. Descriptive booklet on request.
T10N CAM. Ort M Wwli
R. B. Bell, Agent,
Maupin. Ore.
Edw. H. McAllen,
T. F. & f. A., Dviid, Ore.