The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, May 27, 1926, Image 3

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R. E. Wilson Co.
There Is
why we arc enjoying: a substantial gain in sales
each month. Quality and Saving are two of the
reasons. Our method and policy of doing: busi
ness eliminate waste and needless losses and en
able us to effect savings. We are justly proud of
their accomplishment.
1 IB. package Corn Starch 8c
One dozen Lemons
One quart plain
Cheese Snax, package
Half gallon Harvest Syrup 78c
Arm and Hammer Soda
three packages for 22c
Mother's Oats, premium pkg 34c
Lemon Cream Toilet Soap,
large bar 7c
Prices Good 'til June 3rd
How Are. You
Going to
ThU.a question that,' is
foremost in the minds of
the farmers. The gr; at
est money, time, labor
and grain saver of the
present day is a
The ever increasing pop
ularity of the Case Com
bine proves that it is the
best in this line of farm
machinery that Iras been
offered to the farmer in
modern times. :
The Case Company has
been making harvesting
machinery "for a great
many years and as liar
vesting machine builders
know how to get and
save - the grain. Their
years of experience have
enabled them to produce
the best combine on the
' market at a price within
your reach, and is one of
the strongest companies
in the United States.
It will pay you to in.
vestigate this wonderful
Case Combine before
purchasing or rigging up
the old stationary outfit.
For the best in farm ma
chinery write for prices
and literature to
R. E. Wilson Co.
Maupin, Oregon
MAIN 271
a Reason
pickles 39c
It. E- Wilson made a business
trip to Antelope yesterday.
Joe Kramer and family visited
at The Dalles Saturday last.
U. S. Endersby was in from
his Wapinitia ranch Tuesday.
VY. II. Aldridge transacted
business at The Dalles last Sat
urday. Alva Wilcox came in from the
Abbott ranch to have horses shod
an Monday.
Gus Derthick took in the auc
tion sale of autos in The Dalles
last Saturday.
J. C. Bradway, popular Smock
rancher, was in Maupin on busi
ness on Monday.
T. L. Ashley was in from his
Bakeoven ranch Monday. His
son accompanied him.
Miss Mable Turner, teacher in
Maupin schools, was a visitor at
the county seat.Saturday.
Fourteen cars loaded with fish
ermen were counted on the flat
near Oak Springs last Sunday.
Hugh Knight has' been ! assist
ing Jim Chalmers In the black
smith shop a few days this week.
The Richmond families ;from
here took in the baccaulaureate
sermon at Wapinitia Sunday
Mrs. W. B. Sloan was calling
upon her. Maupin friends Mon
day, coming aver from Tygh
L. C. Henaeghan and wife are
visiting with relatives at Salem
this week having gone their last
James Chalmers and wife were
among those from Maupin who
took in the baseball game at Du
fur Sunday.
Binder WantedSee Hugh
Wood at Maupin Garage.
Mrs. E. II. Morrison, having
concluded her labor in the city
schools, departed for Portland
Friday night.
Link Ilarpham and wife came
over from their Skamania, Wash
ington, farm Friday and remain
ed until Monday.
Prof, and Mrs. Geiser were
dinner guests at the ranch home
of Mr, and Mrs. J. G. Kramer
near Shaniko, Sunday.
Mrs. F. C' Butler and Mrs.
Zella Buzan represented the lo
cal Rebekah lodge at the state
convention at Salem this week.
Frank Dyer is having a modern
chicken house erected on his lot
at the rear of The Times shop.
Wilbur Hurst is doing the work.
Henry Miller, who has been
employed by the P. E. P. com
pany at the White River plant,
was in from Tygh Valley Mon
day. The Maupin Power company is
preparing to resume work on the
Oak Springs power plant and ex
pects to have juice generating
there before long.
If anyone has taken up a yel
low half Persian cat and will re
turn it to Mrs. James Chalmers,
they will have earned that lady's
everlasting gratitude.
Mrs. Milo Wood came in from
Shaniko Monday, bringing her
mother, who has been visiting
her and who was on her way
home at Kelso, Washington.
Mrs. Geo. Gill came up from
Portland Sunday and upon her
return was accompanied by her
mother, Mrs. W H. Staats, who
will visit in the big town a week
Fiske Bothwell and wife at
tended the baccaulaureate ser
mon at the Wapinitia church
Sunday evening. Rev. Mathews
of Simnasho delivered the ser
mon. Miss Alda Pugh, having com
pleted her studies in the Maupin
schoolfor this year, has returned
to the" parental home on Tygh
Ridge, where she will remain for
the summer.
Frank Stuart and wife went to
Olallie lake on a fishing trip Sun
day. They encountered snow
and rain and the fish refused to
bite in such weather, so the fish
erman returned empty handed.
Do not forget the clinic to be
held in Maupin at I. 0. 0. F-
Hall on June 2. for babies and
pre-school children. At The
Dalles at Joseph Wilson school
June 3-4. Do not bring children
with communicable diseases. .".
D. L. Miller, formerly of Tygh
butwtho now resides in the vicini
ty of Sisters, with his wife was
in Maupin a short time Monday.
He had been attending the fish
fry at Madras and called here to
see old friends before returning
- . a
The shearers have completed
shearing the Abbott sheep and
have moved to the Karlen bunch.
Mr- Abbott secured 106 sacks of
wool from 1400 Bheep. As each
sack contains in the neighbor
hood of 350 pounds the wool crod
there amounted to about 37,000
Det us figure on your paint job,
Maupin Drug Store,
"Get your tackle today."
SHattuck has the best assort
ment Ask anybody.
East Maupin News
"Brick" McLeod is taking a
layoff from his duties as chaper-
one to a band of Fargher's Bheep.
Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Anderson.
former Dropreietors of the Oasis
cafe, are in Mauoin on a three.
day fishing trip. They now live
at Portland.
Mrs. Addie A. Davidson and
Mrs. Harry Bothwell attended
the wedding of the former's
daughter, Miss Mildred .Law,
at The Dalles Saturday.
Len Caton, brother of Land
lord Caton of the Hotel Kelly,
visited the latter last Thursday.
Letter Kelly has been on the
sick list a few days this week.
Hazel Martin has been con
fined to the house by an attack
of flu this week.
Mrs. E. A. Troutman and Mrs.
Billy Fischer visited with the
Maupin Fischers one day last
Bane Seeley, and wife are in
Maupin enjoying the fishing on
the Deschutes.
Mr3. Frank Brown came down
from Two Springs Sunday and
spent the day with her sister,
Mrs, A. Cunningham.
Have Them Fixed
A great many people seem to
think that when their teeth
plates are a little worn - that a
new one is necessary. Not so.
Just take the old plate to Dr.
Slatten at .the parlors of the
Portland Painless Dentists, The
Dalles, and he will soon make
them a3 good as new. Dental
work in all its branches with a
guarantee of perfect service
rtlohe Unhat 'studio. - See him
'when in need of work on your
Grades Have Picnic
"! The 7th and 8th grades of the
Maupin schools picniced at White
river Monday. A few high
school students and some invited
guests also were with the
graders. Eats a plenty, with
bathing, horesback riding and
other sports made up a day of
real enjoyment. The picnicers
were conveyed to the R. but
ler ranch by H. R. Kaiser, Mrs.
Vere DeVoe, James Appling and
Wiley Knighton. This was an
annual affair and was attended
by nearly 50 youngsters and
Livestock Inspector Busy
Dr. Lawrence Stovall, in his
capacity of livestock inspector
for this district, has been rather
bnsy of late. Last week he in
spected shipping flocks for John
Joyce and Kohlner and Hauser.
The latter firm shipped 2500
head of ewes and lambs to Mon
trose, Colorado, while Mr. Joyce
sent about 1500 head to Wyom
ing. Maupin 9, Tygh Valley 2
So said the score book at the
end of the game between Tygh
and Maupin at the latter place
last' Sunday. The game was
featured by heavy hitting on the
part of Maupin. The addition of
Bonney on the local team pee
ped up the members of that
club, and each one played as
though a championship was at
stake. Bob Lewis. was responsi
ble for three of the runs scored
by Maupin. McCorkle and Smith
were opposing heavers, with the
former having the better of the
argument. Boyd plays here next
Sunday, and a good game is ex
pected. Read The Times get the news.
Blaze On Bridge
Last Friday, while Clarence
Fargher was coming over to
town be noticed flames shooiing
up between planks on the bridge.
Stopping his car and investigat
ing he discovered than someone
had thrown a lighted cigarette
on the planks, setting the fire.
Clarence carried water in his
hands from one of the barreli on
the bridge and put the fire out
Had the fire occurred at night
the traveling public might have
had to wait the laying of a new
floor on the structure.
The musician with the II'zz
company is some doctor. He ap
plies liniment to flys' legs to see
the reaction.
' and General MacMne Work ?;
Cylinder Grinding. General Machine Work, Truing
Crankshafts, Making Pistons and Rings, Bearings',
All Sizes Made to Order. Sheet Metal Workers
Complete Line of Parts for All Makes of Cars
Full Line of Lakers Springs
Electric and Oxy-Acetylene
609 East Second Street
Phone 400
In effect daiWl
ROUND TKIP TO llll ' ' Nj33
Jt VI OMAHA 75.60 . : J VI W-iyl V
V KANSAS CITY... 75.60 ;- I VaVa W
i DES MOINES. . . . . 81.55 l I
Is ST. LOUIS 85.60 t "
(- Is CHICAGO 9030
. i-. ' m ' DETROIT 109.91 & V r- ' '
' V; iH CINCINNATI .... 110.40 !. S
!) tm CLEVELAND 112.86 fe
V " TORONTO... 118.05 IC
PK fl ATLANTA 121.65 s
fWPtP PITTSBURG.'!.... 124.06 ipi'' ' M.WAY30HDVTY
' I WASHINGTON... 145.86 l ,..,,
' X 'IW! PHILADELPHIA. 149.22 1 V "
i VIIn NEW YORK 151.70 liv ' . J
-v). rz; W ' ' ' '
-.-jbbbbii xxAmxmNNvVww- i n ni in i nmnaiiia t . , j
HcK 22 ceid ScDtemberl5
fKwfetwi Unit &toben.X1926
ABOVE are examples of the generous low
t round trip excursion fares which will ob
tain daily on the Union Pacific to all important
! Eastern Points from May 22 to September 15.
Final return limit October 31, 1926. ;
Liberal itopoyer prWilegea both going and returning."
Plan your buunett or vacation trip Eait via the hutorie
ad Manic U. P. Trail. We'll help you arrange your
itinerary, map out tide tripe to Zion National Park,
Yellowitone and other vacation spots, furnish all infor
mation, make your reservation and get your tickets.
Dalles Wins Over Dufur
The Dalles baseball team won
in the game played with the
Dufur Legion team at the latter
place Sunday. The score was 9
2 in the visitors' favor. This
leaves The Dalles and Bend tied
for first place, each having a per
centage of .750. Next Sunday
the fast Goldendale team will
play the winners in Sunday's
contest at The Dalles.
A new assortment of watches
and jewelry on display at Mau
pin Drug Store. Expert watch
A new sport is plastering gum
on ants' backs to see how mudr
it makes them squirm. :--
All Summer
Lt C Bl Ye PUa Tea Trip East. Choice ef
- , ' Mmmj Rratca Liberal t(arTrn
cagai-CcateBalal Ezpwttlaa, Philadelphia, Opcat Juot 1 ,
ticket en Mle deJIr b firming May ; return limit Oct It
St. Paul $75.60
St. Louis 185.60
Chicago $90.30
New York $151.70
Washington $145.86
Olaev Felale la Proaerlloa
Tea fellow the pnt Cetmnbla rlw wntrt Il trade, aa4
bae rear c twice wt two feet and rtecaatljr appelated tnin
Oriental Limited North Coast Limited
information of
W. GriffinljJl
Agent Oregon Trunk Ry.
- "' rHi
: Phone 383J
R. B. Bell,
Agent. ,
Maupin. Ore.
E. A.
Klippel, Jr., .
T. F. & P. A.
Bend. Ore. ,