Oil up your auto, put on your glad rags, engage your best girl and take in the 1 1 at Shady Brook Hall on Sat THE BEST MUSIC! obtainable will be on hand and that, with a good floor and good management, is a guarantee of a general good time. Dance Tickets . . $1.00 Supper served by Community Ladies SMOCK AND VICINITY Strawberries are ripe and al falfa ready to cut. R. Ruffer went to Prineville Wednesday, returning with his wife and baby daughter on Thursday. Mrs. Lucy Barber cared for the boys during their absence. ; Miss Elsa Led ford is home from Tygh, having attended the higtljschool at that place during the past school year. J. C. Bradway is shearing his sheep. B. C. Scott is blasting the rocks out of his wheat fields. , Wm. Kershner is hauling posts from the mountains. Mrs. Cora Jones of Ellensburg, : Wash., visited with home folks last week, returning to her home Friday. Elwoodand : Elenore went with her. The South Wascfl Sunday School association will meet at Shady Brook Sunday, on May 23, for an all-day meeting. Come out and bring your baskets and ! enjoy yourselves, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Wolfe and daughter, June, left Satur day evening for their home at St. Francis, Kansas. Thomas Black and wife accompanied them, they traveling by auto. Mrs. M. Ledford, after a visit of a week at Yakima, Wash., re turned to her home here Friday. Smith's Analyst Is New State Journal Tne origin of the name Smith is clouded by time. Just how the name became attached to humans is not definitely r veom May 29 known. It is a mtater of his- tory, however, that people bear ing that name have been before the public for lo, these many years. Captain John Smith of early colonial days, the man who made Pocohontas an outstanding feature of that time, is known to every primary scholar in the jland. There have been Black Smiths, SilverSmiths, Tin Smiths Copper Smiths and Smiths of all followings. Some have deviated from the original spelling of the name, even going so far as to say "Smythe, Smyth, Smithe, Schmid, Schmidt" etc., is Smith. The Smiths have even invaded the literary field, note the Smith who is connected with a New York publication which tyecial iz!s in improbable fiction. But there is one Smith who realizes that literature is a calling which should bring out the best en deavors of all who follow that bent Eugene E. Smith, who lately launched a publication termed "Smith's Analyst," in Portland. This Smith realized the need of a journal which would comment on questions be fore the public and make a con cise anlysis of such; that poli tical chicanery be challenged and exposed; that matters of , every nature concerning the state of Oregon be gone into and made plain to the reading public and that the truth be dug from be neath camouflage. Mr. Smith, while not a Billy Brann, is as much an iconoclast when it comes to exposing trickery, wrong do ing and political subterfuge. That his journal will, to quote a frayed expression, fill a long felt need in the literary field of Ore gon, a perusal of the two vol umes issued will attest. Just a little, personal, Bro. Smith: We have never been accused of showing the white feather, but will confess we would be afraid to show the temerity expressed by you in printing your picture on the front page of The Analyst. We acknowledgfe you are just ahead of us in beauty, but in the in terest of harmony in the profes sion, we suggest you cut it out in future issues of your most ac ceptable publication. Church Services MAUPIN Sunday School at 10:00 a Mrs. C. W. Semmes, Supt Preaching at 11:00 a. m. m myer meeting uriday even ing, at 7:30 p. m. These mid week meetings are well attended, Mrs. K. W. Richmond is leader. Our Sunday school is well over the 40 mark. Are you helping by being present? i WAPINITIA Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Attendance is increasing. Mrs. Emma West, Supt. 8:15 p. m'. Preaching. Christian Endeavor at 7:00 p. m. Ernie Endersby, Leader. Endeavor social at parsonage r riday evening. All mends in vited. Ice-cream (country style) and cake. Games follow busi ness meeting. W. A. Mershon, Pcstor, Graduates Get Diplomas (Concluded from page one) wait, was ably handled, he us ing the dialect of Sunny Italy like a finished vaudevillian, Prof. Geiser was at the end1 of the program. He reviewed his connection with our schools and made it plain that home environ- jments as well as strict attention i to school study was necessary as I a foundation for an education. , The whole program was a sur 'prise to all present. I The real graduation will take place this evening. The follow line nrocram has been arranged I and that it will be as pieasinsr as J that of Tuesday evening no one 'doubts. We go ,to press' too early to print just how the event went over, but we feel safe in ... . V ' 111 saying that eacn numotr win be well worth hearing. .The pro gram follows: (Mrs. vvuson Sor.g Mrs. Morris (.Mrs. siaais Violin Solo .. .Mr. J. H. Woodcock Commencement Address - Prof. W. G. Beattie. head Extension department Uni versity of Oregon. ' Cornfield Melodies Boys Sextet Award of Track Letters and of Lincoln Essay Contest Medal. Vocal Solo Mrs. H. J. Bothwell. resentation of Class of 1926 and Award of Diplomas. French Butler says "that many a man wno insists on nia wuj running the house on a budget is running his own business on a shoestring." "Another thing you never when have to advertise for you're hunting it is trouble," is the verdict of George Morris. Cecil Woodcock says "the old- fashioned way of courting in a hammock had one advantage over the modern auto courtship. When there was a break-down 1 ft A you didn t nave to wain ten miles to get back home." ; "When some men buy a shiny new tin mito they leave the tag on it ror two weeKS xo snow .. . . . i people that it is new," is the analysis of Frank Stuart "The trouble with a lot of fellows," says Bob Wilson "is they want to be drivers of the Prosperity wagon instead of help ing to load it up." "Any time you tell a woman a 'dead secret' you can bet your life she will put some life into it," is the way Jimmy Harpham puts it. "'""I've always noticed," com ments Jim Woodcock, "that when a man ha3 an axe to sharpen he can always find a few suckers willing to turn the grind stone." "The country may be going to the dogs, but it seems to us there are lots of dogs that ought to eo to the country," comments Marshal Derthick. Bates Shattuck says: "Some men are crazy about the radio- and others just look on it as some thine else they have to listen to." ' " ' East Maupin Notes Miss Bertha Denton, employed at the Hotel Kelly, was caned home to The Dalles Monday by the serious illness of her mother. Mrs. Leverne Fischer rrfade a business trip to The Dalles Fri day last. . ; o Find out for yourself by getting your's of Dad. ' Mrs. R. E. Webb and Mrs. A. nunninirham were The Dalles visitors last Friday. Mrs. Nelson of Sherars visited with home folks in Maupin Sun day.. ' ' Dad Fischer says more fish are heinff taken on his tackle than on that purchased' elsewhere Jack Weiss wa3 in from the Troutman sheep ranch a few daya this week. Mrs. Lester Crofoot was at The Dalles Saturday, going there for the purpose of bringing her mother, who has been receiving treatment in a hospital at the county seat, back home. The mother is much improved in health. Elmer Hornquist, living on the Dirty Spoon" ranch, spent a few days in Maupin . this week. The 0. J. Williams family had as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. E. Rogers of Portlaud. Wess Ray, formerly of this place, is reported as being seri ously ill at Prinville. Eleven Years Ago From The Timej'May 21, '15 I The bridge across White River was sufficiently completed this week to allow teams to cross over, taking the road grader and tools across for work necessary on this side. A party of horse buyers were through this section Tuesday and bought up several horses to send to Europe for use in the French army. Messrs, Bell, Conklin and Stuart went to Sherar Monday, making a bi j catch of Salmon. They report there were over 100 people there, each getting from one to three fish. . Dr. Elwood was in this city Saturday and again Tuesday, looking over the situation with a view of possibly making this his residence in the future. H. L Emmons and Jack Staats were up the river about 20 miles, fishing a couple of days, return Monday, having made some big ; catches of trout. Miss lea Derthick closed a successful term of school in the Derthick district today. She is Dlanning to attend summer normal at Monmouth. New homesteaders have been in our midst and two of them have filed upon claims this week. The Hartman sawmill, which has b een shut down since last fall, will start planing Thursday. The schedule of games for the Maupin paseball team for the next three weeks is as follows: Antelope, May 23; Wamic at Maupin, May 30; Antelope at Maupin June 6. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore gon, May 7. 1926. Notice is hereby given that . HENRY C.DAKE of 793 1-2 Thurman St., Portland Ore., who on Feb. 17, 1922, made Homestead Entry under Act of Dec. 29, 1916, No. 021544, for sl-2swl-4, Sec. 6, nel-4, Sec. 7, township 6 south, range 13 ea3t, Willamette Meridian. hB filed no tice of his intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, United States Commissioner at Mau pin, Oregon, on the 29th day of June, 1926. Claimant names as witneefles: Thos. Kienzle, Lewis McCoy, A. R. Wilcox. Frank McCoy, all of Wapinitia, Ore gon. ml3-jl0 J, W. Donnelly, Kegister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department Of The Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles Ore gon, May lb, iya. Notice is nereoy given mat 5EPHUS V. GOTT, of Shaniko. Oreeon. who. on May 3. 1924, made Homestead Entry under Act of Dec. 29, 1916. No. 023471, for sl-2nel-4. el-2sw'i-4. sel-4. Sec. 25, Township 7-South, Range 16-East, Williamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before F. D.' Stuart, United States Commissioner, at Mau pin, Oregon, oji the 30th day of June, 1926. ' ' ' "m Claimant names as witnesses: Tom Miller, Thomas Jones, W. H. Lang, Arthur Wallace, all of Shaniko, Ore gon. m20-jl7 J. W. Donnelly, Register. Mexican red beans for sale, ac climated to this section. 10 cents per pound. Hugh Knight Mau Din. Oregon. 24 t4 NOTICE I OR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at The bailee, Ore gon, Apr. 28, 1928. Notice w hereby given that JOHN DONALDSON of Maupin, Oregon, who on May 22, 1920, made Homestead Entry, under Act of Dec. 29. WW. No, 022,639. for SKl-4, Sec. 8, BWl-4. See. 9, Nl-2. See. 17, township 6 .. range IS C. Willamette Meridian, hat illtxl notice of intention to make final three year proof, to eatahliih claim to the land above doscribed, before F. D. Stuart, United States Commis sioner at Maupin, Oregon, ou tne 11th day oi June, vxa. Claimant names as witnesses: A. I. Lindley, C. E. Hornquist, A. J. Mann, Chester Crabtree, all of Maupin, Or icon. m6-j8 J. W. Donnelly. Register. NCfTICE rOK PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore gon, April zm, iv.o. Nonce is nereoy given mac MARCUS L. ARNCTT of Wapinitia, Oregon, who on April 9, 1919, made Homestead Entry under Act Dec 29. 1918,, No, 020560, forLots 2. 3. Sec. 28, E1-2SE1-4, 8ec.82, wi-2 NKl-4. El-2nwl-4, swl-4. Sec. 33, Town ship 3 S., Range 13-E., Willamette Meri dian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year prpof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore F. D, Stuart. United Mates Commisioner, at Maupin, Ore, on the 11th, day of June, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: A. R. Wilcox, Thos. Klenile, of Wapinitia, Oregon, Ed. Gabel, Den Oabel, of Mau pin, Urcgon. mtS-jS J. W. Donnolly, Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby i given that the un Woodside has been Wen that the deraixneu Nettie duly appointed Executrix of the estate' of LOUIS M. WOODSIDE. deceased, and has qualified as such Executrix. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and re quired to present the same, duly veri fied, to the undersigned at the office of Francis V. Galloway in The Daltet. Oregon, within six months from the first date of publirathn of this Notice, to-wlt. May 13. 1926. ml3-j3 Nettie Woodside, Executrix. Buy Non-Detonating UNION GAS AND Aristo Motor Oil UNION OIL GO, OF CALIFORNIA The Dalles Oregon Your Watch Haywire? If it is not doing its work bring it to The Times office and Mr. Semmes will send GUY A. POUND Manufacturing Jeweler and Watchmaker Successor to D. LindquiBt THIS DALLES - - ORKGON Richmond's Service Station (As you come into town) Gas, Oils, Accessories Free Air and Water TRUCK For Heavy Hauling AGENT FOR ; CHEVROLET Cars and Accessories My Aim is Service to the Public. Courtesy in Every Deal " l; ., i Read the Maupin Times o