R. E. Wilson Co. PHONE MAIN 271 Everybody'sTakins Advantage of Wilson's Specials and we appreciate jour loyal support. We not only save you money on your groceries but on everything we carry. We can do this because we have cut our overhead expense, reduced ac count losses to a minimum, and it only costs one twelfth as much to carry an account one month instead of 1 -J months. SATURDAY ONLY v Large Loaf Bread 12c ; Monday Special lib. Maid 0' Clover Butter 47c Tuesday Specials Jelly in 2-ounce glass . 9c Pineapple, No. 3 tin 27c Wednesday Special S Sperry's White Down Flour, 49- lb. sack $1.98 Only one sack to a customer "Bill" Williams is now supply ng the market with home-grown strawberries. He raises the famous "Gold Dollar" variety and for size and color are hard to beat Attorney Childers of The Dalles, with his wife fished in his familiar fishin' holes near Oak Springs, Sunday. Mr. Chil ders was successful in hauling in a nice string of trout. James Staats, brother of W. H. Staats, of this city, visited with his relatives Saturday, re turning to Portland, where he is employed by the P. E. P. com pany, Sunday morning. ' Dr. A. T. Morrison, son of Mrs. E. H. Morrison of our schools, visited with the latter -Saturday and Sunday. Dr. Morrison is practicing medicine at Port TownsemJ, Washington. Guaranteed Parker fountain pens, suitable lor graduation presents. Maupin Drugstore. Maupin people know where to get the best. For the commence ment exercises they ordered ful- a dozen large boquets of cut flowers, the beauties of nature coming from the Hartwig floral parlors at The Dalles. DAIRYMAN INSTALLS MILKING MACHINE AH WeeK Specials 10 Bars Royal White Soap 39c White King Wash Powder Carnation Milk, per can Nucoa Nut Butter One Dozen Lemons 44c 12c 32c 38c E LOCAL AND PERSONAL 75c fly week, 63c. spray, special this Maupin Drug Store. Everett Richmond made a trip to Dufur after a load of freight. John Cerveen was in from Wamic with more wood on Mon day. "Get your tackle today." Shattuck ha3 the best assort ment Ask anybody. t!23. Peter Kirsch has improved the appearance of his Criterionf resi , dence by giving it a coat of paint. U. r. Weberg and wue were visitors at The Dalles last week, going Saturday and returning Sunday. Bob Wilson went to Portland the latter part of last week, busi ness matters taking him to the big city. Uev. Mershon and wile ana Prof. Hulbard made a trip to Pendleton and return the first of tho week. v E. A. Hartman transacted business at Portland several days this week, going to the metropo lis Monday. yuan seem to be increasing along the river. Last Sunday we noticed several' large flocks of 1 the California variety. $9.00 fancy decorated 42-piece dinner sets, special $7.50. Mau pin Drug Store. D. L. Rutherford came in rom Criterion Tuesday. He missed getting his copy of The Times last week and came in af tcr it. J. G. Kramer and wife were in from their Shaniko ranch on Wednesday and we had the pleas ure of adding their uarae to our subscription list. Albert Peter and wife, parents of Mrs. J. F. Kramer, are ex pected to arrive in Maupin soon, coming from, their home in Dur bin, North Dakota. Mrs. Margaret Hammond, mother of Mrs. R. E. Wilson, ar rived Monday from Portland and will be a guest at the Wilson home for some time. A party of lone fishermen came over the first of the week to work our river. "Dad" Grif fin saw them and it is said that French Butler had to chain him to the meat block to keep the de votee of fishing at work. George Ritchie, brother-in-law of R. H. Kaiser, came over from lone .Monday. He was here a short time ago and on that oc casion left his auto in Maupin for repairs- His call at this time was to get the machine, and incidentally catch a few De schutes river trout Attention is called by the Sandblast for Senator Club, 420 Railway Exchange building, Portland, Oregon, to his plat form and biography published on page 8 of the Voters' Paraplet by the secretary of state. Chief plank is modification of the VOLSTEAD ACT REFERENDUM OF prohibition LAWS. His slogan is Wine and beer under govern ment control; no saloons. Adv. 25-t4 M. J. Shearer, who supplies Maupin with most of the milk used here, has ju3t installed a modern convenience in the shape of a milking machine. With this equipment Mr. Shearer is now able to milk a larger number of cows and do it in a minimum, of time. The machine is of the De Laval make and is one of the most sanitary automatic milkers manufactured. Besides being sanitary the machine extracts all the milk and does not injure the cows in any way. The machine was purchased from R. E. Wil son Co. of Maupin. The man who milks 10 cows or over can hardly afford, to be without one of these mechanical milkers. They have been proven to be the most economical in op eration and a great mil!: saver. The De Laval people were the first to begin experimenting with a milking machine, and it was 25 years from the beginning be fore they offered one for sale. At this time they have a machine that positively does not injure the cow. There has never been a machine of this make thrown out were once installed. Send to us for literature and then in vestigate the labor-saving attri butes of the DeLaval milker. It i3 used in nearly all the large dairies of the country. Paid Adv. R. E. Wilson Co. M - rom now an we may expect to see them on the winning end of scores in games played. Last Sunday the Legionairres went to Grass Valley and took the fast team from that place down the ine to the tune of 9-4. The next game is against Tygh Val- ey at the fair grounds next Sun day and the following week they will meet the Boyd team here. Complimentary Ticket The Times acknowledges re ceipt oi a complimentary season ticket to toe Oregon Caves, at Grants Pass. The ticket carries with it free services of a guide as well as entrance to the caves. With the ticket came a beautiful folder showing many of the rare scenes within and without the caves. For an ideal outing where one wishes to see the wonders of nature, there is no place in the world where such can be enjoyed more than a visit to Grants Pass and the Oregon Caves. Everything else about an auto mobile may stop, , but the pay ments will always run; Piano Must Be Sold We have a fine piano and fine player piano in storage near here that we will sell at ridicu lous prices to sell at once. We will give easj terms like rent and we would accept phonograph or used piano as part payment. For lull particulars and where they may be seen, address, Port land Music Co., 227 6 SL, Port land, Ore. , 27-t2 lL(QO Round Trio All Summer George McDonald is enjoying ing a well-earned vacation and is spending the ,same at Portland, going there last Saturday. The scribe of The'Times is now a full fledged justice of the peace, having received an appointment aa such by the county board. Sergeant Jay Salzman and Traffic Officer Hans Blaser were in Maupin delivering ballot boxes. They went from here to precints around Shaniko Monday. A party of fisherman from lone, comprising Judge Robinson, E. J. Bristow and E. R. Lundell, went up to Two Springs Monday and will angle for trout a few days. ' Mrs. James Chalmers taught in Mrs. Cantrell's room several days of last and this week, Mrs. Cantrell having been called to Bend by the death of her aged father. ' President Conklin of the Mau pin State Bank is is in town this week, assisting in the 'work of the institution while assistant Cashier McDonald is away on his vacation', To The Mothers Of Wasco County A number of you have asked me whether or not we would have a clinic this year. I am able to say that we will have, and as last year, the clinician will be a child specialist sent out by the American Child Health association. On June 2nd we will be in Maupin all day, place of clinic to be announced later. June 3rd and 4th we will be in The Dalles at Joseph Wilson school. Bring all of the babies and pre school children .especially those who are to enter school next fall. Look for further an nouncements. Yours for health, Sena C. Peterson, 1 ' ' County Nurse. For County Clubs Maupin scnooi children are preparing a program for Sat urday evening, May 22, at 8 o'clock, to raise funds for send ing another club member to represent Maupin at the summer school, held for county club mem bers at the state college. Mau pin has some club members to be proud of, and they will do the home town good by their attend ance at the summer school. Come and boost for Maupin. Refreshments by club Isaders. Adults 25? school children 10c. Passing of Peter Risch Peter Risch, a pioneer of Wa sco county, passed to his last home last Sunday, dissolution taking place at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ovel C. Wilson, at Bend. Mr. Risch was nearly 80 years of age at the time of death. Deceased had been in failing health for some time and that he would not die alone went to Bend, where he was taken care of in his last hours. He wa3 laid to rest in The Dalles cemetery, the funeral taking place Tuesday of this week. He was laid away beside the remains of his wife, who preceded him in 1905. During his last illness he was attended by another daughter, Mrs. T. L. Hatt, a trained nurse of Portland. . As the end drew near his other two daughters, Mrs- Lucille Cantrell of Maupin and Mrs. Marie Wilson of Dufur, were summoned and they reached his bedside before death ensued. He was conscious until the last. The four daughters mentioned are the only children left to mourn the taking away of a de voted father. Let Vm Utlp Yea Plan Tear TH Eut. ' Chelee Many BwlH Ufcrral Stoparrra Sctqat-Ccatoujitel bpaattloa. Philadelphia, Optas Jane 1 , ROUND TRIPS Tlckt ca Ml taJljr tf Innlnf liar 11; rttura limit Oct tl St Paul $75.60 St. Louis $85.60 Chicago $90.30 New York'$15U0 , Washington $145.86. uiacr raiata n rrsponwi follow th ml Columbia rivrr water !! rraa, anw httn year cbolea af two fast and clefaatly appelated train Oriental Limited p. 9,u. .v r am North Coast Limited - p. s. . P c.. b. a. Further information of E. W. Griffin Agent Oregon Trunk Ry. i Sold Two Combines Shattuck Bro3. have sold two McCormick-Deering combines so far this season, one being taken by Claude Wilson and the other going to McCullough & Singer, who will operate same in the section around Shaniko. AUTOMOBILE and General Machine Work Cylinder Grinding. General Machine Work, Truing Crankshafts, Making Pistons and Rings, Bearings, All Sizes Made to Order. Sheet Metalworkers. Complete Line of Parts for All Makes of Cars Full Line of Lahers Springs Electric and Oxy-Actey lene WELDING READ , QALLOWAY 609 East Second Street Phone 400 THE DALLES, ORE Phone 383J Rodeo Billed For Tygh A rodeo is billed to be held at the fair grounds at Tygh Valley on June 12-13. The manage ment says there will" be a full list of events usually held during such entertainment, and these will consist of bucking horses and steer riding, relay races, roping, bull-dogging, wild horse races, etc. It i3 expected the new grand stand will be com pleted in time for the rodeo, as lumber for same has been, or dered and as soon as possible after delivery of same work on the structure will be commenced and rushed to completion. Read The Times get the news, Maupin Wins One More ,The Jinx ha3 has been laid; Maupin Legion baseball players have at last hit their stride and ( (fares 1 BOUND TOP TO fl Til VNil - : m KANSAS CITY... 7S s I VaSfSa'Saa" Va' i 'IIP NEW YORK 151.70 ii . . . . I . , S1"H ' . -Tf" .Tip .t- low X In effect ddlit)j- Ha22 mdiSeptemberlS' ABOVE are examolcs of the generous xjl round trip excursion fares which will ob tain daily on the Union Pacific to all Important Eastern Points from May 22 tJ September IS. Final return limit October 31, 1926. .; ; Liberal itopovar privileges both going and returning. Plan your buiineaa or vacation trip Eatt vie the historic , and acenio U. P. Trail. We'll help you arrange yotor itinerary, map out aide tripa to Zion National Park, Yellowstone and other vacation spots, furnish all infor mation, make your reaervatione and get your tickets. CALL ON R. 8. Bell, Agent, . Maupin, Ore. E. A. Klippel, Jr., T. Y. & P. A.. Bend. Ore. VWS5 r