MAUPIN'S LEADING Grocery and Meat Market The Maupin Tunes Published every Thursday at Maupin, Oregon C W. Semmes, Editor C W. Semmes and E. R. Semme Publishers. Subscription: One year, $i.w six ! months, 75 cents; three months, 50 J Entered as second class mail' matter September ?, igi4, at the postoffice at Maupin, Oregon, tin der the Act of March 3, 1879. THAT NEW CENSUS We see where Uncle Sam has , totalled up the farm census he has been taking for the last five years, and we also find in it many things of interest to Mau pin citizens and residents of the rural districts. It shows,, for in stance, that there is still a drift toward the cities but that the lands are more and more coming into the hands of working owners. It also shows that during ' the five-year period between 1920 and 1925 the number of farms in the U. S. decreased from 6,448, 343 to 6.371,617. The number operated by managers decreased from 68,449 to 40,755, or better than 40 per cent. The number of farm tenants increased from 2,454,804 to 2,484,528. These figures do not show that our farms ' are falling into the hands of people who will not work them but who will hire oth ers to do so. Taking into ac count the number of farms that have been subdivided to make room for growing cities, and' the increased use of labor-saving machinery, the figures show the land and the owners still hang togethar pretty well. There seems to be no occasion to worry any more over a short age of labor on the farms. Pret ty soon now the call will go out for workers, and they will be showing up from all four corners of the country. The tiuto has made it possible for them'to get into the fields from the cities without los3 of time or heavy railroad fare, and they will be on hand when the call goes forth, you can re3t assurred of that. LETS GET OUR SHARE Over 12,000,000 people enjoyed auto tours last season and they spent over $710,000,000 on tour ing and camping out. Another season is now upon us and we should be ready to get our share of the vast sum, an even great er sum than was spent last year, that is soon going to be scattered in every state in the union. Special courtesy and hospitality to the auto tourists will help a great deal. Show them they are welcome here, that we are glad to have them stop in our midst, if only for a few minutes, will go far toward securing our share of the vast sum tourists are now starting to spend, and will spend over a four-month period. We may not hive everything they want But whatever we do have should be offered them in a friendly and hospitable way and they will not only do their part of the spending but they will carry on with them a good word about the town and com munity that will be worth more to us than we may be able to measure- Mellon was criticised because he guessed low on the income tax. We hate to think what would have happened to him if he had guessed high. The Maupin man who insists on going around with a grouchy look ouzht to know by this time why he doesn't see more smiles, They say candy is a substitute for liquor, but we never heard of candy" making a Maupin man want to sing ''Sweet Adeline." A little scare may be an aid to virtue. When people used to hear more about hell they raised less of it Bob Bell On Vacation usual even disposition has de veloped knots; he has gotten so he hates the sound of a train whistle; hates to have anyone ask about freight, or to sell a ticket for McLennon. He be came irritated with himself and to regain his equanimity has ask for and been granted a vacation. He left yesterday for Vancou- Ml ver, wasnn, wnere ne win square khings with his wife, then go to is old haunts tn Idaho. He says he may be away two weeks or two months. During Bob's absence his duties will be looked after by W. A. Milner, who comes from Portland. We all wish Bob all the enjoyment pos sible while on his vacation and that he will return feeling like his former self. Bob Bell has sworn off work; he views the river from the de pot window each day and has formed the idea that where wa ter runs there is freedom. His of Surplus Stock Gasolene Guage for Ford cars, former price $1.00, surplus stock sale price..: . Pedal Pants, always sold for 85 cents but are now on sale at Mystic Windshield Cleaners, sold for $1.00, marked down to ' "" Champ X Refinishmg Polish for both auto and furniture, was $1.00, now.ji:...;....j.. Radiator Cleaner, sold for 75 cents, now going for ... ....... . .....; .. . ....... Radiator Stop Leak, was 75 cents, get it during this sale for .1 ...... Goodyear Tire Repair Kit, was 75 cents, placed on sale at only,... 50c 50c 50c 50c 50c 50c 25c Steering Column Brace, a valuable adjunct to Ford Cfp f cars, was $1.00, now ................... ........ , vvl A few sizes of $1.25 Speed Wrenches have been marked down to. ,,. -, Complete set Seat Covers for M6 to 1922 Fords, sold at $13.00, now..... ..:...... 75c $6.50 33x5 Tires, regular price $50.10 a each, now (PQI HA reduced to only ...... ........,.....: pOrtvV Auto Body Polish, will make your car look like new; was 75c, now . . ... ...; Spoke Tightener to help keep your car wheels in good shape; was $1.25; go at 45c 75c WOOD-TILLOTSON CO. in i r,i a t in s-'i ir t Work At Fair Grounds A. II. Gill's, secretary of the Southern Wasco Connty Agn cultural association, was in from Wamic Monday. Mr. Gillis states that work on the new race track at Tygh is progressing, that the speedway has been leveled and that. a ton and one-half roller will soon be used to pack the sur- ace. Lumber has been ordered or the new grand stand and floor for the dancing pavilion, and as soon as this has been de- ivered both buildings will be erected. The water situation will be taken care of in time for the coming fair. Adjoining the air ground there is a fine spring, and it is suggested that this be apped and that a pipe line be aid to the grounds, and drink ing lountams installed on the grounds. Gate Open Saturday Night HOGS In 1925 Oregon and Washington brought in from the east of the Rocky Mountains, live hogs ami pork products to the value of $9,000,000.00 Jt is estimated that each year, Califor nia consumes pork products to the value of $50,000,000.00 of which 90 is brought in from outside that state. This money is being sent away from the Pacific Boast territory because our farms are not producing suflicicnt hogs to supply the Pacific Coast market. Here is a home market for a home pro duct that is being overlooked. A few more hogs on each farm will keep a lot of this money in the west. Think it over. This information by the Livestock State State Bank of North Portland, Oregon. MAUPIN STATE BANK (INCORPORATED) 1 tEM&&irmwmfmw HAIL AND FIRE INSURANCE Harve L Morris Joe A. Graham, forest ranger, writes The Times that the gate across the bkynne roaa at Clackamas lake will be opened at 8:00 o'clock next Saturday morn ing, thus permitting fishermen to visit Olallie lake. That body of water should pro vide excellent sport, as better than 200,000 trout were liberated therein last year and since then the lake has been closed to fish ermen. OUallie meadows are situated 67 miles from Maupin, and with the opening of the gate above menioned autoists may now, drive almost clear to the lake, i Miller-Johnson sent engaged in the same em ployment at Klamath Falls, to which place he took his bride shortly after the ceremony. The Times joins with their many friends in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Johnson many years of married bliss. For Sale 'One large belt driven hay press. Can be oper ated by six horse power gai en gine, or larger. Otto Herrling. 24 tf Wedding bells rang Friday when Miss Hilda Miller, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Miller of this place was united in mar riage with Mr. Jessie J. Johnson, he coming from Klamath Falls. The bride is well and favorably known to many Maupinites, while the groom i3 known a3 a member of the engineering crew which laid out the Dalles-California highway. He is at pre- Sunday School Election The following officers and teachers were elected to serve during the ensuing year in the Sunday school at Wapinitia. These were received too late last week for publication in the church notes: Superintendent Mrs. Emma Weah. " SecretaryHelen Endersby. Treasuer-Mrs. L. A. Rice. Organist Florence Woodside. Choirist-Prof. A. D. Hulburd. TEACHEKS Adult Class-R. A. Ward. Senior A. D. Hulburd. Junior Julia Ward Primary Ruby Powell - Eadne j Hulburd Beginners Mabel Sturgis. Cradle Roll-Mr3. R. A. Ward. Visiting W. A. Mershon. Attendance past' year has equaled 85 per cent of the en rollment Dad Cole says he is thinking of opening a bank but he does not say whether with a banker's license or a jimmy. FouND-Mud cap from Pack ard car. Owner may have same by calling at this office and pay ing for this ad. HARTWIG'S FLOWER SHOP "Merchants oj Beauty" Flowers for All Occasions The Dalles. Phone 794 The Pure-Bred Jack JaKe Robinson , , will stand for the 1926 Season at the Juniper Flat ranch of JOHN McCORRLE on Monday and Tuesday of each week, be ginning Monday, April 26 Jake Robinson stands 15 hands high, is black with white points, and a sure foal getter. He was bred by Jake Robinson, Danville, Kentucky, and is registered in the Studbook of the American Breed ers Association of Jacks and Jenets. Ranchers interested in breeding for mule stock will do well to see this jack before breeding mares, ELLIS JONES, Owner DUFUR, OREGON I. O. O. F. WAPINITIA - Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon, meets every Saturday night in I. O. 0. F. hall. Visiting mem. bers always welcome. B. F. Turner. N. G. Oscar Renick, Sec. Look over your office sta tionery and before you are entirely out place your or der for with THE MAUPIN TIMES I Fisher i si uarag (East end of Bridge) f uasoiene Oils, Tires. Accessories ! Lunch Goods always on hand for convenience of Tourists I i Renairs I j Good work, lowest cost )