The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, May 13, 1926, Image 3

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Tune In, Now!
On the best place in Maupin to trade. We don't
claim to be the largest; we only claim one store,
but we do claim we do the best we can to please
our customers. We consider them first. We al
so claim we are saving the people of Maupin and
vicinity many dollars, and they, also, must be
lieve it as our sales have gained each month since
the 30-day system was started. We thank our
customers for their business and loyal support;
we appreciate the nickles as well as the dollars.
2 cans large size Pineapple 54c
1-2 lb. Schilling's Orange
Pekoe Tea 43c
Jello, two packages
The Connollys .hipped 2200
lambs to Bend last night, from
which point they will be taken
to the mountains.
Mrs. Dr. Everett Moon, grand
niece of Mrs. W. H. Staats. with
her husband, visited with the
Staats family Sunday. During
the day the doctor fished in the
river, returning to Portland that
Oliver Resh is all swelled up,
just because he is now driving a
brand new Star sedan. Oliver
deserves the new car, as he stood
the rack and wobble of an old
Ford longer than the ordinary
mortal would,
Bob wilson says "it has about
come to the point where a man
can't' hardly pick dandelions
without putting himself under
Sperry Wheat Hearts, 3 lbs. 32c
Sperry Quick Cooker Rolled
Oats, three-lb. package 24c
Kellogg 's Corn Flakes, 10c
Large Loaf Bread 12c
White King Wash Powder 44c
Your $$ go further here
75c ily
week, 65c.
spray, special this
Maupin Drug Store.
$9.00 fancy decorated 42 piece
dinner sets, special $7.50. Mau
pin Drug Store.
your tackle today."
has the best assort
mentAsk anybody. tf23.
Clifford Allen and family visit
ed with the Floyd McLeod fami
ly at Criterion Sunday.
Miss Alda Pugh spent the
past weekend with her brother,
Floyd McLeod, at Criterion.
Mrs. Geo. Morris is at home
again after a short visit with her
parents at Grangeville Idaho.
Guaranteed Parker fountain
pens, suitable for graduation
presents. Maupin Drug Store
Sheep shearers are gathering
in Maupin. ready to relieve the
flocks hereabouts of their wool,
Bates Shattuck has been mov
ing around the past few days,
having visited Portland, Shaniko
and Bend.
Mrs. James Chalmers spent
Sunday with her mother, Mrs.
A. L. Pugh, at the parental
home on Tygh Ridge.
Jack Morrow and family, with
his sister, Mrs. F. C. Butler,
spent Mother's day with their
parents at White River. ,
Leonard Farlow, accompanied
by Misses Florence and Berta
MathewB, motored to Bear
Sprites on Sunday last.
Prof, and Mrs. Geiser drove to
Bend and Prineville last Satur
day, returning by way of Shani
ko and Antelope Sunday.
Don't fail to take in the base
ball game between Dufur and
Maupin high schools at the
school grounds tomorrow after
Mrs. M. G. Todd writes that
she is now employed in the office
of the adjutant general of Michi
gan at Lansing, tho capital of
the "Wolverine State."
Dr. Lawrence Stovall and wife
went to the Willamette Valley
last Friday and visited with rela
tives at various places there un
til the first of this week.
Verne Fischer has received a
set or valve grinders and is now
prepared to do all work in that
line. It is' a true saying that
"when Fischer fixes a car it stays
fixed," and with the new equip
ment Verne is enabled to do all
kinds ot valve grinding.
"Bob Hayes, representing the
Shell Oil company," with head
quarters at The Dalles, was in
Maupin in the interests of his
company Tuesday. He is trying
to induce some dealer to put in a
tank and handle his company's
M. F. Van Laanen and wife
came up from Portland Satnrday,
and while here the former fished
in the Deschutes, returning to
Portland Sunday evening. His
wife will remain a couple of
weeks, visiting with her sister,
Mrs. L C. Ilenneghan.
Attention is called by the
Sandblast fur Senator Club, 420
Railway Exchange building,
Portland, Oregon, to his plat
form and biography published on
page 8 of the Voters' Pamplet by
the secretary of state. Chief
plank is modification of the
PROHIBITION laws. His slogan
is Wine and beer under govern
ment control; no saloons. Adv.
"The door it is hardest to keep
the wolf from," declares Ralph
Kaiser, "is the door in the
"A wife hasn't any abjections
to her husband buying her an
electric washing machine," as
serts Jim Woodcock, "if he will
agree to stay at home and run
03t two games. The standing
of each team is 6C6. The game
between The Dalles and Condon
at the latter place marks a re
cord for time consumed in play
ing, it taking but one hour and
thirty minutes to finish. The
score was 2-0 in favor of The
Dalles team. During the game
our county seat team made five
double plays.
i Oliver Resh says the man who
invented and recommends No
14 fly hooks, evidently has not
tried to land one of the
Deschutes river redsides.
French Butler is authority for
the following: 'The pies that
mother used to make seem even
more wondeful when we consider
how little dough father used to
The Times family is well sup
plied with pets- We have two
cats, a dog and now a lamb has
been added to our zoo.
Piano Mast Be Sold
We have a fine piano and fine
player piano in storage near
here that we will sell at ridicu
lous prices to sell at once. We
will give easy terms like rent
and we would accept phonograph
or used piano as part payment.
for full particulars and where
they may be seen, address, Port
land Music Co., 227 6 St, Port
land, Ore. !7-t2
Church Services
Sunday School at 10:00 a. m.
Mrs. C. W. Sernmes, Supt
11:00 a.m. Address by ReiV.'
Aldrich. l
7:45 p. m. Preaching and song
service, uood lively singing of
popular sacred melodies. '
Sunday school at 10:00 a- m.
Mrs. Emma West Supt
Preaching at 11:00 a. m. Top
ic: "Cures for Spiritual Di
seases.". Christian Endeavor at 7.-00 p.
m. v.v
Maupin and Wapinitia are run
ning about even in Sunday school
attendance who is going . to
forge ahead? "The more, the
merrier," lets all go.
W. A. Mershoa, Pastor.
Round Trip
- t
AH Summer
Clark Richard?on is a mysti
fied man. He visited the "Vol-
cano " last sunaay nrmiy con
vinced he could determine from
what source the smoke was com
ing. After examining the cra
ter and its surroundings he gave
up, merely saying it appeared
ike h-
Oriental Limited
it r. s. o. N. C. B. 9,
"Bull" is what the automobile
salesman hands you, but the bull
that killed the Prineville man
last week is the kind none of us
cares to encounter.
Ut Va Hete Tn Plaa Tew Trip Eut Cfeelee of
Hear R tea Liberal Stepevere
Veivl-CeateaiiJal ExpeaUlea. Philadelphia. Open Jaaa 1
Ticket ea Ml 4a!lr b(lnnlBf May 22; return limit Oct th
St Paul $75.60
St Louis $85.60
Chicago $90.30
New York $151.70
Washington $145.8$
01 hep Palate la Properties
m follow the treat Colombia river water Inel trade, aa4
t roar choice of two fast and decently appointed tfaiaa.
North Coast Limited
p. . n. r-rc, b.
Further information of
IE. W. Griffin
Agent Oregon Trunk Ry.l
Ben Fraley, owner c the Mau
pin uarage building, came up
from Portland Tuesday evening
and transacted business in Mau
pin a day or so this week.
John Cervine was in from Wa
mic with a load of wood Friday.
He came over the middle road,
having to go that way because of
the condition of new road under
Sam Brown is the latest con
vert to the superiority of the
Dodge car. J or several years
Sam has been driving 'a Paige,
but on Tuesday accepted delivery
of a new Dodge sedan.
Strawberries have made their
appearance in the Maupin mar
ket. The smaller size sell for
two boxes for 25 cents, while
the largsr berries may be taken
away for 15 cents a box.
Mrs. Elsie Knowles. sister of
Mrs. L. C. Henneghan, accom
panied by the Misses Edith Ward
and Ida May Johnson, all of Du
fur, were callers at the home of
L, C, Henneghan Sunday. '
Radio On The Farm
According to estimates, one
fifth of farm homes in the United
States have radios. Twenty-five
per cent of farmers prefer music;
24 per cent make use of weather
and market reports. Fourty-one
per cent of farm women prefer
home-makers programs; 61 per
cent, musical programs; 8 per
cent, lectures; 3 per cent church
services; 1 per cent, garden and
poultry talks. Ninety-five per
cent of farmers consider their
radio a utility as well as an
amusement device, according to
a recent survey, as radio brings
them market reports 24 to 48
hours earlier than obtainable by
other means.
: "Henry Ford is trying to popu
larize old-tim dances. So long
as he does not attempt to enforce
old-time styles in woman's
dress," according to Jack Staats,
Vwe can stand for the dance."
! Four Teams In Tie
; Four teams in the Mid-Colum
bia Baseball league are tied for
first place, they being Dufur,
The Dalles, Bend and Goldendale,
each team having won four and
Oregon News Notes
Fossil Sixteen milles of John
Day Highway will be surfaced
this year.
Astoria Crushed surfacing
on Kooseveit uignway, uannon
Beach to Hamlet Junction.
LaGrande Seventeen mile
lumber railroad will be built,
from near Powder.
Newport Wachsmuth Bros.
secure all private oyster beds on
bay, and will plant 21,000,000
young Eastern oysters.
Cascade Locks 2,000 tons
steel will be used in Bridge of
the Gods, across Columbia River,
to be ready this fall.
Oregon hop3 sell up to 27
cents a pound for spot delivery,
Oregon sheepmen expect
heavier wool clip than usual
and exteptional lamb crop.
Bend First full carload De-
chutes County eggs shipped to
New York.
Stanfield Extraordinary hon
ey crop expected this year. .
Oregon tax levy , for 1926 13
S44.975.048. $2,314,700 more
than 1925.
and General Machine Work
Portland Only?
Says the "Portland school ma
chine" organ, the Oregon Voter:
. Portland by its immense
voting power practically controls
the selection of superintendent
" . . We have in our power to
impose our will on all the schools
of Oregon outside Portland."
The superintendent referred to
is the state Superintendent of
Public Instruction and this "ma
chine" is trying to dictate to the
voters the election of ITS choice
for this important office.
Fred J. Tooze, opposed by this
machine, urges state-wide uni
formity of textbooks. (Compare
his statement in the Candidates'
Pamplet with those of his oppon
ents). He supports a definite
normal school policy for the en
tire state including a normal
school for Eastern Oregon; great
er emphasis on the fundamental
subjects, and vocational training;
immediate survey of the loan
textbook plan for legislation; and
improved conditions for the ru
ral schools."
If you want a school superin
tendent who is under no obliga
tions to any political machine,
school clique or individual and
thoroughly trained in normal col
lege and university, experienced
and successful in rural, village
and city schools, s
Vote for ,
Republican Candidate.
Paid Ad
Cylinder Grinding, General Machine Work, Truing
Crankshafts, Making Pistons and Rings, Bearings, --.
All Sizes Made to Order. Sheet Metal Workers
Complete Line of Parts for All Makes of Cars
Full Line of Lahers Springs
Electric and Oxy-Acteylene
609 East Second Street
Phone 400
Phone 383J
p 00$
11 KANSAS CITY... 75.60 S I . VNb'V
, iv 11 DES MOINES IM . I
.... M ' ST. LOUIS 1 85.60 i
V H CHICAGO 90.30 '
Jk i DETROIT 109.92 V .
MM CINCINNATI .... 110.40 V
S TORONTO 118.0S jp "V
.'' W BffiBE5&: iSST ) -
1 till NEW YORK 151.70 i .
:VH BOSTON ,57-76 iJLhs
low N?
In effect daily 1
MaO 22 and Scptemberl5"
ttiuZTfrtttm limit CktebeiJlJ926
' ABOVE are examples of the generous
H, "round trip excursion fares which will ob
tain daily on the Union Pacific to alUmportant
Eastern Points from May 22 to September 15.
Final return limit October 31, 1926.
Liberal itopover privilege! both going and returning.
Plan your butinest or vacation trip East via the hiatorie
and tcenic U. P. Trail. ' We'll help you arrange your
itinerary, map out aide trip to Zion National Park,
Yellowstone and other vacation spots, furnish all Infor
mation, make your reservations and get your tickets.
R. B. Bell,
Klippel; Jr.,
T. F. & P. A.,
Bend, Ore.