The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, May 13, 1926, Image 1

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can start at Mau-
pin and go to any
place on the earth
schuies, the Home
of the Rainbow Trout
Vol. XII
Maupin, Southern Wasco County Oregon, Thursday, May 13, 1926
No. 27
AUPIN-On the Dc
Three Girls and One Boy Com
plete Mauoin School Course, May 20, Will Be End
of School Yr Program
WU1 Be Excellent
Next week will mark the con
clusion of the 1925-26 school year.
As is customary the Maupin
schools will celebrate the event
with a graduating program, Bac
calaureate Sermon, Class Night
and Graduation Night. Each
event showing a program of ex
ceptional merit.
Rev. J. II. Davies of The
Dalles will deliver the Baccalau
reate sermon at the school audi
torium on the evening of Sunday,
May 16. The program, aside
from the sermon, will be:
Song Grade School.
General Singing Congregation.
Solo Mrs. R. E. Wilson.
Vocal solo Mr. N. G. Hedin.
General Singing.
This will also be held in the
auditorium on the evening of
Tuesday, May 18, and will 'con
sist of the following program:
Springtime Song High School.
Class History Olive Turner.
Class Prophecy Winifred Kai
ser. ,
Vocal Solo Mrs. J. II. Wood
Last Will and Testament of
Class of 1926.. Robert Lewis.
Valedictory Address Jean
n.. i Merle Snodgrass
PianoDuet ; J Helen Weberg
Vocal Solo... Carmel Woodcock
Vaudeville Novelty, given in the
spotlight with a melodramatic
J...... :.. Seniors
assisted by James Appling, Alda
Pugh and Ralph Kaiser.
Thursday, May 20, at 8:00 p.
m., ba3 been set as graduation
For that event the following
program has been arranged:
") Mrs. Wilson
Song Mrs. Morris
) Mrs. Staats
Violin Solo Mr. J. II. Woodcock
Commencement Address...
Prof. W. G. Beattie, head Ex
tension department University
of Oregon.
Cornfield Melodies. Boys' Sextet
Award of Track Letters and of
Lincoln Essay Contest Medal.
Vocal Solo Mrs. H. J. Bothwell.
Presentation of Class of 1926 and
Award of Diplomas.
The graduating class numbers
four, who have concluded the
course as laid down by the state
educational board. They are
Olive Turner, Winifred Kaiser,
Jean Wilson and Robert Lewis.
Each of these has worked hard
to complete the course. All are
general favorites with teachers
and pupils and that they are to
leave school with the closing of
the present term is regretted by
all, while everyone will congrat
ulate them upon their success in
winning diplomas which testify
to the studious endeavor they
have put forth ' to accomplish
their high school education.
Good Health Demands
The Very Best Teeth
If you would have perfect di
gestion, thereby insuring per
fect health, it is necessary that
your teeth be in perfect shape.
If your natural teeth are in a
condition precluding perfect
mastication, it is best that you
have them attended to at once.
It is better that you have false
teeth than to go with poor ones.
A dentist of known ability and
with a reputation of doing the
best work should be the one to
entrust with the job of attend
ing to your wants in his line.
The one practitioner in The
Dalles who has always given
perfect satisfaction is Dr. Slat
ten, with offices over the Wasco
County Bank. Dr. Slatten has
practiced dentistry in The Dalles
for over 15 years and the thous
ands of satisfied patients patron
ising him is evidence that his
work is of the best. His charges
are as low as first class dentistry
will allow. Work of all kinds,
from extracting to making a full
set of teeth, filling, bridge work
and treating is done by him.
When in need of dental work
visit Dr. Slatten and be sure of
getting the best ,
Have Them Vulcanized
Auto Hosts One-Sixth as
Great as U. S. Population
Comparison of Automobile and Human. Population
JjJj 900 1903 1910 1915 1920 192 fahXon
Jl.eop.MMu - . -J- "wy"" A j LJt bmku-o.
Jl 000.000. . Q -..ft"!-. -Sf. JO.OOO.OOO-
.1,000.900- - i .. f jM.000 000.
4000.000. , (jtlLf- L -. JO.000.000.
With tire prices reaching the
sky and a dearth of raw rubber
it behooves tire , users to con
serve their rubber in every way
possible. Instead of throwing
away what seems to be a worn
out tire, take it to F. D. Frazief
of Dufur and have it vulcanized.
By so doing you will receive
many more miles' service from
your tires and the cost will be
but a fraction of what a new tire
would cost. Try him once and
you will be a regular customer
ever after.
Shearers Get 15c Per Fleece
The Kistner sheep shearing
crew was in town Wednesday,
numbering eight men. Today
far cry from tbe full iklrta, wasp walits and leg o' mutton tleeres of
.entv-flv years ago, but wa have traveled also a long way from the
two-ryllndcr gaa wagon of 1000 to the high-powered motors speeding over our
highways today, declares the Stewart-Warner Safety Council
A quarter of a century ago there was one automobile for, every 9,500
people In the United States. Ten years ago there was one automobile for eTery
83 people, while today the motor population: it one-sixth as large as the human
population, or one car to every six people. This rapid growth has put the
automobile as foremost among American Industries, but It has also produced
a fearful menace to the public, points out the Safety Council which has for Its
purpose the prevention of automobile accidents. A vigorous campaign of
public educntlon must be pushed If annual rate of automobile fatalities is
to be reduced from 22,000.
Chicken Thieves Take
Criterion Man's Flock
Pete Kirsch of Criterion is
always willing to give any de
serving person a chicken. Pete
is a philanthropist when it comes
to helping the needy, but he is
emphatically against indiscrimin
ate chicken pilfering. One night
the latter part of last week: Pete
sought his peaceful bed on the
porch of his home. He thought
no evil, but was perpared to
sleep the sleep of the just. He
was not distufbed during his
slumbering. On awakening he
noticed a silence on the part of
his roosters and upon investiga
ting found his chicken house .had
been raided and about 50 fine
fowls taken. He has no idea
who the thieves were, but will
now proceed to procure more
egg layers. Of course he will
keep close watch on the biddies
Dedication Exercises
Salem Man Best Qualified to Head
Oregon State Schools
Seeks Nomination on Republican
Ticket to Office of Supf. of
Public Instruction .
Fred J. Tooze, whose an
nouncement of candidacy for the
office of state superintendent of
public instruction will be found
in another column of this issue
of The Times, is the one person
best qualified to fill the office to
which he aspires. A vote for
him is a vote for the progressive,
equitabte and economical admin
istration of the department of
Education in Oregon, and an
index that our people want: the
Maupin Against Grass i
v.r II TT- Cl J I
vuiicy ueie ounuay
After a week's . layoff the
Maupin Legion baseball team
will cross bats with the fast
Grass Valley team on the local
grounds Suuday. The visiting
team took the fast Tygh Valley
boys down the iine last SundayH
the score being, Grass Valley
12, Tygh 9. The Maupin team
has been suffering with a bad
case of breaks against them, but
in the coming game it is to be
hoped the jinx will be laid and
that Maupin will emerge from
the big end of the scoring horn.
Games Forfeited
The two baseball games played
by grade teams representing, the
Maupin and Shaniko schools, and
won by Maupin, will be forfeited
to the latter school. Principal
Bonney of Shaniko has protested
I educational system of the state
The dedication of the Sacred j placed upon a plane which will
Heart church in Maupin will be : not be conducive to a heavier
held on Wednesday, May 1 taxation.
19, the ceremony beginning at
9:45 a. m. The Right Rev.
Joseph F. McGrath, D. D., Bish
op, of Baker City, Oregon, will
officiate and will preach the dedi
catory sermon. All non-Catholics
are most cordially invited to
Maupin-Duf ur Game Sunday
, The . High School baseball
teams, representing Maupin and
the,games, basing his action up-'Dufur, will engage in a baseball
Frost Saturday Night
The sudden change in the
I weather Saturday Was noted by
all in this
they will go to the J. P. Abbott " .8e- Piany
ranch, where about 4,000 wooliesPy those living about Wapimtia.
u,iii h r,f theW rrmr J During the night the tempera-
When that job is finished the
crew will move either to the
Fargher or Karlen ranches,
where a total of about 4,500
sheep will be sheared. Shearers
are receiving 15 cents a fleece for
blade work and 12J where ma
chines are used.
on report that tne local
used ineligible players in
It was an agreement between
the teams that the members
should not be older than 15 years,
and, according to word from Mr.
Bonney, the Maupin team used
outside players in the games.
Rather than play them over, as
the Shaniko principal suggests,
Principal Geiser of Maupin has
fortfeited the games to the east
ern section team!'
A Model Section
100 Per CentGrade Made
In the tests given by Mr.
Gronewald last Thursday, Law
ence Knighten'made-a 100 per
cent grade on the work covered.
Driving New Star
Leonard Farlow has left the
the Ford class and now is proudly
driving a new Star coupster,
which he purchased in The
uaiies last week. The new car
was delivered the first of the
week. It is a nice piece of auto
work and now the pleasant drug
clerk will be able to enjoy all the
pleasure possible when on the
In From the Hills
Hurstel Hollis has been at the
Karlen sheep ranch for some
months and to get the smell of
sheep from his clothing came to
town Monday. Hurstel will
take a band of sheep to the
mountains soon and put in the
summer among the high ranges.
Maupin Loses To Kent
The Maupin High School ball
went team to Kent last Sunday
and attempted to take scalps of
the players of that place. They
reckoned without their host,
however, for when the last man
was out the score - stood Kent
17, Maupin 7.
tare dropped to tho freezing
point, forming ice in some parts
and touching growing grain.
Gardens in which were potatoes,
corn and bean3 were nipped.
The fro3t seemsd to follow alone
ridges and to touch spots where
the grain was thickest.
Mother's Day
The children of Maupin grades
gave a pleasing program of songs
and recitations Friday afternoon,
May 7, ending with the crown
ing of Mother, represented by
Mrs. Staats, with a crown of
roses. The , mothers present
were much pleased with the
children's tribute of affection.
Flowers For Commencement
There is nothing that would be
more appreciated by the grad
uates than a beautiful boquet of
ftowers. Tne Hartwig Florist
establishment of The Dalles are
expert in the making up of
special flower gifts,, while their
prices are lower than others.
Try them and get just what you
Dance Saturday Night
A dance is scheduled to be
held at Legion hall in this city
next Saturday evening. The
Broadway' Novelty orchestra is
sponsors for. the affair and the
members promise real jazzy
music as well as selections that
will make the feet of all attend
ing itch to be on the floor,
The Times man has walked
the 0. W. track from Two
Springs to Sherar and has taken
notice of the condition of the
sections traversed. While all of
them are in good condition, we
must give the foreman in charge
of section NO. 48 centering at
McLennon the credit of having
the best strip of track and road
bed between Sherar and Two
Springs. The section is a3
smooth as pavement, the rail
joints tight and an almost ab
sence of weeds shows great care
and consistent work is being
done by the crew on that stretch
of track.
game at this place tomorrow
(Friday) afternoon, on the local
diamond. Our boys are smart
ing from ths defeat at the hands
of Kent last Sunday and are
bent on retrieving their stand
ing by taking Dufur scholars on
and down to defeat.
Goes To Hills'
Following his usual custom
J as. Derthick will leave for the
high spots in' the neighborhood
of Rhododendron, in the Cas
cades, today. J as. will take a
herd of sheep to the hills, they
belonging to Jaekel Bros., of
Fallbridge. He expects to be
away for the coming five months,
Rhododendron Week.
Some Lambing Record
We were told, last week of a
most peculiar circumstance con
nected with the sheep business.'
While we will not vouch for the
accuracy of the statement, we
give it as we learned it, and
it is this: During the lambing
season at the Troutman ranch a
certain ewe gave birth to a
single lamb. She took care of
it and a week later, became
mother to another baby sheep.
At the lapse of another week
the ewe gave birth to a third
lamb, making triplets,: yet .hav
ing the three young ones at in
tervals of a week between them.
This can be accounted one of
the rare freaks of nature and is
unexplainable by the ordinary
individual. ;
The people living on the
Mount Hood loop highway, have
gotten together and are uSing
the slogan "rhododendron Week
on Mount Hood loop, May 16 to
23," in order to let the public
know that the rhododendrons
will be at their best during 'that
time.,',' .'. .; , .,'v. ., ,V,
Due to the early spring and
open winter the. wild flowers: are
at least two weeks earlier than
usual this year and it is well
worth your time to take a trip
around the Loop and enjoy these
beautiful flowers Mother Nature
has so generously provided. '
The Wapinitia road and the
Loop are both open and in very
good shape the entire length and
a trip made this time of the year
will be one long to be remem
Mr. Tooze has had exceptional
opportunity to analyze and un
derstandthe school question of -Oregon.
He served 14 years '.as
superintendent of schools, nine
of which were spent as head of
the Oegon City institutions of
learning. He followed educa
tional work in Y. M. C. A. and
as teacher in Portland schools '
for two years, and was chairman
of the Ways and Means com
mittee in the sessions of. the
state legislature of. 1923 and.
1925. ''.'''
mr. looze is editor ana man a- ,
ger or the Oregon Teachers
Monthly, edits the Pacific Home-"
stead and is managing editor of
the Oregon Statesman, one of
the first and leading daily news
papers in this state, at Salem.
He is a member of the State ,
Grange, a lawyer and a man
full qualiged. to advance ' work
along educational lines.' He is
a republican and his name is be
fore the voters as a candidate on
that ticket. :.
If Fred J. Tooze nominated.',
and elected Oregon will go down
the line as haying a man at the
head of the state school system
who' will harmonize all sections,
of the state, and who will work
to the end that school taxes will
be greatly diminished, and at
the same time.maintain the high
standard which Oregon schools
enjoy". Remember yhi'm when
you go to the polls, next Friday. ?
Had Double Strike
Superintendent Visits
A. E. Gronewald, superintend
dent of schools, visited Maupin
schools Thursday, ,May 6, giving
some special tests in the various
grades. He expressed himself
as well pleased with the progress
and ability of the pupils- The
children were sorry the time was
too short for Mr Gronewald to
complete all the work he was
prepared to give them,
While at Freda last week' Mrs."
John Confer had the surprise of
her life." She was fishing and in
pulling her flies in struck a jjfgV,,
trout. Before she had reeled it "
in another redside took the other '
fly. After a hard fight the lady
finally landed her catch and upon ','
measuring the fish found one 13i
inches in length while the other ...
stretched the tape at 14 inches, 7.
even.'. To land 27 inches of trout ,x
at one time is a feat any fisher- ''
man might be proud to acepmp-;' .
lish. ......
Portland Bankers Here
H. L. Stiles, chief clerk of -the
U. S. National bank of Portland,
and Christian Peterson, assistant
cashier of the same institution,
came to Maupin Friday last and
fished the Deschutes until Sun
day. While here they called tip
on Geo. McDonald of the local
bank, and who at one time was a
co-worker of the visitors. They
took home a nice catch of rain