R. E. Wilson Co. PHONE MAIN 271 Eiflraoirdlkairy 'Valines That's what we arc offering you for the coming; week at Maupin' m Real Live-Wire Store. Get a copy of uome well known eastern paper and you will find that we arc right on the dot in up-to-dateness. Our advertising; style may be copied, but we have the real bargains for you. 8-oz jar MayonaiscDnufmr 23c 6 boxes Buffalo Matches , 22c Van Camp's Pork and Beans 10c Medium Size, per can Royal White Soap Zs 39c Easter Sunday, April 4th Get your Eggs now. 'Doz. 20c Bacon, per pound 38c Nucoa Nut Butter lZ lb. 28c 2-oz can Black Pepper 8c Small Loaf Bread st$y 9c Kellogg Corn Flakes, pkg. 9c Sperry's Cake Flour, pkg. 27c Boys' Heavy Stockings, pr. 23c Blue Jacket Sardines 7c Prices Good Until Friday, April 9, 1926 We are particular to haye our Bakery Goods Fresh For the Table. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. Ollie Bothwell was shop ping in Maupin Friday 'last. E. W. Griffin and wife mo tored to The Dalles last Sunday. Lem Bailey of Shady Brook was in town on business Mon day. Wood-Tillotson Co. sold a Ford coupe to Grover Webb this week. Forty acres lor sale or rent. M. J. Shanahan, Terrebonne, Oregon. Ask for Jung's arch braces. They Btop foot pains instantly. Maupin Drug Store. Mrs. F. C. Butler visited at the parental home at White Riv er a short time Sunday. J. G. Kramer spent Saturday in The Dalles, driving over from his ranch near Shaniko. Mrs. Carl Pratt was taken ill last Friday and was confined to her bed several days since. Ben Gabel was a Maupinite who transacted business at The Dalles the first of the week. Verne Fischer made a hurry round trip to Portland Saturday,' returning Sunday afternoon. J. M. Conklin arrived from Portland Tuesday morning and spent a day or so at the bank. A. R. Wilcox came in from the Wapinitia country Monda Unexcelled For. Baking all kinds of IFLOURK Bread Cakes Pastries WoodcocK Bros. Milling Co. MAUPIN, OREGON and spent several hours in Mau pin shopping. Jack Morrow and family went to White River Sunday to see Mrs. Morrow's father, who is in poor health. Mark Stewart was at Tygh Sunday, and while there in spected the meat market of Lee Jackson, Mrs. R. Geiser is about again, after having been confined to her bed five days of last week with grippe. Ten cars of cattle were taken from up the river Monday over the Oregon Trunk to the Port land market. Spalding athletic goods for sale. Special prices to schools and ball clubs. Maupin Drug Store. Jack Staats has become member of the great fraternity of autoists, having acquired Ford touring car. J. E Hinton, one of the larg est sheep raisers of this section, was in from the home ranch near Shaniko Monday. Fostmaster Turner was on another enforced layoff from his duties the first of the week grippe not him this time. Georgo Moore, proprietor of the Redmond garage, was in Maupin a short time Saturday on his way home from Portland. Miss Loraine Stovall spent the weekend with her parents, com ing home Wednesday and return ing to the Monmouth normal school Saturday. Walter Maye and wife, who conduct a grocery store at Moro, were in Maupin Sunday, guests of Jack Morrow and wife. Mrs. Maye is a cousin of Mr. Morrow. Oscar Renick and family were at The Dalles Sunday, Oscar go ing there to practice with, The Dalles baseball team, with which he has signed as catcher for this season. Darrel Elwood, after spending a part of his mid-term vacation with his father in Maupin, re turned to bis studies at U. of 0. Saturday, his father taking him to The Dalles that day. R. Ed. Williams, the cleaner of The Dalles, was in Maupin a short time Saturday. While here Mr. Williams took member ship in the Deschutes River Anglers association. Ed. Stephan, who has been living on his place near Shady Brook during (he winter was in town the first of the week. Ed is preparing to take a band o: sheep to the mountains for the summer. Mrs. Orrin Farlow, daughter of W. H. Morrison, is now em ployed at the Hotel Kelly. (She has been living on a homestead in the sticks for some time past and comes to town to throw off the ennui caused by a lonely exis tance in the wilds. E. d. Martin of Gateway has been in town several days re ceiving treatment for blood poi son in one of his hands. He bruised the member and not hav ing it properly dressed poison set in. Dr. Elwood will soon have him at work again. 0 There is no reasonable reason why. Maupin people should go around in spotted and dusty raiment Williams' cleaning par lors of The Dalles has a solici tor making regular trips here twice a week. Leave your duds at this office and they will be fixed up right at minimum cost. Picked Up About Town Buck Harpham is getting pessimistic. His latest outbreak is: "Modern girls are just like autos they may be painted up pretty and then not have much to brag about under the hood." "The fellow who paid a whole lot of money for a coat of tan in Florida," elucidates Jim Chal mers, "will soon be able to get one for nothing at home," "Now that women wear such short skirts, it may help them in running for office," says French Butler. El Oscar Renick shows he is a real philospher. He declares that Most of us ought to be thank ful that the prayers of our ene mies are not all answered." C3 Dick Johnson says that after pricing hats in The Dalles he is more than ever convinced there is good money in both men's and women's headgear. He says prices cf each he looked at would buysa dozen of the mail order kind. "Man has learned to fly like a bird," observes Bob Wilson, but he'll never be abls to imi tate a bird when it comes to sit tin on a barbed-wire fence." Bates Shattuck is tempting fate and inviting a fracture of the fishing laws. The fishing tackle display he is showing in one of his windows would make any ardent disciple of Izaak Walton break any law just so he could wet a leader in the De- chutes at this time. Lew Henneghan says the hog is "the mortgage lifter on the farm, but who would carry such an impediment if he raised plenty of hogs?" Maupin Wins, Loses Wapinitia's grade and high school baseball teams engaged similar teams from the Maupin schools Sunday ai this place. The grade visitors lost to Mau pin, while the Wapinitia H. S. team won their contest Spring weather best for picture taking. Keep a supply of film3 on hand, Maupin Drug Store. LADIES! 1 ElevenYears Ago FromTheTimej Apr. 2, '15 I I The big water supply for the farmers on Juniper Flat will be ready in from 60 to 90 days. Near that time the water will'be let into the big ditch that i3 al ready completed to a distance of about six miles from the outlet of the storage reservoir. The pro ject when completed will furnish water for 40,000 to 50,000 acres of land. (The accompanying story was run 11 years ago. It was optimistic in tenor, but, oh, how that-system has failed to live up to expectations and promises made at that time.-Ed. TheTimes.) W. H. Dufur and wife came up from Portland Wednesday and Mrs. Dufur has been visiting with Mrs. W. H. Staats. Mr. Dufur, who is a brother of Mrs. Staats, continued on his way to Prinele Falls, near Lapine, to look after some valuable inter ests. It is the intention of Mr, Dufur to develop the wonderful power at these falls and furnish electricity for both lighting and manufacturing purposes. Roy Crabtree drove a nice bunch of cows through town Wednesday. The farmers are rejoicing over the good rains which have fallen during the past week. Have You Met '"MISS SPOKANE" Very soon to arrive in Maupin. You will be very glad to know her,we believe very chic, beautiful and right up to the minute in design and fabric, this line of house dresses and afternoon frocks we are sure will please you. Expected about the 10tht possibly before, two lines of DAINTY DRESSES TO RETAIL AT T $2.50 and $5;00 vShattuck Bros. Maupin's Leading Merchants Miss Ilda Miller is now em ployed at the A. T. Lindley home. Lester Kelly is busy these days digging irrigating ditches so as to water his peach orchard. ' Wanted Milch cow, either fresh or to be fresh soon. W. A. Matthews, Simnasho, Ore gon. 2l-t2. The Richmond Service station has installed a new showcase in the station, and now a fine line of auto accessories, such as socket wrenches, tire patches, cement, etc, is visible to any who may need such articles. barrels daily capacity, reopens i after 3-year shut down. Bend Crooked River bridge, 300 feet high, will be opened by .Junel. Hermiston Heavy crop of fine asparagus now being harveated. Cascade Locks-D. C. Eccles.' Portland, buys Wind River Lum ber Co. and will start operations with about 75 men. Oregon News Notes Hood River 40 men begin re planting 777 acre3 in Columbia National forest. St. Helens-200 men will have new paper mill ready to run,' by Nov. 1. Burns Burns Flour Mill 60 For Sale Used threshing out fit, including Case separator, 1 Case 15-30 Tractor, McCormick 12-ft header, loading boxes and other threshing equipment, all in splendid condition at a bar gain price. For Sale Used threshing out fit consisting of 24-30 Racine thresher, equipped with Jackson feeder, wind Stacker bulk grain elevatorl and 10-50 Twin Titan Tractor, 1925 McCormick header wagon boxes and other equip ment at a bargain price of 1985. Terms on either of the above outfits if desired. Shattuck Bros , Maupin Oregon. 19-t4 l AUTOMOBILE and General Machine Work Cylinder Grinding, General Machine Work, Truing Crankshafts, Making Pistons and Rings, Bearings, All Sizes Made to Order. Sheet Metal Workers Complete Line of Parts for All Makes of Cars Full Line of Lahers Springs Electric and Oxy-Acetylene WELDING REAP ea (fcALLOWAY i i 609 East Second Street Phone 400 THE DALLES. ORE Phone 383J mic;::e SAYS- fcOME Of OUR. suese&tesfts B4D TUlS PAPBt AS A PRESEUt tD FftlEUOS UVIUS aSEVJHERE esCUt ITS A WELCOME CHFf, IT VASTS FEU AM6AR, AUD OTU, re aiuy am EiPEusws Gift 1f OUR AOf eerr Yfl -3 stopfer Read the Maupin Times Spot Service Sta. Tygh Valley Ore. FOR Gas, Oils, Tires Accessories We trade and sell New and Used FORD CARS Cash or Terms Service Our Motto Paul Muller Proprietor