The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 01, 1926, Image 2

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Our Specials Until April 1
Wedding Breakfast Corn Syrups
10-lb. paii dark . .
5-lb. pail dark . .
10-lb. pail white - .
5-lb. pail white .
6 boxes Matches
4-lb Lard
8-lb. Lard
2H-lb Folgers Golden Gate Coffee $1.20
5-lb Folgers Golden Gate Coffee $2.35
25 Bars White Wonder Soap $1.00
Chick Food for the Baby Chicks, Cracked Corn,
Oyster Shell, Bone and Grit.
The Maupin Times
We are the house of one line FOOD
Published every Thursday at
Maupin, Oregon
C. V. Semntes, Editor
W. Scmnu'8 and E. K. Semme.
Subscription: One year, $i,v: six
mouths, 75 cents; three tnonmrf, 50
Entered as second class mail
matter September 2, 1914, at the
postoffiee Bt Maupm, Oregon, un.
Jer the Act of Match 3, 1879.
Marshfield Coos Ray Lumber
Co. raises workmen's pay zs re
ward for cooperation.
Harrisburg Mint growing to
be important crop in this vicini
ty, this year.
Phone your news to The Mau
pin Times.
Income taxes have been paid
for this year, and it is interest
mg to know that several million
who had to pay something last
year were fully exempt, and had
nothing to pay this time. Re
duction in the tax on autos and
tires and many other articles,
enables the American people to
spend over $250,000,000 for oth
er things this year, since that
much has been lopped oil of in
come taxes. It is but natura
that this vast sum will find its
way into the hands of the retai
trade of the entire country. It
will be felt everywhere, and
Maupin should not be an excep'
tion. And it is also true that
those who will spend the money
-that otherwise would have gone
as taxes will buy the things they
eee advertised. In other words
the merchant who makes a bid
, . , "
High Cost 0 Truth"
Annual High School Play
Close Calls
Cad off Clfoairadteirs
The Winner Stan. Wood
The Broker Jas. Appling
His Partner Robt Lewis
His Other Partner-
Earl Greene
Fred S!iearer-7Vie Bishop
The Girl He Won-
Winifred Kaiser
The Social Leader-
Olive Turner
The Shy One -A Ma Pugh
The Maid Helen Weber g
The Vamps- Jean Wilson, Berta Mathews
Maupin High School Auditorium
real 1
General Admission 35c ' t Children 25c
Reserved Seats 50 cents
On Sale Beginning Saturday, April 3, at Maupin Drug Store
or this extra trade, and these ex
tra dollars, through the columns
is apt to get it. Here, then, is a
tip that any live, wide-awake
tradesman can profit by. Adver
tise for the extra dollars, in
stead of letting someone else
take them from you by the same
Mussolini, new ruler of Italy,
may be a fire-eater, but he gave
the whole world some good ad
vice recently when he instructed
the officials of his country to
mind their own business."
The United States could profit by
that advice just now and cease
dipping her nose into , Mexico's
affairs, so long as Mexio is not
interfering with us. The advico
to "mind your own business"
could also be accepted with pro
fit by every individual citizen of
this and every other country.
Minding your own business is
good common sense, and good
law. Sit down and ponder over
the mischief that is made and
the hearts that are rendered un
happy right here in your home
town of Maupin because some
body is minding someone else's
business instead of his own. In
i t,
tnis aay ana age there is so
much to learn and do on one's
own account that there is no
real place for the busy-body.
And Mussolini is right when he
intimates that the same rule ap
plies to nations as well as indi
Citizens of Maupin who Keep
posted on national affairs doubt
less have noticed with interest
the "straw vote" on tne Vol
stead, or prohibition amendment,
now being conducted by a large
group of daily papers throughout
the country. And they also
note, no doubt, the bitter attempt
being made by several members
of congress to bring the argu
meni.Deioretnat pody in such a
form that some kind of action
will be taken toward amending
We have never before used
tne columns or this paper lor a
discussion of the merits or de
merits of the prohibition act.
We have aiways felt, and still
feel, that it is a matter for each
individual to thresh out for him
self,, and that each individual is
entitled to his or her own opin
ion. Congress has passed a
prohibition amendment, and
bitter , arguments among our
citizens will not be apt to effect
Kb April
Business about this Bank. The
contrary is the rule, for our busi
ness is conducted along business
lines and no foolishness is prac
ticed at any time.
We solicit your business and will
accord it our careful attention.
it either way. If those news
papers conducting the "straw
vote" feel that they can change
it, then they are entitled to
whatever comfort such a feel
ing will give them. One thing,
they do not force anyone to take
part in their "straw vote," so
no harm can result from it.
But. be you wet or dry, you
must feel more or less interested
In a nation-wide snrvey of opin
ion on' the subject and, like
millions of others you will doubt
less watch it closely, even though
you may not have taken an
actual hand in the voting.
The .federal government has
called in all $10,000 bills. Mau
pin residents getting any of
them in change should not for
get to mail them in to Washing
ton immediately.
We know of one Maupin busi
ness man who confines his finarf
cial troubles to his wife when
ever she asks him for money.
Amateur gardeners around
Maupin are now busy jetting the
tools in shape so their wives can
do the work a little later on.
Well if prohibition hasn't done
anything else it has solved the
problem of what to do with dan
delions. We are almost around again to
the season of the man with the
hoe and the politician with the
The Timesonly $1.50 a year.
East Maupin News
Mrs. Lester Kelly accompanied
the Beckwith family on a drive
to Duf ur last Sunday.
Mrs. Cy. Tunnison was a guest
of her daughter, Mrs. Lester
Crofoot, Sunday, coming from
Violet Mott visited with her
sister, Mrs. Frank Brown, at
Two Springs over the week end,
Returning to Maupin Sunday.
Mrs. Lillian Kelly, who has
been employed at the Hotel
Kelly since last October, left
yesterday for Portland, where
she will reside.
We want country correspond
enta. Who'll volunteer?
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles. Ore
gon. Feb. 24 1926.
Notice ia horeby given that
of Maupin. Oregon, who on Nov. 12.
1020, made Homuatead Entry under
Act of Dec. 29, 1916 No. 020.94, for
nwl-4awl-4, Sec.14, l-2wl-4, nwl-4
sel-4. el-2aol-4, Sec. 15, el-2nel-4,
nel-4nwl-4, wl-2iiwl-4, Soc. 22. nwl-4
nwl-4, Sec. 23, townahlp 5 aouth, range
14 eaat, Willamette Meridian, haa filed
notice of hi intention to make final
proof, to eatablieh claim to the land
above deacribed, before Keg later,
United States Land Ofllce, at The
tJullcs, Oregon, on the 13th day of
April, 1926.
Claimant namea aa wltnesaea: John
Foley, Kd. Mathewa, E. W. Huret all
of Maupin, Oregon, Thomai Faherty,
of The Dalles, Orevon.
m4 al J. W. Doanelly, Regiater.
Department of the Interior,
U. 8. Land Offlce at The Dalles, Ore
gon. March 18, 1926.
Notice ia hereby given that
of Maupin. Oregon, who on April 19,
1921. made Homeatead Entry under
Act June 6, 1912, No, 023463, for
ael-4 nel-4, Sec. 32 Townahlp 4 South,
Kange 14-Eaat, Willamette Meridian,
haa tiled notice of intention to make
final three year proof, to caUblinh
claim to tho land above described, be
fore F. D, Stuart, United etatei
Commiaioner, at Maupin, Ore. on the
27, day of April, 1926.
Claimant namea as witneasca: II. M.
Greene, L. B. Kelly. O F. Henlck, A.
M. Morris, all of Maupin, Oregon.
J. W. Donnelly, Keglater.
I. O. O. F.
Lodge No. 209. Maupin, Oregon,
meets every Saturday night in
I. O. O. F. hall., Visiting mem
bers always welcome.
B. F. Turner, N. G.
1 HNS,
when in need of Tires or any other
thing automotive.
Put on one of our
New Holly Manifolds
and watch 'er climb. Also a great gas saver
Let us demonstrate one for you.
Repair Work K
by skilled mechanics. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Yours for Honest Work and Honest Prices,
Wood-Tillotson Co.
Look over your office sta
tionery and before you are
entirely out place your or
der for
! Fisher's I
I dairano I
(East end of Bridge)
Oils, Tires,
Goods dways on hand
(for convenience of
( Rennirs
. rww' w j
I Good work, lowest cost I